Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why do people idolize substandard human beings?


Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, etc...These people have no souls, they are born into wealth, make a sex tape, and suddenly they are a household name. Why? Meanwhile a firefighter, a cop, or a sildier dies in the line of duty and their names aren't even mentioned.

Because sadly, that's what is happening to our country. People who risk their lives to serve our communities receive little light, while the media thinks that whatever Kim Kardashian, Snookie, "the situation", or Johny Buttfuck did on Saturday was more important. At least 74 people were killed in the world cup bombing yesterday. At least 74. I turned on the news. Were they reporting it? No. They were reporting summer meals, the latest fashion, and the newest ways to spoil your child. Because that's how they tame us. They stimulate us with mind-numbing television. They encourage us to consume, consume, consume. The only way to escape the shit is to turn your television off. You won't have to see those celebrity scumbags if you aren't watching TV. Instead, go to your local fire dept or police dept and thank them for all that they do and all that they risk to keep us safe. It's time we all woke up. Oh, and "born this way", I really hope you're kidding.

Have you ever cross dressed for a costume party or any other reason?


I am going to a costume party soon and thought it might be a good laugh to dress up in drag and pretend to be a woman. Have you ever dressed as the opposite gender for a costume, what did you dress as and how good did you look? And do you have any suggestions?

Both my bf and I have cross dressed for Halloween. He wasn't exactly like a full on drag queen, he was a "Hogette", it's a group of guys that dress up kind of like women but put on a hog nose. Washington Redskins fans are the ones that do this.

A few years later I dressed up like a scary looking hobo. I got some of my bf's old jeans and old t-shirt with a camo jacket, got them really dirty. I tore the toes to an old pair of loafers I had and put on this scary looking old man mask and a beanie. And I carried an empty bottle of Busch in a paper sack. It was hilarious, one of the best costumes of the night.

Think about a woman that has been in the news like Lindsey Lohan in jail, or Angelina Jolie with a ton of kids attached to you, or Kim Kardashian with the huge butt, you can let people put drinks on it. Make it funny like that, because a full on drag like RuPaul might come across weird. I hope this helps. Have fun!

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