Monday, October 28, 2013

What do you think about a South American & Carribean islands uprising?

latest news from venezuela
 on Supporters of opposition leader Henrique Capriles face off against ...
latest news from venezuela image


Items taken from recent news articles:

1) Russia strengthen ties with Cuba
2) Russia held joint naval exercises with Venezuela
4) Venezuela, Cuba and other countries in the region putting pressure on Brazil (who has been seen as supporter of the US) to break free of the hold that the US has over these countries.

And lastest news:

5) Bolivia calling for the removal of all US ambassadors.

Should we be concerned? Yes because they are close to our borders and Russia is becoming an ally. Russia has been frequently making their presence known south of our border.

Flexing muscle or strategic battle positon? Your thoughts?

Russian chess move. Very similar to 1963. We now have missiles in POLAND right on Russia's boarder.
In 1963 the Russians put missiles in Cuba (tried to) and we had to blockade Cuba and have a show down with Russia. Everyone thinks Kruschev lost but the facts are that we had put missiles in Turkey and his response was to try to put missiles in Cuba - sound familiar?
It was said that Kruschev "blinked" and we "win". But Kruschev stopped the escalation by "backing down" but we quietly removed our missiles out of Turkey 6 months later. Thus Russia got what they wanted!

Is there a possibility of the united states going to war with Venezuela?


I heard on the news a few years ago that some how the war in the middle east would eventually lead to a war with Venezuela. Why would this happen and is there still a decent possibility of that happening

That is very unlikely. I assume that rumor relates to a need for petroleum. I understand Venezuela is a major source for the US. I assume again the concern is if the US is somehow shut off from Middle Eastern oil it would rely mostly on Venezuela. Venezuela, as a normal in the world haggling culture (that's another assumption of mine), would be likely to raise prices dramatically to take advantage of the situation.

The US was initially established as British colonies by ultra-Protestant cultures about four hundred years ago. They were refugees from British and European normal Protestant and Catholic societies. The ultra-Protestants (English Puritan Anglicans and Quakers, Dutch Reformed, German Mennonites, and French Huguenots) were very different cultures from the rest of the world. They came to North America to establish community oriented socialistic, and some even communist, communities far from the influence of the normal family oriented and ruled cultures in most of the world. Those unusual ultra-Protestant cultures established fixed wages and prices assumed to be fair by employees and employers and by customers and merchants.

Unfortunately for them the overpopulating rest of the world began swarming in on them beginning between a century and two later mostly with my Irish and German relatives. Each wave of new immigrants flooding into North America from other parts of Europe were more family oriented and less community oriented than the prior ones. The ones coming today still are. The new ones ever more change the community orientation here toward the more normal for the world family orientation.

Bad for us but good for Venezuela is our growing acceptance of the normal world's haggling processes. We are less likely now to conquer Venezuela, and other oil producers, when they start zooming their prices for oil If the Middle East shuts down a lot of its oil production.

If the Middle East oil shuts off, so long as Venezuela doesn't raise its prices to outrageously unacceptable ones it probably has no worry about invasion. If it does raise them that high dig holes for bomb shelters. We will be there with carriers followed by oil tankers.

Such things are exactly what started terrible wars in the 20th and latter 19th centuries including both world wars. Land and resources are always the reason for wars of conquest by expanding populations and always have been. The people in the US and most other Euro-cultures stopped overpopulating a half century ago and prospered because they did but the rest of the world continued spewing babies at unsustainable rates.

Those overpopulating cultures, beginning with my Irish and German relatives, are the ones that have been flooding into the Americas including to a lesser extent South America. Because they continue to expand world populations most of us must continue wars of conquest to accommodate the continued growth of human population. I don't feel sorry for Venezuela if it is invaded because it is one of the overpopulating societies helping cause the problem.

PS: You like most of us in the past probably were indoctrinated by socialist idealists into believing the ridiculous fairy tale, but nice to believe: "we should all get along and share." I don't deny how nice that sounds but it has no relationship to the reality of life on earth with expanding human populations. If the world reduces its population down to below two billion, or better yet below a billion, that world could be possible. So long as it continues expanding its population don't even bother with that delusional dream.

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