Friday, February 21, 2014

What tv. shows are popular in Israel?

Q. Lost, Desperate Housewives etc.

Wow B,

It is ALL popular.

There is a really broad spectrum of shows - anything from The Young And The Restless and other soap operas, in Hebrew and English, American Idol, America's Next Top Model, Oprah, Dr, Phil, Dancing With The Stars, NYPD and NYPD Special Victims Unit, Sex In The City and that show where they try to make it through the wilderness (I forgot what it's called.) Anyway most of those shows have an Israeli version as well, and much, much more. Just about every American show.

People love cooking channels, History, Geography and Travel. We have a channel from the Knesset to keep us politically informed, plus news and discussions.

We have at least one channel from many Arab countries: Egypt, Lebanon. Syria, Jordan, Tunis, Morocco, Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia.

Europe: At least one from Turkey, Hungary, France, Russia, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain,

We have a channel just for South American soap operas 24/7.

Most Israelis speak and/or understand at least 2 languages - I understand 7 and I speak 5 out of those 7.

We love a lot of local entertainment as well - concerts, Israeli performers and so on...lot's of music!.


Ms. Miche ; })

What popular TV shows pushed a political agenda on the American people to vote for Obama?


"Family Guy" had Stewie go back in time to Nazi Germany. He then put on a Nazi uniform and was pricked by a pen on the collar. He then looked at the pen and it said vote McCain/Palin, implying they are Nazis.

"Simpsons" had Homer going to vote for Obama but the machine kept giving votes to McCain. Then he figured the machine was rigged implying that is how Republicans win elections.

What other shows out there influenced the American voters to cast a vote for Obama? Don't include news cast!
Does anyone know how to answer a question? Just list a TV show, not your point of view. And yes, there are people out there that are influenced by the favorite actors, musicians, and 'yes' TV shows!

Oprah, The View, Dave Letterman, the Award shows, in a Boston Legal episode Denny said he was voting Democrat to prevent an Apocalypse, Brothers & Sisters had pro-Democrat political views discussions during the 2008 campaign, and many other shows had episodes with political issues that aligned to support Obama.
TV One, provided coverage of only the Democratic National Convention because Obama was black, and the cable network focuses on blacks, which essentially condones voting based on racial preference.

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