Thursday, September 26, 2013

Has anything Barack Obama done made republicans happy?

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Q. and if so what exactly?

Interestingly enough, those of us in the know politically speaking have learned to measure the TREMENDOUS SUCCESS of President Obama's policies by how really really prissed off the right-wing Republicans

And one might also take the viewpoint that Republicans are happiest when they can be prissed off at Democrats...this is their main goal in life, these days...attack any Democratic successes and then later try to take credit for those very successes without alerting the public that this is your plan.

Case in point: Nary a Republican voted for the Recovery and Reinvestment Act (a.k.a., "stimulus") in 2009, and they used their well-embedded Washington D.C. Hill & Knowlton PR firm and their spin doctors (Faux "news" and Frank Luntz, for example) to convince the voting public that this $787 billion stimulus was "evil" and "added to the deficit"---the deficit, I might add, that the REPUBLICANS CREATED after inheriting a surplus from President Clinton, someone whose successes in spite of the GOP also angered the Despite trying to block the stimulus from even passing, these same right-wing hypcrites RUSHED HOME to be on hand for the PHOTO OP in the media when the checks in their various districts were distributed, touting these dollars as "job creating"---something in D.C. they deny.

There's a really interesting website, if you can locate it, where someone has set up a whole slew of achievements by this young administration (less than two years old), that uses the probably GOP response of "F... that. What else?" on every single amazing and historical accomplishment! If you can find that site, it is well worth a read...and pretty much accurately sums up the Party of No's reaction to all things Democrat and all things Obama---even when those things they oppose are perfect for healing this nation's Republican-caused wounds.

Did you catch the unique event in the Boeing 787 Test Flight?


We saw history being made today in that the oldest first operational jet aircraft produced in substantial numbers, the T-33, a 68 year old design, flew chase for the Boeing 787. (courtesy of Frank, )

I think that's pretty cool.

Missed it, in India it was late hours.

I'm happy that the beautiful bird finally took to the skies after so many obstacles. The harbinger of the airframes to come, congratulations to Boeing.

It is nice that companies are sharing these historic moments live, last week I'd seen the first flight of the Airbus A400 M.

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