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Really, why did Larry King choose to interview Paris Hilton? People don't like her and they're sick of hearing about her. She doesn't belong on the nightly news. She belongs in gossip columns. Enough already. Why doesn't the media cover real news and leave the celebrity gossip to People, US, and Star Magazine?
I would guess RATINGS is their #1 reason. However, like all institutions they are caught in their own bubble & can't see beyond each other. So they are trying to compete with each other, but not paying any attention to the mass public who is beyond tired of the so called celebrities & their dismal lives. While the real world spins by, CNN & others are twiddling there thumbs in la la land, believing they've one-upped their competition. To bad they don't know their competition is Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood or any of the other silly tabloid shows.
Kudos to Barbara Walters for turning Ms. Hilton down!
Thumbs way down for Larry King dumping Michael Moores one hour interview about the ailing health care system, just to yack with her!!!
Way Way Way thumbs up for Jon Stewart to have Michael Moore on the same night he was suppose to do the Larry King show!
I would guess RATINGS is their #1 reason. However, like all institutions they are caught in their own bubble & can't see beyond each other. So they are trying to compete with each other, but not paying any attention to the mass public who is beyond tired of the so called celebrities & their dismal lives. While the real world spins by, CNN & others are twiddling there thumbs in la la land, believing they've one-upped their competition. To bad they don't know their competition is Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood or any of the other silly tabloid shows.
Kudos to Barbara Walters for turning Ms. Hilton down!
Thumbs way down for Larry King dumping Michael Moores one hour interview about the ailing health care system, just to yack with her!!!
Way Way Way thumbs up for Jon Stewart to have Michael Moore on the same night he was suppose to do the Larry King show!
What do you call people who follow mainstream trends just to fit in and type in text speak?
Q. This is for fans of Twilight, Justin Bieber, Jersey Shore, modern mainstream pop-punk bands, text speak (their method of typing), superficial entertainment, celebrity gossip, and letting the media dictate their taste in entertainment.
Teenyboppers, I guess?
Teenyboppers, I guess?
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