Mayank J
If it contains movie links and the news from the world and also news about financial sectors like crisis is going on across the world
Hi Mayank,
You need actually different websites. Though, I know a site where you can get all the information about All India news,Business,Finance,Election,Sensex,India,Travel, Experts,Share Market,Obama,Financial Crises,Recipes. All the latest news with videos. Play Hindi FM songs using out online player all over the world. Search anything you need.Live Oil Price, Live Gold Price, Live BSE Sensex Graph, Live NSE Nifty Graph.
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Hi Mayank,
You need actually different websites. Though, I know a site where you can get all the information about All India news,Business,Finance,Election,Sensex,India,Travel, Experts,Share Market,Obama,Financial Crises,Recipes. All the latest news with videos. Play Hindi FM songs using out online player all over the world. Search anything you need.Live Oil Price, Live Gold Price, Live BSE Sensex Graph, Live NSE Nifty Graph.
The name of the website is :
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Translate these, please? (Hindi)?

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/q71/988685_377763209013196_235284658_n.jpg this one too
Well I can translate but to understand them you need to know the context. The first one is fairly simple but for the next 2 you should know who the two people are and what they are talking about and what was in recent news. It would be very had to explain if you're unfamiliar with latest Bollywood gossip. Apart from that the effect is not the same when said in English. That is the reason that poetry and humour can never be translated from one language to another. Even from one culture to another. eg I have seen a lot of Americans who can't get British humour even though it is same language.
1) The first photo: First line says: "All day you sit on your computer". The second line says "Haven't your two minute finished yet".
Well, it basically related to when a child/teenager is sitting at the computer all day and the mother is asking them to get off and do their homework or some other chores. The child keeps on saying "two more minutes" everytime his/her mother comes.
2) First line (Shahrukh Khan is saying to kapil Sharma): "Kapil mein yahan tumhara show khareedne aya hoon". translation: "Kapil I have come here to buy your show"/
Second line (Kapil to Shahrukh): "Why mine, buy "Bigg Bos", the friendship has been restored afterall".
To understand this you need to know who these two people are what show he is talking about. Also you need to know about the show "Bigg Boss". And you also need to know about the historic enmity between Bollywood stat Salman Khan (who also happens to host Bigg Boss this year) and Shahrukh Khan. You also need to know that recently the two were spitting hugging each other and there was a media frenzy claiming that the two have patched up. If you know well about all these things then you'll get the humour. It is actually quite funny.
3) Kapil to Shahrukh: "Soch raha hoon USA ghoom aaoon, free mein": "I am thinking about a holiday in the USA, for free".
Shahrukh to Kapil: "Free mein kaise jayega": "How will you go for free?"
Kapil to Shahrukh: "Sochne ke paise thode hi lagte hain": "It doesn't cost anything to think, does it?"
Well I can translate but to understand them you need to know the context. The first one is fairly simple but for the next 2 you should know who the two people are and what they are talking about and what was in recent news. It would be very had to explain if you're unfamiliar with latest Bollywood gossip. Apart from that the effect is not the same when said in English. That is the reason that poetry and humour can never be translated from one language to another. Even from one culture to another. eg I have seen a lot of Americans who can't get British humour even though it is same language.
1) The first photo: First line says: "All day you sit on your computer". The second line says "Haven't your two minute finished yet".
Well, it basically related to when a child/teenager is sitting at the computer all day and the mother is asking them to get off and do their homework or some other chores. The child keeps on saying "two more minutes" everytime his/her mother comes.
2) First line (Shahrukh Khan is saying to kapil Sharma): "Kapil mein yahan tumhara show khareedne aya hoon". translation: "Kapil I have come here to buy your show"/
Second line (Kapil to Shahrukh): "Why mine, buy "Bigg Bos", the friendship has been restored afterall".
To understand this you need to know who these two people are what show he is talking about. Also you need to know about the show "Bigg Boss". And you also need to know about the historic enmity between Bollywood stat Salman Khan (who also happens to host Bigg Boss this year) and Shahrukh Khan. You also need to know that recently the two were spitting hugging each other and there was a media frenzy claiming that the two have patched up. If you know well about all these things then you'll get the humour. It is actually quite funny.
3) Kapil to Shahrukh: "Soch raha hoon USA ghoom aaoon, free mein": "I am thinking about a holiday in the USA, for free".
Shahrukh to Kapil: "Free mein kaise jayega": "How will you go for free?"
Kapil to Shahrukh: "Sochne ke paise thode hi lagte hain": "It doesn't cost anything to think, does it?"
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