Monday, June 2, 2014

New Fish List!!!! (75 gallon tank) (Read it well please)?


These fishes in the FIRST list are candidates for my new aquarium.

1 Bristle nose Pleco
6 Corydoras sterbai
1 Siamese Algae eater
3 Pearl gouramis
6 Boesemani Rainbowfish
1 Butterfly pleco (this is not the hillstream loach...)

(I'm thinking of adding SOME fish from the list below to the list above but not all of them!)

These are the types of inverts and fishes below (including your advice). PLEASE evaluate them. Remove anything that you think is best (if it is overcrowding etc.) or some behavioral and compatibility issues.


1 fresh water clam,
1 Pomacea Bridgesii
1 Filter feader Fan Shrimp
5 denison barbs
6 Harlequin rasboras (TO CYCLE MY TANK. IS THIS OKAY?)
4 swordtails

Which of these fishes/inverts in the temporary list are the best to be added or should not to add to my current candidates in the list at the very top and why?

ESPECIALLY, will most of them be existing together? I mean will the other fishes eat the inverts or vice versa?


Please add your suggested inverts or fishes that are peaceful and easy to take care of and state HOW MANYshould I buy. And please rewrite your list containing the fish you suggested.

And one more thing, if you would like to rearange or jumble all of the list (top and lower list) the way you suggest, please do list them down and put how many. Feel free to mix them all up.

I recently removed some of my inverts in my list because of the suggestions to the recent answers. I just want to have different types of living things in my aquarium not just fish and plants, but also inverts as well.

If you have any other advice or useful info to add in fish or other things, please do type it down. I will really appreciate all of the information
that you will give me.

Thank you!

sorry for the delay.

Stocking a tank can be done in many ways......I found patients to be the best way.

Enjoy your tank the best you know how, these are just a few suggestions..thats all

If I started another 75 gallon with no specific plan it would take me well over a year to stock as fish are seasonal so stocking a tank all at once can restrict you.

you stock your tank all at once and then you see fish that wow you 5 months later and you have no room as you settled for something early.

You could set up an unreal cichlid tank.......these fish have tons and tons of personality, you get to see natural really working as hierachies are built.

You could set up a predator tank like pike heads, chomp chomp

You could set up a discus tank.

Or a discus combo as they like quiet tanks so 3 or 4 awesome discus fish (get to be dinner plate size)and a school of 50 rummy nosed tetras and 5 or 6 torpedo barbs and wow, nice tank.

There is so much out there, so to stock a tank to limits right away i find a shame and actually quite dangerous if you know how cycling works.

You were going to cycle with 5 harlequins...ok so you put them in and in 2-3 weeks (use seachem stability or seed from another tank to help jump start, or both)) your tank is cycled. Yes but to only 5 harlequins.

Bacteria population will grow to feed off of 5 fish. you add 10 more fish...everyone dies..why, you shocked the tank as the bacteria pop can only accomadate 5 fish, sure it will grow for 15 but not in time.

Add fish slowly not all at once......a couple a week tops. The more fish in the tank the bigger the bacteria popluation and the faster it can accomadate new fish.

You put that list in at once the next few days will be the worst of your fish hobby life as everyone starts croaking. So be very careful here and understand how the bacteria colony works.

When it comes to stocking the tank you can't do it wrong if its the fish you like. But heres an example.

You buy the bristle nose pleco..he's nice, eveyone has one then you go into the pet store 2 months later and the guy is all exicited as his once a year royal pleco's are coming in?


You get your leopard cories (very nice!!) but then green and orange laser cories come,

I have these...I went in, the guy said look at these crazy guys....

Pseudomugil furcatus....

fork tailed rainbow fish..they are so cool and there eyes light up electric blue from across the room!!!

If i stocked my tank all at once...and couldn't get these i would have been sad.

People look at my tanks and go wow..they think i know every cool fish out there but really i was just patient.

I ask fish store managers all the time, whats cool coming in. There is always something.

So every couple weeks something cool comes in and you have room for it and its compatable with current stocking. No stupid swordtails, no stupid leopard danois or harlequins, (yes i hate them 2.) no stupid neons, no stupid mollies etc...

Find the right fish store first then stock.

Wrestling halfbeaks come in, then Orange australe killiefish, threadfin rainbows..etc...

theres no point i can go on...


You do what makes you happy but stocking a tank based on what you see currently at a really good fish store I think is a mistake.

Good news is, if you like it then it was the right choice just don;t limit yourself.

Make sure you research everyfish before buying....see it in the store, run home and research..don't listen entirely to the pet store guy trying to get the fish out of the store. One wrong fish like a red tailed shark and your done. siasmese algae eaters can be insanley mean too, pointless fish.

the fresh water clams are cool but often slowly starve in a tank as they eat micro algae and in nature to the point that they love to be in green water. But there cool they have a leg. bury him halfway feeding hole up.
or leave him on the surface, next moring he'll be dug in..funny stuff.

I hate snails.....the apple is ok but he can get softball size so be prepared.

Pearl gouramies like blues can be very mean aswell....beware

One pleco per tank is the best option aswell..2 will limit stocking due to huge bio-loads..

Fan shrimp rock....

You can tell Marcus and I have been down the same path.

I had a 46 bow up and running empty over a month until i found my first fish.

Congrats on such a nice tank..75 gallons is sweet enjoy!!!!

Tell me about Dunedin, please?


My husband, daughter, and I plan to move to NZ. Reading YA I stumbled upon a glowing report on Dunedin. :)

My husband is an electrician and has been filling out an Expression of Interest to move to NZ as a Skilled Migrant. I hear tell that Dunedin is growing, so that's promising.

We love the outdoors so suggestions on places to visit with our baby daughter and our 2 dogs (Labs) would be great.

I know Dunedin's a university you ever have problems with unruly students?

Seeing as we have a growing family and dogs are there any areas of town (or outside town) you suggest living?

Rumour is that the weather there isn't that great. Compared to where I live in Wyoming USA it's probably wonderful often do you get snow and how long does it usually stay? What about rain? (we've had several feet of snow since's finally melting. But now we've had rain almost non-stop for the past 3 weeks. LOL)
Dunedin had my vote at the mention of a world class chocolate factory:P But we also heard that it was settled by Scottish immigrants and is therefore big on bagpipes and haggis during the holidays. Yay! We both play the bagpipes (self taught by several DVDs) Do you know of anywhere we could go to get professional lessons?
my father-in-law is trying to talk us out of moving because of sharks and poisonous creatures. Do you have many shark problems? I know there are no snakes in NZ.

What other animals and bugs in NZ could be dangerous to people?

Dunedin is a wonderful city, i hope you get a chance to move there :-).
loving the outdoors, you won't be at a shortage of places to go with your dogs and daughter, there are many lovely beaches in Dunedin within 5-10 minutes drive of the city centre. Also the Dunedin peninsula is just magnificent, you can drive out to tairoa head where there is an Albatross colony and your also certain to see seals basking in the sun on the rocks below. I've never lived in Dunedin myself but both my parents grew up there and most of my extended family still lives there. I've always felt it has a nice charachter about it, its very hilly too which provides spelndid views of the city and harbour.
As for the weather, well yes its not renowned for having the greatest climate in NZ (or even close). I live in Christchurch and from what i understand we have hotter summers, but colder winters (its 4.5 hours north of Dunedin). it is not "common" for it to snow in Dunedin city, except for up high on the hills, but it does happen. there was snow around most of the south island winter 2006 but I think both Christchurch and Dunedin escaped any snow last year. Its definetly more of a rarity - but thats not to say that overnight temperatures don't drop below 0 degrees celsius sometimes.
Great news is that it hardly ever rains in Dunedin! the city recieves less than 800mm of rainfall a year. check out this article
and this is a good link too
also for a better idea of NZ's climate overall see this link

with regard to students well for starters they are only there (well most of them) for 8 months of the year (late feb/beginning of march - late October/beginning of November) so around Christmas time and summer, not many students will even be in Dunedin at the best time of the year! having said that, yes students have made headlines from time to time for engaging in unruly behaviour, but the area where all the students flat, is just that, a students flatting area so you'd be able to find a ncie house in an area away from all that
check out
for dunedin property listings to get an idea of prices.

and the best part of all is there are no poisonous creatures of any form in New Zealand!! no snakes, lizards or anything. and as for sharks, i don't think theres ever been a shark attack in NZ so they aren't a worry either.
Good luck :-)

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