Tuesday, December 10, 2013

hows Southeastern univerisity in Lakeland FL?

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Fred T

im probably attending and i just want to know if anybody knows anything about this school from personal experience.

The school has a really good reputation and is usually ranked highly in US News and World Report for private colleges in the southeast. I had a friend go there and they really love the experience there, said that it had good academics, very strong programs and he was able to go to law school because of how hard he worked. Plus it is near both Orlando and Tampa so you have access to 2 major metro areas.

Just keep in mind that college is as hard as you want it to be and the people who challenge themselves find that later in life they are able to get more opportunities for taking a harder road. So just try and do the most difficult curriculum you can handle and you will have a plethora of opportunities later in life.

A question about the Dogon people of Mali and their knowledge of Sirius B?


Sirius is the brightest star in the night-time sky. It is a binary star system consisting of a blue-white main dwarf star and a faint white dwarf companion, known respectively as Sirius A and Sirius B. It is impossible to see Sirius B except with very powerful telescopes and it was not discovered until the 1840's. There is a possibility, however, that the Dogon people of Mali in Africa had knowledge of Sirius B prior to this time. They have incorporated this small companion star into their mythology and rituals. There is, of course, controversy over whether the Dogon actually had prior knowledge of Sirius B before its discovery by western astronomers or whether that knowledge came from cultural contamination with Europeans.

The question here is:

Do you believe Dogon knowledge of Sirius B might actually antedate its discovery by astronomers?

If you do believe this to be a possibility does that belief in any way influence your views on whether or not the earth may have been visited by ancient astronauts from afar?

Otis F - Thank you for enriching this discussion first with your open-minded answer and also with the references you shared here.
g3n1_ouz0 - Thank you for the reference you shared here and in Mythology & Folklore also. I have not seen that article before.
TopherM - Please note the following at


"There remain a few unsolved mysteries regarding Sirius:

Possible Third Member in System

Since 1894, some apparent orbital irregularities in Sirius B have been observed, suggesting a third very small companion star, but this has never been definitely confirmed."

Remember, please, that it was just such orbital irregularities of the planet Neptune that led to the eventual discovery of Pluto. Who is to say who will have the final word on this matter. Perhaps the Dogon will yet prove to be right about that third member of this star system.
[Эâ¦â] - That must have been some lunch. I mean THAT was yesterday and THIS is today. I'm still waiting. Are you still "out to lunch?"
"*" I'm not sure what my paradigm of faith might be. There is more agreement here than one might suspect. I often play the devil's advocate. It's a role I feel strangely comfortable in. Zap whatever you please.

I have read several books and internet documentation on this interesting subject. IT makes a good story, but it is just that, a story!! The critics of this report are quick to point out that the anthropologists who reported this information, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, stated that they recorded this knowledge of the Dogon people in the 1930s (which can not be verified) and published it AFTER they left the tribe in 1956 and even then it was not widely publicised until Robert Temple took up the subject in 1975.

The second star in the Sirius system was first hypothesized by the Euopean astronomer Bessel in 1844 and discovered (visually) in 1862 by Alvin Clark. An astronomer named Adams had pretty accurately predicted Sirius B's orbit around Sirius A and orbital period by 1915. There are also accounts of Sirius B being seen with the naked eye as back as far as 25 AD when it appeared red in contrast to the bright white Sirius A (due to redshift since it was in motion around Sirius A)!!

So why is it so fancy that the Dogons knew about it in the 1930s? The Dogons could have heard about the hypothesis from someone who knew of the hypothesis or the previous sighting (or could have sighted it themselves), become facinated with it, and worked it into their mythology during the years PRIOR to when it was then recorded by Dr. Giraule and Dr. Dieterlen.

And the BIG kicker is that the Dogons now say that there are THREE, not two, stars in the Sirius system. Barring some incredible mystery, we should be able to detect a third star using modern technology but it is just NOT THERE. So, someone please tell teh Dogons, and anyone who listens to them about their mythology of Sirius B, that they are WRONG!!

Finally, the main assumption of Robert Temple's book in 1975 about the Dogon people is thier ISOLATION. IN the 1930s, these people were fairly isolated by todays standards, but were far from in a complete VACUUM from the rest of the world. First of all, there are approximately 300,000 Dogon people. They are in Mali within about 6 hour walk of the Mopti airport and a half-days boat ride on the Niger river to the cities of Koulikoro (110,000 people), Ségou (100,000 people), Timbuktu (MAJOR Tourist site, population 32,000) and Gao (tourist site, population 38,000). That means that by comparison, the Dogons have a popluation about the size of Tampa, FL, Newark, NJ, or Buffalo, NY, while they are closely surrounded by two tourist sites and two cities about the size of Gainesville, FL, Hartford, CT, or Berkeley, CA. By reading Robert Temple's book and the resulting conspiracy theories, you get the idea that this tribe is 100 people out in the middle of nowhere, which just is not the case!! To assume that they never visited these popluation centers just down the river and couldn't have heard about the discovery of Sirius B is absolutely insane. Add the fact that they have always worshiped Sirius A in their rituals (for obvious reasons, it is the brightest star in the sky next to our sun!!), and you can bet that they were flying around town ASKING about the latest news on Sirius whenever they had the chance then incorporating the news into their mythology when it came along!!

Hardly isolated, but it makes for a good book!! Albeit a book written in 1975 about the archeologists' experiences in the 1930s-50s. Hardly first hand and very open to interpretation, wouldn't you say??

These people are NOT as isolated as some conspiracy theorists have made them out to be. Today, their economy runs mostly on, you guessed it, TOURISM!!

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