Saturday, September 7, 2013

Is global warming going to result in another Ice Age?

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Is it possible that global warming will result in another great Ice Age? The reason why I ask is that I saw a small portion of a documentary about global warming. Since I saw only a portion of it, I don't know all of the details. However, I know that I heard something about a new Ice Age that could set in. Does anyone have additional info about this?

What's up with that? 2008 winner best Science blog.
This is getting to be humorous. Every time there has been an international "conference on global warming" over the last several years, there has been sub-zero conditions or snow blizzards taking place right outside the conference halls. So how fitting, indeed, that the big March 2nd protest against global warming, to be held as an outdoor protest at the Capitol Power Plant in Washington DC, will be getting record snowfall and another big blizzard. The Chief Guru of CO2 global warming theory, James Hansen, is apparently getting testy and frantic about this situation, but rather than call for a "time out" for reconsideration, he's called upon his army of lemmings to go outside and get frost-bite, in a mass protest against global warming, in the middle of a record-breaking late-season blizzard. Real Smart. When academics turn politician and start running the country, you can bet on one thing. That no matter what the evidence is against their favorite theory, they will defend it to the bitter end, in ways that the average person or politician would never do.
WASHINGTON - This may come as bad news for Al Gore.
The modest global warming trend has stopped - maybe even reversed itself.
And it's not just the record low temperatures experienced in much of the world this winter.
For at least the last five years, global temperatures have been falling, according to tracking performed by Roy Spencer, the climatologist formerly of NASA.
"Global warming" was going to bring more and more horrific hurricanes, climate change scientists and the politicians who subscribed to their theories said. But since 2005, only one major hurricane has struck North America.
A new study by Florida State University researcher Ryan Maue shows worldwide cyclone activity - typhoons, as well as hurricanes - has reached at least a 30-year low.
Two more studies - one by the Leibniz Institute of Marine Science and the Max Planck Institute of Meteorology in Germany and another by the University of Wisconsin - predict a slowing, or even a reversal of warming, for at least the next 10 to 20 years.
The Arctic sea ice has grown more on a percentage basis this winter than it has since 1979.
The number of polar bears has risen 25 percent in the past decade. There are 15,000 of them in the Arctic now, where 10 years ago there were 12,000.
"The most recent global warming that began in 1977 is over, and the Earth has entered a new phase of global cooling," says Don Easterbrook, professor of geology at Western Washington University in Bellingham, confidently. He maintains a switch in Pacific Ocean currents "assures about three decades of global cooling. New solar data showing unusual absence of sun spots and changes in the sun's magnetic field suggest ... the present episode of global cooling may be more severe than the cooling of 1945 to 1977."
Climatologist Joe D'Aleo of the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project, says new data "show that in five of the last seven decades since World War II, including this one, global temperatures have cooled while carbon dioxide has continued to rise."
"The data suggest cooling not warming in Earth's future," he says.

Why are some YA posters using the case of a Canadian Muslim Girl killed by her father as representitive?


...of Muslims generally? Have there been many cases like this in North America?

"Muslim: Girl's death not about religion

TORONTO -- Islamic leaders rose to the defence of their religion yesterday as the Muslim community continued to grieve the death of a 16-year-old girl - and deny suggestions that her slaying should in any way be interpreted as a reflection on their faith.

Islam condemns violence and teaches adherents not to force their beliefs upon others, Sheik Alaa El-Sayyed, imam at Mississauga's Islamic Society of North America, told a news conference in the suburban city west of Toronto that was once home to Aqsa Parvez.

The high school student, who died late Monday in hospital, was embroiled in a long-standing dispute with her family over her apparent reluctance to wear the hijab, the traditional Muslim head scarf, her school friends say. "
If it's representative then you should be able to cite many similar incidents that have taken place in North America, recently.
Still waiting for all those cites. Or any, even. :)

It's a case of domestic violence plain and simple. How many children have died in Christian homes as a result of child abuse?

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