Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Just How Popular is RAGBRAI?


I'm from Iowa and have known about RAGBRAI for several years. I originally thought it was more of an Iowa thing until I saw national news talking about it. So i want to know how popular is it for bike riders outside of Iowa?

RAGBRAI is the biggest bike event in the world. It Is very popular outside Iowa. I have met riders from many different states on my one ride. I am considering doing it again this year. I am from California.

10,000 plus riders on the road at any given time it is like no other bike ride. A rolling Mardi Gras, State Fair type atmosphere with stop over towns every 10 miles or so. The amount of riders coming through normally dwarf the local town populations by a long shot

It is an Iowa thing that is shared with the world. It is on the National Geographic 100 things to do list.

must things to do on Ragbrai
eat at a school, church, fire house
eat pie at least once a day
sit on a porch and talk to a local
use a kybo
use a cornfield as a kybo
grab curb or a kerb or however you pronounce it involves an alcoholic beverage or if you don't drink just hanging with your group while they grab a kerb
Have a Mr Porkchop
have a beekmans ice cream on the side of the road
figure out what RUMBLE shouted out means

Is Oliver a popular name in Serbia 2009?


I do not know if Oliver is a popular name in Serbia, but yesterday's or the day before's yahoo news reported that Jack used to be the most popular name for boys last year, but this year it is Oliver.

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