Monday, March 10, 2014

what's the big deal with 2012?


It's not just about the movie that's coming out soon, but why does the Mayan calender end on 2012?

The Mayans got bored with it and stop making a calendar. No, not really but popular belief is that they stopped it there because they believed that it was going to be the end of world. There is many theories as to what will happen such as the earth's North and South poles flipping which would cause some pretty disastrous effects. Or there is another theory that talks about a great flood happening like in the Bible, in fact there is a couple ancient stories and predictions supporting a great flood. In the end though don't worry about it, it's enough already that we live in fear everyday from the news telling us that this new product and this new study states that we are all going to die from cancer. Anyways don't sweat the future.

Have you heard of the 2012 prophecies?

John Adams

No --- I have not heard of that ???? What is that all about??? Is it TRUE??? How do you know it's true???

NOT! ----------------- 2012 is a 100% certified --- genuine HOAX! We get this question 20-40 times everyday! Read my generic answer and look at the REAL -- direct NASA links on this subject.


There are now over 30,000 Search results for 2012 on YAHOO ANSWERS! Please do a SEARCH before you post another 2012 question. This has already been answered too many times.

To the ASKER-- The 2012 hoax is more like FANTASY, and SUPERSTITION than SCIENCE!

Do you really believe that the 30,000+ amateur astronomers in the USA, and the hundreds of professional astronomers, would have just MISSED this! For example, no where on the internet are the sky coordinates of Planet X given. Just try to find them-------- you will NOT find them anywhere. This PLANET X is a complete HOAX!--- and does not exist anywhere in the sky.

AND--------- 2012 web sites always site other sources that site NASA --- never do they site NASA directly with a link--- just read the sources they are never DIRECTLY NASA sources.

If you can give me the coordinates I will find this so-called planet X with the computer GOTO scope shown in my signature photo-- or in the 16 inch GOTO scope that our Astronomy club owns. I don't expect to ever hear from you with the proper coordinates.

And, no other Near Earth Objects are on a collision course with Earth right now or in the foreseeable future................ aliens with death ray guns are NOT on the way--- and a pole shift will occur in maybe another 10,000 years--- no black hole is nearby to swallow the Earth or somehow (against all of Keplers planetary motion laws)- move it off it's orbit, and a solar flare will NOT burn up the Earth.......... and on and on with many more impossible astronomical events.

And, by the way, Mars WILL NOT BE as large as the moon later this year! This is another internet Hoax! so delete the chain letter you might receive.

Every web site promoting the 2012 hoax is doing so for either FUN or MONEY! (although I don't think it's very funny to scare kids or the uneducated). So please forget about this 2012 stuff---

The 2012 HOAX is just a fictional story...................that happens to be all over the internet.
Watch this famous astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson DEBUNK the 2012 internet hoax
and read this scientist at NASA's Q&A on Nibiru--- Planet X

Or these links -- NOVA Podcast "Neil DeGrasse Tyson" NASA NASA NASA NASA

NASA Links 2012--- there are many more on the NASA web site

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