Saturday, March 22, 2014

Was the Taliban created by the CIA and Pakistan's ISI?

Q. Lalit K Jha
Washington, May 11 (PTI) In a new revelation, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has said that the CIA of the United States and his country's ISI together created the Taliban.

"I think it was part of your past and our past, and the ISI and CIA created them together," Zardari told the NBC news channel in an interview.

In the interview, which was given to the NBC on May 7, Zardari also accused the US of supporting the military rule of Pervez Musharraf who was alleged to be taking sides of the Taliban.

He disagreed with the popular belief in the US that the Pakistan military and intelligence services still have sympathies for the Taliban.

"I think General Musharraf may have had a mindset to run head and hand with the hound but certainly not on our watch. We don't have a tough process at all," Zardari said.

Asked about the influential role of the Pakistan Army, Zardari said he is in control of everything in the country, including the military.

"The Parliament has final say. It's the Parliament form of government, and I am a product of the Parliament," he said.

Earlier, Zardari in an another interview had said that India was not a "threat" to his country and that Pakistan had moved some of its forces from its Indian border to western frontier to eliminate Taliban in its tribal belt. PTI

Uh Oh, Awkward, I believe this is a classic "American conservative hypocrisy" moment.

Are Media telling everything about Islam ?

Vayu W

Are they giving it a leve exposure ?
What is favored, what is unsaid or what is revealed ?

media telling about Islam...

i do not think media really discusses Islam. most of the news are not referring to Islam but to Muslims. it is more about applied Islam. that is how the followers act.

Islam was founded in a tribal background Some, 1500 years ago. Mohammad was progressive according to that time, age and place. but he constantly had to fight and Muslims have a long history of wars . their leader had to from mecca to madeena because of it. they went on spreading their newly found belief in name of Allah by sword. the term jihad means war . today often Muslims explain that it means war with inner self and with own conscious for righteous or whatever. but this meaning has not always been same and still not that much popular among muslims themselves. most of the Muslims still translate the term jihad into holy war with infidels.

why else mopala in India killed Hindus when they were asked to join non violent struggle for freedom of India. they were asked to join war against foreigner rule.for them fight meant jihad and jihad means kill your non Muslim neighbors. funny that Britishers against whom the "struggle" was aimed had to come to save Hindus from total annihilation.

the problem is that muslims need to reform their sciety, laws. with changing time many old rules and customs get obslete. and many unwanted traditions seep in disguise of righteousness or ideals. christians and hindus did the clean up and are better than they were some 200 years ago.

untill enough muslims come up to condemn terrorism and stop supporting such activities it is useless to blame media.

do you think islamic media tells the truth? how many muslim news channel reporting gujarat told exactly what lead to it? and how mulims did godhara? how many muslim news channels have told muslim world about plight of hindus in kashmeer valley , the genocide of hindus in kashmeer, pakistan or bangladesh??

Media is always biased. they are run by people. and people have their own political, economical and social agendas to carry out. they care about their ratings. they give news which suits them and in the way which suits them.

but muslims give them too much negative material themselves. they keep blowing up buildings and peoples. do they really think the plight of women in muslim countries today will never come up? or the tradition of tying children at camel backs will be unnoticed forever. they tie them to camel backs . frightenned child cries and confused camel runs faster as they cry louder. off courese it is not world news because most children are from poor countries; south asian countries like bangladesh.

blaming others does not help for forever. muslims should get a good mirror.

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News, is it depressing to listen to it all day every day? Suffering and torture galore. which is trust-able?


yes it can be

the news does not or seldom report good news

new is important to see what is happening in the world

by not repeating the stories over and over 100 times a day.
HLN news does this the most.

they have about 20 minutes of actual news and repeat the same stories over and over all day long.
i have watched and changed channels and gone back 8 hours later the news stories have changed very little

Why isn't news updated more often? Why the same repeated in the feed? Why same day after day?


In your main feed - the big pic is repeated a page later with a small pic, the same stories are repeated - why can't we have more stories instead of this repeating 2 or 3 or 4 of the same thing???? Why isn't local news updated with breaking news?? Why do the same articles in Sports, Living and Entertainment stay the same for so long?? Why don't the 'headline hints' on the right side change every day?? Exfinity does a lot better job!! You know that every morning all the new is going to be updated. I just changed to ATT and your service is not so good!

June, I believe that you are saying what many are thinking. Why? Not sure that I can answer all your questions, But, The News Media majority have become :"Cowards" in reporting the actual news. HLN News are the worse in repeating, reason being, because most people are inundated with
"Fake" reporting and it boost their Ratings! Exfinity is great in their reporting and Yahoo is to some what, but they too use the same repeating news.
The news media is being controlled by our present Administration in the White House. There is so much happening that so many are not aware of as to what this W.H. is actually doing against this Nation it is scary. Wake-Up people, our Media is controlled, our Constitution and our Bill of rights are in dire straits! Search for information.

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Friday, March 21, 2014

What has Hawaii's governor said about . . .?

American c

Obama's birth certificate? What's the latest news?

He said they can't find one in Hawaii's files. this would be consistent with a birth in Kenya, as his grandmother claims to have witnessed.

Did you hear the latest news??/ has put 90,000 military war record on line...?

Cracker Ja

Dating as far back as far as the 1600's!
Yes, you can Star me now for that find....
Exciting huh?

Already viewed it its exciting to watch the news reels from world war two. I already had the Military records I needed but its nice to see them do this for others for awhile anyway. I did find one good record though my great uncle was killed in the Korean War and we always figured in was buried in south korea. But it turns out he was reburied in Hawaii at the Nation Cemetery of the Pacific in 1956 no one in the family seemed to remember that happening so now I just need to get the photo of the burial and I will probably go ahead and send for his military records we already knew alot but I'm thinking its time to tack it down.

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Wat r some good websites with celebrity gossip?


Hi Rebecca,

These are the celebrity gossip sites I visit daily (listed in alphabetical order)...

A Socialite's Life:



Perez Hilton:


Pink is the New Blog:

TMZ (Thirty-Mile Zone):

What Would Tyler Durden Do:

Perez Hilton is the king (or should I say queen?) of all celebrity sites but I find myself growing increasingly fond of the sharp writing style of What Would Tyler Durden Do.

To search for gossip about a specific celebrity, I use...

Rumorlicious Celebrity Gossip Search Engine:

This search engine indexes several celebrity gossip sites so I use it to find different editorial perspectives on a specific celebrity or scandal.

Hope you find what you are looking for, Rebecca. I apologize in advance for your lost productivity - these sites can be extremely addictive and I find myself spending more and more time every day. ;)

Have fun! :D



has anyone heard of this celebrity named louvie mooreland she is a model and actress and really cool!

Celebrity gossip is for people who need lobotomies. Kill yourself if you feel the need to know the personal details of the lives of people you'll never meet.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

which is the best site to celebrity gossip?

which is the best site to celebrity gossip

TMZ - Celebrity Gossip - Entertainment News - Celebrity News;_ylu=X3oDMTEzdGdkNzVwBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0Y2NjVfMTAx/SIG=11706rod3/EXP=1275878288/**http%3a// - Celebrity gossip;_ylu=X3oDMTEzdjNvbmJpBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0Y2NjVfMTAx/SIG=11f93ndq0/EXP=1275878288/**http%3a//
Celebrity Gossip and Hollywood Gossip via Gossip Girls,;_ylu=X3oDMTEzdnBhMXRnBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0Y2NjVfMTAx/SIG=11k4ajejn/EXP=1275878288/**http%3a//

Wat r some good websites with celebrity gossip?


Hi Rebecca,

These are the celebrity gossip sites I visit daily (listed in alphabetical order)...

A Socialite's Life:



Perez Hilton:


Pink is the New Blog:

TMZ (Thirty-Mile Zone):

What Would Tyler Durden Do:

Perez Hilton is the king (or should I say queen?) of all celebrity sites but I find myself growing increasingly fond of the sharp writing style of What Would Tyler Durden Do.

To search for gossip about a specific celebrity, I use...

Rumorlicious Celebrity Gossip Search Engine:

This search engine indexes several celebrity gossip sites so I use it to find different editorial perspectives on a specific celebrity or scandal.

Hope you find what you are looking for, Rebecca. I apologize in advance for your lost productivity - these sites can be extremely addictive and I find myself spending more and more time every day. ;)

Have fun! :D

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What's the best news site to RSS subscribe to?

Jordan L

I'm wanting to subscribe to a news site via RSS. I want one that's unbiased and that gives a moderate amount of updates -- not too many or too few.

Also, I can't stand stupid celebrity gossip. None of that, please.

Any suggestions?

I would take a look at

The Daily Source does a good job of finding the best of articles for you from reliable news sources worldwide and is updated by editors daily who do it for non-profit. One thing I like about it is that it's really simple and gives you variety just in a front page.

what web site maker should i use to make a celebrity gossip web site?

Anthony L

dose not matter the cost


# Easy Click-&-Type Editing
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# NEW! Widgets for weather, maps, news, clocks, Twitter and Flickr
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whats the latest on AC/DC????????


last thing i heard they were mixing their new album with producer brendan vancouver,........but i havent heard anything new in like a month...wuts goin on????????

any one know anything>????

i really cant wait for this 2 come out im like acca daccas numba 1

Actually, they finished recording the album and it will be released later in 2008.

Here is an interview conducted to Brian Johnson like 2 weeks ago

What's the latest news about Ron Paul?

Ash'ari Ma

I really love and respect this great man very much. He deserves to be America's leader.

You can see above posts about his Congressional run, bs about using presidential campaign money, though. He sent an email to supporters saying that a guy who said he was a supporter of Dr. Paul's and would vote for him as long as he ran was now going for his seat, and that he didn't have enough funding to run the campaign. In about 24 hours his Congressional funds went from $230,000 or so to over a million. He's doing ok on the money front, although I am sure more is always better if you would like to contribute. He is taking care of that, though, until March 4, but is staying in the Presidential campaign to the convention.

He says no third party run.

BUT, that presumably is because he figures he'll be needed in Congress. I in no way want him to lose his Congressional seat (I donated to his Congressional campaign when he sent the email around.) But supposing he does. Wouldn't that be the worst thing the Texas GOP could do? Because what then would keep him from a third party or independent run? There are two third parties trying to draft him, and just go on the forums or to Youtube to see the draft talk by his general supporters.

I'm not counting on it, though. He really does not plan to run third party, and given the 4, 000 people who showed up at one of his two rallies today in Texas, I suspect his seat is not in jeapardy. The only concern is that his district has been altered since the last election so some of the new voters in his district are not the same as those who voted for him before. Meanwhile, his opponant is saying 'wouldn't it be nicer to have a candidate who would get us some of that good DC pork'?

There is going to be a march on DC though, and Dr. Paul personally asked us to go, via video on Youtube and by email, so I'm going. It will likely be Memorial Day or the 4th of July, but many supporter groups are throwing out alternate days, and we are waiting for Dr. Paul to clarify that.

Meanwhile, a subgroup of supporters is having a Tax Day rally in DC and at post offices, but that is not the 'big one'.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What is the most popular celebrity gossip magazine in the USA?



Why do people who like celebrity gossip disgrace our country and make other countries HATE us?

Jayme Wigh

And if you don't live in the United States but live in a country where people care about the PERSONAL lives of celebrities, don't you think that those celebrity gossip followers disgrace your country, too?

haha yeah
but i only think its disgracing our country (Australia) cause were becoming more and more Americanised.
i mean, they're not even our celebrities people?? we have our own talent so why are we getting so caught up in other peoples?

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So what ever happened to the news coverage on the AZ shootings?


So here I am thinking about things. Yes I know, probably not the brightest idea, considering I don't have proper adult supervision at the moment. But it is what it is.
In the politics section there seems to be a lot of show me the proof type questions. So I thought I'd come up with one of my own. The latest shooter in AZ seems to have been deemed mentally unstable by those that would distance his actions from legal gun ownership. Seems reasonable considering he looks a little off. But are looks alone qualification enough to make that assumption. Of course there are his past actions and YouTube posts that would seem to validate the mentally unstable stance. But even those by themselves aren't proof positive that he wasn't working with a full deck on the day of the shooting. Of course there are the Dr. Phil's of the world that after the fact make a diagnosis. But they've never actually sat down and talked to the guy. So I can only summate that they are basing their diagnosis on hearsay evidence at best. 
Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to validate his actions in any way. He's murderer point blank as far as I'm concerned. My issue is that he legally bought a gun and then used it against innocent people. The gun advocates would have us believe it was because he's crazy. But in his past and to date there hasn't been one  mental health care worker that's actually sat down with him. That's come out and conclusively stated that he is. We merely assume he is because of his past acts and how he looks today. I think his demeanor is a ruse. Used to ensure that he's placed in protective custody for his safety. After all criminals too have a sense of right and wrong and their justice system behind concrete walls is swift and unwavering.
What say ye? 

the conservatives shutdown the story
because what happened in AZ is the result of many years
of extreme right wing fear tactics and manipulated political propaganda

however the last news I hear
was the FBI interrogated 300 people

I will speculated there is an organizations behind the shooter
and since I live in Arizona the first thing come to my mind
is Nazi movement of Tucson Arizona

well I guess we need to buy more guns

Please cite evidence that the AZ shooter is a liberal or conservative.?


1. His favorite books were liberal sacred texts including To Kill a Mockingbird and The Communist Manifesto.
2. He tried killing a "Blue Dog" Democrat aka a "DINO" who outraged the left by voting against Pelosi.
3. His ex-girlfriend described him as "radical liberal."
4. He burned the American flag.
5. A self-proclaimed atheist.
6. Said he supported the government seizing personal property to redistribute it.
7. Claimed it was "unconstitutional" that he had to pay for college.
8. He wasn't a libertarian; he was more of an anarchist

From yesterdays (01/08/10) Tweets from either NPR, HUFFS or DAILYKOS I was trying to get all the tweets and news from both before they get scrubbed! @cxx I can't manage all these media requests & Too much too fast, can't keep up.

@cxx This is a circus. Good Morning America just called me. @anxx it's loughner just checked my year book. @lexx I haven't seen him since '07. then, he was left wing more left. @oax I haven't seen him since '07 though. He became very reclusive. @axx he had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in '06, & dropped out of school. Mainly loner very philosophical.

@ anxx As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.

@anxx he was a pot head & into rock like Hendrix,The Doors, Anti-Flag. I haven't seen him in person since '07 in a sign language class

@anxx before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was "stupid & unintelligent"

@anxx I can. That is him. @anxx I went to high school, college, & was in a band with the gunman. This tragedy has just turned to horrific.

@anrxx Official I went to high school & college, & was in a band w/the gunman. I can't even fathom this right now Saying Jared Laughner was the gunman. Really hoping that's not the same guy I went to HS with, really good friend. Freaking out right now!!!

@anxx Arizona law enforcement official: "A person in the crowd shot back at the gunman."

Retweeted by @tiexx Rep. Giffords was on #Palin's infamous "target" map: Today she was shot in Tuscon. What is the US turning into? #p2

Retweeted by @arxx RT @alxx Sarah Palin *literally* put a gun sight on @Rep_Giffords. See Palin's map:

Retweeted by @acxx KOLD_news13 LATE BREAKING: UMC officials confirm Rep. Giffords is in surgery. She has not been declared dead. **Please RT**

Retweeted by @paxx Gabrielle Giffords reportedly died. Well Tucson politics are shot to hell. You've done one hell of a job. Thank you for your service.

! Giffords was shot in the head point blank. Not good!!!!


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If Fox News is the most popular news network, shouldn't it be considered "mainstream media"?

True Conse

...while other news sources are considered "alternative"?

FOX News is the number one cable news's competition is CNN, MSNBC and the like. Main Stream Media is broadcast networks like ABC, CBS and NBC although FOX does broadcast I am not sure why they don't broadcast their own news programs. In my city the local FOX News is done by a CBS affliate...good question.

What is popular vote?


It is the "consolidation" by the news media of all the votes cast as if from a single election. In reality, there is no "nationwide popular vote".

The thing is, there is no "single nationwide election" but separate elections held by individual states on the same day.

State elections are won by a "popular vote". All the Electoral College does is report to Congress which candidate was the most popular in each state, but the "reporting" is weighted by population with very populated states having far more "reporters" than small states.

Under a "republican form of government" as promised by the Constitution, ideally the President of all the States should be elected by a majority of states. The populations of the states should not matter as a majority of the "consolidated" population can come from from a very small minority of states in our Republic.

You should know the Constitution sets forth a backup procedure for electing a President if no winner can be determined from the results on election day. That procedure allows only one "vote" per state, regardless of the population, and a state gets a vote only if a clear winner emerges from the ballots cast by their House of Representatives delegation. If the delegation's ballots result in a tie, the state gets no vote under the assumption that at least half the people of the state will be happy with the final outcome.

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Just How Popular is RAGBRAI?


I'm from Iowa and have known about RAGBRAI for several years. I originally thought it was more of an Iowa thing until I saw national news talking about it. So i want to know how popular is it for bike riders outside of Iowa?

RAGBRAI is the biggest bike event in the world. It Is very popular outside Iowa. I have met riders from many different states on my one ride. I am considering doing it again this year. I am from California.

10,000 plus riders on the road at any given time it is like no other bike ride. A rolling Mardi Gras, State Fair type atmosphere with stop over towns every 10 miles or so. The amount of riders coming through normally dwarf the local town populations by a long shot

It is an Iowa thing that is shared with the world. It is on the National Geographic 100 things to do list.

must things to do on Ragbrai
eat at a school, church, fire house
eat pie at least once a day
sit on a porch and talk to a local
use a kybo
use a cornfield as a kybo
grab curb or a kerb or however you pronounce it involves an alcoholic beverage or if you don't drink just hanging with your group while they grab a kerb
Have a Mr Porkchop
have a beekmans ice cream on the side of the road
figure out what RUMBLE shouted out means

Is Oliver a popular name in Serbia 2009?


I do not know if Oliver is a popular name in Serbia, but yesterday's or the day before's yahoo news reported that Jack used to be the most popular name for boys last year, but this year it is Oliver.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Help with German article??

George Was

alright so I found this article in German about popular names and i understand some of it but I was wondering if anyone could help me summorize the main ideas of this article

Thanks a million!

Hmm, there's not much to summarize, it's just lots of words with not really much of content. It's just about the most popular names, that the statistics of 2007 are not done yet and the the most popular names are not THAT often as people think, the most popular about 1 percent each. Besides that they mention that there still is a difference between the former two parts of Germany and that certain things like they hype of Berlin's icebear Knut or the name of pop singer Sarah Connor's child influenced this year's names a little bit.

What news websites our popular around the world (Spain, Russia, France, UK, Germany, Italy, China...)?


I am doing a project, to see how people around the world react to news, and what their views are on current events (so I'm not necessarily looking for foreign news stories as much as I would be reading the comments on them).

That being said, I am just wondering what the top news websites are in Spain, Russia, France, England, Germany, Italy, China etc... I would if they were in the language of their parent country (Example:German news to be in German) so I know that I am getting comments from actual Germans and NOT Americans that just read foreign news articles(of course there could be an exception to Americans who are bilingual).

I know ( is popular in the United Kingdom, and I am not positive but I think (www.france is popular in France.

Answer or or are popular in Germany. It kind of depends on where you're from as we have a lot of regional newspapers with their own websites...

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dating missouri???

t j

divorced and single in Missouri. where are places to go besides bars or clubs to actually meet someone decent. who doesn't mind if you have kids i want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well try community events at the state and local. Usually they are listed at TV and local web sites. Others listed in city and county papers. Private clubs use everything from web to Advertisements. Colleges events can be found in flyer's, underground newspaper, different web bulletin boards.
example Lets take poplar bluff MO. Chamber shows 12 events in Feb and 11 area attractions. The City site show many, and the Dar news shows some 15. With that I didn't look at various radio and TV web sites, different groups and clubs or yahoo groups. These have nothing to do with the night club or BAR scenes. Add to that local private groups, county events and college...
If you are trying to meet local guys outside the bar Scene try free classes and college classes.

How many Bushism's can you type in 30 seconds.....GO!?

Johnny Ric

LMAO!!!!!!!! that was funny.

Hey, Bush lied to Me doesn't mean i'm going to hope in bed with a communist just because my political heart was broke...but i'll have my laugh!
i'm crying stpo[p!!

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." --George W. Bush, Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

"I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 25, 2004

"Those who enter the country illegally violate the law." --George W. Bush, Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 28, 2005

"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Why is celebrity gossip very addicting in USA?

Ana L�via

Not this way where I'm from.Since coming to USA I follow celebrity gossip more. I don't understand why.

It's the Internet, once you go on you can never quit and theres ALOT of ads about celebrities if you havent noticed

What is the most popular celebrity gossip magazine in the USA?



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I would like to know..?


what are the trade issues and conflict between China & US ?
Can someone elaborate in detail followed by reference links/urls

Thanks. I appreciate your help.

An increased number of lawyers and journalists were harassed, detained, and jailed. Thousands of people who pursued their faith outside officially sanctioned churches were subjected to harassment and many to detention and imprisonment. Thousands of people were sentenced to death or executed. Migrants from rural areas were deprived of basic rights. Severe repression of Uighurs in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region continued, and freedom of expression and religion continued to be severely restricted in Tibet and among Tibetans elsewhere.

International community
Before China's election to the new UN Human Rights Council, it made a number of human rights-related pledges, including ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and active co-operation with the UN on human rights. Chinese companies continued to export arms to countries where they were likely to be used for serious human rights abuses, including Sudan and Myanmar.

Human rights defenders
The government crackdown on lawyers and housing rights activists intensified. Many human rights defenders were subjected to lengthy periods of arbitrary detention without charge, as well as harassment by the police or by local gangs apparently condoned by the police. Many lived under near constant surveillance or house arrest and members of their families were increasingly targeted. New regulations restricted the ability of lawyers to represent groups of victims and to participate in collective petitions.

⢠Gao Zhisheng, an outspoken human rights lawyer, had his law practice suspended in November 2005. He was detained in August 2006 and remained in incommunicado detention at an unknown location until his trial in December 2006. In October he was formally arrested on charges of "inciting subversion", and in December he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, suspended for five years.

Journalists and Internet users
The government's crackdown on journalists, writers, and Internet users intensified. Numerous popular newspapers and journals were shut down. Hundreds of international websites remained blocked and thousands of Chinese websites were shut down. Dozens of journalists were detained for reporting on sensitive issues.

The government strengthened systems for blocking, filtering, and monitoring the flow of information. New regulations came into effect requiring foreign news agencies to gain approval from China's official news agency in order to publish any news. Many foreign journalists were detained for short periods.

Discrimination against rural migrants
Rural migrant workers in China's cities faced wide-ranging discrimination. Despite official commitment to resolve the problem, millions of migrant workers were still owed back pay. The vast majority were excluded from urban health insurance schemes and could not afford private health care. Access to public education remained tenuous for millions of migrant children, in contrast to other urban residents. An estimated

20 million migrant children were unable to live with their parents in the cities in part because of insecure schooling.

⢠Beijing municipal authorities closed dozens of migrant schools in September, affecting thousands of migrant children. While authorities claimed to have targeted unregistered and sub-standard schools, onerous demands made it nearly impossible for migrant schools to be registered. Some school staff believed the closures were aimed at reducing the migrant population in Beijing ahead of the 2008 Olympics.

Violence and discrimination against women
Violence and discrimination against women remained severe. The disadvantaged economic and social status of women and girls was evident in employment, health care and education. Women were laid off in larger numbers than men from failing state enterprises. Women accounted for 60 per cent of rural labourers and had fewer non-agricultural opportunities than men. The absence of gender-sensitive anti-HIV/AIDS policies contributed to a significant rise in female HIV/AIDS cases in 2006. Only 43 per cent of girls in rural areas completed education above lower middle school, compared with 61 per cent of boys.

Despite strengthened laws and government efforts to combat human trafficking, it remained pervasive, with an estimated 90 per cent of cases being women and children trafficked for sexual exploitation.

⢠Chen Guangcheng, a blind, self-trained lawyer, was sentenced in August to a prison term of four years and three months on charges of "damaging public property and gathering people to stop traffic". He had been arbitrarily confined to his home since September 2005 in connection with his advocacy on behalf of women undergoing forced abortions in Shandong Province. On appeal, the guilty verdict was overturned and the case sent back to the lower court for retrial, but the lower court upheld the original sentence.

Repression of spiritual and religious groups
The government conti

People's Republic of China?


Head of state: Hu Jintao
Head of government: Wen Jiabao
Death penalty: retentionist
International Criminal Court: not ratified

An increased number of lawyers and journalists were harassed, detained, and jailed. Thousands of people who pursued their faith outside officially sanctioned churches were subjected to harassment and many to detention and imprisonment. Thousands of people were sentenced to death or executed. Migrants from rural areas were deprived of basic rights. Severe repression of Uighurs in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region continued, and freedom of expression and religion continued to be severely restricted in Tibet and among Tibetans elsewhere.

International community
Before China's election to the new UN Human Rights Council, it made a number of human rights-related pledges, including ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and active co-operation with the UN on human rights. Chinese companies continued to export arms to countries where they were likely to be used for serious human rights abuses, including Sudan and Myanmar.

Human rights defenders
The government crackdown on lawyers and housing rights activists intensified. Many human rights defenders were subjected to lengthy periods of arbitrary detention without charge, as well as harassment by the police or by local gangs apparently condoned by the police. Many lived under near constant surveillance or house arrest and members of their families were increasingly targeted. New regulations restricted the ability of lawyers to represent groups of victims and to participate in collective petitions.

⢠Gao Zhisheng, an outspoken human rights lawyer, had his law practice suspended in November 2005. He was detained in August 2006 and remained in incommunicado detention at an unknown location until his trial in December 2006. In October he was formally arrested on charges of "inciting subversion", and in December he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, suspended for five years.

Journalists and Internet users
The government's crackdown on journalists, writers, and Internet users intensified. Numerous popular newspapers and journals were shut down. Hundreds of international websites remained blocked and thousands of Chinese websites were shut down. Dozens of journalists were detained for reporting on sensitive issues.

The government strengthened systems for blocking, filtering, and monitoring the flow of information. New regulations came into effect requiring foreign news agencies to gain approval from China's official news agency in order to publish any news. Many foreign journalists were detained for short periods.

Discrimination against rural migrants
Rural migrant workers in China's cities faced wide-ranging discrimination. Despite official commitment to resolve the problem, millions of migrant workers were still owed back pay. The vast majority were excluded from urban health insurance schemes and could not afford private health care. Access to public education remained tenuous for millions of migrant children, in contrast to other urban residents. An estimated

20 million migrant children were unable to live with their parents in the cities in part because of insecure schooling.

⢠Beijing municipal authorities closed dozens of migrant schools in September, affecting thousands of migrant children. While authorities claimed to have targeted unregistered and sub-standard schools, onerous demands made it nearly impossible for migrant schools to be registered. Some school staff believed the closures were aimed at reducing the migrant population in Beijing ahead of the 2008 Olympics.

Violence and discrimination against women
Violence and discrimination against women remained severe. The disadvantaged economic and social status of women and girls was evident in employment, health care and education. Women were laid off in larger numbers than men from failing state enterprises. Women accounted for 60 per cent of rural labourers and had fewer non-agricultural opportunities than men. The absence of gender-sensitive anti-HIV/AIDS policies contributed to a significant rise in female HIV/AIDS cases in 2006. Only 43 per cent of girls in rural areas completed education above lower middle school, compared with 61 per cent of boys.

Despite strengthened laws and government efforts to combat human trafficking, it remained pervasive, with an estimated 90 per cent of cases being women and children trafficked for sexual exploitation.

⢠Chen Guangcheng, a blind, self-trained lawyer, was sentenced in August to a prison term of four years and three months on charges of "damaging public property and gathering people to stop traffic". He had been arbitrarily confined to his home since September 2005 in connection with his advocacy on behalf of women undergoing forced abortions in Shandong Province. On appeal, the guilty verdict was overturned and the case sent back to the lower court for retrial, but the lower court upheld the original sentence.

Repression of spiritual and religious groups
The government continued to crack down on religious observance outside officially sanctioned channels. Thousands of members of underground protestant "house churches" and unofficial Catholic churches were detained, many of whom were ill-treated or tortured in detention. Members of the Falun Gong spiritual movement were detained and assigned to administrative detention for their beliefs, and continued to be at high risk of torture or ill-treatment.

⢠Bu Dongwei, a Falun Gong practitioner, was assigned to two and a half years' Re-education through Labour in June for "activities relating to a banned organization" after police discovered Falun Gong literature at his home. He had been working for a US aid organization when he was detained.

⢠Pastor Zhang Rongliang, an underground church leader who had been repeatedly detained and imprisoned since 1976, was sentenced in June to seven and a half years' imprisonment on charges of illegally crossing the border and fraudulently obtaining a passport.

Death penalty
The death penalty continued to be used extensively to punish around 68 crimes, including economic and non-violent crimes. Based on public reports, AI estimated that at least 1,010 people were executed and 2,790 sentenced to death during 2006, although the true figures were believed to be much higher.

The National People's Congress passed a law reinstating a final review of all death penalty cases by the Supreme People's Court from 2007. Commentators believed this would lead to a reduction in miscarriages of justice and use of the death penalty.

Executions by lethal injection rose, facilitating the extraction of organs from executed prisoners, a lucrative business. In November a deputy minister announced that the majority of transplanted organs came from executed prisoners. In July new regulations banned the buying and selling of organs and required written consent from donors for organ removal.

⢠Xu Shuangfu, the leader of an unofficial Protestant group called "Three Grades of Servants", was executed along with 11 others in November after being convicted of murdering 20 members of another group, "Eastern Lightning", in 2003-4. Xu Shuangfu reportedly claimed that he had confessed under torture during police interrogation and that the torture had included beatings with heavy chains and sticks, electric shocks to the toes, fingers and genitals and forced injection of hot pepper, gasoline and ginger into the nose. Both the first instance and appeal courts reportedly refused to allow his lawyers to introduce these allegations as evidence in his defence.

Torture, arbitrary detention and unfair trials
Torture and ill-treatment remained widespread. Common methods included kicking, beating, electric shocks, suspension by the arms, shackling in painful positions, cigarette burns, and sleep and food deprivation. In November a senior official admitted that at least 30 wrongful convictions handed down each year resulted from the use of torture, with the true number likely being higher. There was no progress in efforts to reform the Re-education through Labour system of administrative detention without charge or trial. Hundreds of thousands of people were believed to be held in Re-education through Labour facilities across China and were at risk of torture and ill-treatment. In May 2006, the Beijing city authorities announced their intention to extend their use of Re-education through Labour as a way to control "offending behaviour" and to clean up the city's image ahead of the Olympics.

⢠Ye Guozhu was sentenced to four years' imprisonment in 2004 for his opposition to forced evictions in Beijing associated with construction for the Olympic games. It emerged during 2006 that Ye had been tortured while in detention. He was reportedly suspended from the ceiling by the arms and beaten repeatedly by police in Dongcheng district detention centre, Beijing, and also reportedly tortured in another prison in the second half of 2005.

Uighurs in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
Government authorities in Xinjiang continued to severely repress the Uighur community and to deny their human rights, including freedom of religion and access to education. An increased number of Uighurs were extradited to China from Central Asia, reflecting growing pressure by China on governments in the region. Seventeen Uighurs remained in detention in Guantánamo Bay.

⢠The family of exiled former prisoner of conscience Rebiya Kadeer continued to be targeted by the Chinese authorities. On 26 November her son Ablikim Abdiriyim, detained in Xinjiang awaiting trial on charges of "subversion" and tax evasion, was seen being carried out of Tianshan District Detention

Centre, apparently in need of medical attention. On 27 November her sons Alim and Kahar Abdiriyim were fined heavily and Alim sentenced to seven years' imprisonment on charges of tax evasion.

⢠Husein Celil, a Canadian citizen who fled China in the 1990s as a refugee, was arrested in Uzbekistan and extradited to China in June. He was reportedly accused of "terrorism" and denied access to family or consular representatives.

Tibetans in the Tibet Autonomous Region and other areas experienced severe restrictions on their rights to freedom of religious belief, expression and association, and discrimination in employment. Many were detained or imprisoned for observing their religion or expressing opinions, including Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns. Excessive use of force against Tibetans seeking to flee repression in Tibet continued. In September witnesses saw Chinese border patrol guards shooting at a group of Tibetans attempting to reach Nepal. At least one child was confirmed killed.

⢠Woeser, a leading Tibetan intellectual, had her weblog shut down several times after she raised questions about China's role in Tibet.

⢠Sonam Gyalpo, a former monk, was sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment in mid-2006 for "endangering state security" after the authorities found videos of the Dalai Lama and other "incriminating materials" in his house. His family learned of his trial and sentencing when they tried to visit him in detention.

North Korean refugees
Approximately 100,000 North Koreans were reportedly hiding in China. The authorities arrested and deported an estimated 150-300 each week without ever referring cases to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency. They also reportedly implemented a system of rewards for turning in North Koreans and heavy fines for supporting them. In September a new crackdown was reported on North Koreans residing illegally in China.

Abuse of North Korean women in China was widely reported, including cases of systematic rape and prostitution. North Korean women were reportedly sold as brides to Chinese men for between US$880 and US$1,890. Some women knew they were being sold into marriage but did not know how harsh conditions in China would be. Others were lured across the border by marriage brokers posing as merchants.

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
All 14 South Koreans charged with "unlawful assembly" after protesting outside World Trade Organization meetings in December 2005 were acquitted in early 2006, sparking renewed calls for an independent inquiry into the actions of the police during the protests.

The UN Human Rights Committee and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women reviewed the human rights situation in Hong Kong in March and August respectively. Both made several recommendations for reform.

In September, the Hong Kong Court of Appeal upheld a lower court ruling that laws providing a higher age of consent for sexual relations for gay men than for heterosexuals were discriminatory. The authorities announced that they would not appeal the case further.

Asylum-seekers continued to be refused entry without adequate consideration of their claims. Others were detained for over-staying their visas or other immigration offences. Despite lobbying from human rights and social welfare groups, the authorities confirmed that there were no plans to extend the UN Refugee Convention to Hong Kong. The authorities began to offer limited welfare assistance to asylum-seekers after UNHCR ceased its funding in May, but this was reportedly insufficient to meet basic needs.

AI country reports/visits
⢠People's Republic of China: Abolishing "Re-education through Labour" and other forms of administrative detention - An opportunity to bring the law into line with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (AI Index: ASA 17/016/2006)

⢠People's Republic of China: Sustaining conflict and human rights abuses - The flow of arms accelerates (AI Index: ASA 17/030/2006)

⢠People's Republic of China: The Olympics count-down - failing to keep human rights promises (AI Index: ASA 17/046/2006)

⢠Undermining freedom of expression in China: the role of Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google (AI Index: POL 30/026/2006)

AI representatives attended several human rights-related meetings in Beijing and Shenzhen.

Head of state: Hu Jintao
Head of government: Wen Jiabao
Death penalty: retentionist
International Criminal Court: not ratified

An increased number of lawyers and journalists were harassed, detained, and jailed. Thousands of people who pursued their faith outside officially sanctioned churches were subjected to harassment and many to detention and imprisonment. Thousands of people were sentenced to death or executed. Migrants from rural areas were deprived of basic rights. Severe repression of Uighurs in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region continued, and freedom of expression and religion continued to be severely restricted in Tibet and among Tibetans elsewhere.

International community
Before China's election to the new UN Human Rights Council, it made a number of human rights-related pledges, including ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and active co-operation with the UN on human rights.

Next time you post something like this, with facts and figures, post a link so people can check it out to make sure its legit, based on current events, and not more china bashing.

When you do, then I'll check it out.


Now you supplied a link, but the great cyber wall here in China won't let me get there.

China censors China hate sites plus pornography.

Keep this in mind, the Amnisties Internationals organizations depend on donations to survive. I've often wondered just how much they embellish the facts on that alone. It behooves one to look very closely at their board of directors, what they are getting paid, what percentage goes to public education, who they interview, are they seeking the other sides arguments without predisposition, --- in short, is it tabloid journalism, or is it really true. Plus, how current is it?





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Which Top Political Figure Said The Following Controversial Comment?


"Out of these troubled times ... a New World Order can emerge."

Did the person who said this have any family connections with the Hinkley family (as in John Hinkley, the person who tried to kill pres Reagan) ?

President George H.W. Bush in a speech to Congress on SEPTEMBER 11, (9/11) 1990, SAID THIS: "[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times...a New World Order can emerge."

Reportedly so, is the suggestion that there was a connection.

Hinckley - Bush Family Friend - Nears Release

The Bush and Hinckley families go back to the oil-wildcatting days of the 1960s in Texas. (Ironically, they go back even farther in a genealogical sense, since the have a common ancestor in Samuel Hinckley, who lived in the late 1600s.)

The relationship was much closer between George Bush, Sr., and John Hinckley, Sr., whose families were neighbors for years in Houston. John Hinckley, Sr., contributed to the political campaigns of Bush, Sr., all the way back to Bush's running for Congress, and he supported Bush against Reagan for the 1980 Republican presidential nomination. Bush, Sr., and Hinckley, Sr., were both in the oil business. When the Hinckley oil company, Vanderbilt Oil, started to fail in the 1960s, Bush, Sr.'s, Zapata Oil financially bailed out Hinckley's sompany. Hinckley had been running an operation with six dead wells, but he began making several milliion dollars a year after the Bush bailout.

Scott Hinckley, John's brother, was scheduled to have dinner at the Denver home of Neil Bush, Bush, Sr.'s, son (and of course the current president's brother) the day after the shooting. At the time, Neil Bush was a Denver-based purchaser of mineral rights for Amoco, and Scott Hinckley was the vice president of his father's Denver-based oil business.


In 1980, Hinckley Sr. was a Texas oilman who, the records show, strove mightily to get fellow Texas oilman George H.W. Bush the Republican nomination for president. The Bushes and the Hinckleys were frequent dinner companions.

But far beyond their social connection, neither Bush nor Hinckley wanted Ronald Reagan to become president, because Reagan was opposed to tax breaks for the oil industry to which Bush, Hinckley and other Texans were highly dependent.

The effort to make Bush Sr. president in 1980 failed; but he and his friend and backer Hinckley Sr. got the next best thing â the "heartbeat away from the presidency" office of Vice-President of the United States.

Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting
The Associated Press Domestic News
March 31, 1981, Tuesday, PM cycle

The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign, the Houston Post reported today.

The newspaper said in a copyright story, Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president's sons.

The newspaper said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corp., for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Co. of Indiana.

In 1978, Neil served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the vice president's oldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980.

On Monday, Neil Bush said he did not know if he had ever met 25-year-old John Hinckley.

"I have no idea," he said. "I don't recognize any pictures of him. I just wish I could see a better picture of him.

Sharon Bush, Neil's wife, said Scott Hinckley was coming to their house as a date of a girl friend of hers. "I don't even know the brother. From what I know and I've heard, they (the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign. I understand he was just the renegade brother in the family. They must feel awful," she said.

The dinner was canceled, she added.

George W. Bush said he was unsure whether he had met John W. Hinckley.

From what I know and I've heard, they (the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign."--SHARON BUSH

Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president's sons.

If you are a pro-illegal supporter, would you change your mind if your child was raped by an illegal?

Sci Fi Fan

Why has child molestation committed by illegal aliens become an epidemic?
⢠October 15, 2009

Contrary to what President Bush often claimed, family values do stop at the Rio Grande for many illegal aliens. In addition to suppressing wages, bankrupting our hospitals, and over-crowding our jails and public schools, illegal aliens are preying upon our children.


Dave Gibson

April 21, 2009

Contrary to what President Bush often claimed, family values do stop at the Rio Grande for many illegal aliens. In addition to suppressing wages, bankrupting our hospitals, and over-crowding our jails and public schools, illegal aliens are preying upon our children

In Operation Predator sweeps across the country conducted between 2003-2007, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents nabbed over 10,700 foreign national child molesters. Many of these predators had been previously convicted of other crimes, and many had already been deported once. The number predators apprehended in the sweeps actually only represent the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, a study conducted by the Violent Crimes Institute reports that between 1999 and 2006, there were nearly 1,000,000 sex crimes committed in the United States by illegal aliens.

Using U.S. Department of Justice, Immigration, as well as state and local law enforcement data, Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute determined that there are no less than 240,000 illegal alien sex offenders currently inside the U.S.

A very cursory search on the subject of illegal aliens committing acts of child molestation turned up countless examples of the growing problem. The following are two recent ones:

On April 17, 2009, Judge Cecil Puryear in Lubbock, TX, sentenced illegal alien and Mexican national Julian Vasquez to 15 years in prison for a July 2008 incident in which Vasquez broke into an apartment and sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl.

Vasquez broke forced his way into the dwelling located in Cora Apartments, and shoved the girl onto the bed, tore off her shirt and bra, and fondled her breasts, according to court documents.

The girl was able to fight off Vasquez and ran into the bathroom, where she was able to call 911. When officers arrived, they found Vasquez still trying to open the bathroom door.

The only defense offered by Vasquezâs attorney, Jesse Mendez, was that his client was drunk when he committed the frightening assault.

Lubbock County prosecutor Jennifer Basset told reporters: âThis is an appropriate sentence for a stranger who broke into a house to molest a child. And this is a case where the effects on this child will not be forgotten by her, and this is a serious crime in Lubbock County.â

On April 14, 2009, illegal alien and Salvadoran national Isaac Mendez Ramirez, 24 was arrested in Largo, FL and charged with two counts of capital sexual battery.

Ramirez is accused of molesting a 7-year-old girl in November 2008 and again in January 2009. According to the arrest report, Ramirez lives with the little girl but is not related to her. He is being held in the Pinellas County Jail.

In 2007, Americans For Legal Immigration Political Action Committee (ALIPAC) tracked child sexual assaults committed by illegal aliens. In a 30 day period, they recorded 27 assaults by foreign nationals illegally inside the United States. The results are as follows:

July 28, 2007
Milwaukee, Oregon
Charged: Alejandro Emetrio âAlexâ Rivera Gamboa, 24, and Gilberto Javier Arellano-Gamboa, 23
Charges: rape and murder
Victim: Dani Countryman of Texas (15 years old)

August 6, 2007
Trenton, N.J.
Charged: Jose Carranza, 28
Charges: child rape (later charged with murder of Newark teenagers as well)
Victim: childâs name withheld

August 16, 2007
Huron, Ohio
Charged: Lucio Sanchez-Martinez
Charge: gross sexual imposition of a minor
Victim: 8 year old girl

August 20, 2007
Oregon City, Oregon
Charged: Alejandro Hernandez-Flores, 19 and Mario Alberto Flores-Estrada, 20
Charges: rape, sodomy, and sexual abuse
Victims: two girls ages 14 and 15

August 21, 2007
Franklin County, Alabama
Charged: Alvaro Vargas, 38
Charge: rape, sexual abuse
Victim: 11 year old girl

August 23, 2007
Bryan County, Oklahoma
Sought/Charged: Jose Retana
Charge: rape by instrumentation
Victim: 4 year old girl

August 24, 2007
Indianapolis, Indiana
Charged: Jesus Valenzuela, 19
Charges: child molestation and burglary
Victim: 5 year old girl

August 27, 2007
McAllen, Texas
Charged: Jorge Alberto Escobar
Charge: aggravated kidnapping
Victim: 5 year old girl

August 27, 2007
Rockville, Maryland
Sought/Charged: Mahumbo Kanneh, 23
Charges: rape, sexual assault, and molestation (Dismissed due to lack of interpreter!)
Victims: 18 month and 7 year old girls

August 15, 2007
Indiantown, Florida
Charged: Ruben Hernandez-Juare

You're pretty good with them if questions. What if your child was raped by a citizen would you just ignore it because an illegal is not involved or you going to be like Bateman's parents coming on here to fight the illegals when Mark his self was using drugs. I don't ever hear them admit that though. No they just come here pissed at illegals like they are the only ones who murder in America.

You too come here and post about illegals like they are the only guilty ones of anything in America. Why then do you choose to ignore the fact that by the numbers given in the information you gave for the year 2007 looks like there would have been about 325 cases of sexual assault committed by illegal aliens. But what about the other average annual 140,990 completed rapes, 109,230 attempted rapes, and 152,680 completed and attempted sexual assaults between 1992 and 2000.
That's right you are ignoring some 140,675 other cases for what reason, to make it unacceptable for ANY illegal to be in the United States.

The average annual number for the years 1992 to 2000 of 140,990 victims do not include all age groups, so unlike the links you leave out here is mine.

Here is one of the ones you forgot,

Man convicted in child's videotaped sexual assault

After deliberating for more than four hours, a jury convicted a Nevada man of 22 counts Tuesday for videotaping himself sexually assaulting a toddler, CNN affiliates report.
The rape occurred before the girl's third birthday, while she was in the care of a baby-sitter her mother had hired, he said. The mother did not know the girl had been victimized. After the girl was found, authorities asked CNN and other news organizations to stop showing her picture.
The man who turned the tape over to authorities, Darrin Tuck, faced criminal charges because of the delay in turning it over, during which authorities alleged he showed it to others.
A judge gave Tuck a one-year suspended sentence and three years of probation in April after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to obstruct a public officer, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. He initially had faced a felony count of possession of child pornography.

Looks like his friend got off easy - real easy.
But if that little bit of truth didn't hurt then you just have to read my last last link - he may have got the worst and best in this deal - just keep saying its all about the Benjamin's.

Illegal Alien Child Molester Gets $4 Million

Lawmakers in one of Californiaâs largest counties have secretly approved awarding an illegal immigrant child molester more than $4 million because he was beaten by fellow inmates while in custody.
The Orange County Board of Supervisors made the decision in a closed-door session, according to an local newspaper that made the settlement public this week. The lawsuit had been filed by an illegal immigrant from Mexico who was jailed after molesting a 6-year-old girl at a park.

Whats the matter Docar afraid to provide links for fear of being exposed?

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

"I look in the sun, I look in the mirror"...? What's it mean?


It's some lyrics from the song The Fear from Lily Allen

yeah its a double meaning....

look in the sun (getting a tan)
look in the mirror (looking at yourself to put on make up/hair etc etc)

i look in the sun, i look in the mirror (both tabloid newspaper containing lots of celebrity gossip.)

the whole song is about celebrity stereotypes and how there is a image of a perfect celeb.

should I avoid the sun because of this dress color?


my prom is on June 1, this is the dress I'm wearing (in real life, the gold color of the dress is a bit more bronze/dark, definitely not yellow-gold):

right now my skin is about this color (my hair is her hair color, too):

I was going to go to the beach today. but should I avoid being in the sun? i'm afraid if I get tanner the dress color won't look as good.

Honestly, you're not going to tan that much in one day for it to make any difference.

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What are some nice, simple fonts similar in style to Arial and Century Gothic?


I'm looking for some popular fonts that MOST people have.

⢠Avant Garde Medium BT
⢠Geometric 212 Book BT
⢠Gothic 720 & 725 BT
⢠Microsoft Sans Serif
⢠Swiss 721 BT
⢠Trebuchet MS

Century Gothic
⢠Avant Garde Book BT
⢠Avant Garde Medium BT
⢠Folio Light BT
⢠Geometric 415 & 706 BT
⢠Humanist BT
⢠News Gothic BT
⢠Swiss 721 BT
⢠Trebuchet MS


Would you please go to my website?


My website is! Please go! I'm trying to make it popular! So please please please go! I have the latest news on the web so please please go!
Don't say my website sucks, it's hurtful. And I just made it 30 minutes ago.

Hum you can fix it a bit. Change the gray into lime green or purple, Change the font (make it more stylish), change the penguin picture and the font for the poll, make it look better. The stories aren't so bad. If you want to make it more popular let it be on google. Oh and try to make it more young teen-like; they'd love it if you change the color into more pink-like and if you add celebrity picture...if you want more help just talk to me on

Hope I helped :)

edit:it's much better..sorry if it was hurtful i was just trying to help. Oh you can add videos too!

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