latest news boston marathon bombing image

I'm not at all trying to downplay the tragedy in Boston. What I am wondering though with regards to news coverage and details about it, "Why is it such a national tragedy" rather then a 1 or 2 day news story. In 1998 there was a school shooting in Oregon where 4 people were killed (2 in the suspect's home and 2 at the school) and it was tragic but a 2 day only news story. The Boston Marathon Tragedy is being covered more like the Oklahoma City Bombing or the Sandy Hook Shooting where many more lives were lost.
So what is it about the Boston Marathon Bombing that has made it such a news story and I presume an historic event that will be a "where were you when you heard about the Boston Marathon Bombing". When the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993 there was another major story two days later that got just as much coverage so even that was a two day news story even though there were updates. the Vanderbilt News Archive showed the Waco Shootout two days after the WTC Bombing got almost just as much coverage. Whereas the West Texas Explosion a day or two after the Boston Bombing got very little coverage due to the Boston Bombing.
Your rant is bullshit from beginning to end. I can only assume you are a troll because the alternative is that you really are as stupid as you sound.
Your rant is bullshit from beginning to end. I can only assume you are a troll because the alternative is that you really are as stupid as you sound.
Why does everyone care about major killings or terrorist related killings?

Every story I hear about bombings and killings from terrorists always get so much attention from news and lots of people share it and hate the people who don't care every year for the victims. The Boston Bombing was a terrorist act and the thing that the terrorists wanted is excatly what they got. The press, civilians and even other countries heard about the "terror". I mean, who cares? This stuff happens everyday and no one could care less. But two bombs go off in a crowd in America and kill 4 people and everyone has to tell everyone. I sure dont care. I'm not saying that the killing was right but I'm sure not saying it needs to have so much attention. Why do Americans need to do this. I'm not saying Americans are bad people but it seems that everything that happens down there is a calling for sympathy. Even in Canada (where I live) I hear about shootings, robbery, murder and all that, that is in America. I don't need to fear another countries problems. I can see the ones we have. Why does this happen?
It drives me crazy. I'm American, and of course it's a "big deal" when people get murdered, in that it should not be overlooked, people shouldn't be able to get away with it, etc. But the kind of publicity that terrorist attacks and mass shootings get just makes them happen more often. I think that the people who carry out these mass shootings, who are generally mentally ill, in their minds twisted by mental illness see it as a way to get publicity, so every time one happens and is subsequently all over the news, a few more decide that it's the way to go. I'm currently living with a family in Peru, and when we heard about the Boston bombing, my host family told me that this kind of thing used to (late 80s - early 90s) happen every day in Peru. In fact, my host father said that what went on in Peru was much worse, and a "little" think like the marathon bombing wouldn't even have really made the local news, much less international. People are just way to into sensationalism and don't care what the results are.
It drives me crazy. I'm American, and of course it's a "big deal" when people get murdered, in that it should not be overlooked, people shouldn't be able to get away with it, etc. But the kind of publicity that terrorist attacks and mass shootings get just makes them happen more often. I think that the people who carry out these mass shootings, who are generally mentally ill, in their minds twisted by mental illness see it as a way to get publicity, so every time one happens and is subsequently all over the news, a few more decide that it's the way to go. I'm currently living with a family in Peru, and when we heard about the Boston bombing, my host family told me that this kind of thing used to (late 80s - early 90s) happen every day in Peru. In fact, my host father said that what went on in Peru was much worse, and a "little" think like the marathon bombing wouldn't even have really made the local news, much less international. People are just way to into sensationalism and don't care what the results are.
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