Saturday, September 21, 2013

What do you think about the possible smoking ban for Illinois' beaches and parks?

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I heard about this yesterday on the NBC5 news.

Personally I think its a load of crap that will never work. For one its an open public area, whats gonna happen next is it gonna be illegal to smoke in my own home?

I want to hear your views on the ban and any feedback as to what I feel if you agree or disagree.

Just the latest action in the systematic dismantling of the tobacco industry !!
They have recently past a law (in California) that goes into affect in January that makes it illegal for an individual to smoke in their own car if anyone under age 18 is riding with them ---- the home is next -- they will run this under the "child endangerment" laws first --- then they will top it off with the total outlawing OF tobacco !!

The thing that MOST nonsmokers do not get ---- and the thing that they are NOT being told --- is the FACT that tobacco has a MAJOR tax load on its shoulders --- and many programs and services --- both state AND Federal run from these tax bases --- When Tobacco goes -- so does this revenue -- and when that revenue goes --- the agencies and programs that run from its money --- will NOT be shutting down !! The non-smoker will see tax increases like they have never in their life even DREAMED of !!! Billions !!! And, those dismantling the industry and those supporting them WILL NOT BE ADMITTING THIS TO ANYONE !!!!! For, it flys in the face of what they are trying to do !!

Next, look for the regulation of fatty foods and legislation against people who opt to feed their children on anything considered "an alternative" diet of any kind !! Full bore regulation of our entire lives is what these people are after -- and they are setting precidents here that will make these other things --- EXTREMELY EASY in the future -- they're just taking the "less popular things" first !!!!!

What kinds of news or information have you found to seem to drive up the cost of a stock and what sources of t


hat news have you found to be the most effective, most available sources?

The "talking head" on TV and radio (example Jim Cramer and Bob Brinker) have been known to drive up the next business days cost of a stock, too late for wakeup late me to profit from. Most effective sources for me are sources not usually read by investors (forget Money, Smart Money, Kiplingers, Forbes, Barrons, WSJ and all the investing press). I look for small stories buried deep in the inside pages of things like Aviation Week and Space Technology, trade journals, Popular Science, newspapers. A couple months ago, I think it was the Sunday Auto section of my local newspaper had a story about if electric cars can ever make a comeback. There was a line or two about a private company in California now making electric pickup trucks for fleets that go 100+ miles per charge and the batteries can be recharged in 10 minutes. Then somewhere else is a story about nanotechnology, and a company in Colorado is working on a battery for a Calif. auto manufacturer that will soon sell their electric pickup trucks to the public. I bought the public battery company at $2.94, now it is around $3.49 and the trucks are not being sold to the public until next year. Then battery demand should rise, and hopefully the stock price also. (PS: I don't want yahoo to consider this spam for the battery company so mum is the word. Do you own research.)

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Why do people idolize substandard human beings?

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Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, etc...These people have no souls, they are born into wealth, make a sex tape, and suddenly they are a household name. Why? Meanwhile a firefighter, a cop, or a sildier dies in the line of duty and their names aren't even mentioned.

Because sadly, that's what is happening to our country. People who risk their lives to serve our communities receive little light, while the media thinks that whatever Kim Kardashian, Snookie, "the situation", or Johny Buttfuck did on Saturday was more important. At least 74 people were killed in the world cup bombing yesterday. At least 74. I turned on the news. Were they reporting it? No. They were reporting summer meals, the latest fashion, and the newest ways to spoil your child. Because that's how they tame us. They stimulate us with mind-numbing television. They encourage us to consume, consume, consume. The only way to escape the shit is to turn your television off. You won't have to see those celebrity scumbags if you aren't watching TV. Instead, go to your local fire dept or police dept and thank them for all that they do and all that they risk to keep us safe. It's time we all woke up. Oh, and "born this way", I really hope you're kidding.

Have you ever cross dressed for a costume party or any other reason?


I am going to a costume party soon and thought it might be a good laugh to dress up in drag and pretend to be a woman. Have you ever dressed as the opposite gender for a costume, what did you dress as and how good did you look? And do you have any suggestions?

Both my bf and I have cross dressed for Halloween. He wasn't exactly like a full on drag queen, he was a "Hogette", it's a group of guys that dress up kind of like women but put on a hog nose. Washington Redskins fans are the ones that do this.

A few years later I dressed up like a scary looking hobo. I got some of my bf's old jeans and old t-shirt with a camo jacket, got them really dirty. I tore the toes to an old pair of loafers I had and put on this scary looking old man mask and a beanie. And I carried an empty bottle of Busch in a paper sack. It was hilarious, one of the best costumes of the night.

Think about a woman that has been in the news like Lindsey Lohan in jail, or Angelina Jolie with a ton of kids attached to you, or Kim Kardashian with the huge butt, you can let people put drinks on it. Make it funny like that, because a full on drag like RuPaul might come across weird. I hope this helps. Have fun!

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Why do Shia do matam(beat themselves) when their ayatollahs forbid the act?

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 on ... 26/11 control room in Karachi after Lakhvis arrest, Abu Hamza
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I read that their scholars and ayatollahs forbid matam yet they they still do it. Who do they follow? And what does matam achieve?

The question is dirEcted toward the shia

Mourning rituals and self harm as found in the Qur'an

We read in Surah Nisa 004.148:

YUSUFALI: Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He who heareth and knoweth all things.

This verse makes it clear that the public's relaying of injustice is permissible. Relaying the suffering of a victim is permissible.

Major efforts are made to prove that the term mourning is proof that Matam is Haraam under the Shari'ah. On the contrary breast-beating, bloods letting all come within the term mourning and its purpose is to convey the pains inflicted on the victim, something which the Quran has sanctioned.
What happened in Karbala, was that not injustice????
Do u knoe the story of Karbala???
Allow me to quote the famous Christian historian Edward Gibbon who wrote in his famous book, 'The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, Page 932:
"The Martyrdom of Husayn (as) is such a tragedy that it inspires a feeling of deepest sympathy and regard even in the coldest of heart. This tragedy of his Martyrdom is revived and recollected every year annually by his followers and devotees in Iran who visit his shrine and present their condolences and feelings in such a sincere manner as if they are ready to even sacrifice their lives for Husayn (as)â¦"

Thigh beating is the Sunnah of Maula Ali (as)

We read in Tauhfa Ithna Ashari page 523 published in Karachi:

"When Ayesha was defeated and Ali saw the corpses on the ground he began to beat his thighs"

We read in Madarij al Nubuwah, page 221:

"When life was breathed into the spirit of Adam he hit his hand on his head and cried. He made this tradition of beating one's head with one's hand and crying in times of trouble for his descendants."

We read in Ahl'ul Sunnah's authority work Aqd al Fareed, Volume 1 page 342:
ÙÙÙا ÙÙع٠اÙÙÙÙعÙا٠ب٠ÙÙÙÙرÙÙ٠إÙ٠عÙر ب٠اÙخطاب Ùضع ÙدÙ٠عÙ٠رأس٠Ùصاح Ùا أسÙ٠عÙ٠اÙÙعÙاÙ

When Umar received news of the death of Numan ibn Muqran, he placed his hand on his head and wailed: 'O my grief for Numan!'

Azadari has ensured that the efforts of Yazeed's modern day lovers will never be achieved, Yazeed will for ever be deemed as a hateable man who symbolises filth, shame, debauchery, decadence, immorality, mental corruption, and all the ingredients existent in the DNA of Iblis (Devil).

We deem our Azadari (mourning) as the means via which we can express our sorrow for the Ahl'ul bayt (as). The words of Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah Allamah Fakhrudeen Radhi are very important:

"It is our firm belief that one who dies with love for the descendants of Muhammad (s) dies a martyr".
Tafseer al Kabeer volume 7 page No.390 line No 9

The Status of one that mourns Imam Husayn (as)

In authentic book of Ahl'ul Sunnah "Sawaiq-e-Muhariqqah", page 147, published Egypt, it is written:

"The narrator says that sons of Taymoor told him when Taymoor became ill, in some days he became very restless and face became dark. Then he became little healthy. His sons asked him about this change of his face colour, thereupon he told them that angels of 'Adhab came to him. But later Rasool Allah (saw) also came and told them to leave him, while he loved his progeny. Thus angels went away leaving me alone."

Be it clear to one and all, that we, The Shi'as, do Matam because we are Muhammad' s (s) Ummah. So if we turn our faces from performing Azadari of his Holy Progeny (as) today, then The most Beloved of Allah's Creation, Muhammad Mustafa (s) will also turn his face away from us on the Day of Accounts!

May Allah Bestow His Choicest Blessings upon His Most Beloved Prophet & his Holy Progeny (s) and May He Damn the Tyrants with His Choicest Punishment & Chastisement and Throw them in Hell forever. Amen.

Who were the founders of the Indian Broadcasting Company in 1927 later turned as All India Radio ?


The Indian State Broadcasting Service (ISBS) with a station in Bombay was set up in April 1930 under the Department of Industries and Labour. After initial financial struggle, ISBS started making profits from 1932 as the number of sets gradually increased. ISBS was renamed All India Radio (AIR) in June 1936. With the outbreak of the World War II in 1939, six more stations at Peshawar, Lahore, Lucknow, Madras, Dhaka and Karachi were added. Principal stations at Delhi, Calcutta and Bombay were provided with short wave transmitters. During the World War II the activities were diversified. For countering German propaganda a centralised External Service and a News Service were started. In 1947, the primary coverage of All India Radio was limited to less than 10% of the country's area and the total number of licensed radio sets was about three hundred thousand.

Dhaka station of All India Radio put its programmes on air from a rented house in Nazimuddin Road, now Seikh Borhanuddin College, on 16 December 1939. The station was opened by Sher-e-Bangla ak fazlul huq. The first item of its broadcast was a message in English by Poet rabindranath tagore. The transmission used to start at 5 p.m. and closed at 10 p.m. A Marconi 5-KW transmitter was installed at Kalyanpur. Its range was 20 to 25 miles by night and 30 to 45 miles by day. Bangladesh Betar now preserves this old transmitter as a memento in their museum. The first director of the Dhaka station was Dr. Amulya Chandra Sen who served here for two years (1939-41).

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Would you just ignore someone crying about a baby having a seizure?

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I left a voice message for childhood friend, someone I've know for many, many years two days ago regarding my grandchild having a seizure due to her temperature rising so quickly. I also told her as I was crying in the message my granddaughter has pneumonia. I'm shocked she never called me back, or even at least sent me a text regarding it. She instead sent me a video of her granddaughter riding on a ride & some other pictures. Not one word about my granddaughter & how she even is doing.

I would never treat someone like this even if they weren't a friend. I don't even think this woman realizes what's she's done. It's actually scary how some people can be. She herself has had several tragedies in her family, & I responded right away & also kept inquiring how they were. I guess it's a one way street with her. I should really just stop talking to her, but I've known her all my life. Do you think I should say anything to her about this, I personally feel it wouldn't do any good, so I'm just not responding to her pictures which are meaningless right now to me? What would you do, and what do you think about someone who would do this?? I know this for sure now though, I will never tell her anything that is going on in my life especially if it's something bad. She seems the type to freak out over tragedies, she won't even watch the news and never knows what's going on no matter how bad it is. I stopped being her newscaster long ago because I think it's insane to not at least keep up on world events to some degree.

I think it's weird that her only response was to send you a video of her granddaughter. I don't think we're getting the whole story here. Being angry at/offended by someone for not reacting to something the way you wanted them to react is selfish. It's also setting you up for a lifetime of grievances.

Ps. The standard and popular media nowadays is propaganda and filled with lies and half truths.

Does your taste in music suddenly change when you fall in love?

Q. One minute your listening to swearing, thrashing, screaming demonic creatures and the next you're listening to love songs you used to hate...

My taste in music has changed gradually over the years, some due to conditioning.

I do not know exactly how I came to know so many of the pop songs of the sixties because I did not consciously sit and listen to music, although I did take dictation in shorthand off the radio quite often which included songs.
(I took from newscasters and TV programs, also. Became very fast & accurate)
I know the words of many songs from the 30's into 70's, mostly pop or country, country western, many many Christian hymns and Christian popular songs. I know old ones, which I detest and make my skin crawl. I can recognize some operas, musicals, and classical. Although I love classical, I have never tried to recall the names or composers except in music class. I do recall the ones i had in there... some good listening.

The change is that music from the sixties is hard for me to listen to, the pop music and some of the country, due to the music bringing back feelings which are hard to bear, very hard: For instance, the song by Barry Sadler about the Green Berets about the Vietnam War.Then there is another one which was later about "LOOK what they've done to my song, Mom. Wrapped it up in a plastic bag and sent it all back home." Dead from the war.
My husband was in Vietnam when I was eighteen.The sixties were very very hard. The later sixties are better, in spots.Some good music there.
We were in Memphis in the end of the 60's. Elvis, Orbison,
Gary Puckett.
Then there is the pop music of the late eighties and nineties, same thing. Hard to bear...I heard a lot of that then when I was going through
being divorced. I can recall where I was and what was going on, the emotional
sadness, the feelings of being alone.._" another night slowly closes, in and I feel so lonely"remember that one? I hate it. " One is the loneliest number you will ever do" ... That one just rips my heart out. I remember being alone, being unemployed, newly divorced. My children were not there on the weekend, I had no money, no friends, got into the car to go to the movies and started crying and could not go to the movie with that song ripping my heart out. I remember the music of the times, whatever it was.
So I avoid that musc. Seems like it is the pop music which I listened to at that time, every day on the radio, although I don't recall setting the station. Must have turned it on to hear news or something and left it on.

Odd thing is that we loved gospel quartet music. Sundays we would put on
LP albums and mellow out listening to gospel quartet music. I don't have unpleasant associations with that. I still love the
Blackwoods, the
Speers, the
Cathedrals, the Chuckwagon GANG, OAKRIDGE , etc.

I love instrumental music, country, bluegrass, fiddle, mandolin, guitar and piano. I love Christian music. As I said, I have so many melodies and words of songs in my head would not believe me.

Now, I cannot stand the romantic stuff at all. I am not feeling the least warm and fuzzy. .
Done. All I have to do is even consider it, with no one in mind , and life ends. It is a joke any way. Want no mush in the movies, fast forward, nor in music words.
I like the ones i said,
Christian and some classical, instrumental. That is what I listen to at home. Of course, others do as they please. I impose nothing on anyone.

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Friday, September 20, 2013

So I know this sounds cheesy, but do you have any celebrity gossip to share?

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 on Proving that shes not diva, Beyonce Knowles showed up on a bicycle ...
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as in you know, stuff you don`t read about in the magazines, something you`ve seen but no one tells the mags...

Beyonce had her baby and they named her Blue.

which magazine should he subscribe to?


I want to get my friend a subscription to a magazine for his birthday but I'm not sure what to get.
I know I want to get a music based magazine. He loves artists like Beyonce, Ciara, Rasheeda and all that type of stuff. Any magazine out there that centers on hip hop type music?

Downlow Magazine
Covers world rap with a urban flava, latin rap, gangsta rap, more.

Gutta World
Voice of independent rap.

Hip Hop Rockz Magazine
Features news, fashion, clubs, movies, celebrity spotlight and more.

Hip-hop magazine with the latest music, reviews, and the lyrics. Requires registration.

Murder Dog
Rap magazine with news, interviews, photos, and more.

Canadian magazine featuring hip hop music and culture.

Raw Roots
Online hip hop and rap magazine featuring rap music from around the world.

Situation, The
Covers US and UK hip hop, RnB and garage news, interviews, videos, reviews and more.

Brings information about the world of hip-hop and rap. Features hip-hop community, a hip-hop MC Battle Booth and rap music multimedia audio and video streams.

Source, The
Magazine of hip hop music, culture, and politics.

Hip-hop magazine with news, celebrity gossip, videos, cartoons, photos, interviews, more.

Spine Magazine
Hip-hop magazine featuring news, reviews and competitions.

Alternative music magazine covering all aspects of hip-hop and DJ culture.

Premier urban music magazine. Along with coverage of art, style and social issues, focuses on the hip-hop music scene and its musicians.

Urban lifestyle magazine covering all aspects of hip-hop culture. Features music, style, sports, and politics.

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What city is this?There is a yahoo finance article titled Cities that will skip the housing slump"?

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The picture shows a reservoir or dam running through it.Can anyone tell me what city it is? To see the picture, go to and see the above titled article under the "TODAY" section of the home page

The city is Rochester, NY.

A link to the article later appeared on Yahoo's regular home page, where a larger version of the picture also appeared. If you right-click on the picture you get the following URL with the letters "rochester" as part of it:

Compare the picture with the following:

It's a good question since a different picture of Rochester is used in the article where Rochester is later mentioned.

Do you think this is Rochester police abuse of power?


June 22, 2011 Rochester police arrest woman for videotaping a police traffic stop on her front lawn. June 23 or 24, 2011, the Rochester police come back to the same neighborhood that the woman previously arrested reside to ticket parked cars owned by supporters of her because they were little more than 12 inches from the curb.

Rochester has a long history of bad cops, so this is nothing new. Frankly, this latest incident is relatively mild.

Rochester had a seriously deranged Police Chief named Gordon Urlacher in the 1980s and early 1990s. The Rochester police were completely out of control back then. Some people believe that several of the era's unsolved homicides were killings done by the police.

There were dozens (hundreds?) of incidents involving police use of electric torture in the Public Safety Building in the 1980s. Cops were also demanding bribes from the hookers and pimps in the Lake/Lyell area. Urlacher went away to prison for 4 or 5 years on federal charges, but he should have been executed. The tradition of bad cops in Rochester continues to this day.

Rochester is a very unsafe city. It has high crimes and bad police.

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Did North Korea secretly restart work on disabled nuclear reactor?

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hello again. again, sorry for stacking on this topic like a glue but I just want to know other option on though.

I read another article on yahoo news stating that North Korea is secretly rebuilding a nuclear reactor. in the article, it's state that this is most worrisome.

I want to know if the North Korea were to completed this reactor, will it's be a bigger threats to the U.S?

here is a link of the article :

please response with your though and will the U.S had any defense or way of stop North Korea from completing this? again, serious response with no kidding.

I am leaving you a link to the latest on the Mail online. Frankly the answer to a lot you ask is "your guess is as good as mine !) I only read the newspapers and the news the same as anyone else. All I can do is speculate. I read about them re-building the reactor.
Certainly America has anti-missile missiles that destroy the missile. Its a very secretive state where even the experts in this cant find out much.

What is the best course of action to take against North Korea?

Q. After a nuclear bomb detonation and three missile launches, what is the best course of action to take against the Communist North? Should they be harshly punished? Would kicking them out of the U.N. be a good idea?

I think the U.S. should take the lead in this, and take out N. Korea's nuclear capabilities now, especially in light of this latest news:

SEOUL (Reuters) â North Korea, facing international sanction for this week's nuclear test, threatened on Wednesday to attack the South after Seoul joined a U.S.-led initiative to check vessels suspected of carrying equipment for weapons of mass destruction.

"Any hostile act against our peaceful vessels including search and seizure will be considered an unpardonable infringement on our sovereignty and we will immediately respond with a powerful military strike," the spokesman for the North's army was quoted as saying by the official KCNA news agency.

I don't know if N. Korea is bluffing or not, but this is a pretty direct threat against S. Korea, and it needs to be taken very seriously by the international community.

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Can a 501-3 Charity lose its tax exempt status by being politically active?

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lonely onl

Can a non-profit organization (501-3) charity lose its tax exempt status by participating actively in politics? I noticed the phone number of a local organization on a piece of campaign literature, offering rides for voters to the polls.

YES this can happen when they do NOT follow the rules that they have follow for this purposes.
Exempt Organizations Tax Code, Regulations, and Official Guidance
A digest of tax law and guidance items on issues of interest to tax-exempt organizations.

Stay Exempt is an IRS microsite created especially for 501(c)(3) organizations! Whether you are new to the world of tax exempt organizations, an old hand at managing them, or a tax professional who works with them, you will find something of interest here.

Feel free to explore the site â the educational resources here are many and varied:

Newcomers to the world of exempt organizations might want to start with the Virtual Workshop tab. It leads to a set of five interactive lessons covering tax basics for 501(c)(3) organizations. You can learn and test yourself on the IRS rules and regulations that managers and volunteers of tax-exempt organizations need to know.
Once you have the basics covered, browse the EO Mini-Courses, which cover many additional exempt organizations tax topics. Whether you want to apply for tax-exempt status, deduct charitable contributions, or fill out Form 990, Return of Organizations Exempt from Income Tax, find out how here.
For the latest IRS news on tax policies and services affecting exempt organizations, check out the links under News and Information. Quick Links help you navigate to our most popular pages, both here and on

StayExempt is brought to you by IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities, Exempt Organizations. We know how hard you work to achieve your organizationâs mission. We hope StayExempt makes complying with federal tax rules easier, so you can continue to focus on your important work.
Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful. 11/06/2011

Most popular international topics/issues of the year?


What were some of the most popular/most seen in the news international issues of 2011?

Internationally, it has got to be the Arab Spring (the revolutions and protests) in the Middle East.

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Math Help...?

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 on Robert Soleyjacks - Yahoo! Sports
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Question 3:
Robert drove to the mall, which is twelve kilometers away. He left at 2:57 and arrived at the mall at 3:19. What was his average driving speed?

Remember to convert to hours!
Round to a whole number
Question 4:
If the base of a rectangle is 17.8 cm and the area is 357.78 cm2, what is the height of the rectangle?

Enter a decimal
Question 5:
If the area of a rectangle is 646.84 mm2 and the height is 31.4 mm, what is the perimeter of the rectangle?

Question 6:
If the area of a parallelogram is 391 mm2 and the height is 23 mm, what is the length of the base?

Question 7:
If the base of a rectangle is 1 3/5 cm and the area is 14 18/25 cm2, what is the height of the rectangle?

Enter a decimal.
Question 8:
If the base of a rectangle is 7 4/5 m and the perimeter is 16 1/10 m, what is the height of the rectangle?

Enter a fraction.
Question 9:
What is the area of a triangle with base 11 cm and height 21 cm?

Enter a decimal.
Question 10:
If the area of a square is 49 square inches, find the length of one side.

Question 11:
If the perimeter of a rectangular bathroom room is 22 meters and its length is 6 meters, find its width.

Question 12:
If you drive 350 miles in 7 hours, what is your average speed?

Question 13:
A plane flies from Des Moines, IA to Los Angeles, CA, a 1435-mi trip, in 5 hours. What is the plane's average speed?

Question 14:
Use the formula F = (9/5)(C) + 32. If it is 59 degrees Fahrenheit outside, what is the temperature in Celsius?

degrees Celsius
Question 15:
A jogger and a walker leave the same location at the same time and travel on the same road. The walker moves at a constant speed of 6 mph. At the end of 2 hours the jogger is 8 miles ahead of the walker. Find the speed of the jogger. Use a chart to help you organize the information.

Question 16:
Carol invests $2500 for one year. She invests part in a bond paying 5 percent and the rest in a stock paying 3 percent. If the total interest received is $95.00, how much was invested in the bond? Use a chart to help you organize the information.

Question 17:
For Question #16, how much was invested in the stock?

Question 18:
A plane flies from Portland, ME to El Paso, TX with an average speed of 303 mph. A car drives the same distance and leaves at the same time, averaging a speed of 50 mph. The plane arrives in El Paso 35.42 hours before the car. How far is it from Portland to El Paso? Use a chart to help you organize the information.

Question 19:
The Party Bank pays four percent simple interest per year on deposits. Connor was paid $1,104 of interest over a four year period. How much did he originally deposit?

Question 20:
Alexis left a location at 8 a.m. The channel three news sent a helicopter from the same location eight hours later to catch up with Alexis. The helicopter's average rate of speed is one hundred fifty mph. If Alexis traveled at 53 mph, how far did she drive?

Enter a decimal rounded to the hundredths place.

This is a test or homework.

If you want a principle or help with a particular exercise, that is fine. *This* core-dump of the whole assignment is inappropriate.

Could this help save Obama's Healthcare reform?


"A train carrying approximately 300 pigs, all confirmed to carry swine flu, arrived at the CDC in Atlanta today. However to everyone's surprise the train car carrying the infected hogs was defective, having a large hole in the back door. The train was destined for Georgia from Mexico. Officials are warning citizens to avoid contact with any loose pigs from Texas to Georgia and warnings have been issued to New Mexico, California and Florida." In other news it seems the H1N1 vaccinations are not covered under any current health insurance plans which is a significant concern since the vaccination is expected to cost upwards of 125,000 dollars per dose. President Obama stated in a press conference today that his health care plan has included the vaccinations free of charge but must be passed by September 1st.

Twenty Minutes Later;

"This just in, El Paso, Tx. It seems a twelve year old child has succumb to what officials are declaring as a mutated form of H1N1 or swine flu. The girl reportedly came in contact with a wild pig near the Santa Alomino Middle School. Witnesses stated she was attacked by the animal that appeared to sneeze in her face three or four times. A school employee managed to scare the hog away with a garden hose and the girl was brought to the local hospital. Doctor Antonio Marco stated just seven minutes after her admission the child fell into cardiac arrest. Emergency personnel were unable to revive her. A CDC spokesman stated they were looking into the incident and believed it could be related to an incident involving a defective train car from earlier. The car containing approximately 300 infected pigs had a faulty door and lost all it's cargo on cross country trip from Mexico to Georgia. This just is President Obama has just held a press conference in which he said this and only this, "September 1st."

Is this going to be the next Tactic?
No this is a fictitious story Bob. I am asking if scare tactics are going to be used to further the Healt care agenda. Sheez, not much of a "Between the lines" kinda guy are ya?
I like it Tsar, but could the infected be also flesh eating? That would be fun.
Thank you, Homegirl.

That is exactly the type of scare tactics we can expect from the inept 0bama administration

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Anyone surprised that the official story is that Bhutto was killed by terrorists?

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 on ... 26/11 control room in Karachi after Lakhvis arrest, Abu Hamza
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Free Radic

that must have been one thorough investigation...just one day later and we know that it was "the terrorists".

what about motive? it should be clear that Musharraf had the most to gain from her death.
alphabetsoup -
well, Saddam paid people to do suicide bombings...or more accurately, he paid their families for them to...
is a governmental or politically backed assassination so unreasonable?

No, I'm not surprised.

I would have been surprised if it wasn't.

I read the story about it on Yahoo. From this report a member of her own party said that a representative of Al-Qaida told her that he wasn't involved in the attempt on her life in Karachi. Why would he have told her that then and now admit to killing her? Does this make sense?

What the Pakistani Government says now is contrary to what a member of her own party says. Also, what the doctor who saw her said and what the government of Pakistan says about how she died are two different things. Why would the doctor lie?

It doesn't add up. From these two things... it is obvious... just from this news story... that the Government of Pakistan is lying. Why is it lying?

Why do Shia do matam(beat themselves) when their ayatollahs forbid the act?


I read that their scholars and ayatollahs forbid matam yet they they still do it. Who do they follow? And what does matam achieve?

The question is dirEcted toward the shia

Mourning rituals and self harm as found in the Qur'an

We read in Surah Nisa 004.148:

YUSUFALI: Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He who heareth and knoweth all things.

This verse makes it clear that the public's relaying of injustice is permissible. Relaying the suffering of a victim is permissible.

Major efforts are made to prove that the term mourning is proof that Matam is Haraam under the Shari'ah. On the contrary breast-beating, bloods letting all come within the term mourning and its purpose is to convey the pains inflicted on the victim, something which the Quran has sanctioned.
What happened in Karbala, was that not injustice????
Do u knoe the story of Karbala???
Allow me to quote the famous Christian historian Edward Gibbon who wrote in his famous book, 'The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, Page 932:
"The Martyrdom of Husayn (as) is such a tragedy that it inspires a feeling of deepest sympathy and regard even in the coldest of heart. This tragedy of his Martyrdom is revived and recollected every year annually by his followers and devotees in Iran who visit his shrine and present their condolences and feelings in such a sincere manner as if they are ready to even sacrifice their lives for Husayn (as)â¦"

Thigh beating is the Sunnah of Maula Ali (as)

We read in Tauhfa Ithna Ashari page 523 published in Karachi:

"When Ayesha was defeated and Ali saw the corpses on the ground he began to beat his thighs"

We read in Madarij al Nubuwah, page 221:

"When life was breathed into the spirit of Adam he hit his hand on his head and cried. He made this tradition of beating one's head with one's hand and crying in times of trouble for his descendants."

We read in Ahl'ul Sunnah's authority work Aqd al Fareed, Volume 1 page 342:
ÙÙÙا ÙÙع٠اÙÙÙÙعÙا٠ب٠ÙÙÙÙرÙÙ٠إÙ٠عÙر ب٠اÙخطاب Ùضع ÙدÙ٠عÙ٠رأس٠Ùصاح Ùا أسÙ٠عÙ٠اÙÙعÙاÙ

When Umar received news of the death of Numan ibn Muqran, he placed his hand on his head and wailed: 'O my grief for Numan!'

Azadari has ensured that the efforts of Yazeed's modern day lovers will never be achieved, Yazeed will for ever be deemed as a hateable man who symbolises filth, shame, debauchery, decadence, immorality, mental corruption, and all the ingredients existent in the DNA of Iblis (Devil).

We deem our Azadari (mourning) as the means via which we can express our sorrow for the Ahl'ul bayt (as). The words of Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah Allamah Fakhrudeen Radhi are very important:

"It is our firm belief that one who dies with love for the descendants of Muhammad (s) dies a martyr".
Tafseer al Kabeer volume 7 page No.390 line No 9

The Status of one that mourns Imam Husayn (as)

In authentic book of Ahl'ul Sunnah "Sawaiq-e-Muhariqqah", page 147, published Egypt, it is written:

"The narrator says that sons of Taymoor told him when Taymoor became ill, in some days he became very restless and face became dark. Then he became little healthy. His sons asked him about this change of his face colour, thereupon he told them that angels of 'Adhab came to him. But later Rasool Allah (saw) also came and told them to leave him, while he loved his progeny. Thus angels went away leaving me alone."

Be it clear to one and all, that we, The Shi'as, do Matam because we are Muhammad' s (s) Ummah. So if we turn our faces from performing Azadari of his Holy Progeny (as) today, then The most Beloved of Allah's Creation, Muhammad Mustafa (s) will also turn his face away from us on the Day of Accounts!

May Allah Bestow His Choicest Blessings upon His Most Beloved Prophet & his Holy Progeny (s) and May He Damn the Tyrants with His Choicest Punishment & Chastisement and Throw them in Hell forever. Amen.

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which famous people were born on December 16th?

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What famous people (celebrities,historical)were born on the 16th of Decemeber?
If you could name a lot of different people that would be awsome

1485 - Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England (d. 1536)
1584 - John Selden, English jurist and oriental scholar (d. 1654)
1614 - Eberhard III, Duke of Württemberg (d. 1674)
1714 - George Whitefield, English-born Methodist leader (d. 1770)
1716 - Louis-Jules Mancini-Mazarini, Duc de Nivernais, French diplomat and writer (d. 1798)
1717 - Elizabeth Carter, English writer (d. 1806)
1742 - Gebhard Fürst Blücher von Wahlstatt, German Field Marshal (d. 1819)
1770 - Ludwig van Beethoven, German composer (d. 1827)
1775 - Jane Austen, English writer (d. 1817)
1775 - François-Adrien Boïeldieu, French composer (d. 1834)
1776 - Johann Wilhelm Ritter, German physicist (d. 1810)
1787 - Mary Russell Mitford, English writer (d. 1855)
1790 - King Léopold I of Belgium (d. 1865)
1804 - Viktor Bunyakovsky, Russian mathematician (d. 1889)
1834 - Léon Walras, French economist (d. 1910)
1861 - Antonio de La Gandara, French painter (d. 1917)
1863 - George Santayana, Spanish philosopher and writer (d. 1952)
1865 - Olavo Bilac, Brazilian poet (d. 1918)
1866 (N.S.) - Wassily Kandinsky, Russian-born French abstract painter (d. 1944)
1867 - Amy Carmichael, missionary in Dohnavur, India (d. 1951)
1869 - Hristo Tatarchev, Bulgarian revolutionary (d. 1952)
1872 - Anton Ivanovich Denikin, Russian general (d. 1947)
1882 - Sir Jack Hobbs, English cricketer (d. 1963)
1882 - Zoltán Kodály, Hungarian composer (d. 1967)
1882 - Walther Meissner, German physicist (d. 1974)
1883 - Max Linder, French pioneer of silent film (d. 1925)
1888 - King Alexander I of Yugoslavia (d. 1934)
1888 - Alphonse Juin, marshall of France (d. 1967)
1899 - Sir Noel Coward, English playwright, actor and composer (d. 1973)
1900 - V. S. Pritchett, English author and critic (d. 1997)
1901 - Margaret Mead, American anthropologist (d. 1978)
1902 - Rafael Alberti, Spanish poet (d. 1999)
1905 - Piet Hein, Danish mathematician and inventor (d. 1996)
1906 - Barbara Kent, Canadian actress
1913 - George Ignatieff, Russian-born Canadian diplomat (d. 1989)
1915 - Turk Murphy, American trombonist (d. 1987)
1917 - Nabi Bux Khan Baloch, Sindhi scholar
1917 - Sir Arthur C. Clarke, English writer (d. 2008)
1918 - Pierre Delanoë, French songwriter and lyricist (d. 2006)
1922 - Cy Leslie, American music and video executive (d. 2008)
1923 - Menahem Pressler, German-Israeli pianist.
1926 - James McCracken, American tenor (d. 1988)
1927 - Randall Garrett, American writer (d. 1987)
1928 - Philip K. Dick, American writer (d. 1982)
1929 - Nicholas Courtney, English actor
1932 - Rodion Shchedrin, Soviet/Russian composer
1934 - Elgin Gay Baylor, NBA Hall of Famer
1936 - Morris Dees, founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center
1937 - Joyce Bulifant, American actress
1938 - Frank Deford, American sportswriter
1938 - Liv Ullmann, Norwegian actress
1941 - Lesley Stahl, American journalist
1942 - Donald Carcieri, American politician, governor of Rhode Island
1943 - Steven Bochco, American television producer and writer
1943 - Tony Hicks, English guitarist (The Hollies)
1944 - Don Meyer Basketball coach Northern State, Lipscomb, and Hamline
1945 - Patti Deutsch, American actress and Match Game panelist
1945 - Bobby George, English professional darts player
1945 - Yukio Hattori, Japanese Iron Chef commentator
1946 - Benny Andersson, Swedish musician, singer and songwriter (ABBA)
1946 - Trevor Pinnock, English conductor and harpsichordist
1947 - Ben Cross, English actor
1947 - Vincent Matthews, American sprinter
1948 - Christopher Biggins, English actor
1949 - Billy Gibbons, American guitarist (ZZ Top)
1950 - Claudia Cohen, American gossip columnist and socialite (d. 2007)
1950 - Roy Schuiten, Dutch cyclist (d. 2006)
1951 - Robben Ford, American guitarist
1952 - Joel Garner, Barbadian West Indies cricketer
1952 - Francesco Graziani, Italian footballer
1955 - Xander Berkeley, American actor
1955 - Prince Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este
1960 - Pat Van Den Hauwe, Belgian footballer
1961 - Bill Hicks, American comedian (d. 1994)
1961 - Jon Tenney, American actor
1962 - Maruschka Detmers, Dutch actress
1962 - William "The Refrigerator" Perry, American football player
1963 - Benjamin Bratt, American actor
1963 - Jeff Carson, American singer
1963 - James Mangold, American film director and screenwriter
1964 - Heike Drechsler, East German-born sprinter
1964 - Georgie Parker, Australian actress
1964 - Billy Ripken, American baseball player
1965 - Chris Jones, American baseball player
1965 - Melanie Sloan, American attorney
1965 - Nancy Valen, American actress
1966 - Clifford Robinson, American basketball player
1966 - Dennis Wise, English footballer
1967 - Donovan Bailey, Jamaican-born Canadian sprinter
1967 - Miranda Otto, Australian actress
1971 - Michael McCary, American singer (Boyz II Men)
1971 - Paul van Dyk, German DJ

Magazines like US, OK! and People in Spanish?


Now that I'm done with Spanish classes (graduating this semester and took my last class during fall semester), I want to keep up my Spanish as much as possible. I thought it'd be fun to add Spanish language magazines-

What are some celebrity/gossip magazines in Spanish, that are about American celebrity/gossip (i.e. US-based)? I can only find things like People in Spanish, which is mostly about Latin-American celebrity/news which I'm not interested in.


On the link below you have Spanish journals
and magazines directory divided into sections

I hope this can help you, Have a nice day!

My answer in Spanish languaje

En el enlace inferior tienes un directorio
de periódicos y revistas dividas por secciones.

Esperando que te sea de utilidad, desearte que pases un buen día!

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Seeking info on paternal grandfather, Wm. Geo. Frey, from Germany, born Jan 1874.?

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Liz F

Wm. Geo. Frey, b1874 came to this country 1874 with brother Albert b1866 and mother Martha b1838 from port of Bremen on ship Berlin. Entered Baltimore MD with destination of Chicago. Adult Wm. Geo settled in Batesville AR, Doniphan MO and finally Poplar Bluff MO. He was a baker. Married Mary Bernadette Ryan from Fancy Farm KY. Wm. Geo died 1950 at age 76. He had 7 sons, 2 died in infancy, remaining 5 are now all deceased. Brother Albert married Mary Scribner in Batesville AR in 1910 and he died same place in 1926. That is all the info we have about WM.Geo and his brother Albert. Unless there are some relatives out there we haven't been able to locate, Wm.Geo lived 76 yrs and left no info about himself. It's taken about 20 yrs just to find this much. Any help would be much appreciated.

Mamadamus says to check the site and also to check the church of latter day saints web site. Mamadamus says this site might be linked to the same LDS in the polygamy cult fiasco that made the news a few months ago. Mamadamus says they have a ton of free online records, mostly death records. Mamadamus doesn't have the web site handy but will edit this answer if Mamadamus finds it. Mamadamus wishes you a lot of luck because Mamadamus still can't find her grandfather. Mamadamus says you probably have already checked and since you've been looking so long.

If George W Bush didn't invade Iraq, what would be the major accomplishments of his Presidency?


Name them ALL.
I live in the USA where Iraq is a disaster, Afghanistan is hardly mentioned, the schools are failing, and Katrina was messed up...
where do these Bush supporters live?
Oh, and don't get old...

Countless Photo Ops
Countless "invite only" town hall meetings.
Fox News interviews
Invasion of privacy
divided the country AND THE WORLD
Oh yeah, zillion stupid remarks.....

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYN's aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country." --George W. Bush, Sept. 6, 2004, Poplar Bluff, Mo.

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What major law, idea, and even occured while James Monroe was president?

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Lexi :)

...and did anything negative happen while he was in office?

Monroe sparked a constitutional controversy when, in 1817, he sent General Andrew Jackson to move against Spanish Florida to pursue hostile Seminole Indians and punish the Spanish for aiding them. News of Jackson's exploits ignited a congressional investigation of the 1st Seminole War. Dominated by Democratic-Republicans, the 15th Congress was generally expansionist and more likely to support the popular Jackson. Ulterior political agendas of many congressmen dismantled partisan and sectional coalitions, so that Jackson's opponents argued weakly and became easily discredited. After much debate, the House of Representatives voted down all resolutions that condemned Jackson in any way, thus implicitly endorsing Monroe's actions and leaving the issue surrounding the role of the executive with respect to war powers unanswered.[33]

Monroe believed that the Indians must progress from the hunting stage to become an agricultural people, noting in 1817, "A hunter or savage state requires a greater extent of territory to sustain it than is compatible with progress and just claims of civilised life."[34] His proposals to speed up the assimilation process were ignored by Congress.[35]

The relations with Spain over the purchase of Florida proved to be more troublesome, especially after General Andrew Jackson invaded that territory on what he believed to be the president's authorization, which Monroe later denied giving. But largely through the skillful work of John Quincy Adams, a treaty was signed with Spain in 1819 by which Florida was ceded to the United States in return for the assumption of $5,000,000 in claims and the relinquishment of any claims to Texas.[32]

Monroe began to formally recognize the young sister republics (the former Spanish colonies) in 1822. He and Adams had wished to avoid trouble with Spain until it had ceded the Floridas to the U.S., which was done in 1821.

The era of "good feelings" endured until 1824, and carried over to John Quincy Adams who was elected President by the House of Representatives in what Andrew Jackson alleged to be a "corrupt bargain." Monroe's popularity, however, was undiminished even when following difficult nationalist policies as the country's commitment to nationalism was starting to show serious fractures. The Panic of 1819 caused a painful economic depression. The application for statehood by the Missouri Territory, in 1819, as a slave state failed. An amended bill for gradually eliminating slavery in Missouri precipitated two years of bitter debate in Congress. The Missouri Compromise bill resolved the struggle, pairing Missouri as a slave state with Maine, a free state, and barring slavery north of the latitude 36/30' N forever. The Missouri Compromise lasted until 1857, when it was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court as part of the Dred Scott decision.

How to hide a baby bump?


So i just found out im pregnant i really don't understand how since i been taking my birth control pills like i suspose to. Well anyway i already have kids i even have 2 months twins. My family would kill me if they found out. how could i hide it?

You shouldn't be ashamed of your new baby! I was in the same boat last year. They will not kill you, they will be worried for you and maybe slightly annoyed but you did what you're supposed to by taking birth control. It is not your fault. If anybody will understand, it's your family.
But to hide it until you get up the nerve to break the news, it's winter so you can wear big sweatshirts, yoga pants because new year resolutions to get back in shape are very popular, and empire waist shirts and dresses.
But do not be ashamed! You did your job, but God has a different plan apparently!

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What are some important things that happened in 1942?

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Any important war related things,popular battles, national news story, and and sports?


Events of 1942
(Below, many events of World War II have the "WWII" prefix.)
January 1 - WWII: The United States and Philippines troops fight the Battle of Bataan.
January 2 - WWII: Manila is captured by Japanese forces.
January 7 - WWII: The siege of the Bataan Peninsula begins.
January 10 - WWII: The last German air-raid on Liverpool destroys the home of William Patrick Hitler, Adolf Hitler's nephew. After his house is destroyed, William Hitler goes to the USA and joins the navy to fight against his uncle.
January 11 - WWII:
Japan declares war on the Netherlands and invades the Netherlands East Indies.
WWII: The Japanese capture Kuala Lumpur.
January 16 - Actress Carole Lombard and her mother are among those killed in a plane crash near Las Vegas, Nevada, while returning from a tour to promote the sale of war bonds.
January 19 - WWII: Japanese forces invade Burma.
January 20 - WWII: Nazis at the Wannsee conference in Berlin decide that the "final solution to the Jewish problem" is relocation, and later extermination.
January 23 - WWII: The Battle of Rabaul begins.
January 25 - WWII: Thailand declares war on the United States and United Kingdom.
January 26 - WWII: The first American forces arrive in Europe, landing in Northern Ireland.
January 31 - WWII: The last organized Allied forces leave Malaya, ending the 54-day campaign.
February 2 - WWII: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs an executive order directing the internment of Japanese Americans and the seizure of their property.
February 8
António Ãscar Carmona is elected president of Portugal.
WWII: Top United States military leaders hold their first formal meeting to discuss American military strategy in the war.
Daylight saving time goes into effect in the United States.
February 9 - The SS Normandie Ocean Liner catches fire while being converted into the troopship USS Lafayette for World War II.
February 10 - In the early hours of the morning the SS Normandie capsizes at pier 88 in New York City.
February 11 - Operation Cerberus A flotilla of Kriegsmarine ships dash from Brest through the English Channel to northern ports; the British fail to sink any one of them.
February 15 - WWII: Singapore surrenders to Japanese forces.
February 19 - WWII:
Japanese warplanes attack Darwin, Australia.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs executive order 9066 allowing the United States military to define areas as exclusionary zones. These zones affect the Japanese on the West Coast, and Germans and Italians primarily on the East Coast.
February 20 - Lieutenant Edward O'Hare becomes America's first World War II flying ace.
February 22 - WWII: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt orders General Douglas MacArthur out of the Philippines as American defense of the nation collapses.
February 23 - The Japanese submarine I-17 fires 17 high-explosive shells toward an oil refinery near Santa Barbara, California, causing little damage.
February 24 - Propaganda: The Voice of America begins broadcasting.
February 25 - Princess Elizabeth registers for war service.
February 25 - Battle of Los Angeles: Over 1,400 AA shells are fired at an unidentified, slow-moving object in the skies over Los Angeles. The appearance of the object triggers an immediate wartime blackout over most of Southern California, with thousands of air raid wardens being deployed throughout the city. In total there are 6 deaths. Despite the several hour barrage no planes are downed.
February 26
The worst coal dust explosion to date, in Honkeiko, China, claims 1,549 lives.
The 14th Academy Awards ceremony is held in Los Angeles.
February 27 - WWII - Battle of the Java Sea: An allied (ABDA) task force under Dutch command, trying to stem a Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies, is defeated by a Japanese task force in the Java Sea.
March - Construction begins on the Badger Army Ammunition Plant (the largest in the United States during WWII).
March 9 - WWII: Executive order 9082 (February 28, 1942) reorganizes the United States Army into three major commands: theArmy Ground Forces, Army Air Forces, and Services of Supply, later redesignated Army Service Forces.
March 28 - WWII: British Commandos raid St. Nazaire on the coast of Western France.

The Japanese aircraft carrier, Hiryu under attack by US aircraft at the Battle of Midway.
April 3 - WWII: Japanese forces begin an all-out assault on the United States and Filipino troops on the Bataan Peninsula.
April 5 - WWII: the Japanese Navy attacks Colombo in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Royal Navy Cruisers HMS Cornwall and HMS Dorsetshire are sunk southwest of the island.
April 9
The Bataan Peninsula falls and the Bataan Death March began.
WWII: The Japanese Navy launches an air raid on Trincomalee in Ceylon (Sri Lanka); the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Hermes and Royal Australian Navy destroyer HMAS Vampire are sunk off the country's East Coast.
April 13 - The FCC's minimum programming time required of TV stations is cut from 15 hours to 4 hours a week during the war.
April 15 - WWII: King George VI awards the George Cross to Malta, saying, "To honour her brave people I award the George Cross to the Island Fortress of Malta, to bear witness to a heroism and a devotion that will long be famous in history (from January 1 to July 24, there is only one 24-hour period during which no bombs fall on this tiny island)."
April 18 - Tokyo, Japan is bombed by B-25 Mitchells commanded by then-Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle.
April 27 - WWII: A national plebiscite is held in Canada on the issue of conscription.
April 29 - WWII: An explosion at a chemical factory in Tessenderlo, Belgium leaves 200 dead and 1,000 injured.
May - The first undersea oil pipeline is tested in Operation Pluto.
May 5 - WWII - Operation Ironclad: United Kingdom forces invade the French colony of Madagascar.
May 6 - WWII: On Corregidor, the last American and Filipino forces in the Philippines surrender to the Japanese.
May 8 - WWII: The Battle of the Coral Sea (first battle in naval history where 2 enemy fleets fight without seeing each other's fleets) ends in an Allied victory.
May 8/May 9 - WWII: On the night of 8/9 May 1942, gunners of the Ceylon Garrison Artillery on Horsburgh Island in the Cocos Islands rebel. Their mutiny is crushed and 3 of them executed (the only British Commonwealth soldiers to be executed for mutiny during the Second World War).
May 12 - WWII - Second Battle of Kharkov: In the eastern Ukraine, the Soviet Army initiates a major offensive. During the battle the Soviets capture the city of Kharkov from the German Army, only to be encircled and destroyed.
May 14 - Aaron Copland's Lincoln Portrait is performed for the first time by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
May 15 - WWII: In the United States, a bill creating the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) is signed into law.
May 20 - The first African-American seamen are taken into the United States Navy.
May 21 - WWII: Mexico declares war against Nazi Germany after the sinking of the Mexican tanker Faja de Oro by the German U-boat, U-160, off Key West.
May 26 - WWII - Battle of Bir Hakeim: The Free French and British troops slow the German advance in North Africa.
May 27 - WWII - Operation Anthropoid: Czech paratroopers attempt to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich in Prague.
May 31 - June 1 - WWII - Attack on Sydney Harbour: Japanese submarines infiltrate Sydney Harbour in an attempt to attack Allied warships.
June 1 - WWII: Mexico declares war on Germany, Italy and Japan.
June 4 - WWII: Reinhard Heydrich succumbs to wounds sustained on May 27 from Czechoslovakian paratroopers acting in Operation Anthropoid.
June 4-June 7 - WWII - The Battle of Midway: The Japanese naval advance in the Pacific is halted.
June 7 - WWII: Japanese forces invade the Aleutian Islands (the first invasion of American soil in 128 years).
June 8 - WWII: Attack on Sydney Harbour: The Australian cities of Sydney and Newcastle are shelled by Japanese submarines. The eastern suburbs of both cities are damaged and the east coast is blacked out.
June 9 - WWII: Nazis burn the Czech village of Lidice in reprisal for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich.
June 10 - WWII: The Gestapo massacres 173 male residents of Lidice, Czechoslovakia in retaliation for the killing of a Nazi official.
June 12 - Holocaust: On her 13th birthday, Anne Frank makes the first entry in her new diary.
June 13 - The United States opens its Office of War Information, a propaganda center.
June 21 - Fort Stevens, Oregon is fired upon by a Japanese submarine.
June 29 - The German Eleventh Army under Erich von Manstein takes Sevastopol, although fighting rages until July 9.
July 1 - July 27 - WWII: the First Battle of El Alamein.
July 3 - Guadalcanal falls to the Japanese.
July 6 - Holocaust: Anne Frank's family goes into hiding in an attic above her father's office in an Amsterdam warehouse.
July 13 - WWII: German U-Boats sink 3 more merchant ships in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
July 16
Holocaust: By order of the Vichy France government headed by Pierre Laval, French police officers round-up 13,000-20,000 Jews and imprison them in the Winter Velodrome.
Georges Bégué and others escape from the Mauzac prison camp.
July 18 - WWII: The Germans test fly the Messerschmitt Me-262 (using only its jets) for the first time.
July 19 - WWII - Battle of the Atlantic: German Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz orders the last U-boats to withdraw from their United States Atlantic coast positions, in response to an effective American convoy system.
July 21 - The Japanese establish a beachhead on the north coast of New Guinea in the Buna-Gona area; a small Australian force begins a reargua

What is beauty defined as in other countries/times?


I need to pick three countries/times and show the differences of their thoughts of beauty. I was aiming for a country in the Middle East, something in Asia and maybe beauty in another part of the world or just three distinct times in American history.

Could you please give me some examples or links to this information?

You could do three examples of body modification

burmese long neck women(asia)

Mursi woman with famous lip disk(africa)

Mauritania's 'wife-fattening' (arab-perhaps middle east)

alternately you could do the USA and Europe
corseting in Victorian times
the boyish body popular in the 1920's -focus especially on flappers
and then the play-boy bunny/barbie ideal of 36-24-36 (36 inch bust circumference, 24 inch waist circumference, 36 inch hip circumference)(1960's-present)

maybe tie this into society's view of women, and women's view of themselves in these times and places to make it a stellar paper.

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Latest news of H1B Status?

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Does any one know what has happened to H1B visa for FY 2009? Answers to last question mentioned that on June 2, USCIS was planning to send the status of the petitions recieved by them? I am anxious to know whether any one has recieved any news regarding this? I am anxious to know what has happened to my one filed by one of the US companies. I have not requested for premium processing.

If you were not notified then you did not get selected. Better luck next year.

I've heard UK passport holders will eventually be charged under Visa Waiver Programme. Does anyone know when?

mona l

Visit they have all the latest news on Visa's for the USA. It's where you apply for all other US visas. Getting news from another source other than the horses mouth is never wise.

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How does fiction affect our lives and our minds?

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Can it influence us for good or for negative infatuation? Where is the line between unhealthy consumption and a healthy dose of entertainment?

I see some television as being a way to manipulate or stupify society. For example, mainstream news media could do this easily. Another example is most television out there. Consider for example tv channels that are supposed to be "educational" such as the discovery channel. They have been littered with reality shows and things that don't matter or at the very least lack any kind of high quality in them.

What about popular movies and TV shows? Think about The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Hell on Wheels, etc. Most of us would consider these to be high quality and adventurous. However, what makes these different from most television? How does one differentiate the bad from the good? Is too much of this bad?

Books are another example of fiction and the same questions apply here.

Also, to help authors create better works; how do you think these kinds of fiction can be used to entertain, influence, or inspire society?

Fiction has a great influence on the world. As humans love to fantasise about their most ideal situation, on example is religion and the notion of an afterlife. As it brings people hope, affects people's thoughts but can also be dangerous by causing wars etc.. Without fiction our lives would be pretty dull.

Why do they act like CNN is so popular?


I just found out that fox has the highest rating of news channels and that MSNBC is second and CNN is third. Why is it then that everyone always uses CNN as the example? I've always seen CNN playing in restaurants, airports, etc., not Fox. Why is that? If more people watch fox then shouldn't Fox be played? I mean if I owned a restaurant, I would put on the channels that most people watch, right? It just makes sense.

There's a movement away from mainstream news for obvious reasons ....

Fr'instance RT has surpassed over 500 million views world-wide ....

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Sophomore in college and I need advice regarding deciding a major. Please help!!?

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 on Bethenny+frankel+mother+and+father
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My top choices and why:

Communication Studies, major/Journalism, minor- Pros- what I originally thought I was going to study. I am really interested in the Fashion Industry I know a lot about fashion designers. I used to dream about being a co-host on a show like The View or Reis and Kelly, or E! news a show where we talk about politics, life, entertainment. I like political but Iâm really into Celebrity gossip. I dream of interview celebrities and wearing Couture gowns. Plus I would graduate on time. Cons- I have to be realistic in those dreams. And realistically getting a job with a Comm. Degree are most entry level jobs.
Nursing- If I majored in this I might be able to graduate on time. I wouldnât have to take many science classes. Physics and Chemistry which were my hardest classes in high school. My college is surrounded by 5 hospitals so the hospitals are very familiar with our college. Most of the nurses at these hospitals went to my college. The salary is ideal. Iâm just a sophomore and already 35,000 dollars in school loans. Con- my gpa is .5 below the requirements so I would have to raise this by the end of the quarter. Iâm not interested in being a Nurse. Iâve never had a great experience with a Nurse. I also have to apply to the program which my friend did and didnât get in! Sheâs really smart but our college is known for this program so 40% of the students here are nursing students.
Diagnostic Ultrasound: Pros- Iâm very family oriented. My ultimate goal in life is to have a family so if I was a Sonographer for OGBYN that would be amazing. The pay would allow me to pay of my college loans quickly. The hours would be great for having a family. I want to travel and maybe I could go around the world helping poorer countries with related health issues. Cons- it requires me to take up to Math 130 and Iâm currently in 110. I would graduate a quarter late and my financial aid is only for 4 years so I would have to figure out how to pay for another quarter. And physics and chemistry were the hardest for me in high school I would have to take.
7 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

Other options:
Sport and Exercise Science
Environmental Studies: Public Policy and Urban Affairs
International Studies
Liberal Studies
Nonprofit Leadership
Political Science
Public Affairs
Spanish, Minor
Strategic Communication
Latin American Studies
Thing I know I want for my future: to travel, to impact other peopleâs lives, to be surrounded by good people, to be financially stable, to take care of my family, to have a family, Iâve always volunteer at hospitals so I feel comfortable there, to not have a cubical job, to start my own family, not have to worry about money/bills.

Sport and Exercise Science is the best choice. Here's why: The other day i walked into a physical therapy room and it was packed, every one was waiting for two therapists. After having a long discussion with the therapist who is actually a college buddy, he said that the demand for trainers and physical therapists is massive. He said that in the last two months he has received 6 job offers to switch over rom his current job. This is in NJ by the way, a state in bad economic turmoil. The fact that this profession is Still thriving even during these tough times speaks volumes!!! trust me on this one!! im in IT and its not working so well!!! DO it!!!! Good luck in your endeavors!!! And i should metion that the salary for this job is easily 200,000 anualy!!! Good Luck again!!! 10 points? Thanks!!

why do people love celebrity gossip?

A'sha A

i was just wondering because im doing a report on it and i dont know why??? help me lol

Because that is how America is. We put celebrities on a pedistol like they are the power supply that holds our lives. It is reiculus and i am sick of it. I dont give two sh**its to the wind of Britney Spears' meltdown and they act like if they dont report every 5 minutes a person will die...

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blogs - How to direct traffic to your page without the cost!?

celebrity gossip x
 on Tickle Feet Graphics, Pictures, & Images for Myspace Layouts
celebrity gossip x image


I have started up a blog about 7 months ago as a hobby, content includes fashion, make-up, celebrity gossip & news etc it's been hard to get it up and going and I didnt want to invest into hosting until I see the Facebook page increase in readers. I am asking other bloggers how the promoted their blogs and get the name out there without spending a fortune because as I said it is only a hobby at the moment!

Thanks a million

The trouble is that celebrity news is not 'new' - it's already out there on other websites, so it's going to be very hard for you to get anywhere in search engines. The main traffic for most blogs is from Google, Bing, Yahoo, and so on, but the only way to get into the top pages for those is to write tightly focused original posts, on a topic that isn't done to death already.

You can try visiting other, similar blogs and leaving comments (real ones, not spam!) - which may then encourage other bloggers to visit yours. You could offer to exchange links, if you like, and that might increase traffic.

Of course if your posts are good enough, other bloggers and site owners will want to link to them, and that will raise your search engine visibility.

As for Facebook pages, you could try that - it doesn't cost anything to make a page for your blog; alternatively you could simply post links to each new post on your personal page, so that all your FB friends would see it, and some would visit. If they particularly like a post they might then re-share with their friends.

What is a good name for a teenage gossip/fashion magazine?

Hannah D

i really need help this is coursework that is due in tomorrow and i am soo stuck!!
it needs to be something that hasnt been used before. any colour coding ideas would help aswell x

American Cheerleader, Just 14, Twist

I got subscription from below site for twist- Mostly for REAL teenage girls--as they are. Twist delivers what real teenage girls want from the latest celebrity gossip to the hottest fashion and beauty and the savviest guy and relationship advice.

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