Sunday, November 10, 2013

Why did I get an F on my Journalism Paper?

popular news headlines of 2011
 on ... Puja festivities begin in decked-up Kolkata : East, News - India Today
popular news headlines of 2011 image


I am taking a Journalism class and our final paper was to headline and write a news story about people we knew. We had to change the names to protect the innocent, but we had to write it the way a professionally published article would be posted on a newspaper or Yahoo! news blog.

I found out my best friend and her fiance have a secret - She's pregnant! They are a very popular social couple and I figured I could pretend they were celebrities. I asked them some quick personal details and then explained it was for a class. They loved it. Here is how the quick article I wrote looked- word for word (it had to be brief, eye catching and be how it would be done if it happened for real):

by Carolyn Wilson

Susie Star and her fiance, Brad Williams, are the north side's hottest couple. Always fresh, always the talk of the town, they really are that cool. But news is now circulating- could it be that Susie Star is pregnant with her first child? The answer? Yes. Yes she is pregnant, and the baby is due 9 months from last week (March 12, 2011).

So that was my brief article but my teacher gave me a big fat F, and stated that I titled my article incorrectly and didn't write the body right. I'm confused- I always read Yahoo! news articles that have headlines like "Is Angelina Jolie getting divorced?" And of course when you click on it, she isn't. But I thought my title was good to draw readers in. But my teacher claims that since my friend IS pregnant, that I should have made that the title. Uh- NO! I think it's better to have said that in the body. What do you think?

If I were a teacher, I would expect a final paper to be longer with well researched content. The point of the article is to learn to tell a story. Yours just said Brad got Susie pregnant.

Happens all the time. Not really news, without a point. I'd have given it a D because of the lack of effort, with an opportunity for a rewrite. How can you expect others to care about your article if you made it seem like you don't care about it?

Where are all the photos of the Libyan People rising up against Qaddafi?

Clatty Mar

You know, surely there MUST be loads of photographs?

I don't need to remind you that representatives of all the major media news outlets of the world descended on Libya as soon as the protests started, with the intention of covering them.


So,â¦. Surely they must have numerous good photos of large peaceful demonstrations against Gaddafi?


For example, take the recent protests taking place all around the middle east. Here are some pictures of the protests in Egypt. You can find scores of these kind of pictures with huge crowds, sometimes clashing with police:

Here we see them charging riot police:

Even in Iceland, a country with a population of 300.000 we see this turnout:

Now then,â¦let us compare the images above, all of whom were easily located with a simple google search,⦠with the images coming from Libya.
In Libya I have yet to find a single picture of protesters clashing with police or being barricaded by police.
If you can then by all means post it.

In the above image, we see a definitive flag of the Libyan monarchy now being used by the rebels. Is this even in Libya?

Well, anyway, , when you see a picture of this flag in a protest, you are looking at anti-gaddafi protests. When you are looking at Gaddafi supporters they will be carrying the green flag. The flag of the Libyan Revolution of 1969.

Like in this image:

Interestingly, you might find it curious that this is a picture taken from here, headlined "84 killed in Libya protests: Rights organization"

Do these appear to be people protesting Gaddafi? Would protesters of Gaddafi be carrying a glamorous picture of him celebrating? And the flag of his revolution? The answer is clearly no so why are they using this picture? Shouldn't there be plenty of good pictures from the huge protests against Gaddafi?

Actually if you google Libya rebels in the image search you will see a more accurate depiction of this presumed protest movement in Libya. Just try it.
Photoâs like these seem to be quite popular:

And this ones a real cracker:

And just look at this one, I ALMOST WET MYSELF when I came across it.
What is this but a bad photoshopped image?

They are all celebrating Gaddafi in the background!
Either someone actually snuck in to take the picture or it was just added in post production. Either way, it is pure deliberate propaganda!

This was posted here, and under it reads "A recent picture of an anti-gaddafi demonstration"
Are you sure mr. reporter that these people wearing the color of his revolution with a glamourous picture of him are anti-Gaddafi? Or is this a bad fake?

And wait a minute... Gadafi.. butcher of libya, didn't I see that movie already...? Oh wait no! That was another guy... Must have been the same producersâ¦

Here is yet another example. The story is about Gaddafi murdering protesters, when the picture clearly shows his supporters:

So,â¦I ask you,â¦.where are all the photos of the People of Libya rising up against him?


All thoughts welcome.

Your not suggesting that this was yet another CON, are you?
Well I could see a few who could have been CIA,MI5 and SAS, and possibly some well paid 'rebels'

I also don't understand why the people would 'rise-up' when they ALL where housed with FREE electricity etc.

But hi, if they say he was a er,er Tyrone and a Dictator, then he must have been, like Bush said "Iraq has WMD, SOMEWHERE".

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