Jesse J
The for lack of abetter work I'll just say indeginous people there have killed many farmers in those countries. In fact they've probably taken care of them all in Rhodesia. There may be a few left in the cities and now they are working on the South Africna farmers big time. The indeginous people will gather in groups and when they approach a farm without any firearms protection they will rape the women and slaughter everyone with machetes. There is not a peep about this in the news. Of course, Michael Jackson's nose and the latest celebrity gossip is more important.
This is a response to the first response. What do we do now? We do just like we always have done. The dumb indeginous people now can't feed themselves and we are sending foor. They are asking for money to help them, but they don't mentioned they killed off the farmers. Once again superior people are driven off and enferior cry for help. Maybe we should just bring them to America and put them on welfare.
As you can tell the first response was made by a descendant of the indeginous people. You can see why we can't deal with these people. Look at thje lame response. Those farmers built those countries there was nothing there. The indeginous people never built anything and the farmers are suppose to just hand over their land, so the indeginous people can just squat on the land and cry for food. Americans should raise hell for anyone asking to send food to Africa.
Trying to make an indeginous descendatn understand anything is like putting a hot poker up a wild cat's arrsse. We have a choice. We can take the tall indeginous people and teach them to play basketball and give them scholarships or straight into the NBA. Or we can bring them here and give them housing and welfare and food stamps and beg for forgiveness for slavery. They not only want us to beg for forgiveness, but they want us to kiss their arrsses. Let them stay there and starve. That's how their populatilns have been controlled for centuries.
I'm using the word indeginous instead of the "N" word. Don't want to use that word. It's a bad word that makes the natives restless. They will riot when they hear it, but not if you drop the R and pronouce it differently. Then they don't get restless. Then they just jive talk.
The fact is the indeginous people worked the farms and were paid. Everything peaceful, because there was empolyment and food, but they elect this Super Coon that calls for the slaughter of all the farmers and to take the land, but he forgot that they taking the land from the ones that gave them food and employment, so now the land is growing weeds and the poor ingeinous people are standing there with their mouths open and crying for food. Dumb indeginous people.
Yeah the media would rather make up filthy lies about Michael Jackson because that's what sells!!
â¥â¥We Love You Michael!!!!â¥â¥
Yeah the media would rather make up filthy lies about Michael Jackson because that's what sells!!
â¥â¥We Love You Michael!!!!â¥â¥
Is there an "ICON" personality in USA of our days whoes moral authority is generally accepted?

there was Martin Luther King for blacks in the past, there was Ghandi in India, Pope John Paul the Second for Catholics, there is Nelson Mandela in South Africa , Brits worship their Queen, .....what about USA in this respect today?
Not really, US society is rather immoral and materialistic, looking up only to shallow celebrities and the gossip magazines that tear them down.
Not really, US society is rather immoral and materialistic, looking up only to shallow celebrities and the gossip magazines that tear them down.
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