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Or attempting to?
The mother of a 16 year old girl (friends with my little cousin) found the girl hung herself in her bedroom on New Year's Eve. And, two other people I know have attempted. What causes people to be this way? Is it financial stress? Unhappiness? Are they trying to find a way out? If they're trying to find a way out, they're going about it the wrong way. It's so sad.
Wickedness, injustice,grief, pessimism,trouble, loneliness, fear, stress, frustration, distrust, unscrupulousness,anxiety, rage, jealousy, resentment, drug addiction,immorality, gambling, prostitution, hunger, poverty, social corruption, theft, war, struggle, violence, oppression, fear of deathâ¦News about these issues appear in the newspapers and on TV every day.The popular press devotes entire pages to these subjects, while others serialise articles about their psychological and social aspects. However,our acquaintance with these feelings is not limited solely to the press; in daily life,we,too,frequently come across such problems and, more importantly, personally experience them.
People and societies endeavour to liberate themselves from the distressing experiences,disorder and repressive social structures that have prevailed over the world for long periods.
We only need to glance at ancient Greece; the Great Roman Empire; Tsarist Russia, or the so-called Age of Enlightenment, and even the 20th century-a century of misery which saw two world wars and world-wide social disasters. No matter upon which century or location you concentrate your research, the picture will not be appreciably different.
If this is the case, why haven't people succeeded in solving these problems, or at least some efforts been made to remove such social diseases from society?
People have encountered these problems in all ages, yet each time they have failed to find any solutions because the methods they employed were inappropriate. They sought various solutions, tried different political systems, laid down impracticable and totalitarian rules, stirred up revolutions or subscribed to perverted ideologies, while many others preferred to adopt an indifferent attitude and merely accepted the status quo.
In our day, people are almost numbed by this way of living. They readily believe these problems to be "facts of life." They picture a society immune to these problems as being nothing short of impossible-a dream utopia. They persistently and openly express their distaste for such a way of living, yet easily embrace it, since they think they have no other alternative.
The resolution of all these problematic issues is possible only by living by the principles of the "true religion." Only when the values of true religion prevail can a pleasant and tranquil scene replace this gloomy and unfavourable picture, which is doomed to continue so long as God's limits are ignored. To put it another way, people are enslaved by these complications as long as they avoid the values of the Qur'an. Put simply, this is the "nightmare of disbelief" and the link below for this wonderful book:
you will find how the regulation of life by the "norms of morality" introduced by the Qur'an revealed to mankind by God will banish the "nightmare of disbelief," how pessimism, corruption and social restlessness can be eliminated from society, how the individual can surround himself with an ideal environment, what spiritual and material benefits he is likely to attain by adherence to these norms of morality are gone into in detail, and finally, that the unique alternative to all these problems is the morality of the Qur'an.
So far, many books have attempted to deal with the social and psychological problems societies face. Yet, what distinguishes this book from others is its stress on the most realistic solution. It also sincerely warns people against the troublesome future they are likely to face if they fail to resort to this solution.
We expect that every reader of conscience will grasp that peace, mutual trust and an ideal social life is attainable only by embracing the values of the Qur'an and will turn to the true religion, which is Islam.
They will then happily join the ranks of those who never suffer, mentally or physically, from any of the above-mentioned complications. Around them, there will always be an abundance of favours, comfort, love, respect, peace and confidence, and moral virtues will prevail. They will know how to earn God's approval, by observing His limits and the commandments of the Qur'an. They will thus, by having faith in God, attain His mercy and at last enter Paradise.
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Wickedness, injustice,grief, pessimism,trouble, loneliness, fear, stress, frustration, distrust, unscrupulousness,anxiety, rage, jealousy, resentment, drug addiction,immorality, gambling, prostitution, hunger, poverty, social corruption, theft, war, struggle, violence, oppression, fear of deathâ¦News about these issues appear in the newspapers and on TV every day.The popular press devotes entire pages to these subjects, while others serialise articles about their psychological and social aspects. However,our acquaintance with these feelings is not limited solely to the press; in daily life,we,too,frequently come across such problems and, more importantly, personally experience them.
People and societies endeavour to liberate themselves from the distressing experiences,disorder and repressive social structures that have prevailed over the world for long periods.
We only need to glance at ancient Greece; the Great Roman Empire; Tsarist Russia, or the so-called Age of Enlightenment, and even the 20th century-a century of misery which saw two world wars and world-wide social disasters. No matter upon which century or location you concentrate your research, the picture will not be appreciably different.
If this is the case, why haven't people succeeded in solving these problems, or at least some efforts been made to remove such social diseases from society?
People have encountered these problems in all ages, yet each time they have failed to find any solutions because the methods they employed were inappropriate. They sought various solutions, tried different political systems, laid down impracticable and totalitarian rules, stirred up revolutions or subscribed to perverted ideologies, while many others preferred to adopt an indifferent attitude and merely accepted the status quo.
In our day, people are almost numbed by this way of living. They readily believe these problems to be "facts of life." They picture a society immune to these problems as being nothing short of impossible-a dream utopia. They persistently and openly express their distaste for such a way of living, yet easily embrace it, since they think they have no other alternative.
The resolution of all these problematic issues is possible only by living by the principles of the "true religion." Only when the values of true religion prevail can a pleasant and tranquil scene replace this gloomy and unfavourable picture, which is doomed to continue so long as God's limits are ignored. To put it another way, people are enslaved by these complications as long as they avoid the values of the Qur'an. Put simply, this is the "nightmare of disbelief" and the link below for this wonderful book:
you will find how the regulation of life by the "norms of morality" introduced by the Qur'an revealed to mankind by God will banish the "nightmare of disbelief," how pessimism, corruption and social restlessness can be eliminated from society, how the individual can surround himself with an ideal environment, what spiritual and material benefits he is likely to attain by adherence to these norms of morality are gone into in detail, and finally, that the unique alternative to all these problems is the morality of the Qur'an.
So far, many books have attempted to deal with the social and psychological problems societies face. Yet, what distinguishes this book from others is its stress on the most realistic solution. It also sincerely warns people against the troublesome future they are likely to face if they fail to resort to this solution.
We expect that every reader of conscience will grasp that peace, mutual trust and an ideal social life is attainable only by embracing the values of the Qur'an and will turn to the true religion, which is Islam.
They will then happily join the ranks of those who never suffer, mentally or physically, from any of the above-mentioned complications. Around them, there will always be an abundance of favours, comfort, love, respect, peace and confidence, and moral virtues will prevail. They will know how to earn God's approval, by observing His limits and the commandments of the Qur'an. They will thus, by having faith in God, attain His mercy and at last enter Paradise.
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What was the legal argument for the formation of the Hartford Convention?

Democratic-Republican President Thomas Jefferson's anti-foreign trade policies were very unpopular in the northeastern United States, especially among the wealthy merchants of Boston, (particularly Jefferson's Embargo Act and Non-Intercourse Act.) Jefferson's successor, President James Madison, was even less popular in New England, particularly after his prosecution of the War of 1812, which disrupted international trade with England. When Madison was re-elected President in November, 1812, the furor in New England intensified. Subsequently, the Federalist Party, formerly represented by statesmen like George Washington, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton, became an opposition party, representing mostly New England, and southern New York state.
On October 10, 1814, the Massachusetts state legislature called for the Hartford Convention, ostensibly to discuss several consitutional amendments neccessary to protect New England's interests. On December 15, 1814, delegations from the then-five New England states (Maine at this point was still part of Massachusetts,) met in Hartford, Connecticut. Official delegations were sent by Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Delegations from New Hampshire and Vermont were from dissident counties; these two states were not as dependent upon foreign trade, or as culturally tied to Boston. Meetings continued in secret through January 5, 1815.
In all, twenty-six delegates attended. Largely due to the sensitive, many would say treasonous, nature of what was being discussed, no records of the proceedings were kept. In January, a final report was issued, containing language to the effect that New England had a "duty" to assert its authority over unconstitutional infringements on it's sovereignty--a doctrine that would later reappear in a different context, called Nullification.
The Hartford Convention's final report proposed several amendments to the United States Constitution. These attempted to combat the policies of the ruling Republicans by: 1) Prohibiting any trade embargo lasting over sixty days; 2) Requiring a two-thirds Congressional majority for any declaration of war, admission of a new state, or interdiction of foreign commerce; 3) Shifting the bulk of Federal tax payments to the slaveholding South; 4) Limiting future Presidents to one term; 5) Requiring each future President to be from a different state than his predecessor. (These last provisions were aimed directly at the ruling Virginia Dynasty.)
The Republican-dominated Congress would never have recommended any of New England's proposals for ratification. Hartford Convention delegates intended for them to embarrass the President and the Republicans in Congressâand also to serve as a basis for negotiations between New England and the rest of the country.
Hartford Convention delegates were apparently in favor of New England's secession from the United States, and either forming an independent republic, or reuniting with Britain. No such resolution was adopted at the convention; however, Massachusetts actually sent three commissioners to Washington, D.C. to negotiate these terms. When they arrived in February, 1815, news of Andrew Jackson's success at the Battle of New Orleans, and the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, preceded them and, consequently, their presence in the capital seemed both ludicrous and subversive. They quickly returned to Massachusetts. Thereafter, both the Hartford Convention and the Federalist Party became synonymous with disunion and secession, especially in the South. The Federalist Party was ruined as a national party, and survived only as a Boston-based party for several more years before vanishing entirely.
Democratic-Republican President Thomas Jefferson's anti-foreign trade policies were very unpopular in the northeastern United States, especially among the wealthy merchants of Boston, (particularly Jefferson's Embargo Act and Non-Intercourse Act.) Jefferson's successor, President James Madison, was even less popular in New England, particularly after his prosecution of the War of 1812, which disrupted international trade with England. When Madison was re-elected President in November, 1812, the furor in New England intensified. Subsequently, the Federalist Party, formerly represented by statesmen like George Washington, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton, became an opposition party, representing mostly New England, and southern New York state.
On October 10, 1814, the Massachusetts state legislature called for the Hartford Convention, ostensibly to discuss several consitutional amendments neccessary to protect New England's interests. On December 15, 1814, delegations from the then-five New England states (Maine at this point was still part of Massachusetts,) met in Hartford, Connecticut. Official delegations were sent by Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Delegations from New Hampshire and Vermont were from dissident counties; these two states were not as dependent upon foreign trade, or as culturally tied to Boston. Meetings continued in secret through January 5, 1815.
In all, twenty-six delegates attended. Largely due to the sensitive, many would say treasonous, nature of what was being discussed, no records of the proceedings were kept. In January, a final report was issued, containing language to the effect that New England had a "duty" to assert its authority over unconstitutional infringements on it's sovereignty--a doctrine that would later reappear in a different context, called Nullification.
The Hartford Convention's final report proposed several amendments to the United States Constitution. These attempted to combat the policies of the ruling Republicans by: 1) Prohibiting any trade embargo lasting over sixty days; 2) Requiring a two-thirds Congressional majority for any declaration of war, admission of a new state, or interdiction of foreign commerce; 3) Shifting the bulk of Federal tax payments to the slaveholding South; 4) Limiting future Presidents to one term; 5) Requiring each future President to be from a different state than his predecessor. (These last provisions were aimed directly at the ruling Virginia Dynasty.)
The Republican-dominated Congress would never have recommended any of New England's proposals for ratification. Hartford Convention delegates intended for them to embarrass the President and the Republicans in Congressâand also to serve as a basis for negotiations between New England and the rest of the country.
Hartford Convention delegates were apparently in favor of New England's secession from the United States, and either forming an independent republic, or reuniting with Britain. No such resolution was adopted at the convention; however, Massachusetts actually sent three commissioners to Washington, D.C. to negotiate these terms. When they arrived in February, 1815, news of Andrew Jackson's success at the Battle of New Orleans, and the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, preceded them and, consequently, their presence in the capital seemed both ludicrous and subversive. They quickly returned to Massachusetts. Thereafter, both the Hartford Convention and the Federalist Party became synonymous with disunion and secession, especially in the South. The Federalist Party was ruined as a national party, and survived only as a Boston-based party for several more years before vanishing entirely.
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