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I realize he made some mistakes, but the good he did:
Cut taxes for all Americans, upper, middle and lower income
Brought Freedom to Iraq, while removing a brutal dictator.
Restored honor to the White house, (after Clinton disgraced it)
Protected us from terrorists.
Made Education a top priority
Point-by-point rebuttal.
He did cut taxes. And he paid for those tax cuts by borrowing. The improvement to our economy was marginal but the impact on the deficit was huge.
He didn't bring freedom to Iraq. Iraq had a dictator, it's true, but he was a relatively popular one. Iraq was certainly a lot free-er than Myanmar, for example. And for all the talk of the gas attack on the Kurds, that happened in 1988. We invaded in 2003. The fact that he hadn't done anything heinous in the intervening 15 years doesn't speak well for the invasion.
He restored honor to the White House? How? By not getting blown? He might not have had a sex scandal, but he was an international joke. He did irreparable damage to America's reputation abroad and he commanded absolutely zero respect outside of the Red States. This is not worth arguing. George W Bush did NOT make America more respectable.
Did he protect us from terrorists? Tough to tell. Terrorism, on the whole, is almost non-existent. Over the past decade, Islamic terrorism has killed 1 American per million per year. That means that 999 999 Americans are NOT killed by Islamic terrorists each year. How much of that can be attributed to Bush and how much of that is just because terrorism is so rare that each attack is essentially an outlier. It is indisputable, however, that attempted attacks skyrocketed after Bush invaded Iraq.
And apparently he made education a top priority. This is news to me. You must be referring to the oh-so-popular No Child Left Behind plan. You certainly aren't referring to expense, because the total education budget for the United States is about 1/6th of what we spend on Defense. NCLB is controversial, to say the least. Some people like it, some don't. I haven't experienced it first hand so I can't judge. I do know that a common criticism is that it makes teachers "teach to the test" as opposed to teaching real skills, which means that the goal is to get a good grade on one specific test instead of actual learning. However you cut it, the 2000's will not be remembered as the "Decade of the Schools." More likely, it will be remembered as the decade when unprecedented numbers turned to home schooling, college became much more expensive and American students fell far behind the rest of the world in math and science.
Point-by-point rebuttal.
He did cut taxes. And he paid for those tax cuts by borrowing. The improvement to our economy was marginal but the impact on the deficit was huge.
He didn't bring freedom to Iraq. Iraq had a dictator, it's true, but he was a relatively popular one. Iraq was certainly a lot free-er than Myanmar, for example. And for all the talk of the gas attack on the Kurds, that happened in 1988. We invaded in 2003. The fact that he hadn't done anything heinous in the intervening 15 years doesn't speak well for the invasion.
He restored honor to the White House? How? By not getting blown? He might not have had a sex scandal, but he was an international joke. He did irreparable damage to America's reputation abroad and he commanded absolutely zero respect outside of the Red States. This is not worth arguing. George W Bush did NOT make America more respectable.
Did he protect us from terrorists? Tough to tell. Terrorism, on the whole, is almost non-existent. Over the past decade, Islamic terrorism has killed 1 American per million per year. That means that 999 999 Americans are NOT killed by Islamic terrorists each year. How much of that can be attributed to Bush and how much of that is just because terrorism is so rare that each attack is essentially an outlier. It is indisputable, however, that attempted attacks skyrocketed after Bush invaded Iraq.
And apparently he made education a top priority. This is news to me. You must be referring to the oh-so-popular No Child Left Behind plan. You certainly aren't referring to expense, because the total education budget for the United States is about 1/6th of what we spend on Defense. NCLB is controversial, to say the least. Some people like it, some don't. I haven't experienced it first hand so I can't judge. I do know that a common criticism is that it makes teachers "teach to the test" as opposed to teaching real skills, which means that the goal is to get a good grade on one specific test instead of actual learning. However you cut it, the 2000's will not be remembered as the "Decade of the Schools." More likely, it will be remembered as the decade when unprecedented numbers turned to home schooling, college became much more expensive and American students fell far behind the rest of the world in math and science.
member of Burma's ??WHAT ITS THIS?

oana t
i just finished to read the article about the guy Nay Phone Latt who receive 20 years of jail bec.he did all that illegality in internet..there its mention cos he its also "member of BURMA'S"! i was curious to know for what exactly they accuse him but i m still not sure if i understand well.Its same kind of terrorist sitter "Burma s"?This mean cos its illegally for visiting also??
so like i was thinking ,i didn t undarstand nothing right from my readings.:-)))..but now after u explain me i know what its all about...dangerous thinks huh!! thank u very much ..
Ko Nay Phone Latt is organiser of one group like to use internet to keep a blog at nayphonelatt.blogspot.com. This blog now very popular way for Burma people in Myanmar to express opinion and news about Burma affairs inside the country. It is a good way to tell people outside the country about some bad things about the military people in the government. I am sorry i cannot write this anymore. I am stay in Myanmar.
Ko Nay Phone Latt is organiser of one group like to use internet to keep a blog at nayphonelatt.blogspot.com. This blog now very popular way for Burma people in Myanmar to express opinion and news about Burma affairs inside the country. It is a good way to tell people outside the country about some bad things about the military people in the government. I am sorry i cannot write this anymore. I am stay in Myanmar.
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