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I heard about this yesterday on the NBC5 news.
Personally I think its a load of crap that will never work. For one its an open public area, whats gonna happen next is it gonna be illegal to smoke in my own home?
I want to hear your views on the ban and any feedback as to what I feel if you agree or disagree.
Just the latest action in the systematic dismantling of the tobacco industry !!
They have recently past a law (in California) that goes into affect in January that makes it illegal for an individual to smoke in their own car if anyone under age 18 is riding with them ---- the home is next -- they will run this under the "child endangerment" laws first --- then they will top it off with the total outlawing OF tobacco !!
The thing that MOST nonsmokers do not get ---- and the thing that they are NOT being told --- is the FACT that tobacco has a MAJOR tax load on its shoulders --- and many programs and services --- both state AND Federal run from these tax bases --- When Tobacco goes -- so does this revenue -- and when that revenue goes --- the agencies and programs that run from its money --- will NOT be shutting down !! The non-smoker will see tax increases like they have never in their life even DREAMED of !!! Billions !!! And, those dismantling the industry and those supporting them WILL NOT BE ADMITTING THIS TO ANYONE !!!!! For, it flys in the face of what they are trying to do !!
Next, look for the regulation of fatty foods and legislation against people who opt to feed their children on anything considered "an alternative" diet of any kind !! Full bore regulation of our entire lives is what these people are after -- and they are setting precidents here that will make these other things --- EXTREMELY EASY in the future -- they're just taking the "less popular things" first !!!!!
Just the latest action in the systematic dismantling of the tobacco industry !!
They have recently past a law (in California) that goes into affect in January that makes it illegal for an individual to smoke in their own car if anyone under age 18 is riding with them ---- the home is next -- they will run this under the "child endangerment" laws first --- then they will top it off with the total outlawing OF tobacco !!
The thing that MOST nonsmokers do not get ---- and the thing that they are NOT being told --- is the FACT that tobacco has a MAJOR tax load on its shoulders --- and many programs and services --- both state AND Federal run from these tax bases --- When Tobacco goes -- so does this revenue -- and when that revenue goes --- the agencies and programs that run from its money --- will NOT be shutting down !! The non-smoker will see tax increases like they have never in their life even DREAMED of !!! Billions !!! And, those dismantling the industry and those supporting them WILL NOT BE ADMITTING THIS TO ANYONE !!!!! For, it flys in the face of what they are trying to do !!
Next, look for the regulation of fatty foods and legislation against people who opt to feed their children on anything considered "an alternative" diet of any kind !! Full bore regulation of our entire lives is what these people are after -- and they are setting precidents here that will make these other things --- EXTREMELY EASY in the future -- they're just taking the "less popular things" first !!!!!
What kinds of news or information have you found to seem to drive up the cost of a stock and what sources of t
hat news have you found to be the most effective, most available sources?
The "talking head" on TV and radio (example Jim Cramer and Bob Brinker) have been known to drive up the next business days cost of a stock, too late for wakeup late me to profit from. Most effective sources for me are sources not usually read by investors (forget Money, Smart Money, Kiplingers, Forbes, Barrons, WSJ and all the investing press). I look for small stories buried deep in the inside pages of things like Aviation Week and Space Technology, trade journals, Popular Science, newspapers. A couple months ago, I think it was the Sunday Auto section of my local newspaper had a story about if electric cars can ever make a comeback. There was a line or two about a private company in California now making electric pickup trucks for fleets that go 100+ miles per charge and the batteries can be recharged in 10 minutes. Then somewhere else is a story about nanotechnology, and a company in Colorado is working on a battery for a Calif. auto manufacturer that will soon sell their electric pickup trucks to the public. I bought the public battery company at $2.94, now it is around $3.49 and the trucks are not being sold to the public until next year. Then battery demand should rise, and hopefully the stock price also. (PS: I don't want yahoo to consider this spam for the battery company so mum is the word. Do you own research.)
The "talking head" on TV and radio (example Jim Cramer and Bob Brinker) have been known to drive up the next business days cost of a stock, too late for wakeup late me to profit from. Most effective sources for me are sources not usually read by investors (forget Money, Smart Money, Kiplingers, Forbes, Barrons, WSJ and all the investing press). I look for small stories buried deep in the inside pages of things like Aviation Week and Space Technology, trade journals, Popular Science, newspapers. A couple months ago, I think it was the Sunday Auto section of my local newspaper had a story about if electric cars can ever make a comeback. There was a line or two about a private company in California now making electric pickup trucks for fleets that go 100+ miles per charge and the batteries can be recharged in 10 minutes. Then somewhere else is a story about nanotechnology, and a company in Colorado is working on a battery for a Calif. auto manufacturer that will soon sell their electric pickup trucks to the public. I bought the public battery company at $2.94, now it is around $3.49 and the trucks are not being sold to the public until next year. Then battery demand should rise, and hopefully the stock price also. (PS: I don't want yahoo to consider this spam for the battery company so mum is the word. Do you own research.)
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