Friday, February 21, 2014

Is NBC finally losing credibility?

The Accoun

They can't even live broadcast the Olympics!!!

Oh, tape delay... Uuuuuuuuuuu

The Jay Leno Show sucks, SNL has not been funny since Chopping Broccoli and The Today Show can't keep a co-anchor... NBC can't live off the Seinfeld fame forever.

ABC is a lot better than NBC.

@ samantha: NBC has always been a brainwashing network. Their 'Will And Grace' creation was a way to say "Hey! Gay Is Cool Because Gays Have Money... Be Gay And Spend Your Money".

finally? are you suggesting that they had "credibility" when they were bill gate's sock puppets?

@It's Frida B####.. - You do know that they are 5 hours AHEAD of us eastern time.. when it's 3AM here they are just getting out of bed.

edited: Regarding additional details - I disconnected the TV years ago. I don't even have rabbit ears. Don't miss it at all. - and I only caught the 50 shades of grey skit because I heard about it in a chat room. - I have no interest in wasting my time watching the ridiculous "celebrity gossip column's" that they falsely call "news".

When did kim kardashian and kanye west have their baby? girl or boy? what did they named it?


The baby is a girl, it was a bit early but seems like it is fine. Media outlets are saying the name is probably Kaidence Donda West. I think Kanye's late mother was called Donda. It's not a bad name compared to a lot of other celebrity baby names. Kaidence West is okay.

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