popular news magazine in sweden
I will be traveling to Sweden next month and will have a considerable amount of layover time in Chicago. What is the best thing to do to pass the time other than just sitting there bored out of my mind?
There are a lot of different things you can do.
-Not everyone likes this but I go and find a good spot to watch airplanes take-off and land.
-Bring a book or magazine with you to read.
-Some folks like to people-watch; they look at what other passengers look like or what they are wearing.
-I had a 7 hour lay-over in San Francisco. Fortunately I had a fully charged cell phone so I was able to call my friends and talk to people I have not called in a long time. It was a good way to catch-up with my friends and see how they are doing.
-Many people now bring a portable DCD player and watch movies.
-Others like to carry a laptop so they can get some work done.
-The iPod is really popular and lots of people will bring that along so they can listen to music.
-You can go to the stores at the airport and see what they are selling.
-If you are willing, some airlines sell a one-day pass to their lounge. You can relax there, watch TV and eat the snacks they serve for free.
-Many airports now have TVs showing the news. Many times passengers are watching the news.
any metal magazines that are free to subcribe to, like guitar world?
Cody H123
any metal magazines that are free to subcribe to, like guitar world?
Here's a list of all metal magazines, don't know if any are free, you'll need to check it out.
* Altars of Metal Magazine - Metal magazine offers concert guides, reviews, interviews and more.
* Chronicles of Chaos - Access chats, albums, demos, gigs, news, editorials, rants and forums.
* Dankmanz Realm - Hard rock fans can check out interviews, album reviews and more.
* Drive Magazine - Rock 'n' roll magazine features news and reviews as well as an online encyclopedia of dark rock.
* From Below - A "journey through the interesting," this mag Contains CD reviews as well as reviews of games, literature and websites.
* Guitar Chef Magazine - English version of popular Italian magazine presents news, interviews, reviews, archived issues and guitar lessons.
* Guitarapalooza - Rock guitarists can find articles, lessons, upcoming shows, merchandise, multimedia clips, chat rooms and more.
* Hardrock Haven - Get up-to-the-minute news, reviews and multimedia files as well as forums and a guitar corner feature.
* Hellfire Pictures - Check out news about heavy metal bands as well as reviews, tour dates and archived materials.
* Hoochy: UK Glitter Rock Magazine - Features a message board, interviews, live reviews, a schedule of upcoming shows and merchandise.
* Lollipop.com - Provides columns, reviews, Lollipop poster girls and a host of merchandise.
* Lykos - Presents reviews, interviews, news, gig guides and message boards.
* Maelstrom - Features album reviews, live reviews, archives and info about upcoming issues.
* Masterful Magazine - Contains news, reviews, release info, tour dates and more to death metal fans. In English and Polish.
* Metal Coven US - Presents reviews, interviews, forums and merchandise.
* Metal Fury - Progressive and thrash metal fans can find upcoming show news as well as album reviews and photos.
* Metal Rock - Metal fans can find news, album reviews, chat and more.
* Metallian - Locate news and reviews.
* MK Ultra Magazine - Metal magazine presents interviews with popular rockers as well as CD reviews, photo galleries and editorials.
* MusicMayhem.com - Fans of glam and hair bands can access reviews, interviews, music news, contests, concert photos and bands links.
* Negura - Features pics, interviews and commentary.
* Powerslave - The California underground metal scene is highlighted via band profiles, articles, show reviews, interviews and a guide to upcoming events.
* Release Magazine - Find reviews of recordings and live performances, news, merchandise and links to popular artists. Based in Gothenburg, Sweden.
* Revelation Z - Contains CD reviews as well as news, DVD reviews, band pages, interviews and more.
* Rock United - Find news, interviews, archives, live performance reviews, set lists and multimedia files.
* RoughEdge.com - Features news, CD reviews, live reviews, feature articles, tour dates and upcoming releases.
* Sin's Metal News - Check out news, interviews, featured articles, tour dates, contests, forums and CD reviews.
* Sleazegrinder: Super Rock Revolution - Boston-based metal mag presents news, reviews, interviews, a message board. Also features Bad Girl City, which features interviews of hot commodities.
* Vagabond Hearts - Glam and punk rock music magazine provides reviews, photo galleries, interviews, tour dates and archived issues.
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