Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Anyone know of a site tracking the national popular vote in the primaries?

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 on BBC News - Cambridge University Hospitals named top trust in region
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Q. Every news site has state-by-state, but I'm curious to follow the popular vote across the country and see how many people are voting on each side across the nation. Thanks in advance.

Answer keeps track of all the major national and state specific polls and election results. RealClearPolitics.comâs political commentary, election analysis and polling averages are featured in national media outlets including The New York Times, FOX News, CNN, The Economist, Investorâs Business Daily, The Chicago Sun-Times and many more.
Here is a direct link to the polls:
Here is a direct link to homepage. Election results including popular vote counts are included:
Give it shot.

How many bird species in the Mediteranean are at risk because they're used for food?

Joe from W

In the Mediteranean many birds are legal to eat but illegal to catch. How well is the law enforced? Is it not enforced at all? Small birds as a delicacy was never popular with Americans but it could be nowadays. This is under-reported in zoology and cuisine.

Unfortunately this is a big problem in many parts of the world. CABS ( is an European organization that has been proactively working to stop poaching. Recently, 67 bird-lovers spent a substantial amount of time seizing illegal traps, nets, etc. Fortunately, 57 poachers were arrested based on this project, which gives us hope.

This is an article recently published on illegal poaching in Cyprus:

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