Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Why do people constantly say there is a liberal media bias?


Fox News dominates cable news ratings and nobody watches ABC, CBS, and NBC news anyway; talk radio is completely dominated by conservative hosts; most newspapers are small town to mid-size which are more conservative than the fewer big city papers; there are many popular conservative bloggers (Drudge, Breitbart, etc.) and conservative sites on the internet; and there are many conservative and liberal magazines. So overall, if there is a bias, I think it's a conservative media bias.
Like I said, Fox news dominates the news ratings war over ABC and the rest. But the media also encompasses radio which is dominated by conservatives and the newspapers which many are small-town. This is a country made up of small towns, not huge cities. This 'liberal media bias' thing doesn't seem to hold water anymore and I haven't seen anything here to refute that.
PBR man, CNN and MSNBC and some of the others are liberal and did cheer for Obama. But Fox News, Fox Business News, countless conservative radio shows, and many newspapers did not. I think people are confusing a few liberal tv news organizations with being the only media out there.

If you are a conservative, you would see -neutral- media as 'liberal'. Meaning that it is liberal to you, the center is to the left of you so it looks liberal.

Conservative media--actually that's a misnomer, there is no true -conservative- media, it's all Republican media, there's a difference. They know what their listeners want to hear and they give it to them. They reinforce their listeners' prejudices. And since of course we all like to think we're right, they encourage their listeners to believe that neutral media -are- liberally biased. Steven Colbert understands this and makes a joke about it: Reality has a liberal bias. 8^)

Fox has the biggest audience of any political media, but the majority of the audience is not conservative, it's split between MSNBC, CNN, etc. On a good night, Fox has maybe 2% of Americans watching it. AM radio is dominated by right-wing 'shock jocks' but that's also partly because hardly anyone listens to AM anymore. Listeners to right-wing media are more loyal because the media gives them hope, it helps them decide how to think about things, instead of just informing and edifying.

The constant charge that neutral mainstream media is 'liberally biased' has had dividends. Outfits like CNN, the New York Times, etc. are afraid to look too liberal. So when Democrats and Republicans differ on an issue, they tend to report it as 'he said/she said'. For instance, the Swift Boat issue with John Kerry was reported as 'he said/she said' rather than to show that the Republicans had made false charges and Kerry had successfully rebutted them, which is actually what happened.

Real media doesn't have a liberal or conservative bias, they are large corporations and they have a CORPORATE bias.

What are media websites?

Art Vandel

I'm applying for an editorial internship at a city/lifestyle magazine.
One of the questions on the internship form is, "What media websites do you visit regularly?"

What do they mean by "media website"?

I know social media sites like Facebook and stuff...but what's that without the social aspect?
Any website with audio-visual components??
Isn't that EVERY site on the web??

Thanks in advance!

Media websites are not the same as social media sites.
Media sites are sites that relate to the traditional media, being tv, radio or newspapers. A media site could therefore be CNN, NBC news, the Hollywood Reporter or your local radio station online.
Here's a link to an example of 15 of the most popular media sites.

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