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Q. Do you have examples for famous religious people who are known for being righteous but they intentionally make big lies ?
Can both traits coexist in one person ?
Can both traits coexist in one person ?
Sure. There's been plenty of Popes in this world, right?
The Vatican says it doesn't support fascist dictatorships but Pope Pius XII (1939â1958) never excommunicated Hitler or any other nazis for their atrocities against humanity (but he did excommuniate Nazi Minister Goebbels, but only for the reason he married a Christian from the wrong sect). The Pope continued supporting fascism after the war by secretly transporting Catholic war criminals to places like South America through Vatican funding, links and paperwork to evade justice. He never added Hitler's book Mein Kampf to the Index of books forbidden to Catholics because the authors were more offensive to humanity than Nazism was: Jean Paul Sartre, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, Rene Descartes, Francis Bacon, John Milton, John Locke, Galileo Galilei and Blaise Pascal.
Ex-Catholic priests say there's a culture of secrecy regarding many things, quietly sweeping things under the carpet like affairs, child abuse and stealing funds because if the public find out it might damage their faith in the Church.
Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was a righteous man who actively recruited Muslims into the fascist armies. It's a tradition in the Orthodox Church for a priest to bless soldiers before they go to war, even if they're led by war criminals.
Muamar Ghadaffi said people who go on hajj are idiots, but the country he rules as his personal fiefdom has a pure green flag. Tamerlane/Timur and Mahmud of Ghazni are admired by many Central Asian Muslims as being strong Muslims but they seemed more intrested in accmulating wealth, attractive women and any excuse (religious will do) to satisfy their desire to hurt people in unnecessarily cruel ways. The Ottomans Sultans are still admired by Turks and Muslims you couldn't become Sultan without killing your own brothers first so that noone could challenge your position.
Talduwe Somarama is the Buddhist monk who assassinated Sri Lankan Prime Minister Solomon Bandaranaike. He shot Bandaranaike as Bandaranaike was prostrating to him.
Below is wikipedia's List of Christian evangelists involved in scandals. The funniest was Jimmy Swaggart who attacked evangelist Martin Gorman on TV for adultery, only for Gorman to hire a private investigator to follow Swaggart who was also found to be having an affair. Some of his followers had the heart to forgive him, only to see him in the news again 3 years later for being caught with a prostitute:
1.1 Aimee Semple McPherson, 1920sâ40s
1.2 Lonnie Frisbee, 1970sâ1980s
1.3 Billy James Hargis, early 1970s
1.4 Jim & Tammy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, 1986 and 1991
1.5 Peter Popoff, 1987
1.6 Mike Warnke, 1991
1.7 Robert Tilton, 1991
1.8 John Paulk, 2000
1.9 Paul Crouch, 2004
1.10 Douglas Goodman, 2004
1.11 Kent Hovind, 2006
1.12 Ted Haggard, 2006
1.13 Paul Barnes, 2006
1.14 Lonnie Latham, 2006
1.15 Richard Roberts, 2007
1.16 Bishop Earl Paulk, 2007
1.17 Coy Privette, 2007
1.18 Joe Barron, 2008
1.19 Todd Bentley, 2008
1.20 Tony Alamo, 2008
Sure. There's been plenty of Popes in this world, right?
The Vatican says it doesn't support fascist dictatorships but Pope Pius XII (1939â1958) never excommunicated Hitler or any other nazis for their atrocities against humanity (but he did excommuniate Nazi Minister Goebbels, but only for the reason he married a Christian from the wrong sect). The Pope continued supporting fascism after the war by secretly transporting Catholic war criminals to places like South America through Vatican funding, links and paperwork to evade justice. He never added Hitler's book Mein Kampf to the Index of books forbidden to Catholics because the authors were more offensive to humanity than Nazism was: Jean Paul Sartre, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, Rene Descartes, Francis Bacon, John Milton, John Locke, Galileo Galilei and Blaise Pascal.
Ex-Catholic priests say there's a culture of secrecy regarding many things, quietly sweeping things under the carpet like affairs, child abuse and stealing funds because if the public find out it might damage their faith in the Church.
Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was a righteous man who actively recruited Muslims into the fascist armies. It's a tradition in the Orthodox Church for a priest to bless soldiers before they go to war, even if they're led by war criminals.
Muamar Ghadaffi said people who go on hajj are idiots, but the country he rules as his personal fiefdom has a pure green flag. Tamerlane/Timur and Mahmud of Ghazni are admired by many Central Asian Muslims as being strong Muslims but they seemed more intrested in accmulating wealth, attractive women and any excuse (religious will do) to satisfy their desire to hurt people in unnecessarily cruel ways. The Ottomans Sultans are still admired by Turks and Muslims you couldn't become Sultan without killing your own brothers first so that noone could challenge your position.
Talduwe Somarama is the Buddhist monk who assassinated Sri Lankan Prime Minister Solomon Bandaranaike. He shot Bandaranaike as Bandaranaike was prostrating to him.
Below is wikipedia's List of Christian evangelists involved in scandals. The funniest was Jimmy Swaggart who attacked evangelist Martin Gorman on TV for adultery, only for Gorman to hire a private investigator to follow Swaggart who was also found to be having an affair. Some of his followers had the heart to forgive him, only to see him in the news again 3 years later for being caught with a prostitute:
1.1 Aimee Semple McPherson, 1920sâ40s
1.2 Lonnie Frisbee, 1970sâ1980s
1.3 Billy James Hargis, early 1970s
1.4 Jim & Tammy Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, 1986 and 1991
1.5 Peter Popoff, 1987
1.6 Mike Warnke, 1991
1.7 Robert Tilton, 1991
1.8 John Paulk, 2000
1.9 Paul Crouch, 2004
1.10 Douglas Goodman, 2004
1.11 Kent Hovind, 2006
1.12 Ted Haggard, 2006
1.13 Paul Barnes, 2006
1.14 Lonnie Latham, 2006
1.15 Richard Roberts, 2007
1.16 Bishop Earl Paulk, 2007
1.17 Coy Privette, 2007
1.18 Joe Barron, 2008
1.19 Todd Bentley, 2008
1.20 Tony Alamo, 2008
Why did the Battle of the Boyne occur?

Please try and make it short.
About 3 sentences or something.
I just want to know why it happened
Thank You :)
The Battle of the Boyne was part of the Williamite War in Ireland. It occured near the river Boyne.
There had been conflict and disagreement between the religions in England. The Catholics, who were influenced by the Pope, and the Protestants, who disagreed with the views or the Pope and were ruled by the king at the time, King Henry VIII. In 1587, the execution of the Roman Catholic Mary Queen of Scots took place. This angered thr Spanish Catholics and they wanted revenge. This lead to the Spanish Armada the following year. Unfortunately Sir Francis Drake and the English navy managed to prevent the Spanish from taking the English shores. In 1598, English forces invade the ever growing confident Irish Catholics and take take control of Ireland. Three years later, in 1601, the Irish Catholics rebel and attempt to take back their country from England, however, the English triumphed again. In 1602 the decision to plant both English and Scotish Protestant in Ireland to keep control of the Irish Catholics was made. This was known as the Irish Plantation, this would the main cause of the troubles in Ireland through the next four centuries. In 1641 there was another rebellion by the Irish Catholics in Ulster, this was successful until 1641. Oliver Cromwell massacres hundereds of Irish Catholics, which just increases the hatred for the English by the Irish Catholics. 1685, Charles II dies and James II becomes King of England, James was a Catholic.
In 1588 King James the II of England's wife supposidly gave birth to a male child. There are theories that James smuggled a newly born male baby into the chamber in which his wife supposidly gave birth. This was to ensure that the throne was to be passed down to Jame's male son, which would mean the continuation of a Catholic dynasty. This was not good news for the Protestants of England who decided to imform William of Orange, James II's son in law.
William brings 10,000 or so men to England to invade, he is successful and many of the English defect to William. Also, at this time, James II flees to France to seek the aid of the Catholic King, King Loui XIV.
Witht he support of Loui XIV, James takes an army of elite soldiers to Ireland to regain his throne. He goes to Londonderry, a protestant stronghold to gain control of it. It was the only place not under his controll. The stronghold of Londerry was now under seige. Later, William hears of the seige and send 8,000 men to Londonderry to rescue the Protestants under seige in Londonderry. This leads to the Battle of the Boyne.
The Battle of the Boyne was part of the Williamite War in Ireland. It occured near the river Boyne.
There had been conflict and disagreement between the religions in England. The Catholics, who were influenced by the Pope, and the Protestants, who disagreed with the views or the Pope and were ruled by the king at the time, King Henry VIII. In 1587, the execution of the Roman Catholic Mary Queen of Scots took place. This angered thr Spanish Catholics and they wanted revenge. This lead to the Spanish Armada the following year. Unfortunately Sir Francis Drake and the English navy managed to prevent the Spanish from taking the English shores. In 1598, English forces invade the ever growing confident Irish Catholics and take take control of Ireland. Three years later, in 1601, the Irish Catholics rebel and attempt to take back their country from England, however, the English triumphed again. In 1602 the decision to plant both English and Scotish Protestant in Ireland to keep control of the Irish Catholics was made. This was known as the Irish Plantation, this would the main cause of the troubles in Ireland through the next four centuries. In 1641 there was another rebellion by the Irish Catholics in Ulster, this was successful until 1641. Oliver Cromwell massacres hundereds of Irish Catholics, which just increases the hatred for the English by the Irish Catholics. 1685, Charles II dies and James II becomes King of England, James was a Catholic.
In 1588 King James the II of England's wife supposidly gave birth to a male child. There are theories that James smuggled a newly born male baby into the chamber in which his wife supposidly gave birth. This was to ensure that the throne was to be passed down to Jame's male son, which would mean the continuation of a Catholic dynasty. This was not good news for the Protestants of England who decided to imform William of Orange, James II's son in law.
William brings 10,000 or so men to England to invade, he is successful and many of the English defect to William. Also, at this time, James II flees to France to seek the aid of the Catholic King, King Loui XIV.
Witht he support of Loui XIV, James takes an army of elite soldiers to Ireland to regain his throne. He goes to Londonderry, a protestant stronghold to gain control of it. It was the only place not under his controll. The stronghold of Londerry was now under seige. Later, William hears of the seige and send 8,000 men to Londonderry to rescue the Protestants under seige in Londonderry. This leads to the Battle of the Boyne.
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