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Hello, May 25, 2010
I am a victim of a corrupt Government official that is with the New York Attorney Generals Office. I sell puppies, I was a licensed pet dealer and breeder. Unfortunately I sold a puppy to Mr. Ralph Pernick the Assisant Deputy to Andrew Cuomo. The puppy passed away at about 5 months old, now the AG's office went ahead and brought a Special Proceeding against me. They wanted to settle with me for $400,000 of which I do not have. Now they are looking to take my house, they have already frozen my bank accounts and all my assets. They are now looking for 1.5 million dollars from me.And I had to beg the judge for my some of my money to be released just so that I could hire a Lawyer.The NY Attorney General's Office conspired a plan against me, it's pure CORRUPTION and now they are trying to extort every penny I have and take my home as well.VICTORIA SAFRAN IS LEADING THE SHOW WITH DIRECTIONS FROM RALPH PERNICK, AND INVESTIGATOR PAUL MATTHEWS WAS GOING TO MY FRINDS HOUSES AND FOLLOWING MY BOYFRIEND, MY X HUSBAND, MY SONS FATHER, TRYING TO BRIBE THEM INTO LYING AND MAKING FICTICIOUS STORIES UP ABOUT ME, MR. PAUL MATTHEWS HAS BEEN REPORTED AS WELL, AND THERE LOOKING INTO THIS CASE.As Mr.Pernick is definetely the driving force and big wheel behind this litigation against me.I am a single mom of a special needs little boy 8 years old, my pet dealers license was revoked and I was ordered by the AG not to sell puppies any longer, now all my assest's are frozen and I am suffering and so is my little boy that is special needs. My Lawyer wants to air the story somehow, we want the world to know how corrupt the Government is !! Starting with ANDREW CUOMO !!Please can you help my email addess is tiara3661@yahoo. com I reside in queens NY Please advise me on what to do. This is definitely an injustice, as I have hundreds of happy customers and only A FEW, A HANDFUL OF complaints (1-2 VALID ONES WHICH ARE ON APPEAL NOW IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT) with Mr. Ralph Pernick being the main one (WITH OUT A VALID COMPLAINT, AS HIS DOG DIED 5 MONTHS AFTER HE PURCHASED IT, THE PET LEMON LAW ALLOWS 14 DAYS) and Mr. Pernick is leading the "LYNCH MOB"I HAVE ALERTED THE F.B. I. THERE NOT DOING A THING, NOW I WAS JUST CONVICTED BY A JUDGE IN NASSUA COUNTY WITHOUT EVEN HAVING A TRIAL, I WAS DENIED A TRIAL, AND MY CIVIL RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED, PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME !!! THIS CASE OF EXTORTION/CONSPIRIC Y We cannot let them get away with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated I can put you in touch with my Lawyers.Thanks again
Yes thats a very good idea will send out emails to the news channels and 20/20 and dateline tomorrow and yes, it is exactly what I said and I left nothing out I have all the papers to prove what I said is 100% TRUE AND ACCURATE !! Thanks so much for your help and input any help is so much appreciated !!!!
I like Cuomo, but what you're describing is just terrible. Why not contact your local newspaper and local tv stations yourself? One of them might take up your story. I don't think you should focus on Cuomo, because you don't have evidence. But, you can ask the newspaper or tv station why this case is being pursued with such meanness. Also, if your ex and others are willing to say on the record that they're being followed or bribed, it would only make the case more interesting. Frankly, given what you describe, it sounds like either you're leaving out some key parts of the story or you have a very poor lawyer. If you're telling the truth, I think you might try to find a better lawyer. It's not easy to find a good lawyer, but if you do some searches of for legal news in your area, you might see one or two names that stand out. If you decide to go to the media yourself, keep the story simple. I'd put it something like this: "I sold Cuomo's Asst. Deputy a dog, and the dog sadly died 5 months later. Now he's trying to get $1.5 million from me, and has even hired an investigator. I even have a witness who will tell you that the investigator tried to bribe my exhusband to testify against me." I think that's enough info for a newspaper or tv station to decide if it's a good story. Also, if you have photos of your dogs, including the one that died, bring them. The media loves pictures. Good luck.
I like Cuomo, but what you're describing is just terrible. Why not contact your local newspaper and local tv stations yourself? One of them might take up your story. I don't think you should focus on Cuomo, because you don't have evidence. But, you can ask the newspaper or tv station why this case is being pursued with such meanness. Also, if your ex and others are willing to say on the record that they're being followed or bribed, it would only make the case more interesting. Frankly, given what you describe, it sounds like either you're leaving out some key parts of the story or you have a very poor lawyer. If you're telling the truth, I think you might try to find a better lawyer. It's not easy to find a good lawyer, but if you do some searches of for legal news in your area, you might see one or two names that stand out. If you decide to go to the media yourself, keep the story simple. I'd put it something like this: "I sold Cuomo's Asst. Deputy a dog, and the dog sadly died 5 months later. Now he's trying to get $1.5 million from me, and has even hired an investigator. I even have a witness who will tell you that the investigator tried to bribe my exhusband to testify against me." I think that's enough info for a newspaper or tv station to decide if it's a good story. Also, if you have photos of your dogs, including the one that died, bring them. The media loves pictures. Good luck.
any 911 survival stories?
Ryan in di
dunno if this would be a "survival" story. but my aunt she lives in queens NY. and shes an accountant she worked in the south tower of TWC. on that morning at 7:30am her car wouldnt start and she had to be in work by 8:30 or something. she thought it was weird becuzz it was a brand new car. she tried and tried and her car wouldnt start at all so by 7:45 she called someone to come get it running. the guy came by 8:10 he tried and tried and he finally got it running by 8:25am. she left immediately becuzz she had to work!!! she got stuck in traffic she was still sitting in traffic when the N tower was hit and thats pretty much it she wasnt allowed to drive into manhatten becuzz they blocked all the bridges off..
Well when I was 7 years old I was supposed to be on an airplane (that ended up crashing into the world trade center) but, I ended up breaking my leg by playing on the escalators and me and my family had to go to the hospital. A little while later it was on the news that my plane crashed and my family was so thankful that we weren't on the plane when it happened..
Well when I was 7 years old I was supposed to be on an airplane (that ended up crashing into the world trade center) but, I ended up breaking my leg by playing on the escalators and me and my family had to go to the hospital. A little while later it was on the news that my plane crashed and my family was so thankful that we weren't on the plane when it happened..
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