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Q. I was thinking the other day, listening to that news story about Ohio wanting to go from 3 drug cocktail to single drug cocktail in death penalty cases. I got kind of confused though, how can liberals be so for abortion, but so against the death penalty? Kind of a double standard don't you think? So I figure why doesn't Ohio just say they are going to change the drug cocktails on their Very Late Term Abortions and then the libs couldn't be against it! They would in essence be arguing with themselves?
Equivocation fallacy: "Would liberals be more accepting of the death penalty if we just started calling it "Very Late Term Abortion?""
Abortion procedures apply to termination of pregnancies, not living prisoners who are condemned by the state. Your comparison is not only illogical, it's also downright silly.
False attribution fallacy: "how can liberals be so for abortion..."
Liberals are for CHOICE in reproductive matters without interference from the state; they do not advocate "abortion on demand" for any and all unwanted pregnancies.
Overgeneralization: "... but so against the death penalty?"
Many liberals have no problem with the death penalty, per se.
The real sticking point lies in the way capital punishment implemented in our legal system, with the poor and minorities making up a disproportionate number of condemned in each state where capital punishment is on the books.
"Kind of a double standard don't you think?"
No. Since neither politicians, religious leaders, nor any other ethicist can come to any real consensus amongst themselves on when life "truly begins," such decisions should, therefore, not be left to any arbitrary governing body but rather be left between those directly involved in such matters: the pregnant woman and her doctor.
Equivocation fallacy: "Would liberals be more accepting of the death penalty if we just started calling it "Very Late Term Abortion?""
Abortion procedures apply to termination of pregnancies, not living prisoners who are condemned by the state. Your comparison is not only illogical, it's also downright silly.
False attribution fallacy: "how can liberals be so for abortion..."
Liberals are for CHOICE in reproductive matters without interference from the state; they do not advocate "abortion on demand" for any and all unwanted pregnancies.
Overgeneralization: "... but so against the death penalty?"
Many liberals have no problem with the death penalty, per se.
The real sticking point lies in the way capital punishment implemented in our legal system, with the poor and minorities making up a disproportionate number of condemned in each state where capital punishment is on the books.
"Kind of a double standard don't you think?"
No. Since neither politicians, religious leaders, nor any other ethicist can come to any real consensus amongst themselves on when life "truly begins," such decisions should, therefore, not be left to any arbitrary governing body but rather be left between those directly involved in such matters: the pregnant woman and her doctor.
Can fiction really be more weird than reality?
Goerge and then less than a week later another decade old mystery is solved. Do these come in threes too?
For those with an aversion to links they describe 2 women that were abducted and found yesterday and then a woman disappeared for 11 years call police and tells them she is tired of running. She dropped her kids off at school and comes back over a decade later. I mean these two stories so close together is odd enough but their content is even stranger.
3 women/
These stories deal with human beings. This isn't fiction. Actually, it isn't even reality. Where human beings are involved, the end results are often---unreal.
These stories deal with human beings. This isn't fiction. Actually, it isn't even reality. Where human beings are involved, the end results are often---unreal.
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