Please choose from this list.
3 Jehovah"s Witnesses
And why do you answer that way?
***** ( I not asking if you agree with their teaching) but base on knowledge of them.) your opinion will be respected. Thanks
Please chose from this list!
3 And I am not just saying that because I discovered it over 40 years ago. Also, here are a couple of newspaper articles that agree with me and 8 million other Jehovah's Witnesses.
Most churches participation is down.
notice the last paragraph of the article;
âJehovah's Witnesses experienced the greatest growth percentage overall, gaining 4.37% according to the yearbook. Several historically black denominations continued a years-long practice of not submitting fresh figures.â
Note headline for the above article;
â 2011 Church Membership: Southern Baptists Decline; Jehovah Witnesses Increaseâ
And one more page to check.
One more reason why I picked #3. I have been a professional photographer and journalist for over 60 years and I have worked in most of the religious institutions mentioned in question. I once was sent to photograph Billy Graham and I started learning with that assignment what those religious leaders are REALLY like. I have shot many Catholic weddings where the priest was drunk on the church wine.
One more page to check. What are the top ten magazines? Check this out and see what's number 1 and 2. http://www.clicktop10.com/2013/07/top-10-most-popular-magazines-of-2013/
3 And I am not just saying that because I discovered it over 40 years ago. Also, here are a couple of newspaper articles that agree with me and 8 million other Jehovah's Witnesses.
Most churches participation is down.
notice the last paragraph of the article;
âJehovah's Witnesses experienced the greatest growth percentage overall, gaining 4.37% according to the yearbook. Several historically black denominations continued a years-long practice of not submitting fresh figures.â
Note headline for the above article;
â 2011 Church Membership: Southern Baptists Decline; Jehovah Witnesses Increaseâ
And one more page to check.
One more reason why I picked #3. I have been a professional photographer and journalist for over 60 years and I have worked in most of the religious institutions mentioned in question. I once was sent to photograph Billy Graham and I started learning with that assignment what those religious leaders are REALLY like. I have shot many Catholic weddings where the priest was drunk on the church wine.
One more page to check. What are the top ten magazines? Check this out and see what's number 1 and 2. http://www.clicktop10.com/2013/07/top-10-most-popular-magazines-of-2013/
If earth got it's water from millions of asteroids bombarding it why didn't this happen with other planets?

Sherry Miz
That seems to be the current theory but how did other planets that we know of escape this?
Hi ya Sherry!
Science.NASA.gov ⺠... ⺠Science@NASA Headline News
Apr 6, 2011 â ..............Some researchers,,,,,,,, believe,,,,,,,,,, there's water on The Moon
During the flyby of the Cassini spacecraft at a distance of 2,068 kilometers (1,285 miles). This was more than 1000 times closer than Voyager 2.
The Cassini findings ......suggest..... that Phoebe may be a frozen artifact of a bygone era, some four billion years ago. It is ........likely....... a primordial mixture of ice, rock and carbon-containing compounds similar in many ways to material seen in Pluto and Neptune's moon Triton. Scientists ........believe...... bodies like Phoebe were plentiful in the outer reaches of the solar system about four and a half billion years ago.
Together, these discoveries bring planetary scientists closer to understanding what happened to the water on Venus, which is ......suspected to have .......once been as abundant as on Earth.
To be certain that the hydrogen is coming from water, Delva and colleagues must also detect the loss of oxygen atoms on the day-side and verify that there are approximately half as many leaving Venus as hydrogen.
So far, this ...........has not been possible............. âI keep looking at the magnetometer data but so far I canât see the signature of oxygen escaping on the day-side,â says Delva.
Venus is a burning-desert world hidden under bitter clouds of sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide. It may once have been awash with oceans of near-boiling water.
Scientists were surprised to find only trace amounts of water on Jupiter. After all, they had reasoned that Jupiter should have more oxygen than the Sun. The oxygen would have combined with the more than abundant hydrogen in the Jovian atmosphere, thus making water a significant component. The trouble is that the Galileo space craft found that Jupiterâs atmosphere contains less oxygen than the Sun; therefore, water is a minor trace element in the atmosphere.
Jupiter moon Europa is the most important source of water in the system. Europa.....
....is thought to have....
an iron core, a rocky mantle and a surface ocean of salty water.
The most detailed analysis ever of light from the atmospheres of planets outside our solar system has turned up no evidence of water but possible hints of clouds, scientists said today.
"We're getting our first sniffs of air from an alien world," said David Charbonneau of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "And what we found surprised us. Or more accurately, what we didn't find surprised us."
After Earth, Mars is the planet with the most hospitable climate in the solar system. So hospitable that it..... may once have...... harbored primitive, bacteria-like life.
Some scientists identified features which they...... believe...... appear...... to be carved by torrents of water with the force of 10,000 Mississippi Rivers.
There is no general agreement, however, on what form water took on the early Mars. Two competing views are currently popular in the science community. According to one theory, Mars was once much warmer and wetter, with a thicker atmosphere; it .......may well have...... boasted lakes or oceans, rivers and rain. According to the other theory, Mars was always cold, but water trapped as underground ice was periodically released when heating caused ice to melt and gush forth onto the surface.
In either case, the question of what happened to the water remains a mystery.Edit:If in fact there was water.
Methane gas on Neptune gives the planet its blue color because the gas absorbs red light and reflects the blue back into space.
The space probe that examined Neptune was Voyager 2, with the encounter in 1989.
That's it. One probe twenty years ago. The closest point was about 5000 km from Neptune's north pole, and was moving at about 85000 km/h relative to the planet.
Well....I could go on. It is just like the evolution theories. In every instance when water H2O is mentioned ( I spaced the areas with dots on either side as seen above.) there is probables... maybes.... perhaps ..could be...suggests that..looks like...were not sure...!
Empirical science is wonderful for it shows creation. It does not guess as to the how but instead gives evidence why it works.
Thanks fer ask~n~Sherry!
Hi ya Sherry!
Science.NASA.gov ⺠... ⺠Science@NASA Headline News
Apr 6, 2011 â ..............Some researchers,,,,,,,, believe,,,,,,,,,, there's water on The Moon
During the flyby of the Cassini spacecraft at a distance of 2,068 kilometers (1,285 miles). This was more than 1000 times closer than Voyager 2.
The Cassini findings ......suggest..... that Phoebe may be a frozen artifact of a bygone era, some four billion years ago. It is ........likely....... a primordial mixture of ice, rock and carbon-containing compounds similar in many ways to material seen in Pluto and Neptune's moon Triton. Scientists ........believe...... bodies like Phoebe were plentiful in the outer reaches of the solar system about four and a half billion years ago.
Together, these discoveries bring planetary scientists closer to understanding what happened to the water on Venus, which is ......suspected to have .......once been as abundant as on Earth.
To be certain that the hydrogen is coming from water, Delva and colleagues must also detect the loss of oxygen atoms on the day-side and verify that there are approximately half as many leaving Venus as hydrogen.
So far, this ...........has not been possible............. âI keep looking at the magnetometer data but so far I canât see the signature of oxygen escaping on the day-side,â says Delva.
Venus is a burning-desert world hidden under bitter clouds of sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide. It may once have been awash with oceans of near-boiling water.
Scientists were surprised to find only trace amounts of water on Jupiter. After all, they had reasoned that Jupiter should have more oxygen than the Sun. The oxygen would have combined with the more than abundant hydrogen in the Jovian atmosphere, thus making water a significant component. The trouble is that the Galileo space craft found that Jupiterâs atmosphere contains less oxygen than the Sun; therefore, water is a minor trace element in the atmosphere.
Jupiter moon Europa is the most important source of water in the system. Europa.....
....is thought to have....
an iron core, a rocky mantle and a surface ocean of salty water.
The most detailed analysis ever of light from the atmospheres of planets outside our solar system has turned up no evidence of water but possible hints of clouds, scientists said today.
"We're getting our first sniffs of air from an alien world," said David Charbonneau of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "And what we found surprised us. Or more accurately, what we didn't find surprised us."
After Earth, Mars is the planet with the most hospitable climate in the solar system. So hospitable that it..... may once have...... harbored primitive, bacteria-like life.
Some scientists identified features which they...... believe...... appear...... to be carved by torrents of water with the force of 10,000 Mississippi Rivers.
There is no general agreement, however, on what form water took on the early Mars. Two competing views are currently popular in the science community. According to one theory, Mars was once much warmer and wetter, with a thicker atmosphere; it .......may well have...... boasted lakes or oceans, rivers and rain. According to the other theory, Mars was always cold, but water trapped as underground ice was periodically released when heating caused ice to melt and gush forth onto the surface.
In either case, the question of what happened to the water remains a mystery.Edit:If in fact there was water.
Methane gas on Neptune gives the planet its blue color because the gas absorbs red light and reflects the blue back into space.
The space probe that examined Neptune was Voyager 2, with the encounter in 1989.
That's it. One probe twenty years ago. The closest point was about 5000 km from Neptune's north pole, and was moving at about 85000 km/h relative to the planet.
Well....I could go on. It is just like the evolution theories. In every instance when water H2O is mentioned ( I spaced the areas with dots on either side as seen above.) there is probables... maybes.... perhaps ..could be...suggests that..looks like...were not sure...!
Empirical science is wonderful for it shows creation. It does not guess as to the how but instead gives evidence why it works.
Thanks fer ask~n~Sherry!
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