Sunday, August 11, 2013

What is a good website for breaking news?

latest news reuters
 on ... of Mexico after being named Miss Universe 2011 in Sao Paulo (Reuters
latest news reuters image


I am a Forex trader, i need some websites which i can see the latest political or economical news around the globe, because one of the basics of currency fluctuating is based on latest news which you have to hear in order to buy or sell currencies.
Thank you.

Zero Hedge - Essential. Economic news and trends, often has breaking world news that impacts the global economy
Drudge - Right wing aggregator
Huffington Post - Left wing news aggregator
Reuters - global news
Associated Press - global news

Who approves of Obama's latest plan to increase foreign aid to Africa to 80 billion dollars?

Q. This just came out on Reuters news service! Isn't that a lot of money? We could use that money to breed more sea monkeys and cure world hunger!

what a laugh

it's not my business to care or not to care. I don't have access to all the information on the subject and what's available will probably be slanted one way or the other; I stopped trusting reporters after my first police blotter write-up back in '93.

anyway, it's all just money on paper just like most of the money in the world. What it amounts to in reality is the potential for real help to people who really need it, the permission to take action. I understand that we have great problems here outside my window but at least if I'm really really hungry I can grab your half eaten mcburger out of the trash. A starving kid in Africa probably can't even find a brick of Ramen for crissakes.

I love questions like this because it turns into a greed showcase. Everybody squirms around trying to justify their own personal greed with insults and slander and excuses. I want someone who is literally starving and suffering in the USA to post an answer on here complaining about money going to the wrong place. you won't get that though because those people are out working like slaves for the rest of us lazy assh*les who have the luxury to sit at a keypad all day playing the Q & A game. *exhale*

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