Thursday, September 12, 2013

Over the next three years, whom will win over Health care politically?

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Latest NBC news poll 46% for passage 45% against passage. I know this is just one poll, but it does show a divide in America, so whom will win the debates to come, the republicans saying that the democrats voted for this or the democrats saying the republicans are the party of the insurance companies. Whom do you think will win the debate over the next 3 years until the next presidential election? Thanks for all your answers upfront!

I think the Republican's unfortunately will in this next election. Just because the congress as a whole and that includes REPUBLICANS only has a 17% APPROVAL rating. So, in the long run, as this bill becomes law and gets stronger the dems by 2012 will be back in a strong situation. I think the saying I voted against 31 million americans getting healthcare will not fly in the LONG TERM, once people see the sky did not fall and there is no DEATH PANELS! lol

Why does Romney have a statistical ZERO PERCENT of the African American vote?

Q. The latest NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll that showed Obama with 94 percent of the African Americans vote - no surprise there, but Mitt Romney got nuthinâ, zilch, niente, a big fat 0 percent.

Please don't cop out and tell me this is just racism on a grande scale. Nobody gets ZERO PERCENT without some fundamental flaw in their policies.

Because Romney himself has given up on trying to get any of the black vote. His money is better spent elsewhere, obviously.

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