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I'm going on a trip soon to canada and its gonna be realllyyy cold and snowing. i personally have never seen snow and i dont know what to really expect... i have no clue what to bring and how to prepare myself for it... i want to know if i could wear jeans in the snow.. any advise would really help
about the plan entertain ment. its gonna be like a nine hour plane ride from where i live so i need some real entertainment. im bringing my ipod my camera and a book, journal and thats it but im afaid that isnt gonna hold me for 9 hours. i was think i could go get some magazines. i also wanted to know if make up was allowed on planes cause like mine will probably come off cause its really early in the moring and ill be half sleeping. so that will be another thing maybe i could do..... oh yeah what time does it get dark at night in canada and what time does the sun rise?
so these are my questions:
1. can i wear jeans in the snow?
2. what type of clothing should i bring specifclly?
3. what should i bring in my carry on bag to entertain myself on the plane..
4. can you bring make up on the plane? if yes what type and which do you recomnd?
5. any good rock songs that i could buy on itunes to put onto my ipod?
6. can i put my ipod charger and cell phone charger in the voltage in canada?
7. what magazines have like celberity gossip and quizzes like that?
8. what time does the sun set in canada during the winter?
9. what time does the sun rise in canada during the winter?
10. what do you suggest we do to keep warm?
11. what should i wear when i go out into the snow to play?
12. any other advice, technices or anything that can help would be great!
you dont have to answer all of them just the ones that you know. i really need help. whatever information you have will be a great help.
thanks so much i apperciate it!
1.) Yes, you can wear jeans in the snow, however, I would recommend getting some pants that are waterproof if you will be trotting through it. Eventually the snow will melt, and your pants will be wet and very very cold!!
2.) I would bring lots of clothes that are good for blocking wind, and that are lined with fleece or similar. I have a jacket that has a nice fleece liner and is waterproof. It's the warmest jacket I've ever had!! And it's lightweight. Anyways, just get some gloves, a beanie or ear muffs, and some shoes that will keep your feet warm, but not too warm. Once your feet start to sweat, they can get really cold!
3.) Besides the camera, ipod, book, journal, I wouldn't bring too much more than that. If you're flying for 9 hours, I would say the plane you'll be on is rather large and will probably have tv's at each seat pocket for you to watch movies and such. You'll end up sleeping anyways!
4.) You can bring makeup on the plane. Any makeup that is not a liquid or a gel that's more than 3.4 ounces. So pretty much all make up is acceptable! However, I wouldn't recommend putting it on while in flight. If you hit turbulence, you can have a bad outcome -- :)
5.) Personally I hate iPods, so I'm not sure what songs to listen to. But I do like Hinder and Nickelback a lot.
6.) Yes, your standard wall sockets will work in Canada. If for some reason, they don't, then there are Best Buys and Wal-Marts up there where you can always buy a converter
7.) US Weekly and People are good celebrity trash magazines. I find them on airplanes all the time.
8.) The sunset and sunrise depends largely on what part of the region you are in. If you're closer to the US Border like Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, or Edmonton, then it's realatively the same as the Northern cities in the US. If you're way up there like around Alaska, then it's different! You didn't specify which country. Visit http://www.sunrisesunset.com/ and you can get a good idea in your local area.
9.) http://www.sunrisesunset.com/
10.) To keep warm, dress in layers, protect your hands and head and try to stay out of the cold as much as possible.
11.) Again, don't wear jeans to play in the snow. Wear windpants or something that is waterproof. You will get extremely cold if you play around in the snow in jeans. Also get some boots that are also waterproof because nothing is worse than having snow go in the bottom of your shoes!
1.) Yes, you can wear jeans in the snow, however, I would recommend getting some pants that are waterproof if you will be trotting through it. Eventually the snow will melt, and your pants will be wet and very very cold!!
2.) I would bring lots of clothes that are good for blocking wind, and that are lined with fleece or similar. I have a jacket that has a nice fleece liner and is waterproof. It's the warmest jacket I've ever had!! And it's lightweight. Anyways, just get some gloves, a beanie or ear muffs, and some shoes that will keep your feet warm, but not too warm. Once your feet start to sweat, they can get really cold!
3.) Besides the camera, ipod, book, journal, I wouldn't bring too much more than that. If you're flying for 9 hours, I would say the plane you'll be on is rather large and will probably have tv's at each seat pocket for you to watch movies and such. You'll end up sleeping anyways!
4.) You can bring makeup on the plane. Any makeup that is not a liquid or a gel that's more than 3.4 ounces. So pretty much all make up is acceptable! However, I wouldn't recommend putting it on while in flight. If you hit turbulence, you can have a bad outcome -- :)
5.) Personally I hate iPods, so I'm not sure what songs to listen to. But I do like Hinder and Nickelback a lot.
6.) Yes, your standard wall sockets will work in Canada. If for some reason, they don't, then there are Best Buys and Wal-Marts up there where you can always buy a converter
7.) US Weekly and People are good celebrity trash magazines. I find them on airplanes all the time.
8.) The sunset and sunrise depends largely on what part of the region you are in. If you're closer to the US Border like Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, or Edmonton, then it's realatively the same as the Northern cities in the US. If you're way up there like around Alaska, then it's different! You didn't specify which country. Visit http://www.sunrisesunset.com/ and you can get a good idea in your local area.
9.) http://www.sunrisesunset.com/
10.) To keep warm, dress in layers, protect your hands and head and try to stay out of the cold as much as possible.
11.) Again, don't wear jeans to play in the snow. Wear windpants or something that is waterproof. You will get extremely cold if you play around in the snow in jeans. Also get some boots that are also waterproof because nothing is worse than having snow go in the bottom of your shoes!
Liberal actor thought he was tough in real life, what say you?

Freedom Fi
Shia LeBeouf's just not buff enough.
Last week, while in Vancouver shooting "The Company You Keep," the 25-year-old actor got into an altercation inside a bar and proceeded to take it outside, where he was given a beatdown.
Whatever started the fight inside of Cinema Public House is unclear, but the rumble spilled out onto the sidewalk and culminated in a shirtless man pummeling the "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" star as he was splayed out on the sidewalk -- a move TMZ caught on video.
After his attacker stalked off, LeBeouf was calmed down by two pals, once of whom warned the star to keep his cool, saying, "You've gotta lay low right now."
This wouldn't be the first time LeBeouf has found himself in trouble recently.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2011/10/18/2011-10-18_shia_labeouf_gets_into_vancouver_street_fight_his_latest_instance_of_weird_behav.html#ixzz1bA4I1q9Q
Lol that's hilarious. Sucks for Shia though haha.
Lol that's hilarious. Sucks for Shia though haha.
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