According to the National Post, the rise of Brazilian waxes is rendering the pubic louse extinct!
...except that according to the Atlantic Wire (and a few others), the National Post doesn't know what it's talking about.
They point out that the "shaving causing pubic louse extinction" stories have been cropping up periodically for the last five years or so, often by reputable sources, and always on shaky anecdotal reporting. Along with more recognized news-fad tropes like the "teens getting drunk on alcoholic tampons / suppositories" stories* **, news like this gets run because the sexual themes make it popular and catchy, and they specifically concern things that are impossible to verify by more reliable sources (the CDC and HPA don't collect pubic lice data, because the lice don't transmit diseases).
Would you believe stuff like this if you saw it on your local news?
BQ: What other kinds of questionably-accurate things get frivolously reported by small news outlets?
You can't make this stuff up :)
I doubt the vodka tampon story is true, because you're no more likely to get drunk from holding a vodka soaked tampon in your vagina than you are from holding vodka in your mouth. Yes, some of the alcohol would be absorbed by the mucus membrane in both locations, but probably not enough to even get you tipsy. It would probably start to burn, though.
The suppository story probably is true though. Inserting alcohol anally CAN get you drunk. It's not a safe thing to do.
I doubt the vodka tampon story is true, because you're no more likely to get drunk from holding a vodka soaked tampon in your vagina than you are from holding vodka in your mouth. Yes, some of the alcohol would be absorbed by the mucus membrane in both locations, but probably not enough to even get you tipsy. It would probably start to burn, though.
The suppository story probably is true though. Inserting alcohol anally CAN get you drunk. It's not a safe thing to do.
Spice and Wolf Anime Season 3 (March 2013)?

good evening everybody.
I am a big fan of Spice and Wolf, especially the anime. After three years of absolute silence I gave up hope of ever seeing a third season of what I believe to be one of the finest animes of the last decade... Good drawings, great dub, good theme: nor silly neither childish...
actually when I say silence I am referring to official sources and not to anime-lovers' forums which, by the way, are full of people that really enjoyed watching this anime and would like to see a third season at least to wrap things up... because let's be honest, it kind of ended on a cliffhanger... ok, Lawrence saves Horo, confesses his feelings but the story is far from over... after reading the books (at least what has been translated up until now) I just realized that the anime covers books 1,2,3&5... moreover the OAV included as the first episode of the second season is actually the third side story of the seventh book... so chronologically there would be still 9 books to be covered... which coincide by the way with the nine books that have yet to be translated for us non-Japanese audience...
Anyway, even though I liked this anime, as I told you before I wasn't paying attention to it anymore until last year, when yen press decided to buy the rights for the books 7,8&9... At a certain point I saw on a site what it was claimed to be an interview with Isuna Hasekura (the author of Spice and Wolf) telling that a third season for the anime might have been possible depending on the sales' ratings of a third release of the BR/DVD anime collection...
Point is: I was using a web translator to translate a Japanese site so I don't really know if it was official or just a prank... web translators ain't that good... when you use them only half of the page get usually translated in a way that it's readable...
the one million dollar question is: does anybody know anything about it?
I mean, it might have sense since I have already seen animes deriving from light novels waiting for a big audience before continuing the anime realization... (even though I must admit I never saw so much dead time between seasons)
anyway, the interview went on saying that the third phase of the anime sales was just about to start (it actually really did on September 2012) and that depending on the audience, both in Japan and in the States they might have thought of producing the third anime season, the site was also giving this video link to promote the third release:
well... the time passed and the reviews on Amazon are incredible... how are the sales going? Does anybody know something about this interview? And about the realization of a third season under the given conditions?
AnimeFanx3, bro that's the key of my question... does anybody else have heard, read or seen this interview? is it reliable?
I'VE FOUND A WEBSITE SPEAKING OF THE INTERVIEW I MENTIONED.. but this one ain't official though... here it is:
one last thing, sorry for my huge question :P
Please make your questions a little shorter next time :P
Anyway I don't follow the Spice and Wolf updates/news but I'm sure there hasn't been a confirmation for a new season, there are rumors no one has a reliable source for it so it's wise for you to not get your hopes up yet. There's a chance for a new season since, indeed, the novels are popular but that doesn't automatically mean there'll be a 3rd season.
In short; there isn't any news about a 3rd season and unless someone can actually show an interview/magazine as argument you shouldn't believe whatever they say on the internet...
Please make your questions a little shorter next time :P
Anyway I don't follow the Spice and Wolf updates/news but I'm sure there hasn't been a confirmation for a new season, there are rumors no one has a reliable source for it so it's wise for you to not get your hopes up yet. There's a chance for a new season since, indeed, the novels are popular but that doesn't automatically mean there'll be a 3rd season.
In short; there isn't any news about a 3rd season and unless someone can actually show an interview/magazine as argument you shouldn't believe whatever they say on the internet...
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