Monday, January 27, 2014

What are some good internet sites to visit?

celebrity gossip blog sites
 on ... -hair-cut-style-celebrity-celeb-gossip-news-blog-site-chica-inc
celebrity gossip blog sites image


I seem to have the same routine on the internet every day where I read online news, read fashion blogs, read, read celebrity gossip, read a vegan forum and watch youtube if there is a song I don't have that I want to hear. I am so bored of my sites and was wondering if anyone has any interesting sites that they like to visit that they could share with me. I'm not into playing online games or social networking. Thanks!

Answer has links to interesting websites to view. Best of luck!

What would life/society be like if there were no celebrity gossip sites, blogs, magazines and tv shows?


I'm tired of hearing it, seeing it, and people talking about it. A handful of these celebritites don't even deserve the right to be a "celebrity" pop culture is killing society sigh

Oh life would be golden... Less stuck up brats trying to model after Paris Hilton or whatever walking waste of oxygen with 10 credit cards and their daddies inheritance that's popular these days...
I swear if another social network site pops up I might have to start bombing the servers of those bloody things... They will probably cause another recession or whatever if everyone keeps updating their status instead of working.

But there are still good magazines and TV shows, but as a guy I only read shooting/hunting mags and watch documentaries, history shows, action shows and car shows...

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