Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Where were you" JFK assassination, or 9/11 terrorist attacks?


With the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination looming, many Americans are thinking about the question of "where were you" when you got the awful news that the President had been shot.

My question is, has the "where were you" when you heard that JFK had been shot, been trumped by the "where were you" question when you heard about the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

Considering that Americans under the age of, say, 60 do not remember the JFK assassination, I think the "where were you" question is now more applicable to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

MQ: Which "where were you" is more important in 2013, JFK's assassination or 9/11?

BQ: If you are old enough to remember it, "where were you" when you heard that JFK was shot?

BQ2: "Where were you" when you heard about the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

This 'Where were you' thing serves the purpose of keeping track of the contemporary history. Linking up with personal events (during one's own lifetime) gives that edge to the event that we can't miss, easily.
JFK assassination (it was pre-TV years in India) was splashed in bold headlines on the front pages of all newspapers in India. I think the American Ambassador in India was that doughty, outspoken Daniel Patrick Moynihan with his evangelical spirit of capitalism. Yet, JFK was very popular in India may be because of his personal charisma (He & Jackie visited India & an American first couple visiting India as Tourists is a big event). The circumstances of the event (JFK assassination) were even more poignant. I heard comments to the effect that the Americans murdered their own President, the only country that could've protected the President of only it wanted it.
On 9/11 I was sitting in the drawing room watching TV, at 7:30 PM with a coffee cup in hand, after returning from work. It was a ring side view. For a moment I could'nt make out nor comprehend what was going on, on TV screen. Though for a while I thought it was a scene form some American movie. When every channel showed it I said to myself "OMG". I felt sad for the needless & avoidable destruction & loss of lives. I visited NY only on my 1970 visit to America, when that site was being excavated (deep into the ground) for building the WTC towers, I was told. I stayed in a nearby hotel right opposite to Penn (Railroad) Station. Alas I couldn't see WTC when it was standing. On TV it was so incredulous that the enormity of the thing took time to sink in. Yet, Indians were very lucky for having been treated to such a spectacle on TV evening news channel. It was not an 'event' scripted, choreographed, rehearsed & all that but was spontaneous - "as-it-was-happening" (fresh from the Pan. one can say). The power & instant transmission of the 'visuals' was a new experience & I felt it. Next morning when it came in newspapers, many found that they missed it. Then they rushed to the TV sets which were still running the 'visuals' (as if to make amends to these dumb-skulls). Just the day before, Masood, the ethnic Tajik strongman who was successfully fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, was assassinated by a 'Camera' bomb. I saw a scheme & percieved a pattern linking the two events happening on opposite sides of the Globe, separated by 24 hours.

Do other religious people demand special treatment like Muslims do?


-4/10/09 http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/unleasheâ¦
Muslim woman gets a Seeing Eye HORSE because her family doesn't want a Seeing Eye dog in their house. Dogs are considered unclean by some Muslims. Her horse is covered under the federal Americans with Disability Act.

-8/12/09 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/13/books/â¦
Yale Press Bans Images of Muhammad in New Book about Danish cartoons.
The bookâs title is, âThe Cartoons That Shook the World,â but the actual cartoons will be banned by Yale Press.

-2/16/10 Daily Telegraph: One of Franceâs largest eateries has dropped pork from its menus. A Muslim said: âIâm happy, as I can come here with my muslim friends.â A non-Muslim said: âWhy canât they sell halal burgers and bacon burgers at the same time?â

-3/24/10 Daily Mail: KFC stops serving bacon to please Muslims.

-7/5/10 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-â¦
Darlaston Leisure Centre in the West Midlands' town of Walsall, was hailed for its 'ultra-modern' design when it opened ten years ago.
But now council staff have covered 250 windows with dark-tinted film following complaints from Muslim swimmers.

5/24/11 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-â¦
-A gang of four Muslim men launched a horrific attack on an RE teacher because they did not approve of him teaching religious studies to Muslim girls, a court heard yesterday. Gary Smith, 28, was left with facial scarring, both long and short-term memory loss, and now has no sense of smell. He became depressed after his face was slashed and he suffered a brain haemorrhage, fractured skull and broken jaw following the attack.

11/11/11 http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/marylanâ¦
The Columbia Association mandates special swimming time for Muslim women to create a more welcoming atmosphere for Muslims
New York City's recreation and parks department offers a women-only swim time.
At a swimming pool in Seattle, Muslim woman have used brown paper to cover glass windows, providing privacy from the lobby.
Harvard and George Washington universities accommodate Muslims by giving them special female-only swim times.

-12/13/12 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-2â¦
About 180 apartments [government subsidized] in Amsterdam have been given special makeovers which suit the wishes of Muslim residents.

MUMBAI: Doordarshan's popular Urdu channel has landed in the soup with many Muslim viewers by airing a cooking show featuring a pork dish.
"There is no ban on people's tastes," said Islamic scholar Zeenat Shaukat Ali. "There is no ban on people's tastes. But if DD Urdu is viewed by a large number of Muslims, it should not have featured a cooking show on pork since the Quran forbids its consumption, and no Muslim will appreciate any session detailing the preparation of a pork dish."

The fact is that, in UK, the Government has made the Muslims a Special Category with all kinds of benefits and privileges that they deny any others including their own Tax Paying Native White Brits. It is sickening to see how the British Government has sunk so low as to deny their own Native White Brits the same Rights and Privileges that they extend to immigrant Muslims only. Let me show you a couple of cases that will illustrate the facts.

Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling 'kill the white slag' freed after judge hears 'they weren't used to drinking because they're Muslims'

Now, had this incident been one where the victim was an immigrant Muslim and the assailants White Native Brits, then, the same Judge would have thrown the book at them, the Press would have made it a front page headline article, the Liberals and their PC Brigades would have screamed for Justice and Muslims would have gone on riots everywhere and murdered Americans and Brits.

None of this happened.


Because the Judge, wanting to show the "multiculturalism" approach, let the assailants off scott free. The Press relegated it to a vague inner page mention because this was not News, since Muslims beating up Native Brit is mundane in UK. Because the Liberals and their PC Brigades don't give a damn for their own Native Brits whom they've sold down the river to placate the Muslims for their Vote Banks. Because the Native White Brits are a disunited lot of wusses who will not stand up for their own people and will allow their Government to be openly partisan and take all of it lying down.

Now, look at this.


If the victim had been an Immigrant Muslim girl and the Rapist a Native White Brit, the Court would have sentenced him to the stiffest sentence to please the Muslims. Here, the Court took a plea as silly as that Rashid claimed he was ignorant of British Law to be cause enough to exonerate him from punishment!? Any Native White Brit claiming this would have been told that ignorance of the Law is no excuse. That, in fact, is the basic of Jurisprudence. So, how come the British Court allowed this?

And, as usual, the story was relegated to a vague inner page, because Muslims raping Native White girls happens all the time and it's so common that it isn't News anymore! And, that the Muslims get away with it is also so common that it isn't News anymore.

Remember the Pakistani Muslim gang that raped over 100 Native White British Girls recently?

Did the Liberals and their PC Brigades scream themselves hoarse for Justice? No. Nor did the Conservatives who, in UK are useless.

Did the Native White Brits beat up any Muslims or even take out a Protest? No.

But, had any of these cases been an immigrant Muslim victim, the Muslims would have smashed up everything in sight and murdered Americans and Brits with impunity because the British Government would have told their forces to stand by and watch while the Muslims did that since they are openly partisan to the Muslims.

A British soldier who burned a Qur'an in a fit of anger was sentenced to Jail by the British Government. The same Government that did not even raise a squeak about these things.

Islamic Fatwa says that the Torah and Bible can be used for toilet paper

Why do you think it is that the Muslims hold us all in contempt and dare to do what they do?

Because we do not retaliate and we allow our Governments to get away with rot like these.

We are to blame for not standing up to our own Governments and the Muslims.

The day we force our Government to take a harsh stance against the Muslims is the ay we will win back our self respect.

When the rest of us boycott the French Eateries and KFC for their Islam compliant menus, they will throw the Muslims out because they can do without their business. As long as we keep silent and tolerant, the Muslims will continue to heap all this crap upon us.


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