Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How popular would Obama be if he had a TV News Show or Radio Opinion Show?

Obama's di

Can you imagine Obama speaking to the public for HOURS everyday without a teleprompter or written down speeches?
Wouldn't it ruin his popularity, he taught Saul Alinsky's radical views and loves Bill Ayers weatherground views and Black Liberation Theology views. He doesn't have his own ideas- he uses radicals ideas.

I'd throw my TV or radio in the bathtub!!! & you're right about the radical part....that's what's scaring me, I don't like how things are going.

is Con Talk Radio and Faux "News" so popular because otherwise...?

Warm Gooey

Con Sheeple wouldn't know what to think about anything?

Cons seem to lean on every word their leaders say, such as Limbaugh, O'reily and Mark Levin say. A few nights ago I tuned into Levin's show and overheard a caller telling Levin to not go on many vacations, because she would feel lost without tuning into his show each night. and if course Levin said he see his show as being too important for him to take vacations from it.

Conservative talk radio and Fox News are popular because conservatives are indoctrinated to trust only conservative talk radio and Fox News for information. They believe every other source of information is liberally biased because that's what conservative talk radio and Fox News keeps telling them.

I find it funny how conservatives will brag about how much better the ratings for conservative talk radio and Fox News are when compared to more liberally biased media and then claim it's liberals who have been brainwashed by media. Who's really watching their preferred media outlets religiously here?

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