popular news headlines of 2011 image
I know, I'm a slacker. I wish I had saved a newspaper from the day she was born Feb 7, 2011, but I didn't even think about it at the time. :-/
Well, now I'm working on filling out her baby book. I have mostly everything, but if I could get some help on the following things, I'd be SO grateful!
Headlines- I don't care if they are national, international, or local (SC)
Popular Entertainers- I suppose this is really a matter of opinion, but I don't watch much tv!
Sports stars - same as above!
Hit movies & popular tv shows - I pretty much have the movie part down, just not the hit tv shows.
Fashions & fads - I don't even know what to put here lol!
Thanks in advance! ;)
You can google all of this.
for example - http://www.krqe.com/dpp/news/new_mexico/local-albuquerque-new-mexico-latest-news-20110207 there is one of your headlines for feb 7th 2011. Im sure you could find something a little more positive if you keep digging lol
"entertainers of 2011"
"sports starts of 2011"
etc etc
You can google all of this.
for example - http://www.krqe.com/dpp/news/new_mexico/local-albuquerque-new-mexico-latest-news-20110207 there is one of your headlines for feb 7th 2011. Im sure you could find something a little more positive if you keep digging lol
"entertainers of 2011"
"sports starts of 2011"
etc etc
Why did I get an F on my paper?
Gordon Bur
I am taking a Journalism class and our final paper was to headline and write a news story about people we knew. We had to change the names to protect the innocent, but we had to write it the way a professionally published article would be posted on a newspaper or Yahoo! news blog.
I found out my best friend and her fiance have a secret - She's pregnant! They are a very popular social couple and I figured I could pretend they were celebrities. I asked them some quick personal details and then explained it was for a class. They loved it. Here is how the quick article I wrote looked- word for word (it had to be brief, eye catching and be how it would be done if it happened for real):
by Carolyn Wilson
Susie Star and her fiance, Brad Williams, are the north side's hottest couple. Always fresh, always the talk of the town, they really are that cool. But news is now circulating- could it be that Susie Star is pregnant with her first child? The answer? Yes. Yes she is pregnant, and the baby is due 9 months from last week (March 12, 2011).
So that was my brief article but my teacher gave me a big fat F, and stated that I titled my article incorrectly and didn't write the body right. I'm confused- I always read Yahoo! news articles that have headlines like "Is Angelina Jolie getting divorced?" And of course when you click on it, she isn't. But I thought my title was good to draw readers in. But my teacher claims that since my friend IS pregnant, that I should have made that the title. Uh- NO! I think it's better to have said that in the body. What do you think?
You wrote a gossipy tabloid. Your teacher was looking for a news article rather than something that would be found in seventeen magazine.
You wrote a gossipy tabloid. Your teacher was looking for a news article rather than something that would be found in seventeen magazine.
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