Thursday, March 6, 2014

So what ever happened to the news coverage on the AZ shootings?


So here I am thinking about things. Yes I know, probably not the brightest idea, considering I don't have proper adult supervision at the moment. But it is what it is.
In the politics section there seems to be a lot of show me the proof type questions. So I thought I'd come up with one of my own. The latest shooter in AZ seems to have been deemed mentally unstable by those that would distance his actions from legal gun ownership. Seems reasonable considering he looks a little off. But are looks alone qualification enough to make that assumption. Of course there are his past actions and YouTube posts that would seem to validate the mentally unstable stance. But even those by themselves aren't proof positive that he wasn't working with a full deck on the day of the shooting. Of course there are the Dr. Phil's of the world that after the fact make a diagnosis. But they've never actually sat down and talked to the guy. So I can only summate that they are basing their diagnosis on hearsay evidence at best. 
Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to validate his actions in any way. He's murderer point blank as far as I'm concerned. My issue is that he legally bought a gun and then used it against innocent people. The gun advocates would have us believe it was because he's crazy. But in his past and to date there hasn't been one  mental health care worker that's actually sat down with him. That's come out and conclusively stated that he is. We merely assume he is because of his past acts and how he looks today. I think his demeanor is a ruse. Used to ensure that he's placed in protective custody for his safety. After all criminals too have a sense of right and wrong and their justice system behind concrete walls is swift and unwavering.
What say ye? 

the conservatives shutdown the story
because what happened in AZ is the result of many years
of extreme right wing fear tactics and manipulated political propaganda

however the last news I hear
was the FBI interrogated 300 people

I will speculated there is an organizations behind the shooter
and since I live in Arizona the first thing come to my mind
is Nazi movement of Tucson Arizona

well I guess we need to buy more guns

Please cite evidence that the AZ shooter is a liberal or conservative.?


1. His favorite books were liberal sacred texts including To Kill a Mockingbird and The Communist Manifesto.
2. He tried killing a "Blue Dog" Democrat aka a "DINO" who outraged the left by voting against Pelosi.
3. His ex-girlfriend described him as "radical liberal."
4. He burned the American flag.
5. A self-proclaimed atheist.
6. Said he supported the government seizing personal property to redistribute it.
7. Claimed it was "unconstitutional" that he had to pay for college.
8. He wasn't a libertarian; he was more of an anarchist

From yesterdays (01/08/10) Tweets from either NPR, HUFFS or DAILYKOS I was trying to get all the tweets and news from both before they get scrubbed! @cxx I can't manage all these media requests & Too much too fast, can't keep up.

@cxx This is a circus. Good Morning America just called me. @anxx it's loughner just checked my year book. @lexx I haven't seen him since '07. then, he was left wing more left. @oax I haven't seen him since '07 though. He became very reclusive. @axx he had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in '06, & dropped out of school. Mainly loner very philosophical.

@ anxx As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.

@anxx he was a pot head & into rock like Hendrix,The Doors, Anti-Flag. I haven't seen him in person since '07 in a sign language class

@anxx before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was "stupid & unintelligent"

@anxx I can. That is him. @anxx I went to high school, college, & was in a band with the gunman. This tragedy has just turned to horrific.

@anrxx Official I went to high school & college, & was in a band w/the gunman. I can't even fathom this right now Saying Jared Laughner was the gunman. Really hoping that's not the same guy I went to HS with, really good friend. Freaking out right now!!!

@anxx Arizona law enforcement official: "A person in the crowd shot back at the gunman."

Retweeted by @tiexx Rep. Giffords was on #Palin's infamous "target" map: Today she was shot in Tuscon. What is the US turning into? #p2

Retweeted by @arxx RT @alxx Sarah Palin *literally* put a gun sight on @Rep_Giffords. See Palin's map:

Retweeted by @acxx KOLD_news13 LATE BREAKING: UMC officials confirm Rep. Giffords is in surgery. She has not been declared dead. **Please RT**

Retweeted by @paxx Gabrielle Giffords reportedly died. Well Tucson politics are shot to hell. You've done one hell of a job. Thank you for your service.

! Giffords was shot in the head point blank. Not good!!!!


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