Sunday, November 3, 2013

What is worse: celebrity gossip or followers of it?

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Jayme Wigh

If you are into celebrity gossip, you are in need of a lobotomy. Can't you see that following celebrity gossip causes you to lose brain cells? There is nothing entertaining about celebrity gossip, nor is there anything to feel good about. Is your entertainment level that low that you feel the need to follow the PERSONAL lives of needless celebrities? Followers of celebrity gossip are the reason popular entertainment sucks today and the reason other countries HATE us.

This is so true. The people who publish or commentate on celebrities are just doing their job as a profession whether it be a reporter, a journalist, a photographer or a person doing a 'simple' interview with a celebrity, but all this is not necessarily true information, stories, videos and photos are and can be made up to catch the public eye even if the information is completely false people will buy it. So I think it's the followers that are worse because they sometimes seem to believe anything and everything.

What is a good name for a celebrity gossip blog?


I am studying journalism and am starting a new celebrity gossip blog to have somewhere to show my writing.
I wanted the star gazer, but it was taken.
I will be using blogger.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

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