Friday, November 1, 2013

What are the limits of the last meal a death row inmate can have?

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Mr. Hat

I'm guessing the state won't pay for a thousand dollar bottle of wine. Can you have lobster? Caviar? Will the state go through the trouble of getting food shipped from a specific restaurant?

PS I've also heard the most popular request for a last meal is McDonald's. Is that also true?

The answer varies from state to state. The tradition of a condemned man having a request for a last meal is an ancient one. Generally, the convict can request anything that is available within reason. In my state, California, I understand that there is a discretionary account that will pay for restaurant food within reason and a close enough distance to get it delivered. I have heard of prisoners ordering pizzas and a six-pack of cola, or a gallon of ice cream. Nothing fancy or haute cuisine.

This news story is from the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

"Minutes before his 1995 execution in Oklahoma, convicted murderer Thomas Grasso had an important message to convey.

"I did not get my SpaghettiOs. I got spaghetti," Grasso wrote to reporters in his final statement. "I want the press to know this."

Actually, Grasso got canned spaghetti and meatballs. But that's not what he had requested as his final meal.

Grasso's story is a favorite among those who track the last meals of death row inmates. Public fascination with the custom of granting the condemned a last meal has increased so much that three of the 38 states with capital punishment -- Arizona, California and Texas -- feature prisoners' final meal menus on their Web sites.

The interest in last meals ranges from dark humor to sociological study. Mike Randleman, a California actor who operates a Web site named, said he has been accused of exploiting "a sick spectacle." But he shared an e-mail from one of his site's visitors that he thinks helps explain the macabre interest in last meals.

"I believe a man's last meal speaks volumes: Personal history, level of education, cultural and geographic background, economic history -- the list goes on and on. These 'last meal requests' serve as a valuable social document and I am glad you're archiving them. I think your site also manages to humanize the most hated segment of our society. A difficult if not impossible task."

Georgia has few written guidelines for the last meals it serves at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson, home of death row. Generally, the food has to be prepared in the prison kitchen or be obtained elsewhere in Jackson, whether at a grocery, fast-food establishment or restaurant.

"It has to be something within reason," said Fred Head, who was warden at the Jackson prison from 1999 until October. "We certainly do want to honor the inmate request, since it's his last meal."

The state does not have a cap on how much it will spend on a last meal, but price usually isn't an issue. Many death row inmates just want fast food or cheap comfort food, such as fried chicken, meatloaf, mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese.

James Willie Brown, executed this month for a 1975 rape and murder in Gwinnett County, ate a footlong chili dog, french fries and a 7 UP from the local Dairy Queen. Cost: $5.

Seafood and ice cream -- two items that are not served in the prison cafeteria -- also are popular fare, Head said.

Of the 10 executions Head supervised, he said, seven of the inmates seemed to enjoy their meals -- usually served at 4 p.m. and eaten in the presence of a prison chaplain and two guards. The others appeared too nervous to eat.

Texas prison officials got so many post-execution telephone calls asking for the contents of the condemned's last meal that they created a Web page dedicated to it.

"We're not trying to entertain anyone by putting this information out," said Michelle Lyons of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. "We're putting it out because it's what the public wants to know."

Ty Treadwell of Roswell and Michelle Vernon of Kennesaw wrote a book on the subject, "Last Suppers: Famous Final Meals From Death Row," in 2001. Vernon, a true-crime buff, and Treadwell, a writer, met while working in a local bookstore. The book highlights some colorful last meals, with equally colorful remarks by the authors.

"I honestly think everybody loves food, and it gives people a way to connect with this segment of the population they normally have nothing in common with," Treadwell said. "They can say, 'Hey, I've never killed anybody with a hammer, but I love fried chicken.' "

Brian Price, a former prison inmate and cook in Texas, is planning to release a book in December about his experience preparing almost 200 last meals. Price, who is on parole after serving 14 years for kidnapping and sexual assault, said he took pride in preparing the meals. He remembers fixing butter beans for a condemned man.

"That was something his mom used to cook when he was a kid," Price said. "It takes them back to a time of good memories. The smells and the tastes take you back to a calm, peaceful time in their life that they want to reflect on."

Stephen Bright, director of the Southern Center for Human Rights, said he thinks interest in last meals makes a sad statement about a grave matter. Bright said one of his first clients, a South Carolina man, asked for a pizza as his last meal. Afterward, the pizza company ran ads boasting that its product was so good it was worth a person's last meal. "

Here is another fascinating tale from my state of California. I cannot vouch for its accuracy, but it sounds like something that might have happened back in the days of the Gold Rush:

"the Hangtown Fry actually was created by a man condemned to die on a Hangtown gallow back in the mid- 1800's. He wanted to buy as much time as possible, and so for his last meal he requested the most difficult of foods that could be obtained. This happened to be fresh eggs and oysters. It took several weeks between the intial request and it's arrival in Hangtown from San Franciso. During his wait he requested his last meal be an omlette made from the fresh oysters which were to be fried, eggs, fried bacon, onion and cream. One of the Hangtown's residents prepared the last meal. The condemned man began to eat the omlette with some trepidation, however he was amazed by it's wonderful flavor. The vigilanties who had caught and condemned the poor fellow were astonished by the soon-to-be-hung man's enthusiasm for this very unusual dish, and so they they tried it themselves. They thought it so tasty and wonderful that they decided on the spot to pardon the fellow. "

What is the best way to advertise a job vacancy/opening globally?



Need your help real bad. I need to know the best way of advertising a job vacancy/opening to countries such as Columbia and the UK since I am working in Asia.

Facebook, twitter, blog, Linked, Newspapers and magazines are common and I need some sort of Media, website and even materials to get this advertisement to these countries.

Is payment involved? What is the best way to spread the news of any job opening globally?

Please help! suggestions, ideas and opinions are open to all!

Hello Deekay,

Advertising charges are involved for premium paid services. However, you need to administer caution while choosing the right medium.

There is no proven 'best' way to globally spread the news of a job opening. However, the best depends on the kind of job opening and the geographical area where you want to advertise your jobs.

Therefore various other factors to be considered such as the domain of work, skill sets you look for in the candidates, their educational qualifications etc.

Executive search agencies help to fill niche positions such as COO, CFO, and CEO. For such positions, you'll also need to employ strategies such as hiring from a competing organization. You could explore the leading exec search firms in the UK such as: Heidrick & Struggles; Egon Zender; Whitehead Mann; Zygos Partnership, and MWM Consulting.

You'll also need to be clear about the linguistic profile of the candidates, and where they're expected to work.

Assuming the nation you've mentioned, Colombia is largely a Spanish-speaking country. British English is spoken in the UK.

There are few UK job sites such as Monster, JobSite, and Fish4Jobs. Reed seems to be the more popular among the lot.

The language and tone should also be in accordance with the local culture where you want your Advertisements to be displayed

You also might need to focus your advertisements where you're most likely to find your ideal candidates. For instance, you'll be more likely to find applicants in the 7 big cities of Columbia: Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena de Indias, Cúcuta, and Bucaramanga. (All these cities have populations of over a million).

You could also look to hire from leading universities such as:
National University of Colombia
National Pedagogic University
Technological University of Pereira
University of the Amazon
Technological University of Choco
Industrial University of Santander
PS: You could also use the LinkedIn Group "Colombia Recruitment"

Also, you could use market situations to your advantage. The UK which is now hit hard by the economic slowdown has various pockets of employable job seekers. Birmingham seems to be the worst hit region in the UK. So, it would help to focus in that region.

gap personnel and key personnel are two recruitment agents in the Birmingham area of Britain.

All the best with your recruitment efforts.

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If paying taxes is my duty as an American?

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 on Over Texas confirms that a woman was killed while riding The Texas ...
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Red-eye Co

how come so many Americans are cheating or just not paying them?

Because a certain segment of our society are given massive tax-cuts, write-offs and are seldom audited! I am referring to the rich, who often do not pay taxes or they hide them in dummy corporations in Lichtenstein.

"are you talking about the democrat nominees?"


"What I love about the Republican Party is that they have somehow successfully sold themselves as the "Family Values" party. The GOP leadership which seems to be composed entirely of homosexuals, drug abusers and prostitutes and/or johns--and that's just the right wing clergy--The rest of their big idea men have been consistently wrong on their every prediction or have either lied to Congress or accepted bribes or outright stolen. Republican Family Values are just a step above those of the Soprano Family." Dallas Morning News


ABC News: They Earn $200,000 and Pay No Taxes

They Earn $200,000 and Pay No Taxes
Find Out How These Rich Folks Avoided Paying Any Income Taxes By KEVIN McCOY June 15, 2008

Death is inevitable, but federal income taxes aren't for an increased number of high-income earners.

New IRS statistics show 7,389 federal tax returns with $200,000 or more in adjusted gross income reported no federal income taxes in 2005. That's a 161% jump from the 2,833 comparable returns filed in 2004.Additionally, 4,224 of the over-$200,000 earners reported no worldwide income tax liability on their 2005 returns, the IRS data show. That represents a 75% increase from the 2,420 comparable returns filed in 2004.The data are the most recent available from the IRS. It shows a rising number of
high-income earners have avoided the alternative minimum tax, which was intended to ensure that tax shelters, deductions and loopholes wouldn't exempt wealthy Americans from paying at least some federal income tax.

"It's an interesting case study on how people find ways to avoid paying taxes," said Howard Gleckman, a senior research associate and tax blog editor at The Tax Policy Center, a joint venture of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution.

The increases stem in part from two tax law changes, according to the IRS Spring 2008 Statistics of Income Bulletin. "

One -half of all American taxpayers and their families earn $30,000 or less. Other than the dependent deduction, they generally have no tax breaks as all their money goes to just paying rent and eating!

Republicans on the other hand!

Christopher Ward (R) treasurer for the National Republican Congressional Committee was accused of embezzling $800,000 during the last six years
Rick Renzi (R-AZ) Announced he would not seek another term. Seven months later, on February 22, 2008 he pleaded not guilty to 35 charges of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering
Jack Abramoff Scandal, (R) lobbyist found guilty of conspiracy, tax evasion and corruption of public officials in three different courts in a wide ranging investigation. Currently serving 70 months and fined $24.7 million. See Scandals, Executive Branch. The following were also implicated:
Tom DeLay (R-TX) House Majority Leader, reprimanded twice by House Ethics Committee and aides indicted (2004-2005); eventually DeLay himself was indicted (October 2005); DeLay resigned from the House 9 June, 2006.
James W. Ellis (R) runs DeLayâs PAC, indicted
John D. Calyandro (R) runs Texans for a Republican Majority, indicted Adam Kidon business partner of Abramoff, pleaded guilty to fraud, sentenced to 70 months
Michael Scanlon (R) former staff to Tom DeLay: working for Abramoff, pleaded guilty to bribery Tony Rudy (R) former staff to Tom DeLay, pleaded guilty to conspiracy

Robert Ney (R-OH) bribed by Abramoff, pleaded guilty to conspiracy, sentenced to 30 months Neil Volz (R) former staff to Robert Ney, pleaded guilty to conspiracy
William Heaton (R) former staff to Robert Ney, pleaded guilty to fraud, 24 months probation John Albaugh (R) former COS to Ernest Istook (R-OK) pled guilty

Jared Carpenter (R) Counsel of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, pled guilty to income tax evasion, got 45 days, plus 4 years probation Robert Coughlin (R-PA) pled guilty James Hirni, (R) former staff to Tom Hutchinson (R-AK) indicted for wire fraud
Kevin A. Ring, (R) former staff to John Doolittle (R-CA) indicted for 10 counts of corruption

John Doolittle (R-CA) both he and his wife are under investigation (January 2008). Under this cloud, Doolittle decided not to run for re-election in November 2008.
Duke Cunningham (R-CA) pleaded guilty on November 28, 2005 to charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud and tax evasion. Sentenced to over eight years.
Brent Wilkes defense contractor, bribed Cunningham with $2.4 million, serving 144 months Thomas Kontogiannis businessman, sentenced to 97 months Mitchell Wade defense contractor, pleaded guilty to bribery Kyle Foggo CIA Exec. Director, indicted February 13, 2007 fraud, money laundering, conspiracy Robert Fromm, convict

Anyone out there work for The Richards Group in Dallas, TX?


I'm a year away from graduating and this IS the ad firm I want to work for. It's a long shot that someone on Answers will work there, but you never know. Does anyone work for The Richards Group? What's it like? What are the advancements and pay like? How long do you have to be there to get on the creative team? ... here's to hoping someone answers...

I have a very good friend who was recently laid off from there. This person had worked there for a several years but luckily had their book up-to-date from occasional interviews at other agencies - and told me the agency was laying off people a few at a time to keep news of their layoffs from hitting the trades, which mass layoffs would do. Stan Richards is quirky but runs a "tight ship" and doesn't put up with lax business practices, which is a good thing and has made his agency financially successful. Time sheets are due daily (if you're late you get fined) and all employees punch a time clock (an actual time clock - so no coming in late or working odd hours like so many creatives do). They have good accounts, many employees have been there for many years and have profit sharing. My friend was upset upon getting laid off but was partially glad, for they'd gotten to where they hated working there. That's all I know - good luck!

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hmmmmmm..What is Your..?

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Q. Celebrity Crush? Enrique Iglesias
Top 3 Favorite Songs? Do You Know - Enrique Iglesias
My Heart Will Go On- Celine Dion
Lucky - Jason Mraz
Favorite Food? Sushi =D
Favorite Actors? Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Carey Grant
Favorite Actress? Rachel McAdams, Audrey Hepburn
Favorite Movies? Titanic, Notebook, Keith
Favorite Book? Dear John
Fashion Icon? Blake Lively
Favorite Tv Show? Gossip Girl
Favorite Music Video? Hero - Enrique Iglesias
Movies That Made You Cry? Titanic....duh, The Boy in the striped pajamas =[
Favorite Store? Dynamite/Forever 21

Celebrity Crush? Leonardo DiCaprio
Top 3 Favorite Songs? California Gurls- Katy Perry Come Fly With Me-Frank Sinatra Check Yes Juliet-We The Kings

Favorite Food? Chicken
Favorite Actors? Leonardo DiCaprio Brad Pitt Johnny Depp
Favorite Actress? Angelina Jolie, Kate Winslet
Favorite Movies? What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Departed, Mean Girls, Titanic
Favorite Book? So B. It
Fashion Icon? I have no clue...
Favorite Tv Show? Project Runway
Favorite Music Video? California Gurls
Movies That Made You Cry? My Girl 2, My Sisters Keeper, Toy Story 3
Favorite Store? Target

Married People: Who would be on your Freebie Five.........?


The Freebie 5 is a list of 5 'unattainables' youâd have permission to tap without consequence from your significant other should the opportunity arise. The key to the Freebie Five is fantasy, whatever turns your crank. Also, they have to be celebrities. So, with that said, who would be on your list?

p.s. The concept came from Friends but was coined by Lainey from the celebrity gossip blog,
@sheloves, thanks for enlightening me? Take it easy, I obviously didn't know.

Ok since this is just fantasy I will go along.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio
2. Jake Gyllenhal "even though I'm disappointed in his choice of girlfriend these days!"
3. Idris Elba
4. Johnny Depp
5. The dude from Niki Minaj video.."Right through me!" He is FIOOONE!!!

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What are some of the most popular/best blogs about cell phones and wireless tech?

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I'm trying to find out what the most popular blogs are when it comes to news and views and cell phone stuff.

Our company has a cell phone blog that tries to be objective and at the same time fun! It's called

What are popular champagne among rappers?


I've heard Drake rap about Rose and Moscato, but I wanna know if there are also other popular champagnes rappers like.

"PARIS, June 16, 2006 (AFP) - French champagne makers Louis Roederer hit back against charges of racism Friday, after US rap star and nightclub owner Jay-Z called for a boycott of its exclusive Cristal brand because of remarks by managing director Frédéric Rouzaud." reports that Jay-Z is finalizing a deal with Armand De Brignac to endorse their Ace Of Spade champagne.

Lil Wayne becomes the next rapper to have a deal with a liquor company. According to allhiphop, Weezy has partnered with Milestone Brands and French grower Voirin-Jumeh so that he will be able to create his own brand of champagne. As seen in Lil Waynes new video "Lollipop" Halo Champagne is set to launch later this year. âIâm excited about this venture with Milestone Brands,â Lil Wayne told allhiphop, continuing âChampagne is for celebrating. There are so many different business opportunitiesâ¦I want to take advantage of it all. Iâm ready to put my foot in a new door.â

Halo Champagne has four sub-brands consisting of Halo Brut (citrus with lemon cream and roasted hazelnut), Halo Brut (creamy consistency with strong lemon blossoms and almonds), Halo Rose (Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes, with pomegranate, crushed raspberries, and mint) and finally Halo Pinnacle (fruity Chardonnay with hints of lime-tree flower and roasted hazelnuts).

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Anyone know of a site tracking the national popular vote in the primaries?

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Q. Every news site has state-by-state, but I'm curious to follow the popular vote across the country and see how many people are voting on each side across the nation. Thanks in advance.

Answer keeps track of all the major national and state specific polls and election results. RealClearPolitics.comâs political commentary, election analysis and polling averages are featured in national media outlets including The New York Times, FOX News, CNN, The Economist, Investorâs Business Daily, The Chicago Sun-Times and many more.
Here is a direct link to the polls:
Here is a direct link to homepage. Election results including popular vote counts are included:
Give it shot.

How many bird species in the Mediteranean are at risk because they're used for food?

Joe from W

In the Mediteranean many birds are legal to eat but illegal to catch. How well is the law enforced? Is it not enforced at all? Small birds as a delicacy was never popular with Americans but it could be nowadays. This is under-reported in zoology and cuisine.

Unfortunately this is a big problem in many parts of the world. CABS ( is an European organization that has been proactively working to stop poaching. Recently, 67 bird-lovers spent a substantial amount of time seizing illegal traps, nets, etc. Fortunately, 57 poachers were arrested based on this project, which gives us hope.

This is an article recently published on illegal poaching in Cyprus:

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What's the latest on Courtney Van Dunk, the jersey girl who advertised her body for a website?

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I still think she's one of the hottest Jersey girls in the state. She has a myspace as well, too. I think she was interviewed on numerous outlets like Fox News, CNN, NBC, etc. She graduated from the College of New Jersey, but what's up with her?

She certainly marches to the beat of a different drummer, but I guess it takes all kinds.

Seriously I think she is lacking in self confidence, and self respect for some unknown reason.

Its too bad, she has a long life ahead of her.

Obama is back on the campaign trail for health reform but his numbers keep dropping: Why?


Despite his public-relations blitz over the past two weeks to promote his plans to reform the nation's health-care system â including holding two town halls on Wednesday â President Barack Obama has lost ground on this issue with the American public, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Because he is not acting in America's best interests.

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How is Modern China similar to Classical China?

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I am doing a bid SS paper and i need help.

How is Modern China similar to classical China, and how is it different

(optional: article about china human rights)

Chinese people have never had much human rights
The civil liberty enjoyed in Taiwan is the best have happened in history of Chinese societies. Yet, many people in Taiwan dont even agree with the idea that they are Chinese!!

China always have very rich royalty and very poor people.
One major differece between the Japnese royalty and Chinese royalty is that, Japanese take care their people, the Chinese "use" their people, which is why the Japanese are "country" oriented, and Chinese is "family" oriented, cause they dont trust their country to provide for them, they need to rely on their family. Although the Chinese gov is doing a better job now providing its people.

"2010: China will become the world's second biggest economy by nominal GDP, surpassing Japan. China becomes the biggest economy in the world by PPP, surpassing USA. China is currently the third largest economy in the world next to Japan and the US.

If trends continue, China will become the biggest trading nation (total imports and exports) by 2013-2014, and become the world's biggest economy by nominal GDP by 2017" China Daily 2007/3/02
China believe they can catch up with US by the year of 2017. At least, that is their goal.
Check out these two of the most popular China's young pop groups, see how much Hollywood in them, personally I see a great market for the US products in the makeing!!

In Nov. China consume more than double of US products due to the fallen rate of USD

China in November announced its sweeping economic stimulus package valued at about 4 trillion dollars
spending on its infrastructure, which will requires money from US reserves, putting more pressure on
the value of USD.They want to overcome this worldwide economic downturn by focusing on domestic market.

Since 2004, when the amount of the government bond issuance reached an annual average of $400 billion,
94% of US government bonds have been purchased by China and Japan. It is estimated, The US owe China between 1-2 Trillions.
"There is no wonder the dollar will weaken," said Eisuke Sakakibara, Japan's former top currency official and now
a professor at Waseda University. "The dollar now looks strong for a technical reason. The money the US financial
firms had invested in the world is being repatriated into the homeland, causing dollar-buying.
But once this conversion into the dollars is done, the currency will head south,"


China is no longer accepting labor based investments. All labor based foreign investments that already existed in China are forced to move to the
poor inland and farming villages to improve the large poor population in the inland China.
China is confident that IT, chemical, bio technology, electronic and service industries can now support the rich coastal cities,
and they are aiming at upgrading the level of economy.

In fact, they have much more advanced stem cell biotechnology. They claim will be able to supply all human blood needed in China within five yrs through
stem cell technology.

Can you use hair loss treatment for just growing your hair?


This probably sounds like a stupid question considering the fact that hair loss treatments are for growing your hair back, but i didn't loose my hair or anything. I just really want to grow hair because it takes so long to grow after i get it trimmed or just in general. I've been researching for hair growth products for the longest time and i thought maybe hair loss treatments could work to help my hair grow faster? Please help and let me know!!! P.s. i have color treated hair. (If that has to do with anything) thanks!

No, but heat & chemical are hair's worst enemies, the REASON why it's taking so long to grow your hair. Hair not growing -caused by heating tools:

According Dr. Melissa Piliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Americans spent an estimated $176 million on hair loss products last year, and chances are some of that money was not well spent. Donât let charming salon owners, seductive ads or fancy gimmicks convince you otherwise.

CNN, Slate, Consumer Reports, MSN, YAHOO have posted them online for years how people spend $20 billion per year on vitamins and supplements.  According to Everyday Health, here's an article that will tell you why . . . those PRODUCTS by any other name do NOT WORK.  It is false advertisements.

Google: Are Supplements Good For You? About 58,000,000 results (0.13 seconds)

THEN Google: Are vitamins & supplements good for you? About 230,000,000 results (0.17 seconds). Some can actually shorten your life!
Vitamins: Stop taking the pills. 6-10-13.
Google: Hair growth lawsuits. Hair growth caused other men nationwide in class-action lawsuits. About 1,640,000 results (0.10 second. Jan. 24, 2011.
Google: Hair regrowth firm gets the treatment as client sees no fringe benefits. University student Raymond Bayssari, 20, who despite boasting a head of hair most bald men dream about, was awarded a $1305 immediate refund after a tribunal found Mr Bayssari's hair had not regrown. Published 8-23-12.
In April, 2012, the FDA issued changes to the Propecia label that included additional sexual side effects, including ejaculation disorders, libido disorders and orgasm disorders. The label also noted that some men experienced those side effects long after stopping the drug, which could indicate the problems may be permanent in some cases. That notice was followed up by news reports at the American Academy of Family Physicians and news outlets alerting men to the potential risks associated with Propecia
Home News Lawsuit claims hair drug Propecia hurt sex life of...
Mississauga - âAug 11, 2013â
REGINA â A Saskatchewan law firm is hoping to launch a class-action lawsuit over allegations a popular hair-growth drug has ruined the sex lives of some of its users. In statements of claim filed in Regina and Calgary, two men say they lost interest in sexual ...

Here's a new one: "Hair loss clinic fined over wig claims" A ''CUTTING EDGE'' hair loss clinic that says it can cure baldness in fact hands out cheap wigs to cover bald spots. 5-31-13.
Google: Glued wig costs 'hair-growth' company 7-10-13.

FDA canât track down all of these fraudulent products, so consumers need to beware of unapproved products that make false claims. When in doubt about a product, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional.

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What are the top sites and blogs to read all latest news events and updates on iOS and mobile app development?

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srihari p

I want to stay on top of what is going on in the mobile development area. Where are we converging, what are the emerging trends etc..

Cnet, engadet, droid-life, xda developers etc.

What are some current news events that are relevant to America?


I'll be having a "current events quiz" in APUSH tomorrow and I was wondering what I should know. What are some stories that involve the US or could affect the US now? Thanks!

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proposed on Monday a face-to-face debate with President Barack Obama at the United Nations if he is re-elected next month as Iran's president"

In Pyongyang, North Korea said that it had carried out a powerful underground nuclear test â much larger than one conducted in 2006. The regime also test-fired three short-range, ground-to-air missiles later Monday from the same northeastern site where it launched a rocket last month, the Yonhap news agency reported, citing unnamed sources.

The rocket liftoff, widely believed to be a cover for a test of its long-range missile technology, drew censure from the U.N. Security Council, which scheduled a meeting in New York for later Monday

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Why do you think google has been such a popular search engine?

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Q. I think its because they kept it simple. No commercials. Nothing.
Its loads immediatly. Everyone knows about it.

So why do you think google has been such a popular search engine?

Many reasons...
You nailed the most important reason for me... QUICK loading first page, none of the extra crap that every other search portal has.
In addition google's actual results contain more hits from more sites. I really think the pivotal moment in history, however, was when they purchased and archived all the usenet news groups. That was the singular reason I started using them many, many years ago... In fact it was so long ago I'm at a loss at the moment who it was that had the newsgroup archives before google purchased the archives... was it deja?

Even the paid sponsor ads tend to not LOOK like ads... no excessive pictures and crap that slow the loading of the page.

what are the most common social networks that are good at promoting websites?

Not going to SEOs, but using social networks to spread a website like, a portal for graphic designers and professional coders? I have noticed an increase in hits and visits by just taking part of these. Appart from Facebook and YA, what are other social network that give results?

Hello and good question.

I did some research about this and this is my result.

Here I will review the list of top 15 most popular social network sites.

and here we go ... by Mark Zuckerberg. Was initially intended for college students -- it branched out, and now allows everyone membership. Members: 200,000,000 This site is massive, boasting the largest membership of any social networking site on the Internet. Members: 253,145,404 -- a powerful tool for business networking. Members: 35,000,000 Friendster was considered the top online social networking service until around April 2004, when it was overtaken by MySpace. Demographic studies indicate users are from 17 to 30 years old. Members: 90,000,000 Boasting 2.75 million users, StumbleUpon is a web browser plugin that allows its users to discover and rate webpages, photos, videos, and news articles. A great way to get website promotion. Bought by eBay for $75 million in May 2007

This is a long list and I suggest you take a look at it on my blog.
If you want.

Here is the link:

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Why does daily life exhaust me so easily?

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 on The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 18 Preview
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As soon as I open my bedroom door I feel automatically exhausted. The lighting from outside shining in my house irritates me. As soon as I hear a car honking or people outside talking on their phones I feel irritated. The daily hustle and bustle of driving and hearing people blare their loud music next to me. I feel out of touch with the universe and nature. The only days I feel good are when I'm in a quiet place out in nature, alone in my dark bedroom with ambient or guitar solo music on. I don't care much for lyrics in songs because those exhaust me. It just seems like everything drains my energy so quickly. It's hard for me to be social with people for these reasons. The only time I like looking outside is when the sun is setting and the sky gives off beautiful array of colors or when the clouds are swirling in fascinating ways.

I guess I'm just a very visual person, but how do I combat this? I feel like I get irritated easily. I hate when people draw me into their world of facebook, celebrity gossip, political trash talking, sports or their ever so dramatic relationships. I just want to be left alone, or to talk to people about alternative things. It's not that I don't like to laugh and have fun, but I need it in a specific setting in a certain way. Not surrounded by people who can't peel their eyes away from their cellphones. I just feel sad. I was in a restaurant and I was starring out the window watching the sky go from yellow to purple/pink/orange colors and I was like woooow the world is such a beautiful place. Then I look around and everyone I see in the restaurant is staring down at their phones.
The hard part is I would like someone to enjoy things with but going out to meet people is just draining. Some friends forced me to a club a little while ago, and as soon as I felt the energy of the people in line I felt exhausted. It wasn't even because of the music. By the time I got into the club I literally wanted to lie down on the floor and fall asleep.

get black out curtains and a roller blind to keep the light out. look at your diet and make sure you eat a whole grain diet, cut out processed foods. lighten up! you can't control what other people do.

Is being an English teacher a good job to do in China?


I was just wondering if I got the qualifications to become an English teacher in China and went there to teach if I would be dissapointed by the standard of living that I was now living by. Is being an English teacher considered a good job in China? Would my income be higher or lower than the average Chinese citizen? Would life be harder for me? How welcoming is the Chinese society to foreigners working in their country? Would I face a lot of prejudice or discrimination? Are English teachers in high demand in China? Would I easily be able to get a job working there?

Qualifications: They say they want a bachelor's degree (in anything). But even that is not always needed if you don't want to be in a top University or Beijing. Also you can forge a degree very simply and do fine.

Salary for Universities is between 4-6000 rmb a month. This is enough to live very comfortably and go on holidays during holidays. it's not tons but it's enough as they will also give you a house to live in and usualy free water, electricity, internet and such.

Living Standard: It is a developing country, if you arne't in one of the major cities (5-6 Million people or more) don't expect any good Western food or very many Western people to talk to. Your students wont respect you as a teacher but will be happy to be your friend if you want. Your classes will be edutaining, not educating. China wants people who can make their stuents happy so be funny and entertain a little at least. If you are in one of the major cities you'll have lots of good food and such things. However it is still going to be dirty, loud, smelly and rude. Such is life in China.

Teachers are respected in China but foriegner teachers are only respected partially, they are also considered the lowest of the foriegners, so you'll be treated very well to your face but they will talk about you behind your back. Too many foriegn teachers here just to get girls and live a better life than back at home sadly.

Life here is as hard as you want to make it. If you learn a little Chinese and can be relaxed about living in a country where dirt, poor people and massive crowds is a way of life, life here is very simple. But be honest with yourself what you are looking for. If you are looking for a better quality of life and a cleaner, healthy place, don't come here.

Chinese people are VERY welcoming to your face. You'll be treated well, inf act generally if you aren't in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen or soemwhere with a very large population fo foreigners you'll basically be treated like a celebrity. But with that comes a lot of gossip and some Chinese are incredibly... not racist.. just ignorant i think. they don't know anything about foreigners except what they've learned through their history classes which is basically all lies directed at making Chinese people very Nationalistic.

Prejudices and Discrimination: Are you white? Chinese LOVE white people. If you are Black, yeah you will face some. Black is the colour of the poor Chinese people becuase they work in the sun all day. It's getting better than it was but that's like saying living int he 1950's was better than the 1920's because Blacks weren't being lynched anymore...

Demand: There is always LOTS of demand for White people in teaching English. blacks have less but as long as you are a native speaker you'll still find work. Finding work isn't the hard part about living in China, for foreigners anyway.

Basically China is a land of Extremes. Some people are EXTREMELY in love with Western culture and Western people and some are EXTREMELY racist against anyone who is not Chinese. As a foreigner here it will seem that few people live between those extremes. There is an Extremely large number of people everywhere. But the people there are usually extremely helpful if you need it. It's extremely dirty in China, but it's also Extremely fun and a great time if you can ignore the flaws.

There are three types of teachers who come to China, 1) those who want a holiday, they tend to suck at teaching and make us all look terrible, if that's you, don't come. 2) Those who want to teach, they tend to be very serious about teaching, and while that sounds good, China is not serious. if you want serious teaching where you are respected as a teacher and your grades matter, don't come, you'll HATE it. 3) Those who want to learn a new culture and help people at the same time, These are the people who should come. Work hard in teaching, but make it fun as well as interesting otherwise you'll be very unhappy here.

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What do you think about a South American & Carribean islands uprising?

latest news from venezuela
 on Supporters of opposition leader Henrique Capriles face off against ...
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Items taken from recent news articles:

1) Russia strengthen ties with Cuba
2) Russia held joint naval exercises with Venezuela
4) Venezuela, Cuba and other countries in the region putting pressure on Brazil (who has been seen as supporter of the US) to break free of the hold that the US has over these countries.

And lastest news:

5) Bolivia calling for the removal of all US ambassadors.

Should we be concerned? Yes because they are close to our borders and Russia is becoming an ally. Russia has been frequently making their presence known south of our border.

Flexing muscle or strategic battle positon? Your thoughts?

Russian chess move. Very similar to 1963. We now have missiles in POLAND right on Russia's boarder.
In 1963 the Russians put missiles in Cuba (tried to) and we had to blockade Cuba and have a show down with Russia. Everyone thinks Kruschev lost but the facts are that we had put missiles in Turkey and his response was to try to put missiles in Cuba - sound familiar?
It was said that Kruschev "blinked" and we "win". But Kruschev stopped the escalation by "backing down" but we quietly removed our missiles out of Turkey 6 months later. Thus Russia got what they wanted!

Is there a possibility of the united states going to war with Venezuela?


I heard on the news a few years ago that some how the war in the middle east would eventually lead to a war with Venezuela. Why would this happen and is there still a decent possibility of that happening

That is very unlikely. I assume that rumor relates to a need for petroleum. I understand Venezuela is a major source for the US. I assume again the concern is if the US is somehow shut off from Middle Eastern oil it would rely mostly on Venezuela. Venezuela, as a normal in the world haggling culture (that's another assumption of mine), would be likely to raise prices dramatically to take advantage of the situation.

The US was initially established as British colonies by ultra-Protestant cultures about four hundred years ago. They were refugees from British and European normal Protestant and Catholic societies. The ultra-Protestants (English Puritan Anglicans and Quakers, Dutch Reformed, German Mennonites, and French Huguenots) were very different cultures from the rest of the world. They came to North America to establish community oriented socialistic, and some even communist, communities far from the influence of the normal family oriented and ruled cultures in most of the world. Those unusual ultra-Protestant cultures established fixed wages and prices assumed to be fair by employees and employers and by customers and merchants.

Unfortunately for them the overpopulating rest of the world began swarming in on them beginning between a century and two later mostly with my Irish and German relatives. Each wave of new immigrants flooding into North America from other parts of Europe were more family oriented and less community oriented than the prior ones. The ones coming today still are. The new ones ever more change the community orientation here toward the more normal for the world family orientation.

Bad for us but good for Venezuela is our growing acceptance of the normal world's haggling processes. We are less likely now to conquer Venezuela, and other oil producers, when they start zooming their prices for oil If the Middle East shuts down a lot of its oil production.

If the Middle East oil shuts off, so long as Venezuela doesn't raise its prices to outrageously unacceptable ones it probably has no worry about invasion. If it does raise them that high dig holes for bomb shelters. We will be there with carriers followed by oil tankers.

Such things are exactly what started terrible wars in the 20th and latter 19th centuries including both world wars. Land and resources are always the reason for wars of conquest by expanding populations and always have been. The people in the US and most other Euro-cultures stopped overpopulating a half century ago and prospered because they did but the rest of the world continued spewing babies at unsustainable rates.

Those overpopulating cultures, beginning with my Irish and German relatives, are the ones that have been flooding into the Americas including to a lesser extent South America. Because they continue to expand world populations most of us must continue wars of conquest to accommodate the continued growth of human population. I don't feel sorry for Venezuela if it is invaded because it is one of the overpopulating societies helping cause the problem.

PS: You like most of us in the past probably were indoctrinated by socialist idealists into believing the ridiculous fairy tale, but nice to believe: "we should all get along and share." I don't deny how nice that sounds but it has no relationship to the reality of life on earth with expanding human populations. If the world reduces its population down to below two billion, or better yet below a billion, that world could be possible. So long as it continues expanding its population don't even bother with that delusional dream.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

How to get access to the hollywood celebrities?

celebrity gossip hollywood
 on Celebrity Gossip | Topicden
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Is there any possible way to get access to the hollywood celebrities and parties for public? I've been told that all I need is being famous to get inside but come on there's gotta be something to try, Is there a ticket or what?

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Any drug rehabs in San Dimas, California that have records of celebrities admitted into the facility?

briana c

I work for a gossip magazine and I'm currently researching for an article about Hollywood's rehab patients. It will be very interesting to know what our celebrities went through during their stay in these treatment centers. I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible.

Oh, that's really an interesting topic, though I doubt it if officials of drug rehabs will give information about their patients. As you know, rehab patients, especially celebrities, want privacy and they want their records to be treated confidentially. But I have some links here which I think can help in your search.

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Does everyone agree that Khloe Kardashian is the ugliest of the 3 sisters?

celebrity gossip because your ugly
 on Gossip Lover: The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
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The Equali

I'm not one to "celebrity gossip", especially people who are famous for no reason, but I guess this is an exception.

But I was laughing the other day, because Ed Lover was making fun of Lamar Odom for picking the "3rd best Kardashian". He said she has a big-azz head and that she looks like Franken Berry.

How would you rank the Kardashian sisters in looks, in order?

I'd go:


Personally i think the two youngest ones are the sexiest...and they're around my age

Does everyone agree that Khloe Kardashian is the ugliest of the 3 sisters?

The Equali

I'm not one to "celebrity gossip", especially people who are famous for no reason, but I guess this is an exception.

But I was laughing the other day, because Ed Lover was making fun of Lamar Odom for picking the "3rd best Kardashian". He said she has a big-azz head and that she looks like Franken Berry.

How would you rank the Kardashian sisters in looks, in order?

I'd go:


She's not ugly. But I love her personality. She's funny and I like the way she's always saying what's on her mind.
I would rate them:

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What's a website like facebook except it is for kids nine through twelve?

celebrity gossip websites list
 on Celebrity Big Brother 2011: the full list of contestants - Holy-moly ...
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A website for kids that is exactly like facebook it's appropiate and safe and fun nothing cheesy.

Bebo is the next generation social networking site where members can stay in touch with their College friends, connect with friends, share photos, discover new interests and just hang out.
Stardoll is a paper doll dress-up community site for everyone who enjoys fun, fashion and making friends. At Stardoll you can create your own doll or choose from our always growing collection of celebrity dolls and dress them up in our virtual fashions. Every celebrity doll has a wardrobe full of unique clothes and outfits, each month there are new and there are new dolls released every week. The membership is completely FREE and most of our members are girls and boys between the ages of 7 and 17. Stardoll is one of few places on the Internet developed with an emphasis on girlsâ self-expression and fantasy fashion play. Stardoll is a great place to spend time with old friends and make new ones from all over the world. We are committed to Stardoll as an inspiring, fun, safe and creative environment.
Hip Chicas is the first-ever Latina-themed virtual world for tween girls. The site was created because the founders, who have three young daughters, saw that content and brands for girls aged 6 to 14 were filled with all sorts of negative stereotypes and lacked the rich multicultural perspective that is the reality of today.
Our intention when creating Moshi Monsters was to a produce a ground breaking new entertainment experience that would be fun, safe and educational for kids of all ages.
Visitors to the site can adopt their very own pet Monster, give it a name and design its color scheme. Each Monster has a lively personality that develops the more it is played with. Monster owners can nuture their pet by solving daily puzzle games to earn Rox, the in-game currency. Rox can be used to buy weird and wonderful things in the virtual shop to keep Monsters healthy and happy. Monster owners can make new friends and connect with existing friends through a wide variety of safe social networking features such as Monster blogs, Newsfeeds, pinboards and buddy lists. Weâre hard at work dreaming up all sorts of new features to expand the game play and world of Moshi Monsters. Stay tuned!
Habbo is a virtual world where you can meet and make friends.
Online Hangout: Millions of teens spend hours a day on Gaia, exploring, chatting and just hanging out. Whether theyâre posting on our forums, participating in special events, or playing our multiplayer mini-games, thereâs always something fun to do.
Endless Customization: Gaia revolves around creative customization. Every member can create their own virtual character and dress it up with over five thousand items: clothes, accessories, pets, masks and just about anything else imaginable.
Thriving Community: Gaia Online boasts one of the most active forum communities in the world with over one billion posts to date. Members can chat in our online games, post messages on our forums, or send each other private messages.
Gaia Gold Marketplace: Gaia Online is free to join, and members earn free Gaia Gold for everything they do on the site- posting, playing games, or just hanging out. Members can buy thousands of items in our virtual stores, or they can set up their own shops. Our virtual auction house lets members buy, sell and trade their itemsâ over 50,000 auctions are completed every day!
Fun and Games: Members can interact, have fun, and earn Gaia Gold with our quick and casual online games. They can also go head-to-head in our Avatar Arena to see who can make the coolest virtual outfit, or test their talents in the Art Arena, where thousands of members vote on the best original artwork.
Kiwibox is an online magazine & social network for teens featuring games, journals, gossip, articles, and more.
Sketchfu is a website where people communicate with each other through drawing.
DoInk is a place to enjoy art and animation, and make your own. Draw and animate online easily, collaborate with friends and other artists by reusing props. There's an audience here for you - So if you want to be entertained, learn something new, or create something fun, do it on DoInk.â¦

Kidzui is a kids' browser that makes surfing the Internet fun and easy for kids aged 3-12. KidZui offers over 500,000 websites, pictures and videos for kids to look at. The content is reviewed by teachers and parents so your kids can surf independently.
Kerpoofâs flagship activity, now called the Kerpoof Art Studio, allows children to create artwork in a variety of themes and styles that they can print, e-mail, create greeting cards or coloring pages. There are more than 45 Kerpoof settings available in the Art Studio ranging from wacky cartoon worlds to historical worlds, animal habitats and many more.
ToonDoo is a cool, comic-creating tool. ToonDoo is a unique place for free and customizable online games of educational value for children of all abilities. You can now just drag-drop or click to create comic strips that express your views, opinions, angst or to just have fun.
Visitors to MoshiMonsters can adopt their very own pet Monster, give it a name and design its color scheme. Each Monster has a lively personality that develops the more it is played with. Monster owners can make new friends and connect with existing friends through a wide variety of safe social networking features such as Monster blogs, Newsfeeds, pinboards and buddy lists.
Stardoll is a paper doll dress-up community site for everyone who enjoys fun, fashion and making friends. At Stardoll you can create your own doll or choose from our always growing collection of celebrity dolls and dress them up in our virtual fashions. Every celebrity doll has a wardrobe full of unique clothes and outfits, each month there are new and there are new dolls released every week
GirlSense is an active virtual fashion community that offers users a genuine web 2.0 experience that is truly safe. Girls can open their own online boutiques, design clothes and accessories, and trade fashions with other community members. Additional activities have been successfully developed around the fashion community, such as advertising boutiques, member polls, forums, and much more. The new site will also offer a whole new collection of games and activities.
With DoppelMe you can create a cool graphical likeness of yourself, your friends, family or any group of people for use as an avatar in forums, instant messenger, blogs and almost anywhere else on the web.
Alpoy is a site where you can easily create and animate avatars. Create avatars from your photos, resize and rotate images. Then, edit your avatar, make them personal.
GoAnimate, a platform that allows people to express themselves through animation without having to learn to draw or install any software.


What is the best economical post workout supplement i can take?


I am currently working out to get more definition in my muscles not to get to big. I am currently 150 benching 205 and would like to increase that by Novemeber to 225minimum. What is the best Proteing supplement or post workout supplement available? Notice i am college student so it has to be economical. I am currently taking Jack3d pre workout and super pro bpi protein post. Any suggestions???

Pre and post workout supplements are all scams invented by supplement makers to help sell more crap to clueless young people who believe advertising, gym gossip, etc.

Read by answer here -->;_ylt=AtGdwn5cqfesP6O1LkavjSjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110821092640AA3hq12

The best health experts in the world (the US National Institute of Health), the people US doctors listen to, advise you should never take a supplement without the recommendation of a health care professional because all supplements are potentially hazardous to your health as supplements do not have to be tested. The result is many supplements are contaminated, worthless, have false advertising or label claims, and may contain dangerous or worthless chemicals or substances.

Here's an example of one scam site ( which pretends to be a bodybuilding website but is really just a front for selling supplements as evidenced by this list of over 60 dangerous supplement products they were forced to recall and take off the market --> . More here --> is a good example why you should never buy supplements whether you want to burn fat, gain weight, build muscle, or are just hoping to improve your health. The scammers who sell junk supplements do so by using advertising, celebrity endorsements, fake testimonials, phony interviews and news reports, bogus reviews, and every other technique possible to convince you their product is safe and effective. They have saturated the internet with thousands of web sites so no matter what you search for, you'll only find glowing reviews of their products at the top of the search results. And, the result of this effort has led an entire generation of young people to believe in fat burners, diet pills, mass gainers, pre and post workout supplements and other junk which not only do we not need but which are ineffective, a waste of money, and possibly even hazardous. The voice of truth is relatively quite compared to the $billions spent on supplement advertising, so before you buy any supplements, inform yourself with the links below.

Scammers target the young, gullible, and naive demographic because they know they can sway them with greater ease than the older, wiser buying public. But, there are some easy questions you can answer using simple logic to be able to qualify a scammer as suspect. Here are some examples.

⢠If there was an easy way to do hard things like burn fat or build muscle, why doesn't the whole world know about it? How could that be kept secret when that's what so many people desire?

⢠If there was a supplement that helped people shed pounds, why doesn't your doctor recommend it? If you're overweight, why doesn't your physician just give you the pill or recommend the acai or HCG diet or whatever? Why are physicians always telling the same story about obesity and how to cope with it?

⢠If there were supplements that could help burn fat or build muscle, why haven't the huge and powerful pharmaceutical companies taken them over? Why let the scammers like GNC and Weider continue to make $millions off the public when they have a much greater capacity for providing such products?

⢠Why do people pay big bucks to have liposuction or stomach stapling if supplements could really help them to lose fat?

There is only one good answer to all of these questions. Most of the supplements which are supposed to make you lose fat, add muscle, grow taller, kill appetite, gain weight, bulk up, get ripped, etc. just don't work. It's really that simple.

If you just can't resist buying a supplement, at the very least make sure it bears the trademark logo and name of one of the following independent testing laboratories.
⢠USP (US Pharmacopoeia)
⢠NSF (NSF International)
Such testing does not guarantee effectiveness or safety but it's better than nothing. The best advice remains: Don't use supplements.

Good luck and good health!!


Now, for your own welfare and well being, please review all of the links below.

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