Saturday, January 25, 2014

What recent news story is a sign of the times?

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A man in Japan decided he didn't want to be a man and had his genitals removed. He took them home & froze them for later use. He decided to cook them and serve them to paying guests as a way to pay for part of his medical bills for the surgery. Hard to believe that 5 people would pay money for that but think it's a sign of the times. Have you read a recent news story that got you to thinking it was a sign of the times?

The idiot who put a one year old child in a washing machine in a laundromat because he thought it would be "fun". Only quick thinking by the laundromat manager saved the boy. Then there's the couple who strapped two children to the top of their car because they thought it would be "fun". Treating children as if they were toys to play with rather than human beings who need to be cherished and protected seems to be a growing attitude.

Where can I get a detailed explanation of the Cadbury-Kraft deal on the web, from the start of the news story?


I am looking for a website where I can find an explanation of recent important business news stories so that I can read, learn and explain them myself later in a detailed fashion. I plan on using this as preparation for interviews. Thanks.

You can go to google.

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If I convert to the Islam, would I belong To Shites or Sunnis?

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Is very confusing brother.

What, you feel like being a primitive warrior?

-The United Nationâs Human Development Index ranks nations by life expectancy, literacy, education and GDP per capita. The top 50 encompass 700 million in Judao-Christian nations; Muslim nations encompass 5 million people (out of 1.5 billion Muslims).
-The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that the annual worldwide number of so-called âhonour killingâ victims may 5,000.
-Nobel Prizes in science awarded to America in last 50 years? 171. ALL Muslim nations? 3.
-Number of universities in US and UK? 3,600. ALL Muslim nations? 600 (for 1.5 billion people).
-The UN's Arab Development Report on books translated per million people: Hungary 519; Spain 920; Israel 380; Arabia 4.
-Tunis based Arab League Report: 76% of Arabs, ages 15 to 45, are illiterate.
-Patents are evidence of a nationâs creative activities: new drugs, electronics, satellites, the internet, food processing, cars, planes -- everything we need to live better lives: Total patents held, worldwide, 3.8 million; US holds 2.1 million; ALL Muslim nations hold only 1,000.
-The Freedom House (founded by Eleanor Roosevelt after WW2), rates the degree of freedom in all regions of the world. Its 2011 report rated the Middle East and North Africa 78% not free.
-On 9/11 only 9% of the world was on the internet. Today its 25%. The top 20 user-nations include 1.3 BILLION non-Muslims versus a mere 50 million Muslims. (
-Google search on âcivil wars in the world.â Research each individual civil war and you will find one common combatant in 90% of them: Muslim extremists. Muslims are involved in civil wars in China, Russia, Bosnia, Cyprus, Macedonia, Israel, Pakistan, India, Indonesia-Ambon & Halmarhera, Côte d'Ivoire, Kashmir, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Kirghizia, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, Turkey, Chechnya, Sudan, Yemen, Thailand, Uganda, Azerbaijan and East Timor. Muslims fight against Zoroastrians, Copts, Hindus, Jews, Christians, animists, communists, Buddhists, Sikhs â against all non-Muslim nations and cultures.
-8/09 Bosnia Muslim leader Mustafa Ceric declared Christian Serbian Muslim-majority territory boarding Montenegro as Muslim homelands. The same Muslims we saved from ethnic cleansing by bombing Christian Serbs in the 90's are now claiming more Serbian land.
-8/23/09 BBC Thailand: In a pre-dawn raid Muslims killed two Thai policemen today and fled in trucks. Muslims shoot, behead and blow up local Buddhists to force them to flee Southern Thailand in order to establish a separate Islamic state.
-3/13/10 AsiaNews Cairo: The toll from an attack on the Coptic Christian community that took place yesterday in the north-western province of Mersa Matrouh, Egypt is 25 wounded, including women and children. A crowd of around 3 thousand Muslims attacked the faithful gathered in prayer in a building adjoining the local church. The fundamentalists fury, encouraged by the imam, was sparked by the rumour that the Christians have begun to build a new place of worship.
-8/20/10 AsiaNews, Kashmir: Extremist Muslims are demanding Sikhs convert or leave.
-8/23/10 Reuters: Since 2004 Muslim extremists have killed 4,000 Buddhists in southern Thailand, which they are claiming as Muslim homelands.
-1/25/10 Netherlands, The mayor is getting police protection, shop-keepers don't dare open up for late shopping nights and residents get stones through their windows or threats. Zaltbommel, with 12,000 residents, is sick and tired of harassment by [Musim] Moroccan youth, reports AD today.
-10/4/11 AFP news, Philippines: âThe government had previously warned that Umbrakato posed a serious threat to efforts aimed at ending a Muslim insurgency that has left an estimated 150,000 people dead over more than four decades.â
-1/3/12 Reuters, China: â[Muslim] Uighurs in Xinjiang rioted against Han Chinese residents in 2009 and at least 197 people were killed, according to official estimates.â

Or maybe you want some women to rule over -- you know, feel macho and stuff?
-Hadis number 789, volume 2, p.114: âAn ass, a pig, a Jew, a Magian and a woman annuls a prayer.â
-Tabari I:280: âBecause Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid.â
-The UNâs Gender Empowerment Measure ranks nations by womenâs equality: Muslim nations rank at the bottom.

I wager you're an Occupy Wall Street type.

What do you think about 30 killed in school attack by muslims in northeast Nigeria?



Nigeria (AP) â Islamic militants attacked a boarding school in northeast Nigeria before dawn Saturday, killing 29 students and one teacher. Some of the pupils were burned alive in the latest school attack blamed on a radical terror group, survivors said.
Parents screamed in anguish as they tried to identify the charred and gunshot victims.
Islamic militants from Boko Haram and breakaway groups have killed more than 1,600 civilians in suicide bombings and other attacks since 2010, according to an Associated Press count.

***Obama refuses to put the islamic militants Boko Haram on the terrorist list.
Obama does not care. He is a muslim sympathizer. Notice what I said about the muslim Boko Haram regime had murdered more than 1600 people since 2010. They have been acting out as a terrorist group since at least 2010. Obama tells the media that Israel should Knock it off but never has once criticized islam. Look it up for yourself.
Obama is more than likely secretly a muslim himself which would not be suprising since in islam the koran teaches taqiyah (to deceive in order for islam to rule which is what a caliphate is. ) Obama's middle name is Hussain which would mean he would be of the sunni sect. 80% of muslims are sunni & 20% are shia. The muslim brotherhood is sunni. Both sects want sharia law and of course for their sect to rule. Have you read Obama's book "Dreams of My Father"? He states he is proud of his brother Boko's conversion to islam.

Radical Muslim sect again stalks northern Nigeria
FBI Chief: Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism
Go to link on page of link below that says "Explanatory Memorandum." and you will see a 1991 memo that states the Muslim Brotherhoods Intensions. You will find the following quote that they seek to eliminate âWestern civilization from within and âsabotagingâ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Godâs religion is made victorious over all other religionsâ [1991 Muslim Brotherhood memo].
It's on the page about 2/3âs of the way down with the #4 in parenthesis at top of page and in the 1st paragraph titled 4- Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America: It is has the exact quote I just mentioned. Sorry I could not highlight it for you. This document was composed by Mohamed Akram May 19, 1991.

Obama changed his name from Barry Obama to a muslim name Barack Husain
Obama changed his name from Barry Obama to a muslim name Barack Husain Obama. Obama's father ,step father, brother Boko & his cousin were & are all muslim from Kenya. Obama's muslim cousin has been shown on Al Jazir's tv network talking about his relationship to Obama & his visits with Saudi Arabia. Suadi Arabia is all sunni muslim. Al Qaeda is sunni as well. Their is a network connection with the Saudis & the many sunni organizations. The muslim brotherhood that goes as far back as the 1920's in Egypt has had the plan to start a world wide caliphate. Another words islamic rule across the globe. This is a fact because documents by them have been discovered stating this as well as history and how they have empowered themselves.
They know the western audience & their open ways & are using the system to infiltrate. Their are videos of muslim leaders stating that is their intentions by just populating and in so many years to demand their own religious government. Englan
England made the mistake in letting them have their own sharia law courts instead of being under British law. Part of sharia law is you can not criticize islam or you are given a death sentence by way of a fatwa.
This is not just a conspiracy theory it is really happening. All the dots connect.
The Muslim Brotherhood in America
Grand Jihad in America The Grand Deception
Under Cover Mosque

There are a # of clerics, imams, sheiks & public protestors across Europe demanding islamic law which is sharia law. Europe has become over whelmed with muslim immigration. This past year Sweden had massive riots by muslims but the Europeans calls them asians in the media to denote Pakistanian & Indian muslims or as militants but by their many islamic names they are muslim the articles do not ever tell you why they are
This past year Sweden had massive riots by muslims but the Europeans calls them asians in the media to denote Pakistanian & Indian muslims or as militants but by their many islamic names they are muslim the articles do not ever tell you why they are rioting but other news sources do & it is because of their demand for islamic sharia law which means that everyone should be under islamic law. Some will tell you staight out that is their intention & others practice taqiyal(lie) in order to hide their true intentions.

You may ask yourself as so I have, "Why hasn't Fox News come out & said all this, well they have come out with it as much as they think they can. You see, Fox news is 20% partly owned by Saudi Prince Alwaleed & has been known to call Fox news corporate head Roger Ale & tell them to not call the muslim rioters in Sweden not muslim when in deed they are but militants. Oh, & Roger Ale owns 20% of of Al Jazirs tv network. What a deal eh'.

There is no such thing as
There is no such thing as moderate islam. Watch this video at link below & you will know better what I mean.

I did not hear of this attack. Is it just me or is the media not covering incidents that Islamic militants are involved in?
What you posted sounds horrific----and I think Obama was in Africa then.
No statement from him?

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Can you name me some size 0 celebrities from the USA?

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It's for a project I'm doing for college, about how the size 0 trend for celebrities in America are effecting people in Britain. I'm brainless on celebrity gossip so this will be a big help.

I recon Nicole Richie, Lindsey Lohan was, Mary kate olsen and maybe ashley olsen too. Hilary Duff lost a lot of weight. Angelina Jolie's weight as dropped to about that.Eva Longoria has lost a lot, Scarlett Johannson and Victoria Beckham.

help finding printable online celebrity gossip crossword puzzles?


i love to do crosswords but i find the ones in usa today etc etc pretty tough to do on my own. i like the ones you can find in like people magazine and star magazine. does anyone know where i could find some like that online? thanks!


Here is a link for an index of crossword sites:

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Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be a guy and find celebrity gossip appealing?

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 on Lauren Conrad: Kate Somerville Skin Health Hottie
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Jayme Wigh

Being a fan of celebrity gossip for a girl is bad enough, but a guy who likes to hear about the PERSONAL details of no-talent hacks like Paris Hilton, Lauren Conrad, and Kim Kardashian? You better seek a lobotomy if that's your thing.

Because the personality of a woman is more noiser and more concerning about people's business. Guy's are drifting types, not so noisy.


Where can I buy the shoes and luggage Lauren Conrad is wearing?


i really like her shoes and was wondering who they are buy and where i could buy them. same with the luggage. thanks.

LC loves carrying Le Sports Sac luggage. I'm not sure if they made the luggage she is carrying, but it looks like it could be. I've seen their stuff the cheapest at DSW. You would really like this blog:

They did a post on this Sam Moon place that has super cheap, super cute luggage. I've also seen sunglasses like she has at Forever 21 and Nordstrom. That site also posts on sunglasses often.

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Friday, January 24, 2014

If Obama is so bad why is the Dow at 11,000 about 4,500 pts higher then what bush left us with?

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Fjfj I

When Bush left office the Dow was around 6500. Now it is at 11,000. So how can you say that Obama is doing bad when one of most popular economic indicators rose about 200%?

Don't you watch Fox News? Only bad things are Obama's fault, like unemployment. Good things, like the stock market and recovery of certain industries, are due to Republicans, like Bush or their savior Reagan.

In the coming election, some Rs are obviously going to get seats formerly held by Ds. The balance of power won't change, but watch Republicans change their tune about the economy. It is getting better, but they say it still sucks...but when new Rs take office, suddenly it's going to "finally" be getting better, due to America "starting to wake up." I guarantee you this will happen--but not for a month or two after the elections. Then the improvement in the economy will finally get recognized, and Rs that just showed up will get credit.

That sounds good for Republicans, but what they'd really like is to keep things in the toilet for Obama's remaining two years. The can, and will, block any and all Democrat-inspired legislation (and most of the rest of it) to bring the country to a grinding halt. They'd like nothing more than for the economy to stay bad while Obama finishes his first term. If they can keep things reasonably awful (such as blocking the extension for tax cuts for the middle class), they can REALLY ramp up the BS about how Obama has ruined the country. If he doesn't get reelected, the Rs will then open the floodgates for all the legislation that should have been passed for the past four years, and things will seem to magically improve. THEN they'll agree to reinstate tax cuts, etc., and might even make some minor consumer-favorable financial reforms to industries who aren't bankrolling the Republicans' campaigns quite enough.

Isn't it sh*tty that they won't help out Americans because they don't want a Democrat president to get part of the credit?

Edit: @prusa1237 - Wow, ya got me. I thought the new Rs would actually have to get elected before moron conservatives started giving them all the credit. I guess you can say you were doing it before it was cool, and then Faux News jumped on the bandwagon.

What will it take the Obama administration to satisfy Wall Street?

John Beckw

Obama is throwing hundreds of billions of dollars toward fixing the economy, yet Wall Street continues to say it's not good enough. The stock market continues to plummet and the news just keeps getting gloomier. What do they want? Why do we even listen to them? Aren't they the ones that played a large role in how we got in to this mess?

You realize that much of the decline in stock prices is a direct consequence of the spending bill just passed and the additional spending bill that Obama said he will sign?

Unlike the Obama supporters people who place their own money on the line when they invest pay close attention to the effects of the spending bill.

For example - are you even aware of exactly where the money to pay for these spending bills will come from? Here is a clue for the clueless - it is going to come out of the same pool of money that normally goes into the stock market (the investment and capital market). The government is borrowing that money in competition with the people seeking to borrow money for business investment and in competition for the money that would otherwise go to purchase stocks.

Another thing to consider is that with Obama's promise to repeal the Bush era tax reforms - stocks are not going to be a good long term investment in the future. Thus people who are looking to invest long-term are disinclined to invest in the stock market due to the massive tax increase they will be facing.

And finally, the promises of tax hikes on the 'rich' have caused them to move their mkoney out of economically productive investments and into investments that are designed more to protect them from the tax increases. Remember the term 'tax shelter' and how these things are only popular during periods of high taxes on the investing classes (which are also periods of low economic performance).

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What do you think of these strange coincidences?

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Richard B

My wife and I got married on April 29, 2011, the same day as Prince William and Kate Middleton. It was certainly not planned.

Now, strangely enough, my wife is pregnant and due in July, which is presumably when Kate is due.

I am not a fan of the royals or celebrity gossip in general, but I find this to be strange. What do you make of it? Do you think they'd offer us a free trip to London after the babies are born?

I doubt that. Im sure many people have had coincidental moments with celebrity's but doesnt mean they pay to see them. Sorry just unlikely but if you want to try to see if they will then it never hurts to try!

What are some examples of people today who have bad reputations due to rumors?


I have to write an essay about people who had their reputations ruined by rumors, whether the rumors were true or not. Can you please give me examples? And how the rumors have affected their lives/careers? It's really hard to research something like this because you have to know what to search. My teacher prefers current events that are more AP level such as politics compared to stuff like celebrity gossip, but I barely know anything about politics. Thanks so much!

Obama rumors and other rumors during the election of 2008

Anthony D. Weiner blew up his political career by sending inappropriate text messages.

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What insurance options are there for college grads?

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As a recent graduate I am out of school, off of my parent's plan and not working yet. I am in the process of finding a job but would really like to see a doctor desperately because I am having a ton of anxiety and I know I need help. I live in NJ. Does anyone know of what health insurance options could be available for me? Is there free or very low cost coverage I can deal with later when I get a job?
i've had anxiety problems since i was younger but the stress of being a college grad, i think, is getting to me the most. try not to assume i'm doing nothing to find a job. i'm looking every day, and i even have an online portfolio. but there are days i cant even go outside because my anxiety is so bad i cant even breathe. i'm worried my anxiety might even hinder my efforts. its worse than i'm letting you know here.

if you can't contribute an answer besides "get a job" please don't bother.

Insurance companies will not write a regular policy for someone unemployed because they know you're probably going to get an employer sponsored plan soon. You're only option for insurance is to get a short term medical. However, these plans are only designed to protect against catastrophic illness or accident and will not cover pre-existing conditions nor do they cover a basic doctor visit such as what you want.

Your only other option is a medical discount card. Be very wary of these cards; most are scams. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of âsave up to 80%â be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. One state couldnât find any doctors in that state that took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card. See this link for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards.

Before signing up (or sending any money) with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they wonât give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure theyâre still taking the card (many donât even know that theyâre listed as a provider) and that theyâre accepting new patients. If you are unable to find a doctor do not buy the card.

I want to help stop abortions in NJ, how can I start?


Even if its just banning partial abortions Its a start, But where do I even START? Ive tried finding organizations here but I dont know what to look for :( Can someone please offer some advice/tips/suggestions?

Look into the New Jersey Right To Life organization. They have the latest news in legislation regarding abortions, and ways to help out. is another pro-life website that has helpful information on it.

I'd highly recommend reading The Case for Life for anyone who is interested in this topic, it has many logical pro-life reasonings and supporting proofs.

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How can I make my blog cooler?

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Alison Sch

I'm pretty new to the whole Blog world thing. Plus, I've had it since last month with a total of 92 page views! How can I make it more popular and more cool looking?

Give it a great URL. Don't just name it your, and make the name one that people can easily spell and remember. Of course, you can also link it up to other,more popular websites, and you can register it in the search engine so the web crawler thingie will find it and make it more available when people search. Plus, your keywords have to make sense and not be repeated more than twice.

As far a cooler, put pictures in that you change often, and draw people with some off beat humor about news or current events in entertainment.You can also make fun of some of the stupid scenes in the best movies. What's your blog about, anyway?

PS watch out for free hosting because if they are free they could go broke and there goes all your time invested into your blog because once they go out of business your website won't be supported anymore and page not found will replace your blog. PAY for a host.

Recently I Launched an inbound tour agency in India? How can I improve my tour package marketing?

vijay k

I have recently opened an inbound tour agency in India, please let me know how can I improve my marketing of tours package at out of India? How can get more clients from all over world for my tour agency?

9 Inexpensive and Effective Ways To Find More Group Business:

If you want to increase the number of motorcoach tours at your museum, you need to find the groups most likely to book with you. Capitalize on the resources you already have to build a good list of leads. Here are nine of those resources:

1. The list of groups that have visited your site in the past

Tour operators and groups who have already booked with you are natural candidates for more reservations in the future. Keeping good group tour records -- including contact names, addresses, and phone and fax numbers -- is critical for continued marketing efforts.

2. Phone inquiries that come into your museum

Do you keep a log of all inquiries about group tours, including full contact information? You should. Even if people who call don't end up booking a tour now, it doesn't mean that they won't in the future.

3. Lobby cards, visit evaluation forms and group tour flyers

Individual visitors can be an excellent source of group leads. In fact, if they have enjoyed their visit, they're likely to be your most enthusiastic sales force. Take advantage of that by asking for their help. Have group tour flyers prominently displayed with a headline that says, " If you enjoyed your visit to the Yourname Museum, the groups you belong to will, too!" And on your lobby cards or visit evaluation forms, ask visitors if they know of any groups that would be interested in hearing about your group tours. Include space to fill in the group name and contact information.

4. Your associate group, board, staff and volunteers

It's easy to overlook the obvious. But before these people can help you build your motorcoach trade, they need to know that you want to build it. Tell them, and ask for their assistance.

Photocopy some group referral forms and pass them out at meetings, along with group tour flyers. Ask everyone to suggest a group tour to at least one group they belong to or know of, and ask them to fill out a form with contact information for that group. You might even consider running a contest to see who can generate the most bookings in three months. There's nothing like a little competition to get things rolling!

5. Your newsletter

This is a great vehicle to use to let members and others know that you're actively seeking group business. Consider adding a "group news" column to keep readers apprised of your progress and new tour offerings. If you list names of groups who have recently visited, send a copy of the issue to those group leaders. Highlight the name of their group and attach a note saying, "Thanks for visiting. We hope to see you again soon."

6. A group tour page on your website

Devote a complete page of your website to group tour promotion. Instead of simply mentioning that you offer group rates, write a tantalizing description of the kinds of experiences available to groups and what your group tours include. For example, is there some form of authentic entertainment you can offer? Can you provide them with tea on the porch or a candlelight tour? Great. Tell them about it. Also show them how they can turn a visit to your museum into an entire day trip to your area. List some popular nearby attractions, shopping spots and restaurants. Groups are always looking for new and different tour ideas, so the more creative you are, the better.

7. Inquiries generated from special interest websites that link to yours

Whatever type of object your collection is strong in, there are groups of hobbyists out there who collect, study, build, create or paint it. Many of them probably already provide a link to your website from theirs. If not, do some Web searches, find compatible special interest sites, and e-mail their webmasters. Ask them to consider linking to you. Include a brief description of your collection and a sentence like, "Your visitors may also be interested to know that we offer special in-depth tours to collector/genealogy/quilting/whatever groups. They can e-mail for more information."

Such a communication may not only generate a link, but also a write-up about your tours on their website or in their ezine. (To find out who is currently linking to you, go to AltaVista and type into the search box. The list of results that comes up will be websites that link to yours.)

8. Lists of tour operators who have requested information from your local convention and visitors bureau, regional tourism promotion agency, or state office of tourism

If you receive lists like this, are you using them to your best advantage? You aren't if your typical response is to stick a couple of brochures in an envelope, mail it off, and do nothing more. Lists like these require telephone contact -- and the sooner the better. Before you mail anything, make a brief call to each name on the list that looks like an appropriate lead. These aren't tough phone calls to make because the recipients have already expressed an interest in your city. The purpose of your call is simply to thank them for that interest, to ask if they have any further questions about the area, and to offer to send them your group tour materials. You'll be able to tell from the course of the conversation whether or not they're really potential customers. If they are, add their name and contact information to your permanent leads list or database after you mail the brochures. Even if they don't book now, they may in the future.

9. Inquiries resulting from press releases sent to group tour industry trade magazines

Send press releases to these publications several months before your major special events, and whenever you have a dazzling new group tour or tour package to offer. Links to major trade publications can be found in our Links Library. To familiarize yourself with each magazine and its editorial style, request a media kit and sample copy. If submission guidelines and deadlines aren't listed on the website, call the publication and request that information. One last tip: Subscribing to one or two trade periodicals is a great way to learn more about the group market and how you can best serve it.

hope this helps!

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Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be a guy and find celebrity gossip appealing?

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 on jamie cullum and sophie dahl two beautiful people and a
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Jayme Wigh

Being a fan of celebrity gossip for a girl is bad enough, but a guy who likes to hear about the PERSONAL details of no-talent hacks like Paris Hilton, Lauren Conrad, and Kim Kardashian? You better seek a lobotomy if that's your thing.

Because the personality of a woman is more noiser and more concerning about people's business. Guy's are drifting types, not so noisy.


Jews: Is participating in Yahoo Answers, are we committing lashon hara?

Gefilte Gi

Talmudic question: My rabbi speaks strongly against this, even when people speak of themselves poorly. Ever since we covered the parshah about lashon hara, I've been careful to avoid celebrity gossip sites and the like. Sometimes I think I'm addicted to Answers, though. What do you think?

Loshon Hara has to do with speaking badly about other Yidden the laws do not apply to non-Jews. Also you must speak badly about another person or tell or tell someone of what someone did to them. I am not sure how that applies here.
Go to for more info.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Is Obama Presidency going to be challenge later by the Supreme Court?

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 on From left: AMREF Kenya Country Director Dr Lennie Bazira - Kyomuhangi ...
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Is it true that he may not be a natural born citizen? A lawyer in New Jersey is saying that because the constitution did not specify exactly what natural born citizen is that to him it mean both parents born in the United States. Since 1 of Obama's parents wasn't, that means he is not a natural born citizens. Will the supreme court take rule on something like this? Should they?

D W1 - at a minimum, because of the volatility (i.e., constitutional issues raised), the Supreme Court has no choice but to address it.

Otherwise, a lot of people who are adversely affected by any bill signed into law by Obama (e.g., tax hikes) will challenge the constitutionality of the law because the signer (the "President") is constitutionally ineligible to be President, and therefore his signature, and the law, is void.

Apparently Obama's mother went to Kenya to visit her relatives (on her husband's side), and when she was ready to return she was so far along in the pregnancy she was not allowed to fly.

Because of this she had to remain in Kenya until Obama was born.

This is quite logical (in 1961 there were strong restrictions regarding flying while pregnant), especially since Obama's grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have stated this is what happened.

They have no reason to lie.

If Barack Hussein Obama II (âObamaâ) was not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya as stated by his grandmother, his half-brother and half-sister, he would be Constitutionally ineligible to be President because he is not a U.S. Citizen.

âAccording to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, [Obama] was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii⦠His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room. -This, according to several news sites and Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Bergâ¦â


Obamaâs mother (Ann Dunham Soetoro) was born in November 29, 1942.


Obama was born August 4, 1961.


According to Title III - Nationality and Naturalization; Chapter I - Nationality at Birth and by Collective Naturalization; Nationals and Citizens of the United States at Birth (Public Law 414; 66 Stat. 163, the âImmigration and Nationality Actâ of 1952)â¦


In part:

Sec. 301. (a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen; Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States by such citizen parent may be included in computing the physical presence requirements of this paragraph.

End part.

Therefore, if Obama was born in Kenya in order to be a U.S. citizen by birth, his mother would have had to been prior to Barackâs birth ââ¦physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteenâ¦â.

Since Obamaâs mother was born November 29, 1942, she would have been 14 on November 29, 1956, and adding the remaining 5 years to that (ââ¦at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteenâ¦â), this time period would have ended on November 29, 1961.

HOWEVER, Obama was born (apparently) on August 4, 1961, which was almost 4 months before the above deadline passed.

Under the U.S. Constitution (Article II, Section 1), it states that âNo person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of Presidentâ¦â.

Based on the above, Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be President of the United States if he was born in Kenya.

As pointed out by others, what has been posted is a "new" copy of Obamaâs âCertification of Live Birthâ printed from archived information taken from original documents, and NOT a âBirth Certificateâ or a âvaultâ copy of it.

Note - Hawaii apparently allowed a citizen of Hawaii to register the live birth of their baby whether or not it was born in Hawaii, another state, or outside the U.S.

If you look at the copy posted at (which tries to prove the authenticity of the laser printed version), save a copy of the picture from the site ( see ), open up the picture and enlarge it, you will see that the Certificate No. has a problem.

The separate picture entitled "Blowup of certificate number" on the site shows a certificate number "151 1961 - 010641.

If you look at the certificate number on the Certificate of Live Birth, the first three digits of the last six (supposedly "010641"), do not matc

Can Emirates recruit foreign candidates and train them to be their pilots?

Johnny G

I am a resident of Kenya and I have a PPL, I was wondering if there is any way i can have Emirates recruit me and train me so that i can fly for them, because i do not come from a well off family and my parents cannot pay for my CPL/IR as at now, Emirates is my dream company,

Is there a chance?

It's a good question Johnny but I might be giving you a not so good news in this case.

I was involved in the construction of Emirates Aviation College, Emirates Aviation Flight Simulators from CAE and the latest - the Terminal 2 expansion of the Dubai International Airport.

Majority of the Emirates pilots is western, then Local Emirati and a few Asians.

The new pilots of Emirates are already veterans of so many flying hours in their belt and most of the Asst. are the locals who graduated from the Emirates Aviation College and trained further in the west.

Below link, please find the Emirates Group Multi-discipline vacancies and career center that might help you as a first step.

Good luck !!!

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does any one have an idea about popular current event?

popular news topics of 2010
 on ... off culinary skills in first-ever 'Top Chef'-style cooking competition
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Rachel S.

for one of my projects, I have to find a current event that has five news related articles. know of any current events that would have five articles about it?

Hi Rachel,

Your best bet would be a news site like which updates their news stories everyday. They also link you with related articles on the same topic so you can follow all the developments that take place on that particular issue.

Here's a good one for your project:
WikiLeaks - That's the hot topic right now and they have some nice articles on it.

How did Secretariat reform spectators perspectives on horse racing?


Can someone answer this question with proof

Secretariat Winning Triple Crown gave new hope, breathing new life into the sport. Secretariat in 1973 became the first U.S. Triple Crown champion in 25 years, setting new race records in two of the three events in the Seriesâthe Kentucky Derby (1:592â5), and the Belmont Stakes (2:24) He won by a jaw-dropping 31 lengths. all records that still stand today. The triple Crown, a feat so difficult that no horse had accomplished it in the 25 years prior to Secretariat and no horse has won it in the past 33. As Secretariat came to the Belmont Stakes back in June 1973, with a chance to become the first Triple Crown winner in a quarter of a century, Secretariat led the news headlines in North America. The Big Red Horse made the covers of Time, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated... something that hadnât happened before, or since. Here's the photo link, Time Mag-,16641,19730611,00.html

Even after the Triple Crown Secretariat continued to prove himself as one of the top Thoroughbreds of all time. And, at age three, Secretariat was again named Horse of the Year, and won Eclipse Awards as the American Champion Three-Year-Old Male Horse and the American Champion Male Turf Horse.

Proof also in Posthumous recognition-

On October 16, 1999, in the winner's circle at Keeneland Race Course in Lexington, the U.S. Postal Service honored Secretariat, unveiling a 33-cent postage stamp with his image. ESPN listed him 35th of the 100 greatest North American athletes of the 20th century, the highest of three non-humans on the list (the other two were also racehorses: Man o' War at 84th and Citation at 97th ). Secretariat was inducted into the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame in 1974, the year following his Triple Crown. In 2005, he appeared in ESPN Classic's show "Who's No. 1?". In the list of "Greatest Sports Performances" (by individual athletes), the horse was the only nonhuman on the list, with his run at Belmont ranking second behind Wilt Chamberlain's 100-point game. On May 2, 2007, Secretariat was inducted into the Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame, marking the first time an animal received this honor. Secretariat, a Disney live-action film written by Mike Rich and directed by Randall Wallace, was released on October 8, 2010. A new award created in 2011 titled "Secretariat Vox Populi" (voice of the people) was presented by Penny Chenery to the first honoree, the 2010 Horse of the Year, Zenyatta. This annual award will acknowledge the horse that brings the most excitement and attraction to the sport.

In stud, Secretariat sired such future champions as 1988 Preakness and Belmont winner Risen Star and 1986 Horse of the Year Lady's Secret. But none of his offspring came close to matching the standard he set. He remained a popular figure even after Secretariat Mania subsided. But his life ended tragically. Suffering from laminitis -- a painful hoof disease -- the 19-year-old superstar was given a lethal injection on Oct. 4, 1989, at Claiborne Farm in Paris, Ky.

Quote- "It was a terrible day for all of us," Claiborne president Seth Hancock said. "We just couldn't stand to see him suffer." "And, To this day, Secretariat remains one of the first names everyone thinks of whenever the topic of horse racing comes up. "It's hard to believe after all these years," Chenery said, "but hardly a day goes by that I don't get mail about Secretariat."

So, bottom line seldom does performance match excessive expectation as it did with Secretariat.


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What is the lure of being in a gang? How do gang members run if their pants are below their waist?

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 on Shopping Mall, Edapally, Cochin . I know this is no longer a New news ...
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I see on the news (local and national) that gang members are constantly shooting at each other - on street corners, at homes, shopping malls, anywhere really, and it seems like it always occurs late at night. Why does someone want to join a gang? Why not get a job and get up early so you won't be out late at night? Has anything good ever happened after midnight? How can someone run when pants aren't properly worn, thus making an easy target? Are there really over 13,000 gangs in Los Angeles alone?

What does that have to do with the elections?

Why did the welfare state break the Danish economy? What lessons can we learn from their failed experiment?

New Califo
"The Danish economy grew by 2.7% in 2010.

That's higher than any US growth since 1999 - other than 2004."

Is that supposed to impress me?

Socialism fails every time is the leason that should be learned, but it wont.

Fight the NWO!


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what did you think of when the pope said atheists can go to heaven too??

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i know im a little late but i didnt have yahoo answers back then so yea. and the vatican of course said the pope is tripping and all atheists are going to hell. but ignore that part. what do you think of pope francis saying that? do you think he's a good pope?

Really? <PhotonX quickly checks the latest news feeds, pinches self to see if he is sleeping> Wow! I guess I need to read the news more often! That's an amazing statement, but it's a sure sign that Catholicism is losing ground and looking for traction wherever it can be found. It's also a very touching effort to build a bridge over the chasm between believers and atheists.
I can't wait to see the backpedaling that will result from this statement. At least Catholics backed off a long time ago from the assertion that the Pope is infallible, every word from his lips touched by God, so that will make it considerably easier.
Has a Pope ever been fired?
"do you think he's a good pope?" At this point, he is my favorite Pope ever. Of course, that's not saying much, coming from an atheist.

Do you believe in A Black Pope?


Leader of the Jesuits?

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the General of the International Military Order of the Society of Jesus, commonly known as âthe Black Popeâ, ordered the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, with the advice and consent of his General Staff, composed of five assistants (each representing a hemisphere and under whom are many advisory Provincials), an advisor (resembling the likes of a military commander to warn him of any faults or mistakes), and his confessor (to ease his conscience and absolve him of his many sins).

Why? Because the appointed time has arrived for the Jesuit General to destroy both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, secretly using his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Zionist Mossad in conjunction with his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Islamic Intelligence Agencies, including Osama bin Ladenâs MAK and Pakistanâs ISI, while shrouded in the confusion of a huge aerial war yet to come. This will enable the Generalâs crusading Knights Templars (the present day Shriner Freemasons) to rebuild Solomonâs Temple â for the Papal Caesar in Romeâs Vatican. And how could the Black Pope destroy these Moslem Mosques, they comprising the third most important Islamic religious site in the world behind Saudi Arabiaâs Mecca and Medina, without causing an uncontrollable Moslem holy war, called a âjihadâ, resulting in the destruction of Pope Pius XIIâs creation of Zionist Israel? (Remember, Israel was admitted into the New York-based United Nations in 1949 through the efforts of Jesuit-trained Francis Cardinal Spellman â the darling of Pope Pius XII who, after his Jesuits carried out the Jewish Holocaust in Europe and then driving the survivors to Palestine, intended, under the guidance of his Jesuit confessor, Augustin Cardinal Bea, to make Jerusalem an international city â while governed by the Papal Caesarâs Chaim Weizmann and his Masonic Jewish Zionists.) The Black Pope must cause a war using a country he also wishes to further destroy. Enter the âHoly Romanâ Fourteenth Amendment American Jesuit Empire created in 1868 on the ruins of George Washingtonâs Calvinist Republic, the last political stronghold of the Protestant Reformation with freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Here was the âFather Generalâsâ plan. In synchronizing his worldwide overt and covert factions to work the Orderâs evil ends of the Vaticanâs Counter-Reformation in restoring the Papal Caesar as the absolute Universal Monarch of the World, the Black Pope used his Masonically-controlled, fanatically anti-Jewish Race, Islamic Intelligence operatives under the domestic control of the CIA (Osama bin Laden having been directed, financed and trained by the CIA for at least ten years â just like Jesuit-trained and CIA-financed Fidel Castro before he, like bin Laden, became a false enemy of the CFR-controlled American government) to be openly and notoriously instructed as Islamic pilots at the Venice Airport (a Florida facility used by the CIA since 1948) in order for Archbishop Eganâs controlled American Press to spread the prepared news release that the doomed airliners were hijacked by âArab terroristsâ in the employ of Osama bin Laden when in fact, to the horror of the American pilots, the airliners had been taken over and guided to their targets, remotely controlled by American Military Intelligence operatives overseen by the Black Popeâs CIA/NSA.

The Mussulmans in training never boarded the airliners involved in the September attacks evidenced by the absence of Islamic names on all four passenger lists. There was no fight between the passengers and the "hijackers" on flight 93, as reported by the deceived wife of the late Jeremy Glick. For flight 93 was shot down by an F-16 fighter, blowing off its wing which landed at least six miles away from the main wreckage! And if the inexperienced "hijackers" had boarded all four airliners, the novices never would have been able to navigate the planes into the targets unless they had been crack fighter pilots according to a group of highly professional, both civilian and military, American aviators. Archbishop Egan's CFR-controlled American Press then placed the blame for these acts of high treason and murder squarely on the shoulders of the Black Pope's Saudi prince and CIA operative, Osama bin Laden, including his al-Qaeda Network secretly working for the Jesuit General's International Terrorist Network. Tens of thousands of "heretic and liberal" Americans perished, thereby justifying a war between the Moslem World and "the Great Satan".

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

why are so many people worried about others body image?

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feck you

this question has always bothered me.

lately, a lot of celebrity gossip is swarming around jessica simpson and her gaining some weight.

it just seems that so many people in this world [most] are so concerned with others weight. too skinny, too fat. ugly pretty. always finding someone to put others down and complain.

regardless of what you find attractive, why does so many people have to worry about others. just let them be, what they want to be. you know?

i agree. the media is so stupid. people shouldn't be so focused on what someone looks like, and scrutinize everything they do. Fist off she is not even fat, she's healthy. Secondly who gives ashit what she looks like? it's not like its your body. Thirdly i think people should be more focused on things like starving children rather than making a big deal about how many pounds someone gained. If people think Jessica is fat, we have a problem here.

Can you name me some size 0 celebrities from the USA?


It's for a project I'm doing for college, about how the size 0 trend for celebrities in America are effecting people in Britain. I'm brainless on celebrity gossip so this will be a big help.

I recon Nicole Richie, Lindsey Lohan was, Mary kate olsen and maybe ashley olsen too. Hilary Duff lost a lot of weight. Angelina Jolie's weight as dropped to about that.Eva Longoria has lost a lot, Scarlett Johannson and Victoria Beckham.

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Does anyone know the evolution of the panda?

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At least their names and where and when they came in and if possible some pics of them.

Hi hope this helps?

The Red panda was the first panda discovered in 1821, forty-eight years before the giant black and white pandas were found in 1869.

The Giant lovable and charismatic panda is one of the most popular animals in the world. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most endangered. Found only in China, one of the world's most populous countries, the giant panda clings to survival, facing habitat fragmentation and poaching as its greatest threats. It is estimated that as few as 1,600 pandas remain in the wild today.

The scientific name of the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, means "black and white cat-footed." Over the past 3,000 years, the much-loved panda has acquired over 30 different Chinese names. Today, the most widely used Chinese name is da xiongmao (dah-shung-mah-ow), translated into English it means "large bear-cat."

The Legend of How Pandas Got Their Markings
Long ago a family of humble shepherds made its home in the remote hills of China. Each day the shepherds led their animals to graze in the pastures near the bamboo forest. Frequently a little panda would wander from the forest to join the flock. Perhaps the young panda mistook the sheep for its own kind, for in those days pandas were all white. One day, as the panda roamed among the sheep, a huge leopard sprang from the forest. The sheep scattered and ran away, but the little panda was too slow to escape. He surely would have been killed by the leopard if not for the bravery of a young shepherdess. She ran to her friend's aid and began beating the leopard furiously with a stick. The leopard turned from the panda and attacked the girl. Although she fought bravely, the shepherdess was no match for the leopard. News of the shepherdess' brave deed quickly spread through the forest. When the other pandas heard the story, they began to cry and throw ashes upon themselves in mourning. As they wiped their tears away, their dirty paws left dark smudges around their eyes. As they hugged each other, their paws stained their arms and legs. And when the pandas tried to muffle the sound of their sobs by covering their ears, they blackened them as well. Ever since that day, pandas have worn these markings out of respect for the shepherdess who died so that one of their kind might live.

Fossil evidence indicates that giant pandas were widely distributed throughout eastern China, as far north as Beijing, and as far west as Burma. Currently, they are only found in mountainous areas of southwestern China. Most of the wild population live in the province of Sichuan; some pandas also inhabit the provinces of Gansu and Shaanxi.

A Mormon elder kidnapped by North Korea?


I heard a news that one Mormon guy, who was blond in his 20's, was abducted in car in Yunnan province, China in August 2004 and was transferred to North Korean via Myanmar. This was the 1st US citizen case of the N. Korea abduction victims.

I heard The U.S Committee for Human Rights in North Korea held a press conference several days before and revealed this fact.

Is this true story? and this topic popular there?
Thanks. But it was in August 2004.

So communism ain't all bad!!

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What do you think of China telling restaraunts to take dog off the menu during the Olympics?

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Restaurants and hotels in the Chinese capital have been asked to take dog meat off the menu during Olympics and Paralympics due to concerns that the canine dishes might be offensive to Westerners and animal rights activists.
"Gourmets with a special predilection for dog meat will be disappointed if they come to the Chinese capital in the coming two months," a Beijing Tourism Bureau official said.

The Beijing Catering Trade Association (BETA) has issued a circular forbidding all the 112-designated restaurants from providing dog meat dishes during Olympics and strongly advised other establishments to suspend serving the canine delicacy until September.

"If a customer orders dog meat, the restaurant staff should patiently suggest another entree," Xiong Yumei, the Bureaus Vice-Director, was quoted as saying by official Xinhua news agency. "Conflicts should be avoided." Canine dishes are popular among the Korean community in Beijing, as also in Yunnan and Guizhou restaurants.

Apart from being a delicacy, dog meat is also believed by many Chinese to be an effective element to lower blood pressure. Some also think it boosts "sexual prowess".

Animal rights and environmental activists claim dogs are brutally killed with clubs and knives in China's dog meat industry.

Personally it's not simply that dog meat is eaten, it's the utterly horrific way that the dogs are treated prior to be being sold. Strung up alive or with a tin can on their muzzle.

Putting a cloak temporarily over the way the dogs are treated by removing dog meat from menus, just puts the issue out of sight for the visitors and athletes. While for the dogs, it stays the same....

Can you please tell me a twitter that update me kpop songs and korean dramas?


I want to be updated about new and popular kpop songs and korean dramas. You can send me the link or just tell the name. And just to inform you I'm not a Korean.

Thanks in advance.

updates kpop songs and/or news:

updates kpop albums (to buy on

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What celebrity should go on "What Not to Wear"?

celebrity gossip pink
 on Whew! Last night was quite a night for movie premieres. Natalie ...
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The other

Besides Lady Gaga..i mean someone that's actually serious with how they dress and not trying to look crazy on purpose. Like Linda Hogan and Brooke for example, they dress terrible for their body shapes and swear they look hot! All that tan spray and 80's blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick on Linda and that fried blonde hair..terrible!

Taylor Momsen (from "Gossip Girl") and those "Jersey Shore" freaks

How can I get survive American school?


Firstly I'm Aussie a.k.a Australian girl. My mom is planning to move to New York (somewhere in the upper east side Manhattan) in this nice penthouse. My mums the CEO for a major corporation so money is not an issue. I am worried about the difference in the school system, In Australia we have primary school (grade prep -6) and secondary school (grade 7-12) have school uniforms and usually don't start dating until grade 10. But in American schools (correct me if I'm wrong) have elemen school, middle school and high school, get to wear whatever you want and wear make up and start dating in middle school. I don't know how I'm so post to act or wear or how other girls will treat me. If I need to buy any expensive clothing, books or make up, I am able to do that. Thanks!

PS we don't ride kangaroos to school and don't put shrimp on the barbie if you were wondering, I don't know we're it came from.(we don't even call them shrimp !)

As a Latina in college living in Los Angeles and having attended public school I can only imagine what your experience will be like. Living and going to school in the upper east side, I imagine your experience will be something like the show "Gossip Girl" . However, you being from Australia will make you stand out, I believe, in a positive way that will work to your benefit. To quote the film Twilight: "Oh, my God, it's like, the first grade all over again, you're the shiny new toy".

In my school, when ever their was a new student, especially if they were from overseas, my peers displayed great interest in getting to know them and being their friend. People will ask you stupid questions and make assumptions about because you are from Australia, however the same thing is true if you are from a different country or ethnicity (African American, Latina, Native Americans). Once they get to know you stereotypes will be set aside and dismissed.

Yes, in many public high school their is no uniform, however schools have dress codes about what you can and cannot wear although they tend to be very lenient. Jeans/Denium tend to be the norm here in LA although I'm not sure about schools in NY.

In my high school some girls began dating since freshmen year, others did not and even those that did not have boyfriends were still popular so don't feel pressured to have one.

As for make up, yes girls did begin wearing make up since middle school and almost all in high school. I did not. Some light eye shadow, with a hint of eyeliner & mascara, and lip gloss and you should be find you don't have to overd0 it.

If you want more information I suggest you hit the American Classic teen high school cult films. Although the really over dramatize the high school experience they do offer interesting insight into American schools. Here are some to help you get started: Ferris Bueller's day off, Mean Girls, Bring It On (all), A Cinderella Story, A Walk to Remember, Geek Charming, High School Musical, Easy A, 10 Things I Hate About You, Whatever It Takes, Cruel Intentions, The Breakfast Club, Clueless, Pretty In Pink, etc.

In time you find you clique of friends, however the worst case scenario will be that you may end being bullied. It happens and lots of fabulous beautiful celebrities like have been bullied. Your options can be either to move, but I suggest that if this happens you and your mother talk with the administrative staff, thanks to anti-bullying campaigns and suicides schools take this very seriously. On that note, I also suggest you read "13 Reasons Why" by Jay Asher just because its about a girl and the obstacles she faces fitting in. It was insightful and I learned a lot.

Good luck with your American high school experience and that it's more memorable than mine.

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