Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why is the General Public obsessed with Celebrity Gossip?

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Pandora To

I don't get it. Why do you think that is?
In My Yahoo page Kim Kardashian is Number 1 in the "Trending list". Why the heck do people give a sh*t about that?
And aren't women usually MORE interested in Celebrity Gossip?

I think that "trending" thing is a lie--just random names that come up for the hell of it. Now its says "Lindsey Lohan." Seriously? When was the last time SHE was relevant or "trendy"? It must be on some random name pick thing.

As for the question, some people are, but mostly its the media perpetuating the media. The media projects this idea that EVERYONE is a celebrity gossip or obsessor where as most people aren't. Some might watch here or there, or pick up a magazine in the store line, but rarely does it go beyond that. As another poster said, its a product that is cheap, quick, and easy to produce.

As for men vs. women, it varies. Men might get into sports gossip/talk more, where as women might get into celebrity talk more, though it can vary either way. I'd venture to say they're both rather similar, just in different genres.

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