Monday, March 3, 2014

Does Obama being late all the time show he is irresponsible, or arrogant?


He's also reversed an unwritten but much-noticed Bush policy: Be on time, all the time.

Obama has been routinely late to events and news conferences, including the ones at which he reversed Bush's orders. This has led to an already familiar refrain from the Obama camp: "He's running late."

The president was nearly 30 minutes late Wednesday for the ceremony at which he signed a bill to expand children's health care. He was 10 minutes late Thursday to a memo signing at the Energy Department.

Even before the inauguration, Obama wasn't a punctual sort; he arrived late to a Jan. 8 news conference on the economy that was aired live by broadcast and cable networks.

"To me, being tardy, it's got to be one of two things," said presidential historian Doug Wead, who advised both Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush. "Bad organization that can be corrected, or it's arrogance. It sounds to me like this is arrogance."

What if you showed up late to work, what would your boss think of this?

video montage of him late


How can we stop the evil capitalists?


behind Twitter?

"Cairo. Updates below mix alerts on breaking news and reports from bloggers and journalists posted on other news sites and social networks. A stream of Twitter updates on the protests is in this blogâs right column. Readers can share information in the comment thread below or send photographs or video from Egypt to"
Aubrey..yeah I know, that's my point.. )
@ suthrnlyts: glad you like it :)

Funny, I've been blocked by my own contacts in the past because of it. I once compared an obama speech to one by Churchill. That went over like a Lead Balloon lol!
Great quote Ron!
But to be fair, YA is short-attention-span-theatre. If you post something longer than 2 sentences, you're asking for it lol.

Excellent Display of logic! "Freedom & capitalism are twins,separated at birth, to be reunited by the necessity to prosper." F.Y.I. Your comparison of those two speech's went over most peoples heads,but subtly correct without any ambiguity!LMAO!

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