Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What do Chinese Americans miss/longing most from their past/fond memories of China?

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Q. What do you want to recollect or experience here in LA not as in history books,articles but in real hands on/physical/emotional experiences?
Do you know any stories of your parents, talk about their past, happy memories of their life in China?

I added two more questions. I need answers from anybody who can share their stories for my assignment. Thank you so much.

Well, by migrating to the west, we practically cut ourselves off from the happy memories of China.
Read the news, it's always something negative when they remember to report about China, so the media's propaganda pretty much washes off our happy memories about home.

I, for one part, miss the close relations with other people, when every close neighbour was trusted keys to our apartment. And in the early 90s when there was no air conditioning, the neighbors would bring their sheets to sleep on our floor because 1st floor is always cooler than the others. When someone was sick or got into trouble, the whole neighborhood, or colleagues at work gets mobilized, and help wherever they can. Now it's different, the fast economic development has broken this close tie between people.

Then collectivism, the protection the government provided to the people. During the 1998 flood, the young soldiers actually formed human dams to prevent the raging water from destroying our dis, they fought day and night, shouting slogans like "I live, the dam lives." Many drowned, some fell asleep on the sidewalk, it was a sight that would never be forgotten. You would say it non-human, but the fact that the military put the lives and properties of the civilians on top of their soilders makes the communist army a lot more popular among the population. The way the western government reacts to natural disasters is a shame compared to this.

With all the paid programming on cable TV and the lousy channels shouldn't cable be free?


I am so tired of flipping thru the channels on TV and finding nothing worth watching, I believe we as customers deserve better quality for the price we pay.

Well your quest is in vain for two reasons.

1) The money you are paying is for the service of broadcasting additional television stations to your house through a more sophisticated and decentralized network called cable, or a more scientific and highlypowered satelitte network. Both of which costed millions of dollars to impliment and create to provide those channels to you.

You are paying for programming that you will not watch, the advertisements there pay for it to not be $500 a month for you to use the service and pay off the cable companies installation.

2) The reason that there are so many advertisements is because the fact that the advertisers help contribute to the opperating costs of the cable people. for most shows, its a 43/17 split. Meaning that out of every hour of programming, 43 minutes is primary showing, and 17 minutes is going to be commercials and advertsements.


1) you could stop flipping channels like a person who grew up in the 90s, and you can use something called TV guide channel, or for dish network people, just hit your menu button and look up your local programming.

2) Stop whining about how much it costs and invest that money in internet service. That way you still get your moneys worth while you can browse television from things like Hulu and other programming sites. That way you can watch whatever you want to watch and not have to bother people like us with your innane questions and complain about how much you hate something you wont cut off yourself.

3) your least popular solution is to cut off your connection to the cable company alltogether and live off of Broadcast TV. This is unadvisable unless you watch primetime shows like NCIS, NCIS: LA, Glee, and other highty tighty teenage sex shows. This also gives you your local news.

So there are your solutons.

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