Saturday, March 22, 2014

Was the Taliban created by the CIA and Pakistan's ISI?

Q. Lalit K Jha
Washington, May 11 (PTI) In a new revelation, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has said that the CIA of the United States and his country's ISI together created the Taliban.

"I think it was part of your past and our past, and the ISI and CIA created them together," Zardari told the NBC news channel in an interview.

In the interview, which was given to the NBC on May 7, Zardari also accused the US of supporting the military rule of Pervez Musharraf who was alleged to be taking sides of the Taliban.

He disagreed with the popular belief in the US that the Pakistan military and intelligence services still have sympathies for the Taliban.

"I think General Musharraf may have had a mindset to run head and hand with the hound but certainly not on our watch. We don't have a tough process at all," Zardari said.

Asked about the influential role of the Pakistan Army, Zardari said he is in control of everything in the country, including the military.

"The Parliament has final say. It's the Parliament form of government, and I am a product of the Parliament," he said.

Earlier, Zardari in an another interview had said that India was not a "threat" to his country and that Pakistan had moved some of its forces from its Indian border to western frontier to eliminate Taliban in its tribal belt. PTI

Uh Oh, Awkward, I believe this is a classic "American conservative hypocrisy" moment.

Are Media telling everything about Islam ?

Vayu W

Are they giving it a leve exposure ?
What is favored, what is unsaid or what is revealed ?

media telling about Islam...

i do not think media really discusses Islam. most of the news are not referring to Islam but to Muslims. it is more about applied Islam. that is how the followers act.

Islam was founded in a tribal background Some, 1500 years ago. Mohammad was progressive according to that time, age and place. but he constantly had to fight and Muslims have a long history of wars . their leader had to from mecca to madeena because of it. they went on spreading their newly found belief in name of Allah by sword. the term jihad means war . today often Muslims explain that it means war with inner self and with own conscious for righteous or whatever. but this meaning has not always been same and still not that much popular among muslims themselves. most of the Muslims still translate the term jihad into holy war with infidels.

why else mopala in India killed Hindus when they were asked to join non violent struggle for freedom of India. they were asked to join war against foreigner rule.for them fight meant jihad and jihad means kill your non Muslim neighbors. funny that Britishers against whom the "struggle" was aimed had to come to save Hindus from total annihilation.

the problem is that muslims need to reform their sciety, laws. with changing time many old rules and customs get obslete. and many unwanted traditions seep in disguise of righteousness or ideals. christians and hindus did the clean up and are better than they were some 200 years ago.

untill enough muslims come up to condemn terrorism and stop supporting such activities it is useless to blame media.

do you think islamic media tells the truth? how many muslim news channel reporting gujarat told exactly what lead to it? and how mulims did godhara? how many muslim news channels have told muslim world about plight of hindus in kashmeer valley , the genocide of hindus in kashmeer, pakistan or bangladesh??

Media is always biased. they are run by people. and people have their own political, economical and social agendas to carry out. they care about their ratings. they give news which suits them and in the way which suits them.

but muslims give them too much negative material themselves. they keep blowing up buildings and peoples. do they really think the plight of women in muslim countries today will never come up? or the tradition of tying children at camel backs will be unnoticed forever. they tie them to camel backs . frightenned child cries and confused camel runs faster as they cry louder. off courese it is not world news because most children are from poor countries; south asian countries like bangladesh.

blaming others does not help for forever. muslims should get a good mirror.

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