Sunday, September 29, 2013

When is Justin Bieber be going to be preforming in or near Columbus Ohio?

latest news columbus ohio
 on By Alex Weprin on July 14, 2013 8:59 AM
latest news columbus ohio image


I'm like the BIGGEST Boy Bieleber evar! And was just wondering when he's going to be in town so I can get the money together for his concert in time. Please help! AND NO HATERS POSTING! OK?

Hey I'm from Ohio! Yay Ohioans! :) Justin has to make his albums "Believe" and his Christmas album before he starts touring again. Justin Bieber doesn't really seem to visit small places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, unless he is on tour. His new album "Believe" is coming out on November 15th and his Christmas album is going to be released around Christmas time I am not quite sure what it will be called yet. Also, he is having another tour in December-January. So he doesn't plan on touring in the U.S., Canada and U.K. until 2012. But.. he will be doing a South American tour which will be starting in October the tour dates are already released for his South American tour. You will find out on Twitter when the U.S., Canada and the U.K. tour dates will be released by Justin Bieber tweeting about it (he always tweets about something when something of his gets released). Other than that, he doesn't plan on doing anymore concerts or tours until he finishes his new albums. But he will be doing interviews, radio interviews, C.D. signings (he always does C.D signings whenever he makes a new album) and book signings. Me and a few other Beliebers has been trying for about a year and a few months for him to come to my town and one Belieber that was helping knew someone that worked for 96.5 radio station and they helped us also they got a hold of Wilson Warren (a guy that schedules Justin Bieber's schedule) and so he told 96.5 Kiss FM that he was working on a book signing schedule. So he might come to your town for a book signing or anything but keep your eye open cause he could show up whenever. If you have a Twitter that is great because then you would know what is on his book signing schedule the latest news about Justin Bieber are on Twitter way before it is on E! News so if you don't have a Twitter I would recommend you to have one. :]

Do you think Obama will call for a formal investigation and release of documents of UFO sightings and crashes?


Do you think Obama will call for a formal investigation and release of documents of UFO sightings and crashes?
Go to this website for official sightings by NASA employees, presidents of US and more.

YES there should be a formal investigation by Obama into releasing all UFO secrets held back by the US Government.

1. Governor Fife Symington,Mar 17, 2007 Ten years after the Arizona UFO incident known as the 'Phoenix Lights', former Arizona Republican Governor Fife Symington, III, now says that he himself was a witness to one of the strange unidentified flying objects, even though he originally did not say so publicly.

2. U.S. Congressmen (D-Ohio) Dennis Kucinich September, 1982 Dennis Kucinich saw a large triangular craft over the home actress Shirley Macline in the 1980's. "He looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. It hovered, soundless, for ten minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn't comprehend."

3. John Lennon August 23, 1974 John Lennon had a UFO sighting which occurred when he was with his personal secretary, May Pang, in New York. As May Pang recounts in her book, the "large, circular object [was] coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone and on top was a large, brilliant red light... When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft."

4. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin July 18, 1969 Buzz Aldrin: "There was something out there that, uh, was close enough to be observed and what could it be? Mike (Collins) decided he thought he could see it in the telescope and he was able to do that and when it was in one position, that had a series of ellipses, but when you made it real sharp it was sort of L shaped. That didn't tell us very much."

5. President Jimmy Carter January 6, 1969 Jimmy Carter is one of two U.S. Presidents who have reported seeing a UFO before becoming the President. He later said, "It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors and it was about the size of the moon.. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing's for sure, I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky."

6. Astronaut Gordon Cooper 1957 "I had a camera crew filming the installation when they spotted a saucer. They filmed it as it flew overhead, then hovered, extended three legs as landing gear, and slowly came down to land on a dry lake bed! It was a classic saucer, shiny silver and smooth, about 30 feet across. It was pretty clear it was an alien craft."

7. U.S. Senator Richard B. Russell October 13, 1955 U.S. Senator Richard B. Russell, Jr. (D-GA), then chairman of the Armed Services Committee, was on a Soviet train when he spotted a disc-shaped craft taking off near the tracks. He hurriedly called his military aide and interpreter to the window and they saw the UFO, plus another one that appeared a minute later.

8. CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite 1950 In the 1950s Cronkite was part of a pool of news reporters brought out to a small South Pacific island to watch the test of a new Air Force missile... a large disc-type UFO appeared on the scene. Cronkite guessed that the object was about 50-60 feet in diameter, a dull grey color and had no visible means of propulsion. As Air Force guards ran toward the UFO with their dogs, the disc hovered about 30 feet off of the ground."

9. Clyde Tombaugh was the American astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto. On August 20, 1949, he observed a UFO that appeared as a geometrically arranged group of six-to-eight rectangles of light, window-like in appearance and yellowish-green in color, which moved from northwest to southeast over Las Cruces, New Mexico.

10.In 1492, Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams."

11. Edmund Halley, the astronomer who discovered Haley's comet, could recall two accounts involving unidentified crafts. His first experience was in March of 1676, when he saw a, as he said, "Vast body apparently bigger than the moon." Edmund Halley, the astronomer who discovered Halley's comet, could recall two accounts involving unidentified crafts. His first experience was in March of 1676, when he saw a, as he said, "Vast body apparently bigger than the moon." He estimated it at 40 mi. above him. He also stated that it made a noise, "Like the rattling of a great cart over stones." After estimating the distance it traveled in a matter of minutes, he came to the conclusion that it moved at a speed greater than 9,600 m.p.h.

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