Friday, January 24, 2014

If Obama is so bad why is the Dow at 11,000 about 4,500 pts higher then what bush left us with?

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Fjfj I

When Bush left office the Dow was around 6500. Now it is at 11,000. So how can you say that Obama is doing bad when one of most popular economic indicators rose about 200%?

Don't you watch Fox News? Only bad things are Obama's fault, like unemployment. Good things, like the stock market and recovery of certain industries, are due to Republicans, like Bush or their savior Reagan.

In the coming election, some Rs are obviously going to get seats formerly held by Ds. The balance of power won't change, but watch Republicans change their tune about the economy. It is getting better, but they say it still sucks...but when new Rs take office, suddenly it's going to "finally" be getting better, due to America "starting to wake up." I guarantee you this will happen--but not for a month or two after the elections. Then the improvement in the economy will finally get recognized, and Rs that just showed up will get credit.

That sounds good for Republicans, but what they'd really like is to keep things in the toilet for Obama's remaining two years. The can, and will, block any and all Democrat-inspired legislation (and most of the rest of it) to bring the country to a grinding halt. They'd like nothing more than for the economy to stay bad while Obama finishes his first term. If they can keep things reasonably awful (such as blocking the extension for tax cuts for the middle class), they can REALLY ramp up the BS about how Obama has ruined the country. If he doesn't get reelected, the Rs will then open the floodgates for all the legislation that should have been passed for the past four years, and things will seem to magically improve. THEN they'll agree to reinstate tax cuts, etc., and might even make some minor consumer-favorable financial reforms to industries who aren't bankrolling the Republicans' campaigns quite enough.

Isn't it sh*tty that they won't help out Americans because they don't want a Democrat president to get part of the credit?

Edit: @prusa1237 - Wow, ya got me. I thought the new Rs would actually have to get elected before moron conservatives started giving them all the credit. I guess you can say you were doing it before it was cool, and then Faux News jumped on the bandwagon.

What will it take the Obama administration to satisfy Wall Street?

John Beckw

Obama is throwing hundreds of billions of dollars toward fixing the economy, yet Wall Street continues to say it's not good enough. The stock market continues to plummet and the news just keeps getting gloomier. What do they want? Why do we even listen to them? Aren't they the ones that played a large role in how we got in to this mess?

You realize that much of the decline in stock prices is a direct consequence of the spending bill just passed and the additional spending bill that Obama said he will sign?

Unlike the Obama supporters people who place their own money on the line when they invest pay close attention to the effects of the spending bill.

For example - are you even aware of exactly where the money to pay for these spending bills will come from? Here is a clue for the clueless - it is going to come out of the same pool of money that normally goes into the stock market (the investment and capital market). The government is borrowing that money in competition with the people seeking to borrow money for business investment and in competition for the money that would otherwise go to purchase stocks.

Another thing to consider is that with Obama's promise to repeal the Bush era tax reforms - stocks are not going to be a good long term investment in the future. Thus people who are looking to invest long-term are disinclined to invest in the stock market due to the massive tax increase they will be facing.

And finally, the promises of tax hikes on the 'rich' have caused them to move their mkoney out of economically productive investments and into investments that are designed more to protect them from the tax increases. Remember the term 'tax shelter' and how these things are only popular during periods of high taxes on the investing classes (which are also periods of low economic performance).

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