Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Does anyone know of a reference to an RSS feed of crime statistics by zip code?

latest news dallas tx
 on Cass County Today | A Service of KAQC TV
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I'd like to import crime data by zip code onto my web page using an RSS feed. Does anyone know a link to an RSS crime feed by zip code?

I doubt that such stats would be available by an RSS feed.

Reasons are, most crime statistics are collected by thousands of local police departments, we really have no "national police", except FBI, and they are only allowed to get involved in Federal crimes, or crimes that go across state borders, thus not confined to just one zipcode.

Second, crimes while computerized, often are correlated more with local police districts, and sometimes one zipcode may have two or more police departments, sharing same area.

Some jurisdictions overlap, like having a sherrif's department, and different municipal reporting districts, even in same zipcode. There is no requirement to combine these into one local report.

Third, remember it's taken 8 years and still Homeland Security has NOT collected a "central data bank" for known terrorists or those with connections to terrorist organizations. It's very difficult to put together data bases, harder if you have to do it by zipcode.

But, the good news is that often cities or local police department DO publish statistics gathered. But one or two years later since it takes them that long to total and post, I guess.
They probably have more important things to spend money on in the " fight against crime", than to total old stats, I suppose.

For example, I posted below a link to the Austin TX crime stats for year 2005. There may be other such reports for more recent years, and for other cities.
Just do a "google" on your city, like:
"Dallas, Crime stats and zipcodes", and see what pops up.
Good luck.
Happy New Year.

What is an old Kentucky home sewing machine?


It has a tredle and its black and hold

This was the first of its kind; Sewing Machine Museum, installed in the USA, and we have been told, was the first in the world ; Even though it is closed now, the fact remains that it was shown over a peroid of 25 Yrs.

from, 1975 to 2000, in 4 different cities, Fort Worth, Tx. ,as an official USA Bi-Centenial Project, 4 years; Hot Springs, Arkansas National Park-2 years; Grand Prairie, Texas,- 5years;

Arlington, Texas; it's last home; -14 years; The collection has been in storage since and Mr. Smith will not break it up; Will be sold, all contents; Old Machines, from 1853 to 1960, app. 160 total, and all Wall

Display & Framed items & pictures; and special Displays; all of the hundreds of Parts, Needles, Bobbins, Shuttles, Bookletts, Instruction Manuals, Patterns, Old Magazine Articals, etc. etc. etc., too much to mention


Frank M. Smith, began as a young man, selling Sewing Machines; ( New Home ) Brand, in Dallas Texas, in 1963., and continued selling and also being a franchised Dealer for New Home, from 1966 until 1979;

In 1975 he began, on his own promoting and showing to the public , his Antique Sewing Machine Museum, years & Locations shown above; In the beginning, his collection had only app. 65 old machines, but at the

end of the 25 years of public showings, he had amassed over 160 Old Machines, 13 of which were made during and before the Civil War; His oldest machine is a c-1853 SINGER, a #1 Model of Singer Co.

beginning Models. Owning one of those , is sorta like owning a first T-Model Car of Henry Fords beginning, but remember that his #1 Singer was made app. 50 years before Henry Fords first T-Model Car;

Also keep in mind that, this item, was of the runs of the worlds, 1st Manufactured Item done with Interchangable Parts, and Mass production of Assembly Line Employment; Think Of It; Of all the millions of

manufactured items , mass assenbled and sold through-out the world, for the last app. 150 years; This Machine is of the first Item, before all others;

There are many people & orginizations now , that have even much better collections than Frank Smiths, but his was started before all the others in the world, as far as shown to the public for Public enjoyment;

As far back as in 1975, Franks collection was being shown to millions of people in the USA, on Television Shows and News Specials, as well as featured in National & Reginal Magazines, as well as many News Papers,

Trade Magazines, etc. , Frank was a true Pioneer of Sewing Machine Collecting; and help put the idea into many minds to began doing so themselves; He was the first to ever be shown on Television for collecting ,

( Of All Things, Old Sewing Machines ) UN-COOL He would laugh and say to his family; ( Why Not ) Old Machines? People collect all other old things, and there is no older appliance, than the Sewing Machine;

Besides, most of the public has never seen a Sewing Machine, made during the Civil War, period; Most people only see Grand Mama's, made in 1920's etc; when they were very plentiful, and still are;

He was proud, but as time went on , He found out how ALONE he was in doing this; Years later , The International Sewing Machine Ass. Collectors Sociaty , was formed and they found out about Frank, running this

Sewing Machine Museum, i America, so they wrote Frank, and ask if they could publish an artical about him, starting the First of It's Kind, in their news-letter, going out to over a hundred collectors, scattered throgh-

out the world; It was done, and later on the, President and Vice-President of the Siociaty, flew over to Texas, to visit and view the little Museum, and at that time, told Frank, as well as 2 Fort Worth Star Telegram

news reporters, that , In Fact, Frank Smith, was not just the FIRST in the USA, but was the first in the world, to go to the expense and trouble, to install a SEWING MACHINE MUSEUM,; With LUCK, that day, a Video

Camera was rolling, capturing the historical event, and you can here , Graham Forsythe, of London, England, saying this to, Bruce Maxwell, of the Star Telegram, and Frank himself.

It might also be noted, that of the research done by the National Show, ( Jeopardy ), could only Find Franks, Museum as the only one listed anywhere in the world, as a Museum of Sewing Machines.

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