Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I haven't seen Robin on HLN for a couple of months....?

...I thought she may be promoting her book. Anyone know where she is?
Where is Robin Meade?


Outrage over "The Bachelor"; Expensive Octu-Mom Video?; A Frantic Call from the Octu-Mom; The Octu-Ex Talks about the Octu-Mom; Return of the Superstars; Miley Cyrus`s Autobiography

Aired March 4, 2009 - 23:00:00 ET


A.J. HAMMER, CO-HOST: Now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT - the big bachelor betrayal. Absolute outrage over the bachelor. He dumps his fiancee on national TV and people are fired up.


MARC MALKIN, "E! ONLINE": People are outraged. They obviously are hating Jason in such a big way.


HAMMER: Tonight, brand-new details about the TV breakup heard across the country. What really went down? And why are the show`s producers now defending themselves? Plus, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is asking - is the bachelor now the most hated man in America?

Brand-new octu-mom drama. Is the octu-mom really trying to sell video of the octuplets being born for seven figures? And the octu-mom`s ex- husband speaks out about how he really feels about her.

Plus, the return of the superstars. Britney is back on stage. And Michael Jackson is getting ready to make a major announcement.

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now.


Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

BROOKE ANDERSON, CO-HOST: Hi there, everyone. I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you tonight from Hollywood. And tonight, the bachelor`s big betrayal.

HAMMER: Yes, Brooke. We are talking betrayal with a capital "B." And tonight one of the most popular bachelors ever is sparking brand-new outrage.

ANDERSON: Whew, you can say that again. "The Bachelor`s" Jason Mesnick went from beloved to enemy number one all in one night. Now, many are wondering what really went down behind the scenes after the bachelor`s scandalous change of heart.

Why did he propose to one woman only to turn around and dump her on national TV. Then, as if that weren`t enough, he turns around and asks yet another woman for a shot at love. Tonight, big bachelor outrage making news right now.


(voice over): Move over, octu-mom. Later, Chris Brown, America is now ticked off at a new celebrity.

ALICIA QUARLES, ASSOCIATED PRESS: It would be accurate to say that Jason right now just might be the most hated man in America.

JASON MESNICK, STAR OF "THE BACHELOR": I am going to be the happiest guy in the entire world.

ANDERSON: That would be Jason Mesnick, the star of this season`s installment of the ABC reality show, "The Bachelor." He is inspiring coast-to-coast anger for proposing to one woman on national TV, then dumping her for someone else, also on national TV.

MALKIN: People are outraged. They obviously are hating Jason in such a big way.

ANDERSON: We are seeing the hate online and on air. "The View`s" Elisabeth Hasselbeck laughed at him.

ELISABETH HASSELBECK, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": I really thought he was a good guy. I am done with "The Bachelor."

ANDERSON: Right now, even this Jason is currently more popular than this Jason.

QUARLES: He`s the guy on TV that just seems to have it all, and you think, there really are good men out there. Then he does this, and it`s like, god, thanks, Jason.

ANDERSON: For those of you not familiar with "The Bachelor," allow SHOWBIZ TONIGHT to give you this Cliff Notes-style recap.

I haven't seen Robin on HLN for a couple of months....?

...I thought she may be promoting her book. Anyone know where she is?
Where is Robin Meade?


Outrage over "The Bachelor"; Expensive Octu-Mom Video?; A Frantic Call from the Octu-Mom; The Octu-Ex Talks about the Octu-Mom; Return of the Superstars; Miley Cyrus`s Autobiography

Aired March 4, 2009 - 23:00:00 ET


A.J. HAMMER, CO-HOST: Now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT - the big bachelor betrayal. Absolute outrage over the bachelor. He dumps his fiancee on national TV and people are fired up.


MARC MALKIN, "E! ONLINE": People are outraged. They obviously are hating Jason in such a big way.


HAMMER: Tonight, brand-new details about the TV breakup heard across the country. What really went down? And why are the show`s producers now defending themselves? Plus, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is asking - is the bachelor now the most hated man in America?

Brand-new octu-mom drama. Is the octu-mom really trying to sell video of the octuplets being born for seven figures? And the octu-mom`s ex- husband speaks out about how he really feels about her.

Plus, the return of the superstars. Britney is back on stage. And Michael Jackson is getting ready to make a major announcement.

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now.


Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

BROOKE ANDERSON, CO-HOST: Hi there, everyone. I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you tonight from Hollywood. And tonight, the bachelor`s big betrayal.

HAMMER: Yes, Brooke. We are talking betrayal with a capital "B." And tonight one of the most popular bachelors ever is sparking brand-new outrage.

ANDERSON: Whew, you can say that again. "The Bachelor`s" Jason Mesnick went from beloved to enemy number one all in one night. Now, many are wondering what really went down behind the scenes after the bachelor`s scandalous change of heart.

Why did he propose to one woman only to turn around and dump her on national TV. Then, as if that weren`t enough, he turns around and asks yet another woman for a shot at love. Tonight, big bachelor outrage making news right now.


(voice over): Move over, octu-mom. Later, Chris Brown, America is now ticked off at a new celebrity.

ALICIA QUARLES, ASSOCIATED PRESS: It would be accurate to say that Jason right now just might be the most hated man in America.

JASON MESNICK, STAR OF "THE BACHELOR": I am going to be the happiest guy in the entire world.

ANDERSON: That would be Jason Mesnick, the star of this season`s installment of the ABC reality show, "The Bachelor." He is inspiring coast-to-coast anger for proposing to one woman on national TV, then dumping her for someone else, also on national TV.

MALKIN: People are outraged. They obviously are hating Jason in such a big way.

ANDERSON: We are seeing the hate online and on air. "The View`s" Elisabeth Hasselbeck laughed at him.

ELISABETH HASSELBECK, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": I really thought he was a good guy. I am done with "The Bachelor."

ANDERSON: Right now, even this Jason is currently more popular than this Jason.

QUARLES: He`s the guy on TV that just seems to have it all, and you think, there really are good men out there. Then he does this, and it`s like, god, thanks, Jason.

ANDERSON: For those of you not familiar with "The Bachelor," allow SHOWBIZ TONIGHT to give you this Cliff Notes-style recap.

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