It says:
This former WWE entertainer has come a long way down from her height of fame. You can now find her servicing club promoters in return for getting booked at clubs.
Immediately a few names come to mind. Lita, Chyna, Ashley Massaro.
Anyone heard where these divas are actually at. Anyone know who this is?
It would really be too bad if this was true.
My first thought that it was Joanie Laurer (Chyna) since TMZ is always showing her going in and out of nightclubs and she always looks a mess. She's already released an adult tape so I wouldn't put it past her.
My first thought that it was Joanie Laurer (Chyna) since TMZ is always showing her going in and out of nightclubs and she always looks a mess. She's already released an adult tape so I wouldn't put it past her.
Is anyone else frustrated with the world? "this is not a teenager, I'm misunderstood rant"?
When you were young I'm sure your elders would shake their head with disappointment and say to you in some form "you're generation is hopeless, you'll never accomplish anything."
I look at today's youth and I'm completely astonished with the vial, inconsiderate and selfish things they do. Which is sad for me to say because I'm only 20, but the 2000's babies have really lost sight of reality.
I feel like the world has lost originality, people applaud inventions of the same "item" just made to be more convenient. Such as I-anything, literally every 6 months they release the identical item with an extra feature or two. Nothing is new, exciting or interesting. It's all predictable and we've become the slaves of the predictability. You never hear of people creating beautiful master pieces any more, or symphonies. Instead it's about who can twerk the best on instagram.
Speaking of the young being selfish, did anyone else see the story of the 13 year old girls that bullied a little girl to kill her self. "Which I do not pity suicide...but what one of the little girls said irked me." There was a statement posted on Facebook by one of the girls stating "Yeah I bullied her, and she died IDGAF (I don't give a f**k)." Children are going to schools, and shooting their colleagues. They are no longer intelligent, spell check is on almost ever device now and teachers encourage students to use a calculator more than ever. Did you know that the IQ level was dropped because the level of mental retardation has become all to common? Literally people have become so dumb, that we have lowered what is considered retarded now. THAT IS CRAZY!
I could go on for hours about this. But I feel as though I'm so disappointed in the way the world is headed and no one else cares. Share your opinion.
I'm going to end this note with a quote:
America has become a cruel and vicious place. We reward the shallowest, the dumbest, the meanest and the loudest. We no longer have any common sense of decency. No sense of shame. There is no right and wrong. The worst qualities in people are looked up to and celebrated. Lying and spreading fear is fine as long as you make money doing it. We've become a nation of slogan-saying, bile-spewing hatemongers. We've lost our kindness. We've lost our soul. What have we become? We take the weakest in our society, we hold them up to be ridiculed, laughed at for our sport and entertainment. Kids beat each other blind and post it on Youtube. I mean, do you remember when eating rats and maggots on Survivor was shocking? It all seems so quaint now. I mean, why have a civilization anymore if we no longer are interested in being civilized? I mean, nobody talks about anything anymore. They just regurgitate everything they see on TV, or hear on the radio or watch on the web. When was the last time you had a real conversation with someone without somebody texting or looking at a screen or a monitor over your head? You know, a conversation about something that wasn't celebrities, gossip, sports, or pop politics. You know, something important, something personal.
It's "VILE," not 'vial.'
But you're right. And I'm old enough to remember what the US was like before right-wing corporations took control of the media. These days, 95% of the media are owned by right-wing corporations, and their mission is to deliver the 'us versus them' message so the rich can divide and conquer.
If ordinary working Americans ever stopped hating people of other races and orientations and realized that our mutual enemy is the corporate borg that wants to control everything, we might stop America becoming a totalitarian state. (If you think I'm exaggerating, look at privatization of water... look at Monsanto trying to contaminate food crops with their Frankenfoods, so no one can even grow a vegetable garden without paying them off.)
I've been on the planet over half a century, and I'm still as angry with greed and stupidity as I was when I was your age. That's why I keep voting and keep signing petitions and yelling at Congressional twits.
Get political, get active. If we had a Congress full of people like Bernie Sanders and Tammy Duckworth, we might have a decent country.
And keep praying that some of the GOPster Supreme Court sockpuppets will retire while Obama can put in some honest people.
It's "VILE," not 'vial.'
But you're right. And I'm old enough to remember what the US was like before right-wing corporations took control of the media. These days, 95% of the media are owned by right-wing corporations, and their mission is to deliver the 'us versus them' message so the rich can divide and conquer.
If ordinary working Americans ever stopped hating people of other races and orientations and realized that our mutual enemy is the corporate borg that wants to control everything, we might stop America becoming a totalitarian state. (If you think I'm exaggerating, look at privatization of water... look at Monsanto trying to contaminate food crops with their Frankenfoods, so no one can even grow a vegetable garden without paying them off.)
I've been on the planet over half a century, and I'm still as angry with greed and stupidity as I was when I was your age. That's why I keep voting and keep signing petitions and yelling at Congressional twits.
Get political, get active. If we had a Congress full of people like Bernie Sanders and Tammy Duckworth, we might have a decent country.
And keep praying that some of the GOPster Supreme Court sockpuppets will retire while Obama can put in some honest people.
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