Saturday, August 24, 2013

What is this Balloon Boy story I keep seeing on the news and internet?

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 on ... Gallegos's shocking cold-case murder - Denver - News - The Latest Word
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What happened and what is happening now with this Balloon Boy deal?

The Colorado balloon incident took place on October 15, 2009 and attracted world-wide attention when six-year-old Falcon Heene from Fort Collins, Colorado (referred to as "Balloon Boy" by some media outlets) was thought to be traveling at altitudes reaching 15,000 feet (4,600 m) in a home-made helium balloon colored and shaped to resemble a silver flying saucer-type of UFO.The boy had reportedly climbed into the balloon when it became untethered and launched. It was reported that an object had detached from the balloon and fallen to the ground, and the boy was not in the aircraft when it landed 12 miles (19 km) northeast of Denver International Airport. A search was conducted for the child, and he was found hiding in a box in the attic of his house. The boy later stated in a live interview that "we did this for the show", adding weight to the speculation that the incident was a hoax and a publicity stunt engineered by the boy's father.

On Oct. 18 the sheriff of Larimer County, Colorado, Jim Alderden, told a press conference that the incident was a hoax. He said that "we believe we have evidence at this point to indicate that this was a publicity stunt in hopes to better market themselves for a reality show." Alderden said the parents could face felony charges, including conspiracy, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, filing a false report with authorities and with attempting to influence a public servant.

What types of things did they discuss during the presidential debate and what where ea h oth point of views?

Shainna Me

Just maybe one thing that they discussed and the point of view of obama and Romney.

Al Gore on "Current TV" blames Obama's poor Debate performance on the altitude in Denver (October 3, 2012).

A citizen of the United States, according to the latest news, delivered by Mr. Gore is vice president, we have a problem in the direction of the country and its security, President Obama loses his powers, and mind, in the highest,
Which means that if they attack the president has to make a desicion important, and is in a high place, without sanity normal thinking mind

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In a forum about everything, what other categories would you want to see?

celebrity gossip funny
 on ... Fun | Latest Hollywood Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News
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These are the categories so far:
Animals & Bugs
Celebrities & Gossip
Cool Stuff
Creative Writing
Food & Drink
Hobbies & Crafts
Jokes, Pranks & Funny Stories
Polls & Surveys
TV & Web Shows
Video Games & Gaming Systems
Weight Loss, Exercise & Dieting
Aliens, Ghosts, Paranormal Etc.
What other things should there be?

Life and How to Live It

What is so appealing about crappy shows like "The Hills"?

Jayme Wigh

There is nothing redeeming about this show. IT DOESN'T PROVIDE ITS AUDIENCE WITH TALENTED ENTERTAINERS. LET ME REPEAT THAT: IT DOESN'T PROVIDE ITS AUDIENCE WITH TALENTED ENTERTAINERS. Reality shows aren't entertaining. Name one thing entertaining about reality shows--oh that's right, you can't!

Fans of the Hills are even worse. They like celebrity gossip and can't think for themselves. They are posers to the fullest extent.

Haha, lucy is funny.
I make fun of reality stars (Heidi and Spencer annoy the crap out of me), but I would kill myself if I ever became them, let alone am I jealous.


Unfortunately its not all about talent anymore. Its about gossip, shock value, etc. Annoying girls like to gossip and fight over dumb guys themselves, so of course they enjoy watching others doing it too.

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what do you think about Coldplays new song Paradise and the bands direction?

latest news rihanna
 on PIC: Rihanna Becomes
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do you think coldplay has offically gone mainstream pop? i hear Rihanna is going to be on one of their tracks. WTF

i think colplay have totally lost the plot seems to happen when bands get too successful which has happened to them.i think chris martins personal life has taken over.gywneth and the kids are top priority.hes not so creative now.shame.a lot of fans will turn their back on them sooner or later.yes they are closer to mainstream now.thats bad news.cheers.

What is the song 'Hard' By Rihanna supposed to mean?


I don't really understand it, lol. (: But I sing it all the time.

Wait Your Turn" was originally going to be the second single from the album, however, it was later announced that "Hard" was chosen instead. The producer of the song, The-Dream, said: "'Hard', I want that song to explain itself. Most of the stuff I wrote â still to this day what I write â I try to find out through people what they're going through or what they gotta say. Then we put that in."[2][3][4] In an interview with MTV News, Rihanna said: "When I first heard the song, I was in Paris, Dream and Tricky, they flew out and played me the record. They played me a few [songs], but this one stuck out to me. It had such an arrogance to it, which is so far from who I am ... which is part of why I wanted to do it. It was fun. It was bragging. A lot of attitude. Young Jeezy was the perfect person for the topic of the song. Just the vibe of the song. I love, love, love his verse. He added so much more to the record."[

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Where can I find a website with everyday celebrity style pictures?

celebrities gossip tmz
 on Tmz celebrity gossip | News favorite celebrities
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I am looking for a website that simply posts pictures of celebrities out and about. I am not interested in or a celebrity gossip blog like Perez. I am looking more for a paparazzi type website so I can look at daily celebrity style. Thank you!

Answer ,TMZ and .....

For the school news paper i need celebrity gossip?


For my school newpaper i am doing the celebrity gossip colum, does anyoen know any good things to write about or any site which has reliable celebrity gossip?

Try - they always seem to have the newest gossip

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Rubert Murdoch is buying Wall Street Journal, Besides FOX here is a list of what he do you feel?

latest news 6 nations rugby
 on England head coach Stuart Lancaster was content with his side's ...
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Isn't Murdoch more Chinese than American--whose interests does he really have in mind.

Here's the true Murdock:

Murdoch married his third wife a Chinese woman, seventeen days after his divorce from is second wife, on June 25, 1999, Murdoch, then 68, married Chinese born Deng Wendi, later changed to Wendi Deng. She was then 30, a recent college graduate from Yale and newly appointed vice-president of STAR TV. Murdoch has since had two children with Deng: Grace (born in New York November 19, 2001) and Chloe (born in New York July 17, 2003). They have a home outside Peking. Connect the dots.

Murdock is a globalist. His interests are in controlling thought and opinion through the media and in global financial markets. He wants three trade zones in the world, not countries. He would like to see a world dominated by a kind of corporate communism as in China and a world with no middle class. He is succeeding a influencing world politics. He pushed for a US invasion of Iraq. Why does Bush listen to him--because the entire Bush family are globalists.

Murdoch is implementing what is contained in the agenda below.

Check this out:
The following was entered into the Congressional record by Albert Herlong, Jr. (a Floridian who served in Congress from 1949-69) in 1963.

1) US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war
2) US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war
3) Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the US would be a demonstration of "moral strength"
4) Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5) Extension of long term loans to Russia and Soviet Satellites
6) Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination
7) Grant recognition of Red China, and admission of Red China to the UN.
8) Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the Germany question by free elections under supervision of the UN
9) Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the US has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress
10) Allow all Soviet Satellites individual representation in the UN
11) Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the UN as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo)
12) Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party
13) Do away with loyalty oaths
14) Continue giving Russia access to the US Patent Office
15) Capture one or both of the political parties in the US
16) Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17) Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism, and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in text books.
18) Gain control of all student newspapers
19) Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20) Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21) Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.
22) Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings", substitute shapeless, awkward, and meaningless forms.
23) Control art critics and directors of art museums. " Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art".
24) Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25) Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography, and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
26) Present Homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy".
27) Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch"
28) Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state"
29) Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30) Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man".
31) Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of "the big picture:" Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32) Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture - - education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33) Eliminate all laws or procedures, which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34) Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35) Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI
36) Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37) Infiltrate and gain control of big business
38) Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
39) Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40) Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41) Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42) Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups should rise up and make a "united force" to solve economic, political, or social problems.
43) Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44) Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45) Repeal the Connally Reservation so the US can not prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

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Why do Democrats think they are helping the poor by support millionaires with wallstreet connections?

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 on Christina Robertson Wife Of Si Robertson/page/3 | PopularNewsUpdate
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The rich vs poor thing seems to be a popular go to argument for Democrats these days. I wonder if they see any irony in supporting a bunch of millionaires and billionaires in that party who take just as much money from corporations and special interests as Republicans. I'm not saying Republicans aren't also rich and well connected but they don't play up this "i wanna help the poor" bit as much as the Democrats do.
correction: supporting*

As far as the class warfare stupidity......the dems bring new meaning to the word hypocrisy.

Nancy Pelosi's wealth grows 62% to $35.2M

Harry Reid has a net worth of $5 million.

Barack Hussein Obama II, has an estimated net worth of $10.5 million

When did the Libya revolution start (current one)?

Q. I know that Libya has been in the news for the past few days in regards to the current revolution, but can any1 give me an exact date(s) as to when this revolution first started? Please and thank u.

Libya Riots linked to Gaddafiâs comments on Israel?

Is it merely a coincidence that less than a week after Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi threatened Israel by calling on Palestinians to capitalize on the wave of popular uprisings in the Middle East by massing peacefully on the borders of the Zionist state, his own regime is teetering on the brink of extinction following massive anti-government riots in Benghazi and Tripoli?

On Sunday last week, Gaddafi urged the Arab world to revolt against Israel during a speech on state television.

âFleets of boats should take Palestinians ⦠and wait by the Palestinian shores until the problem is resolved,â Gaddafi said. âThis is a time of popular revolutions.â

âWe need to create a problem for the world. This is not a declaration of war. This is a call for peace,â he said.

Low and behold, just days after Gaddafiâs very bold threat to seize on the wave of revolutions as a means of toppling Israel, Gaddafi himself is forced to flee Tripoli as protesters burn down government buildings and take control of entire cities.

This tells you an awful lot about who is really behind the wave of revolutions sweeping the region â the US military industrial-complex that kick-started them in the first place.

It seems as though the new world order hierarchy has now got all its ducks in a row as part of a massive propaganda and destabilization assault aimed at Libya in an effort to hijack the revolution and steer its outcome to suit their interests, just as has unfolded in Egypt where a gaggle of NGOâs and globalist forces have swooped in to feed off the vacuum of power left by Hosni Mubarakâs ousting.

Gaddafiâs very public threat to Israel was undoubtedly one of the primary factors that sealed his fate and made him a target of the contrived revolutions now sweeping the region.

In his speech today, Gaddafiâs son Sayf al-Islam vowed that his father and security forces would fight âuntil the last bulletâ to uphold their regime, blaming the revolt on outside forces and chastising the global media for exaggerating the brutality of the government response.

The establishment media is once again manufacturing the narrative behind the protests in Libya. Given the scant amount of credible information coming out of the country, talking heads have hastily made parallels to Egypt and Tunisia, a red flag in and of itself given that both these uprisings involved the manipulative hand of the US military-industrial complex.

Demonstrators seem to have a poor grasp of the powerful global interests that are driving the protests, and how they could end up in a worse situation than what they began with.

In the case of Egypt the elimination of U.S. puppet Hosni Mubarak has only resulted in a military dictatorship taking the reigns of power.

As far back as December 2008, the US Embassy was aware of plans to overthrow Mubarak in 2011 and had begun secretly funding rebel leaders to spearhead the campaign.

âI believe we are seeing the destabilization of all the regimes in the area beginning with Tunisia moving to Egypt, but unfortunately I think the intended result of this is to see it take place in your country of Iran. I think that is the end result that they [Western countries] want to see take place is regime change in countries that are unfavorable to Israel and the US,â geopolitical analyst Mark Glenn tells Press TV.

Glenn points out that the same conditions that made Egypt and Tunisia ripe for revolutions are absent in Libya, GDP growth is good and the economy is doing well.

Whatâs happening in Libya represents, âAnother color revolution thatâs been backed and pushed by [George] Soros and other economic interests tied to political interests in the west,â remarks Glenn, adding that all the revolutions have been uncharacteristically leaderless, allowing western forces to pick up the pieces by offering financial âassistanceâ to whatever form of government takes over, hijacking the aftermath and reshaping the international order in their own image.

âNo matter who comes to power they are already over a barrel; theyâre being held by the throat by these western financial interests who are going to dictate terms to these new governments,â warns Glenn, adding that whether or not the revolutions were genuine to begin with, they will always be thwarted by succumbing to this process.

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What are good social websites to go on?

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 on Mumbai | World Latest News - fast and latest news - Part 5
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Legit social networks like facebook and myspace or even stuff like formspring?
I've been getting really bored and wanting new stuff to go on.

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Whats a good website to meet local people to be friends with?


not for dating or anything like that. just to meet people to hang out with.

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Which celebrity's hairstyle is your favorite?

celebrity gossip jennifer aniston
 on Jennifer Aniston Engagement Ring 2011 from Justin Theroux vs. 2004 ...
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Q. I LOVE Taylor Momsen's hair!!
Not the one with the ugly full bangs but the way her hair was at the beginning of Gossip Girl.

I also loved Marilyn Monroe's hair but it would look awful on me! LOL.

um i like miley cyrus' hair now..when she has the bangs..but only when she actually styles them..

i usually loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove jenny garths hair!!

of course, jennifer anistons is always great.....

hilary duff when shes blonde and has side bangs...

i looooove ashley tisdales hair when shes blonde with side bangs also...although, i do love her new almost black hair..

Why did everyone side with Jennifer Aniston in her divorce to Brad Pitt?


I usually don't follow celebrity gossip, but just reading comments from people who don't even know these celebrities from Adam, they have already declared that Jennifer Aniston was a wronged woman. There have been no media reports as such and it seems the divorce was mutual, their marriage was over long before Pitt moved on with Jolie, but to hear women tell the tale, Pitt was cheating and Jennifer Aniston is the most beautiful woman in the world who had no part in ending the marriage?

What about he media spin is making most people feel this way? I feel since I don't know them personally God knows what happened, but I'm interested in peaking inside the public mind set.
Sweetiepie is typical. She doesn't know the story but like most people Pitt cheated.
Not all relationships end because of infidelity, sometimes there are other problems, just got to Y!A marriage and divorce.

Yay you! Overall, before the media mauled the entire story, I heard from Courtney Cox's friend that it was mutual....or so they say. Anyway, it's not my life and I have no right to dig around their life. I'd hate it if someone did that to me.

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Do you know any good celebrity gossip sites?

celebrities gossip uk
 on ... hair | Short styles | Pictures | Now Magazine | Celebrity Gossip
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Q. Perezhilton, TMZ, and a lot of other sites are blocked here at school! I need my celebrity gossip of the day, do you know of any other sites? I know there are a lot unblocked, I just don't remember the names.

Evil Beet gossip
But dont read gossip blogs! Read real news..

What is a good movie magazine published in the United States?

Justin C

I know Film Star and Empire are good but they are in the UK and a subscription would be too high. Any good movie magazines published in the US? I don't want celebrity gossip magazines.

I've never heard of any real movie magazines, except for Fangoria for horror movies.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What is the difference between formal and informal theater?

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 on Justin Bieber and Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney were unlikely
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Q. I'm researching this for speech, but nothing I read gives very good details. Will someone please help?

1) To 'dress casual but tidy' or looking informal means wear something appropriate for wear or clothes you would use on INFORMAL occasions. Try not to be too dressy like don't wear something you would wear to the prom. Also don't wear something tacky or inappropriate. For example, don't wear clothes that are: unfashionable, shabby in appearance, shoddy; cheaply vulgar; crude; gaudy; flashy or showy. Blue jeans with holes & t-shirts with logo, etc and stuff you would use in the garden or paint with I would not wear. To wear conservative apparel that is traditional in style and similarly being worn by others. The formal attire may included tuxedos and full-length gowns or your best clothes and looking the best to fit the part.

2) A gossip columnist is someone who writes a gossip column in a newspaper or magazine, especially a gossip magazine. Gossip columns are material written in a light, informal style, which relates the gossip columnist's opinions about the personal lives or conduct of celebrities from show business (motion picture movie stars, theater, and television actors) politicians, professional sports stars, and other wealthy people or public figures. Some gossip columnists broadcast segments on radio and television.

3) Similarly, styles, though still used, are used less often. The current President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, is usually referred to as President Mary McAleese, not President McAleese, as had been the form used for the first six presidents, from President Hyde to President Hillery. Tony Blair asked initially to be called Tony. In a break with tradition, though as the second in line to the throne and a son of a royal prince, Prince William of Wales formally has a HRH style, he chose while at university not to use it. The United States has become one of the most informal countries in the world[citation needed], with styles such as Excellency now largely abandoned or ignored, even by those who legally have them. First names, or even nicknames, are often widely used among politicians in the US, even in formal situations (as an extreme example, President James Earl "Jimmy" Carter chose to take the Oath of Office using his nickname). One notable exception involves judges: a judge of any court is almost invariably addressed as "Your Honor" while presiding over his or her court, and often at other times as well. This style has been removed in the Republic of Ireland, where judges are addressed only as "Judge".
However, styles are still widely used in formal documents and correspondence between heads of state, such as in a Letter of Credence accrediting an ambassador from one head of state to another.

I just touched the subject of this broad question, by being more specific in particular area of your speech concerns you may find that more direct details for your new question should be in order.

How can Conservatives claim that the media is liberal biased when McCain is not receiving any negative press?

Liberal Ci

All the focus is either on Obama or Hilary. It appears as though the media already chosen their choice as president, which is McCain.

It's amazing to see how a guy who used racial slurs himself, was involved in the Keating Five scandal,had mental health issues in the past or still does, who knows?, flip flopped on virtually all the issues , is being treated compared to the Democratic candidates.

The Liberal Media myth is a propaganda tool employed by conservative radio hosts, columnists and pundits as a convenient excuse why after 20 years their ideology has failed to convince the public at large, and as a memetic inocculation of the public against the evidence that the media bias is in fact a conservative one.

Not only does the liberal media claim have no basis in fact, it also does not make sense considering the issues of media ownership and influence of advertisers. Most media outlets are owned by a handful of conservative corporations and individuals, and funded by usually economically conservative advertisers who have no need for an educated, alert, independent and critical citizenry. What they need is a dumb, bored, cynical and apathetic public that has abandoned all critical faculties and is easily distracted by celebrity gossip and mindless sports games. A public that will believe anything it is told, or nothing at all, which amounts to the same end result. This pro-corporate conservative bias of the media is well-documented and shows itself in consistent under-reporting or ignoring of any information that would lead people to question the fundamental status quo

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How many texts, on average, do teens send each day? year?

latest news 5 sms per day
 on COAI head Rajan Mathews gives his reason for issues such as disparity ...
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Emie .

Im writing a story for our school newspaper on being addicted to texting, and I am wondering how many texts teens send each year, and each day. Does anyone know a way to find that out, or what the answer is?

Google lists 574,000 hits on this topic. You ar hereby redirected.

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In the Republic of Ireland, a total of 1.5 billion messages are sent every ... Whilst in the United Kingdom over 1 billion text messages are sent every week. ... the average number of text messages sent per subscriber per month was 188. ..... of teens having sent or posted such messages, and half of teens (50 ...
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Teenagers sent secret texts with Pill reminders | Mail Online
Teenagers sent secret texts with Pill reminders. by BETH HALE, Daily Mail ... "We hope this scheme will reduce the number of unintended pregnancies in the ...
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Google Answers: how much do we communicate
Mar 14, 2004 ... That number is expected to more than triple to 36 billion per day by ... that this number will increase to 36 billion daily messages by 2005. ... Telephones - main lines in use worldwide Total 930.48 million ... By late 2003, nearly a billion text messages were being sent every day around the world. ...
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Living | R U still up? | Teens are text-messaging friends into the ...
Mar 31, 2007 ... Two-thirds use text-messaging daily. ... Some cellphone plans offer a set number of text messages (also called SMS, ... such as 1000 messages for $9.99; others charge 5 to 10 cents per message (sent or received). ...
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An Estimated 43 Billion Text Messages Were Sent Globally on New ...
Jan 9, 2008 ... Around the world, phone users sent a total of 43 billion text messages to wish their loved ones a happy New Year - of which more than 23 ...
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Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, WV - Heart to Heart or thumb ...
Feb 26, 2009 ... Teens and tweens make up a majority of the number. ... However, I was shocked to find I sent and received 1171 text messages in January, ...
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Maryland Newsline - Business & Tech Special Report: Teens and ...
May 17, 2006 ... Sherrie Cunningham, a spokeswoman for Verizon Wireless, said that during the first quarter of 2006, 9.6 billion text messages were sent or ...
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The Source: Youth Culture Window
... increase in the number of text messages sent to children by parents. ... that 70% of cell phone-equipped teenagers talked with friends on them daily, ...
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Any way to view number of text messages sent/received? - Mac Forums
14 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 3, 2008
Any way to view number of text messages sent/received? iPhone. ... Freaking teenagers... Stampyhead is offline ... Site News, Product Recommendations/Reviews (closed), Daily Tunes Site Discussion and Feedback, Games ...
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Parenting a Textaholic
While most of us don't have teens who are logging 35000 text messages a month ... Suggest that your child establish a daily "time-out" from their phone. ... Check the monthly statement and compare the number of text messages sent and ...
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What is stage managing like in college?


I've been SM for 3 shows so far in high school, and some of my older friends have been telling me horror stories about college theatre. Thing is, I had tentatively considered tech as a major after this year (I'm a senior). Does anyone have comments on college productions?

Well, I'm also an SM in college and I love it. Granted, sometimes and more than often it's a love-hate relationship, but isn't that true for most things? I can honestly say it's the first thing I've ever felt so passionately about. I've completed 1 show as the SM and two as the ASM, and am currently ASMing 1 show and SMing another. Depending on what college you go to, SMing can be extremely simple to get into. For example, I go to The University of Florida, and while we have 6 undergraduate and 3 graduate degrees in theatre, there are none for stage management. This actually makes it simple to find involvement early, because you don't have to compete with upperclassmen or grad students for positions. On the other hand, there is no one here to take me by the hand, and for the most part everything I've learned has been either self-taught or learned on my own time from the few other SMs, either professional or collegiate, that I know. I was always busy in HS, but nothing prepared me for what it's like once you take on Stage Management in college. Rehearsals for a show are generally 5 days a week, for about 4 hours at a time, for around 4-10 weeks (department shows for school have shorter rehearsal times, whereas company shows are much more stringent). On top of this are production meetings weekly, which the Stage Manager runs and are generally an hour or so. Sometimes a musical will be fortunate enough to have 2 SMs, but it's usually just 1 SM and 1 ASM (my current production as ASM fits this description, my other show as SM is a bit larger and thus I have two assistants). I joined both of these shows about 7 months in advance and had met with crew long before a cast was even thought of. Both of my current shows have casts of 10, which may not seem too large, but is difficult enough when you consider that's 10 class schedules, 10 exam schedules (since college exams are usually at night or at least outside of class time), 10 prior engagements, 10 vacation schedules, and 10 work schedules that have to be precisely arranged into dates and times to rehearse. Sometimes people realize halfway into rehearsals that they forgot a date and you have to be that bad guy who tells them "too bad". I send out at least 1 email daily (a rehearsal report for all design and crew), but usually 2-3, including the day's blocking notes for actors and designers as well as reminder emails of schedules and news. I am the building's security since, with rehearsals running until 11 PM or later, I have to lock up and write a report on it for the school's production manager. I am the sole time-keeper for breaks (we work with AEA rules), sole blocking note taker, sole rehearsal reporter, sole security officer, and sole emailer during rehearsals. Luckily ASMs can assist on line notes and the related. During a show, of course, I call the cues, which are my obligation to compile on my own time with designers outside of rehearsals, meetings or tech. Besides the director, I'm the only person required at every rehearsal, meeting and tech date. I have to arrange my class schedule so that I not only go too late so I miss my 6 PM rehearsal, but that I also don't go too early since I usually get home around 11 or midnight and am lucky to be finished with homework by 3 AM. Like I said before, I'm all too often the bad guy who has to lay down the law or call actors on their time off to call them to a spot rehearsal. It would be a lie to say that it doesn't stress me out completely and make a little piece of my soul die every time I have to reject a facebook event invitation and write "not attending, I've got rehearsal". 4 hours a day seems completely reasonable, but I figure I can usually pull at least another hour of my personal time every day, as well as 2 hours per day on weekends or days without rehearsal, and once in tech week my mandatory 6-8 hour tech rehearsals become 10-12 hours in the theatre. But I love it. Stage Managers are fun people, I love everyone I work with. And not just fellow crew, my actors and directors are beyond amazing. My best friends are actors and designers I've met on shows in college, and just as fulfilling as working with them is being able to see them on stage in a show you haven't worked on. Every show is a completely different experience; I've had the learning experience, the bonding experience, the world premiere experience, the fun yet crazy technical experience, and the educational and inspirational experience. I finally feel like I'm becoming good at what I do, which is good since it's taken me 5 shows to get here, but at the same time there are still people I look at and admire for their experience and longevity in a field that's mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically (if you consider sleep deprivation physical) demanding. No other field of theatre can offer the broad education you can achieve with Stage Management (our sole management class here requires costumes, sound, light, set construction, set desig

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What foreign culture does average japanese people follow or fans of?

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 on Sara Underwood |
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Do japanese people watch american basketball! Baseball? Boxing? Do they follow american music, MTV.. American Tv shows! Movies?

Are any of these shown in japanese television in regular basis?

I see so many japanese rappers wearing ny yankee cap. So iam assuming they follow american baseball or hip hop?

Japanese youth know more about American TV shows, movies, and music than they do about their own country's media. That might be a bit of an overstatement, but it's not too far off.

If you ask any Japanese person between the ages of 15 and 30 what their favorite show is, you're bound to hear something like "CSI," "Lost," or "Gossip Girl." American movies get more media coverage than Japanese movies do, and as such more people go to see them. And American pop/rock music is played everywhere - on the radio, in every slightly trendy store; and you'll find it on almost any iPod in the younger generation. The most common artist names I heard during my stay in Japan were Lady Gaga (this was from the older generation, too), Usher, Kesha, and Bruno Mars. And yes, hip-hop has a following in Japan just as it does in any country where hip-hop has become somewhat popular.

And don't get me started on Japan's love for all things Disney. Mickey and Minnie Mouse are quite possibly bigger stars in Japan than they are in the US. Also, Stitch is a definite favorite if the insane amounts of people using Stitch phone straps etc. are any indication.

American celebrities are also loved there and occasionally pop up in advertisements. The most notable of all would most definitely be Tommy Lee Jones (Men in Black, etc.) who was the face of Boss Coffee for what felt like forever. There are very few people in Japan who don't know who he is.

Baseball is HUGE here. Just like in the US, there are people who don't care for it, but the ones who do REALLY do. Some of them after asking which state you're from will ask what your home team is; after giving them that answer, they generally know where you're from. Japanese baseball fans aren't just fans of US teams, though; Japanese teams are far more popular there. There's the Softbank Hawks, the Seibu Lions, the Yokohama Bay Stars, Yomiuri Giants; the list goes on.

Basketball is less popular, but it's certainly not unknown. Football is practically ignored (as it is in the majority of the world, I believe). Boxing seems to have been popular once upon a time, but it's lost its following since then.

Even in food, places like McDonald's and Krispy Kreme have found their place in Japan, and it's not rare to find other places serving burgers, steaks, or pizzas, though undoubtedly different from what we tend to feast upon here in the US. There are also a ton of "family restaurants" all over the country which most definitely built off of the idea of the American Friday's, Applebee's, Friendly's, Denny's, etc.

And aside from American pop culture, South Korean pop culture has a place in Japan as well; most of the bigger K-pop groups have Japanese names/albums/fan followings, and even those that don't have plenty of followers here. And Korean dramas are popular among young girls and middle-aged women. They, much like American TV shows, have their own TV channels and time slots, and they air in both dubbed and subtitled versions.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Japanese talk and game shows are more popular in Japan than American/Korean/etc. shows are, and the older generation is more into Japanese dramas and music on a general level. And while shows like Spongebob and Adventure Time have been translated into Japanese, anime is still on top in Japan as far as cartoons go.

In short, the Japanese follow American and South Korean culture pretty regularly.

Hope this helps!

Why has Politics/Government now has just become some fairy tale celebrity gossip?


After watching so many mainstream TV political topic shows about our dear leaders, its just becoming apparent its more of a staged TV propaganda show for both sides Reps/Dems. No other party.

The real news is the military events going on but TV only mentions the same thing and the same approach just like how they did on Libya, with the same plan.

But yet to show any aftermath on how "successful" the new government or leadership has formed. No hardcore updates.

Its too easy for people to read between the lines now.

truthfully, because you had a conspiracy to usurp wealth from many into a few's hands, for the last 50 or so years, but moreso in the last 10 or 15 years.

this usurping was done mostly from insider deals, trades, and theft and fraud.

there is a handful of people, much wealthier than the alleged wealthiest in the world (bill gates or buffett) who control the world more/less, with small exceptions like china and so on.

now they are secretly buying up property with their stolen wealth from the US treasury since 2008, where they undoubtedly plan to control most of the land and property around the globe for their own agenda and dominance.

ultimately, the senators are bought by them, and are their agents. the news is just that, propoganda and nonsense. they spin and leave out things and the fact is we are seriously screwed..

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Is it possible to have a CMS for a html website?

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I made a website using dreamweaver, and I need a content management system for it, to add my latest news/articles, is it possible? Please don't suggest something like Joomla, Thanks.

You can add any things through CMS. I know one of the best CMS service provider, you can contact them:

Latest news article this month that feature a moral issue/dilemma?


Please give me any latest news article that has a moral issue/dilemma. Please. I really need one. Thanks! >.<

Why have blacks turned against hispanics?
George is Hispanic. His mother is hispanic. In our culture, Mi madre es mi vida (my mother is my life.) Do blacks REALLY want to attack another minority?

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Can you name me some size 0 celebrities from the USA?

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It's for a project I'm doing for college, about how the size 0 trend for celebrities in America are effecting people in Britain. I'm brainless on celebrity gossip so this will be a big help.

I recon Nicole Richie, Lindsey Lohan was, Mary kate olsen and maybe ashley olsen too. Hilary Duff lost a lot of weight. Angelina Jolie's weight as dropped to about that.Eva Longoria has lost a lot, Scarlett Johannson and Victoria Beckham.

why are people so interested in the lives of celebrities?


I mean, so what if they acted well in a movie or can sing well, what do you care if they just got married, or if they got divorced for the hundredth time!

And also, why do people always have to buy what stars use? Who cares if brad pitt drinks starbucks, or it angelina jolie only buys clothing from channel? (these aren't facts, just examples) Wht makes them experts on what you should buy?

I like hearing about celebrity lives. I don't know why. It's just a bit of gossip.. the scandals and just reading about the stupid things they do is entertainment in a really stupid way.

Although, I honestly don't care what products celebrities use or buy - that doesn't affect me at all. Although, some people think "Vanessa Hudgens uses proactiv! She has beautiful skin.. maybe I should use it so I can get skin like her..." You know?


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who's the guy who says the 1010 wins tagline at the beginning of a newscast?

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 on Sharte Mojahed boodan, va Mojahed moondane ma, sedaghato fada boode ...
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You know, the guy who says, "You'll give us 22 minutes, we'll give you the world". He's been doing that for a long time.

-- These links might help . After only six months at its new radio home, KFWB-AM (980), "The Dr. Laura Program" has recaptured its target audience of young and middle-aged women. But the future is still hazy, as federal regulations are forcing the station's parent company to put it up for sale.

Instead, the station that for four decades broadcast the latest headlines -- boasting "give us 22 minutes and we'll give you the world" -- and before that, as Channel 98 Color Radio, was one of the most popular Top 40 stations in Los Angeles, could end up as a niche outlet for a religious or foreign-language broadcaster. KFWB: Goodbye Hollywood, hello news/talk
By Steven Rosenberg on August 11, 2009 2:00 PM |I barely make my opinion known on KFWB-AM 980's entertainment-news format when the station announces it's going in a different direction: news/talk, picking up well-known personalities such as advice-giver Dr. Laura Schlesinger, right-winger Laura Ingraham and others along with an undetermined amount of news:

L.A. Observed: KFWB going all-talk, dropping news
Orange County Register: KFWB will switch to news-talk format, add Dr. Laura
Radio Online: News KFWB-AM/Los Angeles Readies News/Talk Flip

My take on the situation, before this announcement of the Sept. 8 format change, was that KFWB could make a go of the entertainment-news format given more time but would be better off incorporating an increased emphasis on entertainment into a larger commitment to local, business and national/world news ... kind of like the old "you give us 22 minutes, we'll give you the world" KFWB.

I also noted that CBS owns both KFWB and KNX-AM (1070), the L.A. market's other news station, and appears content to keep the news audience listening to KNX with less competition from KFWB.

I still believe that the way to go with KFWB is more local, with KNX skewing more national and worldwide in its news coverage.

And I also believe that news is perhaps the most important format there is on radio, and it would be a local tragedy to lose KFWB as a news outlet in the Los Angeles area. The gap between old and new media grows larger every 22 seconds. That is, according to Jerry Del Colliano, Director of Thornton Executive Programs in Music Industry and Clinical Professor of Music Industry at USC, and long-time contributer and owner of bash blog, Inside Music Media. This swift predicament is made by Collianoâs sly poking of KXWB News 980âs all-time slogan- âYouâll give us 22 minutes, weâll give you the world.â He contrasts this by saying that you need only give the next generation 22 seconds, and youâll get the world and then some.

Who proseltyzes more: Christians or Climate Change Evangelicals?


Except for New Delhi, India, Jesus is far more popular than the subjects of global warming and climate change. However, from 2007 to 2010 inclusive, global warming and climate change were more common topics in the news than Jesus.
Al Gore has never been a serious competitor to Jesus, but the molecule CO2 has been able to compete with Jesus for headlines since 2007. Only in the EU capitol, Brussels, Belgium, has CO2 actually been able to grab more headlines than Jesus.
Al Gore is not even competitive to the Pope. However, in some highly religious places like the USA, Canada, and Australia, the Pope beats CO2 in popularity.
Examining the holy books, we find that the IPCC is ignored compared to the bible, but the NAS , while less popular except with irreligious people like Portuguese and Japanese speakers has been edging out the bible for headlines since 2005.

According to the evidence, Christianity is more popular than the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory, but AGW has been grabbing headlines. God and Jesus are more important than Greenhouse Gases, even in China.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

What were the names of the 11 who died at the Who concert at Riverfront Coliseum in 1979?

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Brett C

I can find the detailed events of the night everywhere. I can't find the names of those who died that night. Kinda important atm personally.

This is truly one of those historical events that was world news in its day (I remember the event quite well) that has now evolved into a perfect trivia question for a small number of people. I love The Who and have seen them four times. Even though they are down to two of the original band members (Peter T. and Roger D.) they still can rock and have surrounded themselves with younger musicians who do an excellent tribute to the band and its legacy. For more info on the Cincinnati deaths go to and click on "The Who Concert Tragedy - Twenty Years Later". The deaths of the eleven young people was the start of the recognition that greater safety measures needed to be taken and after the deaths Cincinnati and many other cities and venues made changes to make it safer for concert goers.

What is your connection to this event? You say it is important.

The eleven who died in December of '79 include the following:

Jacqueline L. Eckerle, 15 (went to the concert with her friend, Karen Morrison)

Karen L. Morrison, 15 (see above)

Bryan J. Wagner, 17 (went to the concert with his brother)

Peter Douglas Bowes, 18

David J. Heck, 19 (went to the concert with a friend)

Stephen McGhee Preston, 19 (went to the concert with friends)

Phillip K. Snyder, 20

Connie Sue Burns, 21 (mother of two; went to the concert with her husband)

Walter H. Adams, Jr., 22

James Theodore Warmoth, 21

Teva Rae Ladd, 27 (mother of two)

This question definitely belongs in the History section. It happened 30 years ago; it had a great impact on popular culture at the time; and it was an event that precipitated changes in how we organized events, especially those which involved many young, energetic young people, who were interested in rocking and not personal safety and the safety of others. Three years later, in Toronto, I went to a Who concert at CNE Stadium. It was a wild affair.

What is a Popular Database/Website to Browse for Independent Music?


Anyone know popular websites dedicated to independent musicians where they can upload their music and have people listen to them for free? Something like MySpace but ONLY dedicated to everyday independent musicians that may not have been signed off to a record label? Which one is the most popular? Don't say youtube...I want a website ONLY for indie music.

To find new indie bands to listen to I go to The Deli LA (for LA bands but they have sites for bands from other cities like NYC, Seattle, etc, you select a city in the upper left corner). It's for latest news about indie bands but they include songs and music videos.
Then I check out the artists I like on Bandcamp (either through links from The Deli or by googling Bandcamp "insert artist name'). Lots of indie bands sell their music there, but you can stream the whole albums for free.
Oh and there's also Soundcloud. Lots of indie artists post music and it's free to stream and sometimes download.
Also go to Plixid and click on "indie/post-rock/post-punk" under Categories (right side of webpage, might need to scroll down). They have tons of new albums to download for "free".

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Do people try and find creative ways to insult God?

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 on Halle Berry steps out in her workout clothes and shows off her baby ...
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I notice that people not only aren't ashamed or afraid of their own sin, but they actually wallow in it; glorify themselves in it. Probably the most pervasive example is the following:
Deuteronomy 5:11_ You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain. ¶

That being said, it's kinda funny, or perhaps sickening, is that people seem to try and create new artistic ways of insulting God. For example:

What does that mean? I've always wondered. What about your God? Who, or what, is your god? One possibility is the following:

John 8: 44) "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Perhaps that's the god yahoo's website as well as so many celebrities and people speak of.
Since God is the Master of intelligent design, it's difficult , or shamefully embarrassing, to imagine what He thinks when people say this.
{OMG? Oh my God?} What indeed does God think? Are you talking to Me, sinner? What about Me, that is if you're talking to or about Me? Oh, your god... what? What about your god, sinner? Is it a question? Did you learn to speak in complete sentences, sinner, or what?
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap ¶

Kind of like 2 Timothy 3: 1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.

Can anyone give me website pics with some long blonde hairstyles that are in?

Q. I am 26 and just lost all my baby weight so now I am needing a good hairstyle. I am sooo behind on fashion trends. Also, what clothing styles are in now. My hair is light blonde one length and middle back length. What are some styles I should give to my stylist?

gorgeous hair styles :

cute cut if you want to go shorter :

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What time is Graham Beck going to be on Hope for Haiti tonight?

latest news fox
 on There was a lot I didn't like about the original screenplay so I ...
latest news fox image


Also Sarah Palin and O'Reilley.
I want to hear what they have to say along with the other media personalities. It's going to also be on Fox, so I figure they'll be on.
Or will the just be on fox news later complaining about the event?
I guess it's pretty safe to assume Limbaugh won't be on it.

I don't think any talking heads are going to be on as far as Rush he'll be on his radio station telling people not to donate

How soon will the Republicans start attacking FOX News for failing to convince America Obama was to blame?

James E Le

According to the latest Pew Poll 60% of Republicans blame The Republican controlled House and its leaders for the sequester. Which leads me to ask - How soon will the Republicans start attacking FOX News for failing to convince America Obama was to blame?
Look at how they are attacking NJ Gov.Chris Christie.

No need, The isolated few right right wing talk show faithfuls will add whatever FOX news says to whatever they hear from right wing radio and read on right wing blogs to convince themselves that everybody blames Obama. They will never even know the truth, just as they never know the truth.

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First it was the Evil USSR, then the Japanese, and now Red Dragon China is looking to completely overratake?

latest news 6th cpc
 on ... CPC), Barr. Joseph Kolo was killed on Sept 6th Thursday afternoon by a
latest news 6th cpc image


...the Glorious USA as Sole Super Power. 3rd time's a charm?? If possible, how can the USA turn things around if there is any way? It seems as if power is shifting to the East while the West, mainly the U.S. and UK, is in serious decline with nothing to look forward too. How will the US be able to compete with the powers of China, India, Russia, Brazil, and the fine peoples of the European Union in the future?!?! Please do reply...

The People's Republic of China (PRC), commonly known as China, is the most populous state in the world with over 1.3 billion people. Located in East Asia, it is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China (CPC). The PRC exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly administered municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two highly autonomous special administrative regions (SARs) â Hong Kong and Macau. Its capital city is Beijing.

At about 9.6 million square kilometres (3.7 million square miles), the PRC is the world's third- or fourth-largest country by total area, depending on the definition of what is included in that total, and the second largest by land area. Its landscape is diverse, with forest steppes and deserts (the Gobi and Taklamakan) in the dry north near Mongolia and Russia's Siberia, and subtropical forests in the wet south close to Vietnam, Laos, and Burma. The terrain in the west is rugged and elevated, with the Himalayas and the Tian Shan mountain ranges forming China's natural borders with India, Nepal and Central Asia. In contrast, mainland China's eastern seaboard is low-lying and has a 14,500-kilometre (9,000 mi) long coastline bounded on the southeast by the South China Sea and on the east by the East China Sea, beyond which lie Taiwan, Korea, and Japan.

The ancient Chinese civilizationâone of the world's earliestâflourished in the fertile basin of the Yellow River which flows through the North China Plain. For more than 6,000 years, China's political system was based on hereditary monarchies (also known as dynasties). The first of these dynasties was the Xia (approx. 2000 BC) but it was the later Qin Dynasty that first unified China in 221 BC. The last dynasty, the Qing, ended in 1911 with the founding of the Republic of China (ROC) by the Kuomintang (KMT), the Chinese Nationalist Party. The first half of the 20th century saw China plunged into a period of disunity and civil wars that divided the country into two main political camps â the Kuomintang and the communists. Major hostilities ended in 1949, when the communists won the civil war and established the People's Republic of China in mainland China. The KMT-led Republic of China relocated their capital to Taipei on Taiwan; its jurisdiction is now limited to Taiwan, Kinmen, Matsu and several outlying islands. Since then, the People's Republic of China (PRC) has been involved in political disputes with the Republic of China over issues of sovereignty and the political status of Taiwan.

Since the introduction of market-based economic reforms in 1978, China has become the world's fastest growing major economy, the world's largest exporter and second largest importer of goods. It is the world's second largest economy by both nominal GDP and purchasing power parity (PPP) and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. It is also a member of formal/informal multilateral organizations including the WTO, APEC, BRIC, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, and G-20. China is a recognized nuclear weapons state and has the world's largest standing army with the second-largest defense budget. China has been characterized as a potential superpower by a number of academics, military analysts, and public policy and economics analysts.

Advance weather forecast for Southern California in March 2010?


We are going to LA on 6 March 10 for two and a half weeks; what with the recent impacts of El Nino on the weather there (rain, rain and more rain!), we are concerned (but not overly we will still enjoy it hugely) that itll be a wash out.

Seeing as it has been wet now for a good 6 weeks and counting, is there a good chance it may dry out in time for our trip? I note the latest forecast shows the storms taking a more Northerly track for the next week, could this hopefully now be the shape of things to come?

Any expertise would be greatly appreciated!

Well, the bad news is that we are in an El Nino pattern which does bring more storms to southern California as you have observed. This trend is expected to continue through the period of your trip. However, I would not consider it a wash out. Even if there are storms that may last a day or two and there could be several, there would be plenty of good days as well in a two and a half week period. It is unlikely that it would be warm and pleasant the entire time so you may want to be flexible on when you do things and use the good days for outdoor activities and indoor stuff for days when it is not so good. These storms are not too difficult to forecast out a couple of days so just pay attention to the local forecast on when a inclement period may coming up.

You can read the latest on the pattern at:

Have a good, safe trip.

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