Sunday, September 8, 2013

Am I the only one that believes aliens are in our skies and actually visited Earth in ancient times?

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 on New UFO sightings near ISS on 9th March 2013 | Latest UFO sightings
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I'm a pretty reasonable person and I love science. The evidence of the ancient aliens is overwhelming. And the footage of the Phoenix lights and one UFO I saw has me convinced they are here now. I am also a Christian and I don't think the Bible addresses aliens at all so its up to our study and speculation. But there will always be someone there to squash the truth and make people like me sound crazy.

No. I believe this too. There is now evidence that I considere fairly conclusive. You might not be aware how many of these UFOs have been recorded on radar demonstrating unachievable high speeds and intelligent control. Pilots would then describe what they saw, generally weird looking oversized craft that were travelling way to fast to be man-made. They aren't ours. They aren't the Russians. If they aren't ours or theirs, whose are they? If they are intelligently controlled, who's controlling them? If there are alien craft, by definition, they must be controlled by aliens. If these are actual craft rather than probes, they likely contain occupants, as the purpose of a craft is to carry a payload. So, yes, it is likely aliens have visited Earth, and recently, based on the data. The data is the radar recordings and corresponding descriptions from the pilots as released by the F.A.A..

Some say the whole thing can't be true because of the speed of light limitation. If the ships are here, I guess that proves that limitation can be overcome, good news for us.

I know it is hard to completely shift your thinking, but the data is the data. Here are some short videos that helped confirm this to me.

SOME EVIDENCE UFOS EXIST (about 4 minutes of craft performing maneuvers)

UFO DURING MOLDOVA TV NEWS (begins at 1:10 in broadcast)


There are is also a 2 volume history of the UFO subject. This is a comprehensive collection of the most significant UFO sightings that have been corroborated by either multiple eyewitnesses or military pilots or commercial pilots.

VOLUME 1 - UFOs and the National Security State: 1941-1973 Richard Dolan

VOLUME 2 - UFOs and the National Security State: 1973-1991 Richard Dolan sr=8-1

Some countries have also released their UFO files:






You also may not know, but all the crazy movies about flying saucers and aliens came out AFTER the first incidents of UFOs had been reported in the newspapers 1947 (Roswell, NM) and 1952 (Washington D.C.) which sparked an under-reported panic across the United States in the late 40s ad early 50s. I don't know if it is even possible to influence people through movies, but if I were in charge, I would probably want to calm the public by downplaying the whole thing.

I had a roommate who said a huge trianglular shaped once hovered over his house when he was 14. I said he was full of sh*t. He got red-faced and called his brother and made me listen to his brother repeat the story. I still didn't believe him. After researching the topic as an adult, I believe him now.

Good Luck!

Is modern technologi enought just to discover is there,UFO or me are too limited to see the answer?

Q. What I am saing,what if we are so ocupidet with technologi that,we don't see the answer not just this time but evry time,we don't use our mind to resolve thinks like this one?Is there technologi good enought as our brain? What if techologi is stoping us from this answer?If u answer i will be soo thenkful.

Technology has been good enough to discover UFOs since the invention of radar and the brownie box camera.

Have you not noticed that now that at least half of the US is walking around with a cell phone camera we still don't have any good, convincing modern pictures of UFOs. This is a unique window that is already starting to close as Hollywood develops software that lets you manipulate a picture to fake anything.

Yet no one has come forth with good pictures of UFOs. I see cell phone camera images on the news quite frequently and my local news station even devoted a spot on their website so you can submit your images for public broadcast.

We don't know why aliens would come all that distance and then play silly games in crops circles or dance around for a few isolated inhabitants in rural areas. You would think if they came that far they would either announce themselves or better yet have a non interference directive like Star Trek's Prime Directive.

It's not like the Earth is hiding or anything, people got mad when SETI started broadcasting signals into space forgetting that we have been sending years of "I Love Lucy" out into the cosmos in general. It's too late to put a lid on it we have been yelling into space for over 2 generations. Yet we still haven't received a reply.

If someone received our early radio signals then they would be within 70 some odd light years of earth. If they responded then they would half to be within half that distance for us to have received it yet. So we haven't had a chance to try and contact the entire galaxy yet. Our galaxy is 100,000 in diameter and 1,000s of light years thick and one of billions so there are a lot of stars that could possibly hold civilizations out there we just haven't had time to contact or hear from them all yet.

The problem is that pesky speed of light limit. We can't break it, but we might be able to get around it. In Star Trek the space ships create a warp bubble that slips through space at faster than light speeds, carrying the ship along with it. The ship itself doesn't go faster than light only the space holding it does. It sounds like a technicality, but that is how we have to approach the problem. The difficulty is that we haven't found a half-way serious approach and we have no information that one exists. So we may just be too far for others to contact us.

Yet we still have reports of being visited. The problem is that no one has creditable proof. If space ships crashed in the US desert then news would have leaked out by now, heck artifacts and blood samples of the aliens would have leaked out by now; imagine how much the world press would pay for that kind of story, the potential for profit is just too immense. Sure you can theorize a government conspiracy that would by now have required the silence of 100s if not 1,000s of individuals, but the US canât even keep its National Security Assessment secret never mind something as important as contact with other worlds. What conspiracy theorists keep missing is the simple human love for gossip and our strong motivation for greed.

Have we been visited by aliens? I donât see any creditable evidence that goes one way or the other. If they came looked and left, maybe accidentally caught on someoneâs radar then that would fit with existing stories. If they came and left unobserved then that could be possible too, but after spending all that time and money to come all that distance and then just to turn around and leave seems to be stupid. Look at our early exploration attempts there are still traces of our moon and mars landers all over their surface. The Venus probes have all burned up, but both Voyagers are proudly flying through space sending out weak signals telling us they are okay. If another civilization was exploring our neck of space we would see some physical sign.

It is too complex an issue to dismiss so quickly, the chances of their being other planets that can hold life is pretty good; we have detected some of their bigger cousins. If we detect 100 Jupiter size worlds then there is a good chance that at least 1 of those systems would hold a rocky world with water similar to our own.

Life seems to crop up whenever and where ever it possibly can on earth, but we donât know how common it is in the universe; we could be unique. The more we study the universe the less unique we seem to be, but space has presented us some pretty strange things. We never imagined an active volcano system using ice until we explored Titan.

Space is just too big for us to say for sure and too big for most of it to have contacted us. Any civilization in the Andromeda Galaxy (our nearest neighbor) could be extinct and long gone by the time word or signals from them reached us or ours reached them. The time scales and distances are just too vast to really understand.

I think that there are other intelligent life forms in the Universe. They may not be as intelligent as dogs, but I think that they are out there. There could be more intelligent beings than us, but maybe they donât use radio or maybe a black hole and a gamma ray burst are blocking our signals or maybe they just havenât sent any out. We have no way of knowing.

As for being visited the evidence doesnât seem to hold up too well. There are some reports that are almost impossible to shake, but they are isolated, few and have little proof to go with them. Even if you show me someone with an implant inside of them, who says it wasnât done on earth? We havenât discovered any new metals or substances you canât make on earth this way so if you apply Occamâs Razor the easy solution doesnât have to involve spacecraft and alien visitors. We have enough weird people on earth to account for all of it.

As for the radar images that are unexplained; there is a reason why they are unexplained; we donât know what caused them. An application of Occamâs Razor says that you donât go for the hard explanation when an easy one will do, in those cases it could be an earth bound phenomena like ball lightning or weather balloons. We have seen a lot of blurry images and radar images, but nothing concrete or clear. Thatâs probably because it doesnât exist. At least until you have some creditable proof that is what I am going to say.

I keep coming back to the single idea that if you spent all that time and energy to come to another world would you just perform silly teaser dances for the natives? It doesnât sound likely. If it was humanity we would probably broadcast our presence or send down probes to look around. We may be looking in the wrong spots, but it would be hard to miss our efforts. And our early and current probes are not that smart. You could easily stop Spirit or Opportunity with a land rover, they have no defense and their limited computers would hiccup and stop if they encountered a human sized life from. We canât expect our aliens to have super duper advanced equipment. They could, but they arenât likely to have it. At least not something that is so easy to hide from our technology, a technology that by definition would be new to them.

There just isnât enough concrete support to think that UFOs are real.

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