mark v
please do not tell, who gossips, only first names, and do you recall a time where the person or persons you were gossiping about really were hurt, example like lost a job or spouse, or large amount of money, or what have you, thank you for all answers, has anyone refrained from gossiping, and avoided gossiping, please give examples, but do not go into too much detail. thanks
Gossip can harm our soul
It's human nature to wonder what's going on in other people's lives. We speculate and surmise about them, wonder about their personal life and work success or failure, and so on. We then discuss our thoughts about them, and the titbits of knowledge we might have about their lives, with other people. Gossip is in essence discussing someone else's business when they aren't present
The harm done by gossip
Apart from celebrities who want to be talked about, there's a lot of harm that can be done by gossip. Even when no harm's intended, the problem with gossip is what starts as 'harmless' can sometimes develop into the harmful type. Like 'Chinese whispers' the gossip can alter in form as it moves outward from the initial gossips. By the time it's moved to another group of people it might've morphed into something negative and hurtful.
Also it may simply be private information the person wants to keep secret. Let's go back to 'Sarah' with the newly-dyed red hair. Discussing her hair colour is one thing but saying, 'Did you know Sarah's boyfriend cheated on her?' is another. It discloses something that 'Sarah' probably wants to keep private.
Gossip is also harmful because untruths and half-truths are told as if true. It doesn't give the person a choice about whether or not they want to be discussed, it can spin out of control, and can create an atmosphere of cliques particularly in the office, and this facilitates bullying.
Remember the game, GOSSIP? This "icebreaker," used often in team-building workshops, is a great exercise to illustrate how quickly information can become misinformation. The person who begins the game writes a message on a piece of paper then tells it, as a secret, to player two. Delivery of the message continues, from person to person, until everyone has heard the secret. Then, the last person repeats what he (or she) believes was heard, out loud, followed by reading of the message (from the paper) by the person who started the game. The two messages typically differ in direct proportion to how many people participated in the exercise. This illustrates, quickly, how careful we need to be when we repeat something we hear from someone else.
Nowadays I receive too many Emails that remind me of GOSSIP. These particular messages often have "urgent" or "thought you should see this" or "pass this on" (and sometimes, "suggestion for your newsletter") typed into the subject line. The forwarded messages are accompanied by lengthy lists of the people who've received them before I did and the first sentence often says, "I checked this out before sending it to you," or "I trust the person who sent this to me." followed by an outrageous health hazard or opportunity for me to get something for almost nothing if I'll simply, "pass the message on."
This week I received two pieces of gossip from several sources. The first promised that if I forwarded the message to my friends I'd somehow end up with a gift certificate from The GAP. The second was more frightening. It warned me that some tampon manufacturers had added asbestos to their tampons to perpetuate lengthening of a woman's menstrual cycle and, therefore, sell more tampons.
None of the people who sent me the message checked to see if it was true before forwarding it to me (and probably many other "friends" on their mailing list). The reason I know they didn't check it out is because I did. Both are untrue.
The GAP has great ads on television these days, but they're not giving out web generated gift certificates. As for asbestos, it is a toxic substance when inhaled. I don't know anyone who is lighting up tampons and inhaling asbestos--even if it was in tampons. As for perpetuating bleeding, tampons, in case you haven't seen one, are padded with absorbent cotton--that's what makes them work successfully. Even if a tampon had asbestos fibers in it, I guarantee you it wouldn't be on the outside where it might irritate tender tissue--no woman would tolerate the insertion process. But, think about it. No matter what you think about our government, it is not in a conspiracy with tampon companies to injure us.
I know my friends believe gossip is harmful, dangerous and, certainly nothing they would want to perpetuate. So, I'm inviting them, and all my readers, to think twice before they relay the dire messages they receive back into cyberspace on the out and out chance they "might" be true. Consider also that if there is such a thing as "karma" that sending potentially erroneous (especially fearful) information to others is a set up for some scary experiences of your own. And, if you want to help yourself, and others, to better health--relay your favorite exercise or smart eating habit in hopes it will make their life in this world a better one.
Gossip can harm our soul
It's human nature to wonder what's going on in other people's lives. We speculate and surmise about them, wonder about their personal life and work success or failure, and so on. We then discuss our thoughts about them, and the titbits of knowledge we might have about their lives, with other people. Gossip is in essence discussing someone else's business when they aren't present
The harm done by gossip
Apart from celebrities who want to be talked about, there's a lot of harm that can be done by gossip. Even when no harm's intended, the problem with gossip is what starts as 'harmless' can sometimes develop into the harmful type. Like 'Chinese whispers' the gossip can alter in form as it moves outward from the initial gossips. By the time it's moved to another group of people it might've morphed into something negative and hurtful.
Also it may simply be private information the person wants to keep secret. Let's go back to 'Sarah' with the newly-dyed red hair. Discussing her hair colour is one thing but saying, 'Did you know Sarah's boyfriend cheated on her?' is another. It discloses something that 'Sarah' probably wants to keep private.
Gossip is also harmful because untruths and half-truths are told as if true. It doesn't give the person a choice about whether or not they want to be discussed, it can spin out of control, and can create an atmosphere of cliques particularly in the office, and this facilitates bullying.
Remember the game, GOSSIP? This "icebreaker," used often in team-building workshops, is a great exercise to illustrate how quickly information can become misinformation. The person who begins the game writes a message on a piece of paper then tells it, as a secret, to player two. Delivery of the message continues, from person to person, until everyone has heard the secret. Then, the last person repeats what he (or she) believes was heard, out loud, followed by reading of the message (from the paper) by the person who started the game. The two messages typically differ in direct proportion to how many people participated in the exercise. This illustrates, quickly, how careful we need to be when we repeat something we hear from someone else.
Nowadays I receive too many Emails that remind me of GOSSIP. These particular messages often have "urgent" or "thought you should see this" or "pass this on" (and sometimes, "suggestion for your newsletter") typed into the subject line. The forwarded messages are accompanied by lengthy lists of the people who've received them before I did and the first sentence often says, "I checked this out before sending it to you," or "I trust the person who sent this to me." followed by an outrageous health hazard or opportunity for me to get something for almost nothing if I'll simply, "pass the message on."
This week I received two pieces of gossip from several sources. The first promised that if I forwarded the message to my friends I'd somehow end up with a gift certificate from The GAP. The second was more frightening. It warned me that some tampon manufacturers had added asbestos to their tampons to perpetuate lengthening of a woman's menstrual cycle and, therefore, sell more tampons.
None of the people who sent me the message checked to see if it was true before forwarding it to me (and probably many other "friends" on their mailing list). The reason I know they didn't check it out is because I did. Both are untrue.
The GAP has great ads on television these days, but they're not giving out web generated gift certificates. As for asbestos, it is a toxic substance when inhaled. I don't know anyone who is lighting up tampons and inhaling asbestos--even if it was in tampons. As for perpetuating bleeding, tampons, in case you haven't seen one, are padded with absorbent cotton--that's what makes them work successfully. Even if a tampon had asbestos fibers in it, I guarantee you it wouldn't be on the outside where it might irritate tender tissue--no woman would tolerate the insertion process. But, think about it. No matter what you think about our government, it is not in a conspiracy with tampon companies to injure us.
I know my friends believe gossip is harmful, dangerous and, certainly nothing they would want to perpetuate. So, I'm inviting them, and all my readers, to think twice before they relay the dire messages they receive back into cyberspace on the out and out chance they "might" be true. Consider also that if there is such a thing as "karma" that sending potentially erroneous (especially fearful) information to others is a set up for some scary experiences of your own. And, if you want to help yourself, and others, to better health--relay your favorite exercise or smart eating habit in hopes it will make their life in this world a better one.
Why do people focus more on celebrity gossip instead of actual news?

Padres SD
We seem to be a celebrity orientated society. Especially young people who aren't interested in politics or what is happening in the world around them. It is sad that so many people look up to those who are celebrities rather than real heroes who actually help in our communities and country.
But I can't fault the young people for that as I can remember being the same way when I was young!
Yikes, that was a long, long time ago! :-)
I believe that is why Obama became president. The 20 something voters looked on him as a celebrity.
Getting our youth involved in the voting process should be our #1 priority in this day and time and not only to vote, but to understand who and what they are voting for.
Ah well, I will get off my soap box and quit ranting.
Have a nice day!
We seem to be a celebrity orientated society. Especially young people who aren't interested in politics or what is happening in the world around them. It is sad that so many people look up to those who are celebrities rather than real heroes who actually help in our communities and country.
But I can't fault the young people for that as I can remember being the same way when I was young!
Yikes, that was a long, long time ago! :-)
I believe that is why Obama became president. The 20 something voters looked on him as a celebrity.
Getting our youth involved in the voting process should be our #1 priority in this day and time and not only to vote, but to understand who and what they are voting for.
Ah well, I will get off my soap box and quit ranting.
Have a nice day!
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